Showing posts with label Dacey. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dacey. Show all posts

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Dog park gates missing; committee to form

The actions are related to the Franklin dog park but the attempt to start the committee was underway before the gates were reported missing.

The dog park at Dacey Field is missing its gates. Someone apparently took them in the week before Christmas. The gates missing status prompted a conversation on a Facebook group and ad hoc action to create a barrier in place of the gates. The gates will be replaced by the DPW.
Dacey Field dog park
Dacey Field dog park

Haley is looking to start a Franklin Dog Park Committee. 
My name is Haley and I am starting up the Franklin Dog Park committee, I was wondering if you would be able to help me promote it by posting about it? 
The first meeting is January 13, 7:00 PM at the New England Chapel - any and all are welcome. If you have any questions or are thinking about attending yourself, my email is

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Open Space and Recreation Plan - public meeting Nov 14

The summary of the Open Space and Recreation Plan meeting on Saturday at the Franklin Library. Be sure to scroll down within the Storify summary to view all the details. There are links to the 2008 plan included.



bocci court at the Senior Center
bocci court at the Senior Center

Friday, September 18, 2015

In the News: state police alert on scams, eagle scouts recognized, development along RT 140, MCAS argued for

Massachusetts State Police issued a scam warning on their official Facebook page Thursday. According to the posting, scammers pretending to be members of the state police or affiliated with the police are calling people and soliciting money for drug prevention and intervention programs. 
The scammers may claim to be part of a narcotics unit, police said.
Continue to read the article online here (subscription may be required)

Boy Scouts Patrick Cunniff, Jonathan Tomaso and Joseph Kroon, from Troop 99 of Franklin, were honored at an Eagle Scout Court of Honor on Aug. 1 for achieving the highest rank in Boy Scouts. 
Each scout completed a community service project that benefited the community: Cunniff worked with the Franklin Girls Softball Association to build four dugouts at the Remington-Jefferson fields; Tomaso constructed a walkway between the front and back entrances to the Benjamin Franklin Classical Charter Public School benefiting both charter school students and St. Mary Parish CCD students; and Kroon, sponsored by the Town of Franklin, built an arched foot bridge over a stream on the disc golf course at Dacey Fields.
arched foot bridge at Dacey Field disc golf course
arched foot bridge at Dacey Field disc golf course

Continue to read the article online here (subscription may be required)

"There will be several different buildings," he said. "There's a gas station and, adjacent to that, a lube place and at least one restaurant. There will be several other retail spaces as well." 
According to Taberner, the developer has not labeled all of the proposed buildings, meaning it is uncertain which businesses will occupy them. 
Taberner said the board has requested more information from the developer, and would likely be considering the project for some time. He said he did not know how long the process might take. 
"The matter was continued to the next Planning Board meeting," he said. "It could be two, three, four or five - I have no idea how many meetings it might take."
Continue to read the article online here (subscription may be required)

In a meeting with the Daily News editorial board on Wednesday, Pioneer Institute’s Jamie Gass and Tom Birmingham, former Senate president and co-author of the Education Reform Act of 1993 which created the MCAS, cautioned against switching from the long-standing test. Instead, the pair recommended working within the current system for better results. 
After education reform went into effect, Birmingham said the state set and met new standards that have pushed school performance to the top in the nation. If Massachusetts signs on to the PARCC test, Birmingham said he worries standards will drop to accommodate students in other PARCC states that don't have tests as rigorous as those in Massachusetts. 
“Before you outright jettison what has been coincident, at least, with our historic, unprecedented education success stories … I think you should bear in mind the words from the Hippocratic Oath, which is first, do no harm,” Birmingham said. “I’m fearful that if we do jettison MCAS and replace it with something else that is yet completely untested, we are inviting regression in terms of our education success.”

Continue to read the article online here (subscription may be required)

Info on MCAS can be found here

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Get Psyched for a Hike over Spring Vacation!

My name is Jenn Conyers and I am a Girl Scout and Senior at Franklin High School. I am completing my Gold Award Project which involves mapping the nature trails at Dacey Fields and creating interactive nature trail signs.

Calling all young children who love or want to learn about the great outdoors. Do you like being outdoors or just walking in the woods? Then come join me Wednesday, April 22nd or Friday April 24th for a 45 minute guided tour of the new nature trails at Dacey Fields.

The guided tour is designed for children all ages and abilities. All families or big groups of kids are welcome. There is no cost. 
General tours are at 11am and 2pm however times are flexible. To reserve a spot and for more information please email me at

Dacey Community Field - Lincoln St, Franklin
Dacey Community Field - Lincoln St, Franklin

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Franklin's Dacey Field

On a beautiful sunny day in July, I stopped by Dacey Fields to take some photos. It is great recreational space. There are multiple soccer fields and two youth baseball fields. The playground lacking any shade cover was unused while the dog park with good shade cover was being used.

I did not venture into the field disc golf course to take photos there as the work to complete that is not done and the town doesn't really want to advertise it until it is complete.

The photos I took are in this slide show:

Thursday, August 15, 2013

"before we deem it safe for people to go out there"

The disc golf course at Dacey Fields is looking for volunteers to help finish it, rather than folks to play it. Milford Daily News reports in an article in the Weds edition:
Though rough, the course has quickly become popular. But Jette would prefer that people wait until the department finishes its work, urging patience. 
"We are not advertising it for people to get out and play," he said. 
The course has even found fans beyond town lines. Jette said the department recently received a request from the New England Flying Disc Association to stage a tournament there. 
It’s not hard to find players, as the state has a strong disc golf community. "It seems to be a very fast-growing sport," he said. "There are probably about 20 courses in Massachusetts. There are even disc golf stores."

Read more:

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Rules for using Franklin's Dacey Field Dog Park

Sent to you by Steve Sherlock via Google Reader:

via The Milford Daily News News RSS by GateHouse Media, Inc. on 1/24/12

Rules for the Dacey Field Dog Park have been announced.

Things you can do from here:

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Outdoors in Franklin

Looking to get out of the house and do something this week? Take a hike in Franklin.

Noted author Michael Tougias also wrote a "Trailguide: Outdoors in Franklin." The trailguide can be found on the Franklin website.

Author Michael Tougias has written many area guidebooks including River Days: Exploring the Connecticut River from Source to Sea, Exploring the Hidden Charles: A Guide to Outdoor Activities on Boston's Celebrated River, and New England Wild Places: Journey's Through the Back Country, as well as Until I Have No Country: A Novel of King Philip's War in New England and the non-Fiction King Philip's War: The History and Legacy of America's Forgotten Conflict. 
This guidebook was developed as an initiative of the Franklin Open Space Committee with support from the Department of Community Planning including former director Todd Ford, current Director Daniel Ben Yisrael, Town Ecologist Rich Vacca, and GIS Specialist Nick Alfieri as well as input and support from the Conservation Commission. Special thanks go to the graphic arts class of Mr. Eskay Sriram at Tri-County Regional Vocational School, which provided several excellent candidates for cover illustrations. The illustration selected was created by Corey Gray.

There are descriptions of walks covering the following:

• Franklin Town Forest
• Franklin State Forest
• Charles River
• Indian Rock
• DelCarte Conservation Area
• Beaver Pond
• Charles River
• Dacey Farm
• Uncas Pond and Trout Fishing
• SNETT Trail

As this was written in 2002, the some of the subject areas may have changed. The Dacey Farm has since become more formal open space for Franklin with the development of ball fields and most recently the dog park.

The trailguide can be found here (PDF):

Monday, October 24, 2011

Live reporting - Candidates Night

Question panel

  • Jack Lank, United Regional Chamber of Commerce
  • Gregg Chalk, Dean College
  • Mark Cataldo, Franklin resident (past Finance Committee member)
  • Heather McCarron, Milford Daily News

Moderator - Larry Benedetto

Format will be each candidate will get an introduction, be asked 2 questions and get an opportunity for a closing statement. We'll rotate among the incumbents and the challengers. Time limit for each intro, question and summary.

Town Clerk
Deb Bartlett, Deb Pellegri

Pellegri - here all her life, met many in the office, a long running position, experience is very important. Only 27 clerks since

Bartlett - I want to be your Town Clerk, got certified as notarty public, spent time shadowing two other town clerks, on Long Range Planning Committee, and multiple other organizations

Q - What qualifications do you have?
Pellegri - one of the first of 87 certified as a clerk. Clerk is listed in over 400 spots in MA general laws. Experience is required. Why change this now?

Q - What motivates you to run for this position?
Bartlett - I have been thinking of this for more than 2 years. I did not re-run for Council to prepare.

Q - Should this position be elected or appointed?
Pellegri - The voters are smart, they know who they want in this position. I think this should be up to the voters to choose.

Q - What do you want to improve as Town Clerk?
Bartlett - I want to work on the website, many times I have had to come down where I could have used the web site. I want to make this easier and better for the people.

Summary - Bartlett
There have been discussions between the current Clerk with candidates and people in her office while conducting other business that has created an unsavory atmosphere.
Decrease budget by reformatting annual report and reducing postage, paper, etc.
Will maintain the most professional approach for the Town Clerk

Summary - Pellegri
Elections are very important, elections do count. I have been honest over the years. I will continue to run the office as I have run it. Please remember change for the sake of change is not good, stop and think for a moment. Do you want to replace Tom Brady just for the sake of change?

Life long Franklin resident, graduated from FHS and Villanova. Served as Treasurer for 12 years, Finance Com prior to that. Current Chair of Retirement Council for Norfolk Council. (add other listings later)

Owner operator of a printing business here in Franklin. Goal to obtain certification, need to hold position prior to being eligible for certification

Q - What qualifications do you have for this position?
Dacey - I am certified, didn't occur until after 1st election. It is a long process. Part of Dacey Bros Dairy store business (16 stores). Office run very efficiently over the years by streamlining procedures. Entered a lock box process for payments. Year ago introduced online bill pay. Am forward thinking. Will continue to com up with new ideas.

Q - What do you think of this as appointed or elected?
Denommee - Obviously with the town voting on this in 2010, it should remain that way.

Q - What motivates you for this position?
Dacey - I enjoy getting up every morning. I want to do this until I retire. I figure about another 8 years before I retire. Working with the people in this building, refincancing to save about $400,000.

Q -
Denommee - Running a business successfully prepares me for this position. Looking at opportunities for savings, small things like the recent tax bill doesn't make reference to online bill pay.

Denommee - I am runing for this position becuase I will be an asset for the town. I will ensure that I achieve my certification in the timeilest manner the State allows. Without certification will probably be a reduction in compensation for this position, saving Franklin money for several years. Money in stabilization fund should not be used for subsidizing operations, should be invested at the highest rate possible

Dacey - committed to work until I retire, during my time here two bodn ratings upgrades. 10 years on FinCom and 12 as Treasure, hence 22 town budgets. Online bill pay and lockbox are introductions that provide service and reduce cost. No fees with new bank for moving account. Billing paid for at postage cost, no payment required for 30,000 bills. Most qualified candate for this election

Saturday, March 15, 2008

I need your help on this one

I received this email from a reader:
Your web site came up in a Google search and I was wondering if you
might be able to provide some information about Franklin. I just came
across an old family photo and was wondering if you had fairly recent
historical information about a farm in Franklin. Was there ever a Dacey
Brothers Dairy in Franklin that made home milk deliveries? We lived in
Does anyone have some information that you can share?

You can leave a comment here or send an email to me => shersteve at gmail dot com