Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Senator Rausch: COVID-19 Update #6

Tuesday, March 26, 2020


I'm sure you've all heard by now that the Governor issued a "Stay at Home Advisory" yesterday, Monday, March 23. This advisory, in place for at least two weeks, encourages people to stay home as much as possible, decreases the maximum number of people at public gatherings to 10, down from the previous limit of 25, and includes an order to close all non-essential businesses. The advisory also provides for civil or criminal penalties if any of the terms are violated, which I hope conveys the seriousness of this pandemic.

This advisory, while important, should have come at least a week ago, if not more. Last week, I and more than 30 other elected officials (a number that eventually grew to 50) called on the Governor to issue a shelter in place order. The COVID-19 pandemic is a matter of life and death, and with the exception of essential personnel, we need people to stay home to the greatest extent possible.

Extensive social distancing is not an option; it's a necessity. We must do whatever we can to flatten the curve of infection. Given that there are still reports of people having in-person social gatherings and not taking COVID-19 seriously, we need an order, not merely a suggestion that people stay home. This is not a time to party or an extended snow day.

For those who remember the Marathon bombing in 2015 and the "shelter in place" order that followed, I know the trauma of that day is still with all of us. Please note there are a number of important differences between what happened then and what we're asking for now. Grocery stores, pharmacies, and medical facilities will still be open. First responders, journalists, and those working to end the pandemic and make masks or PPEs are considered essential personnel and will continue to work. You can see a full list of essential services here.

It's critically important that all of us, to the greatest extent we can, practice extensive social distancing in order to help prevent COVID-19 from overwhelming our healthcare system. My team and I have compiled some resources below to help everyone get through this challenging time.

We will continue sending these updates and resources on Tuesdays and Fridays, so as to not overwhelm you and your inboxes. Please remember that my team and I are fully up and running remotely, and we are here to help you! Please call (617) 722-1555 or email me at if you have questions, comments or concerns.

Yours in service,

Senator Becca Rausch

The newsletter was shortened for publication here. To review the full content follow this link:

Senator Rausch: COVID-19 Update #6
Senator Rausch: COVID-19 Update #6

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