Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Sign up for the Democracy, Refreshed, newsletter from Post Opinions - The Washington Post

Danielle Allen writes:

"Over the past year, I focused my columns and my public speaking on how we can renovate our democracy so it works for all of us — today and into the future. Readers wrote in and commented, asking one thing over and over again: What can I do? How can I help?

To answer those questions, we’ve turned the columns into a course. The course, delivered via email weekly for 10 weeks, gives you the chance to dive deep into some important approaches to renovating our democracy. It also gives you a chance to take your turn helping advance the cause of renovation. Sign up here.

You’ll receive the first email upon sign-up. Then, starting the following Monday at 8 AM. E.T., you will receive:
  • A summary of a key democracy renovation
  • Links to related reading and resources
  • An activity you can do in your own community to renovate democracy
  • Suggestions for other features from The Post that can help you stay updated on American democracy.
As Abraham Lincoln said, democracy is of the people, by the people and for the people. Join us, and help make sure that the next era of our democracy is truly by the people."

Sign up for the Democracy, Refreshed, newsletter
Sign up for the Democracy, Refreshed, newsletter 

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