Showing posts with label Voices of Franklin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Voices of Franklin. Show all posts

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Voices of Franklin: Lack of notifications for removal of previously posted agenda items

Dear Mr. Rondeau and Planning Board Members,
I am writing to you on behalf of the residents that live on Summer Street as well as Birch Street, Woodchester Road, Florence Street, Summer Heights, Squibnocket Road, Shawkemo Path, and Penny Lane to express our deep concern regarding the recent agenda change concerning Autumn Hill. It has come to our attention that Autumn Hill was initially scheduled for discussion during the planning board meeting on Monday, May 20th. However, we were dismayed to learn that their development proposal was unexpectedly removed from the agenda on Thursday, May 16th, at 1:16 pm per Amy Love, the Town Planner. This is the second time this has occurred.
As concerned residents, we understand the importance of public participation in zoning decisions, particularly those that directly impact our neighborhoods and community. Therefore, we seek clarification on the policies and procedures for adding agenda items and subsequently canceling them, as well as the protocols for notifying residents within the town, specifically within the neighborhoods affected by proposed developments.
It is crucial that residents are provided with ample time to prepare and make arrangements to attend meetings on behalf of their neighborhood. By removing Autumn Hill from the agenda with such short notice, many residents were deprived of the opportunity to voice their concerns and provide valuable input on a matter that significantly affects all of the residents on Summer Street and the side streets as well as the other residents of Franklin.
We kindly request information regarding the planning board's policies and procedures for adding and canceling agenda items, as well as the methods used to notify residents within the town, especially those residing in the neighborhoods affected by proposed developments. Transparency and inclusivity are fundamental principles of good governance, and it is essential that all residents have the opportunity to participate in discussions that impact the future of our community.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Sally Winters & the Summer Street Residents

Editorial note: In my role, watching and reporting on Town Council, School Committee, Finance Committee, and as many of the associated subcommittee meetings as I can, the removal or change of an agenda once posted does not result in a new notification to subscribers. As the Town and School prepare for migration to new webpages, hopefully that is a feature that can be added. It is needed. 

Steve Sherlock

If you have something to say, you can find the guidelines here

Voices of Franklin: Lack of notifications for removal of previously posted agenda items
Voices of Franklin: Lack of notifications for removal of previously posted agenda items

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Voices of Franklin: Selena Cousin -"the Franklin community desperately needs this override"

Friends and neighbors, the Franklin community desperately needs this override. As many of you know, each and every part of a community needs to be strong and healthy in order for a town to thrive. Admittedly, I’m still a relative “newcomer” to Franklin—my family has only lived here a little over 2 decades. But in that time, we have supported Franklin in many ways—even some that don’t directly benefit our own family—because looking out for each other is what it means to be part of a community. 

Just to share a few examples, we have supported the Franklin Food Pantry, we have supported building (and later expanding) a beautiful new Franklin Senior Center, we supported building the new Tri-Country Regional Vocational High School, we supported expanding the Franklin Public Library and we have supported the Unified Sports program. While these programs in Franklin don’t directly benefit any members of my own family, they are undoubtedly essential for the well-being of our entire community. I know most of you can add your own examples of ways you volunteer and contribute to our town, including ways that benefit not just your own family, but others as well. 

Well, now it is time for us all to support our Franklin Public Schools (FPS) in the upcoming override election. Our schools desperately need more money, and as a parent and an educator, I have sadly watched over 22 years worth of cuts be made to FPS programs and activities at the expense of the youngest members of our community. Many of the cuts seemed small at the time, but when combined over a couple of decades, the effects have been absolutely devastating to our schools. Simply put, our school district just cannot survive any more cuts. Our district will no longer be positioned to attract, hire, and retain the most promising and talented teachers here in  Franklin, and without them, our schools will quickly fall into mediocrity. 

At FHS alone, just about everything that is not a core academic requirement or legally required by the state will be GONE. I can’t think of a single FHS student that will not be impacted negatively if this override does not pass. Our high school students stand to lose the most—all art classes, all music classes, band, orchestra, chorus, all theater classes, AP classes, elective classes, National Honor Societies, Franklin Arts Academy, Franklin Theater Company, athletics, after school clubs—ALL GONE!!!—along with some of the very best and most talented teachers in the district who teach these classes and lead these programs. The elementary and middle schools will also be severely impacted as well. 

As a community, we have generously supported each other in so many different ways over the years. Now it is time for us to stand up and support THOUSANDS of the most vulnerable and deserving members of our community—the kids. Please, let’s all send a strong and unified message to the thousands of amazing students and the hundreds of dedicated, talented teachers who teach them that we strongly support public education here in Franklin. Alone, we can do so little, but together we really can make a big difference for kids and for our town. Let’s VOTE YES and continue to ensure that our Franklin Public Schools are the very best they can be for many years to come.

Selena Cousin

If you have something to say, you can find the guidelines here

Voices of Franklin: Selena Cousin -"the Franklin community desperately needs this override"
Voices of Franklin: Selena Cousin -"the Franklin community desperately needs this override"

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Voices of Franklin: Gretchen Donohue - "supporting the necessary override for public school funding"

To whom it may concern:

As members of this vibrant and caring community, we are faced with a significant decision- asking the taxpayers for an override– that will shape the future of our town and, most importantly, the education of the present and future children of Franklin. Today, I write to you not just as a concerned citizen, or as a public school educator (in a neighboring district), but also as a voice advocating for investing in the vitality and prosperity of our public schools, and recognizing the integral role the schools play in the lives of all of the residents of Franklin.

Our schools are the heart of our community; they educate, inspire, and empower our children, preparing them to become the thought leaders, creative innovators, and engaged citizens of tomorrow. At its core, a school budget is more than just a financial plan; it is a moral document that reflects our values and priorities as a community. The budget is a statement of what we choose to support and what we commit to investing in. By adequately funding our public schools, we demonstrate our commitment to our children. As a result of the current budget, our schools are forced to make difficult decisions (cutting programs, increasing class sizes, reducing resources-, especially in the areas of supporting students’ emotional health).

Some critics misunderstand that any additional cuts will fundamentally change the ability of the Franklin schools to educate all of its students; other critics have praised the Franklin teachers for “doing so much with so little,” but why are they continually given “so little” to work with? Recently critics have noted that there is a “need for a measured approach that affords every taxpayer the opportunity to understand the full financial landscape,”1 but I contend there have been numerous opportunities with information and presentations all readily available to the public.

Now is the time for us to come together as a community and reaffirm our commitment to education. By supporting an override, we can ensure that our schools have the needed resources that they need to not only survive, but thrive. We would do well to remember that our actions in the present will shape the future of our community for generations to come, and I hope we can stand together and invest in our children, knowing that our children’s success is the foundation of our shared prosperity.

When we invest in education, we invest in the potential of every child, regardless of their background, circumstances, race or creed. I reiterate that a budget is a moral document that reflects our values; I urge you to join me in putting our values into action by supporting the necessary override for public school funding.
Together, we can ensure that our schools remain beacons of excellence and opportunity for all.

Thank you for your consideration and your commitment to the future of our community; I appreciate your dedication to the citizens of Franklin.


Gretchen M. Coyle Donohue, 
7 Padden Road, Franklin, MA 02038

If you have something to say, you can find the guidelines here

Voices of Franklin: Gretchen Donohue -  "supporting the necessary override for public school funding"
Voices of Franklin: Gretchen Donohue -  "supporting the necessary override for public school funding"

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Voices of Franklin: Dear Franklin Town Council & School Committee, "Please, vote to put the override on the ballot in June"

Dear Franklin Town Council & School Committee, Mr. Helen and Superintendent Giguere, 

I am writing to you this evening to urge you all to vote to put the override on the ballot this June.  Anyone who claims this has been a rushed process has simply not been paying attention.  I take particular umbrage at the residents who have lived here far longer than I have who are claiming this override process has been rushed.  As someone who only moved here in late 2021, and, again, has a toddler and an infant at home, I should be the resident who has no idea of the financial straits Franklin is in.  And yet I am aware.  The idea that this override process has been rushed is simply absurd.  A simple Google search will pull up the former Superintendent of Schools comments from 2008 - 16 years ago - about the financial crunch facing the Franklin Schools.  

Former Supreme Court justice Oliver Wendell Holmes once wrote, "taxes are the price we pay to live in a civilized society."  That's the ballgame - taxes are the price we pay to enjoy all the benefits of civilization.  At the local level, that means our water and sewer systems work, our roads are paved, we have police and fire departments, we have good schools, and all of those services must be funded adequately.

I believe reasonable people can disagree.  I also believe that reasonable people, when looking at the financial data provided, will happily shell out more money in property taxes in order to continue to fund our local government properly, because the alternative is horrifying.  

Let me be clear - I want to live in a town where our local services are properly funded.  If that means I pay more in property taxes to do so, then I will do so happily.  I want the Franklin Police Department to be fully funded (and I want them to get the new police station they need when the time comes for that).  I want the Fire Department to be fully funded.  I want the DPW to be fully funded. I want the Library to be fully funded.  I want the Facilities Department to be fully funded, and yes, I want to make damn sure the schools are fully funded as well.  And I know that nothing in life comes free, so I (and many more people in town) are willing to pay that cost, to ensure that our local services remain the best they can be.  

I know Franklin does have people on fixed incomes, and this will be difficult for them.  This includes my own aunt and uncle living here as well.  I have all the sympathy in the world for people on fixed incomes during these times of crazy inflation. I can only hope that they understand this override is absolutely necessary and their sense of civic duty and pride in the town of Franklin motivates them to vote in favor of it, despite the additional hardship such an override will represent.

However, I believe a lot of the opposition to the override comes from people who are currently in the workforce, people who have seen the property values of their homes skyrocket in recent years, and simply buy into the narrative that government is the problem and that taxes are a form of theft.  Please, ignore those people, as they do not represent the majority of voters here in Franklin.  Please, vote to put the override on the ballot in June.  Thank you all for your service - I know that you all get a lot of flak in your positions as government leaders.  Keep your heads up, ignore the negativity, and please do the right thing and put the override to the ballot in June.  I look forward to seeing the joint Town Council/School Committee meeting this Wednesday at FHS.


Ben Liberto
23 Southgate Rd.  

Voices of Franklin: Dear Franklin Town Council & School Committee, "Please, vote to put the override on the ballot in June"
Voices of Franklin: Dear Franklin Town Council & School Committee, "Please, vote to put the override on the ballot in June"

If you have something to say, you can find the guidelines here

Saturday, March 23, 2024

Voices of Franklin: Letter to Planning Board on Autumn Hill Development

Dear Town of Franklin Planning Board members,

I am writing to you on behalf of the Summer Street residents regarding the proposed senior living development that Bruce Hunchard of 496 Summer Street, Franklin is applying to build.

Seven years ago, the Summer Street Residents fought hard to prevent Bruce Hunchard from re-zoning his 11.85 acres so he could build cluster homes just like the ones built on the Franklin Country Club driving range.  He lost due to an overwhelming objection of the residents on his street, not to mention a gentleman from town standing up and addressing the members that he thinks re-zoning parcels is a great idea, because I have 5 acres next to you, you and you and I think I will  re-zone all of these parcels. Well, what do you know, this project immediately failed.

Now, seven years later the applicant wants to build a senior development which I believe due to a certain by-law amendment (01-461) adopted by the town this could be possible without the rezoning.

Hunchard is calling this a senior development.  Condominiums that will be 2- and 3-bedrooms, with a full basement and a two-car garage that will sell for $850,000 -$900,000 dollars quoted to me by the builder.  REALLY!!!!  Does this sound like a development for anyone 55 and older that has this kind of money.  In other words, cluster homes for the wealthy seniors, not seniors that are in need of affordable senior living.   

The project could net close to $45 million dollars or more. I find it interesting that a few of the town council members told me that there is a high demand for senior living because they can no longer afford to live in their single-family homes. Well, how on earth will they be able to afford these new homes.  They won't!!!  This is preposterous.  Not to mention Bruce Hunchard is the chairperson of the zoning board committee.  This is a total conflict of interest!!!!!!!

We understand that Stobbart Nurseries will soon be building 265 units with low-income housing available.  This would be a perfect spot to have a building designated to senior living so close to town.  I also know of a great location in the town of Franklin that would be perfect for senior living with no abutters to protest which is available and for sale.

To make matters worse, this proposed development abuts many, many acres of Franklin Town Forest.  This entire development is located on a very, very steep slope that goes down into Uncas Brook, which feeds Uncas Pond. The Summer Street Residents, as well as the Rod and Gun Club and Armenian Camp are extremely concerned that the Uncas Brook Watershed which contributes water to the wells and the pump house will be compromised after a majority of trees are removed, as well as this parcel of land having to be completely re-graded.  This will make huge and unfavorable changes to the basic hydrology and siltation regardless of any measures that will be taken to prevent this from happening.

This land is zoned Rural Residential, it is NOT zoned for cluster homes or so-called senior living.  It is out of control when town starts choosing rural residential locations for these types of homes.  They need to stick with the properly zoned locations for this type of building.  Why does Tim Jones who just recently purchased 488 Summer Street get to re-zone his property for this development?? As well as Bruce Hunchard re-zoning his home located at 496 Summer Street?

All of the Summer Street residents as well as the residents that live in the four developments off Summer Street respectively ask that this development not be passed at the April 8th meeting.

I would also like to mention that a rumor is circulating that I accepted a large sum of money from Bruce Hunchard not to protest this proposed development.  This is very upsetting and could not be further from the truth.

We all also feel that a visit to the site in person would be helpful for all to see.  You can call 508-542-1800 if you would like a tour of the site the weekend before the 4/8 meeting.

Thank you for your time, it is very much appreciated.

Sally French Winters and the Summer Street Residents of Franklin, MA.

Voices of Franklin: Letter to Planning Board on Autumn Hill Development
Voices of Franklin: Letter to Planning Board on Autumn Hill Development

Thursday, February 22, 2024

Voices of Franklin: Objection to the Senior Development Proposed on Summer Street for Franklin, MA

Franklin Residents,

I am writing to you on behalf of the Summer Street residents regarding the proposed senior living development that Bruce Hunchard of 496 Summer Street, Franklin is applying to build.

Seven years ago, the Summer Street Residents fought hard to prevent Bruce Hunchard from re-zoning his 11.85 acres so he could build cluster homes just like the ones built on the Franklin Country Club driving range.    He lost due to an overwhelming objection of the residents on his street, not to mention a gentleman from town standing up and addressing the members that he thinks re-zoning parcels is a great idea, because I have 5 acres next to you, you and you and I think I will  re-zone all of these parcels. Well, what do you know, this project immediately failed.

Now, seven years later he wants to build a senior development which I believe due to a certain by-law amendment (01-461) adopted by the town this could be possible without the rezoning.

Hunchard is calling this a senior development.  Condominiums that will be 2- and 3-bedroom condo's, with a full basement and a garage that will sell for $850,000 -$900,000 dollars quoted to me by the builder.  REALLY!!!!  This sounds like a proposed development for anyone 55 and older that has this kind of money.  In other words, cluster homes for the wealthy seniors, not seniors that are in need of affordable senior living.   The project could net close to $45 million dollars or more. I find it interesting that a few of the town council members told me that there is a high demand for senior living because they can no longer afford to live in their single-family homes. Well, how on earth will they be able to afford these new homes.  They won't!!!  This is preposterous.  Not to mention Bruce Hunchard is the chairperson of the Zoning Board of Appeals committee.  This is a total conflict of interest.

To make matters worse, this proposed development abuts many, many acres of Franklin Town Forest.  This entire development is located on a slope that goes down into Uncas Brook, which feeds Uncas Pond. The Summer Street Residents, as well as the Rod and Gun Club and Armenian Camp are extremely concerned that the Uncas Brook Watershed which contributes water to the wells and the pump house will be compromised after a majority of trees are removed, as well as this parcel of land having to be completely re-graded.  This will make huge and unfavorable changes to the basic hydrology and siltation regardless of any measures that will be taken to prevent this from happening.

This land is zoned Rural Residential, it is NOT zoned for cluster homes.  It is out of control when town starts choosing rural residential locations for these types of homes.  They need to stick with the properly zoned locations for this type of building.

We invite you to attend the Monday night, February 26th Planning Board meeting at 7 PM.  There will be a strong showing of many people in opposition of this project.

Thank you.

Sally French Winters and the Summer Street Residents of Franklin, MA.

Voices of Franklin: Objection to the Senior Development Proposed on Summer Street for Franklin, MA
Voices of Franklin: Objection to the Senior Development Proposed on Summer Street for Franklin, MA

Sunday, January 7, 2024

Voices of Franklin: ECDC Pickup & arrival schedule changes

Proposed ECDC Arrival and Dismissal Procedure

Good Morning Lucas (Giguere), David (Callaghan), and Paula Marano),

I hope you all had a pleasant and relaxing holiday season.

Our son is currently enrolled at ECDC, so we received the email below this morning (Jan 4, 2024). I worked on developing solutions to drop off/pick up at ECDC while I was employed with the Town, so I fully appreciate the complications involved with developing a safe and efficient solution, however, what is being proposed in this email is not the answer, and quite frankly, exceptionally unsafe.

With respect to this issue, there are two competing interests at play; efficient vehicle queuing and pedestrian safety. The system that has been in place this year to this point results in occasional vehicle queuing issues (impacting convenience), however, it eliminates conflicts between vehicles and pedestrians, which in turn provides for significantly enhanced pedestrian safety. The system proposed in the email below does the exact opposite; it sacrifices pedestrian safety for a minor reduction in vehicle queuing complications. The proposed system does not follow any established guidelines or principles regarding pedestrian safety or school zone safety. There is no dedicated crosswalk in this area nor is there sidewalk along the west side of the building. These factors will result in unpredictable pedestrian crossings as pedestrians are not channelized to a specific pathways and crossing locations. In this situation, pedestrians will cross at the most convenient location for them, which is perpendicular to their own vehicle. This creates significant difficulties for drivers as crossings are unpredictable and can occur literally anywhere.

This system also creates hardships for numerous families with students at ECDC. I am confident in saying that multiple families with students at ECDC have more than one young child. The proposed system doesn’t allow for a second (or third plus) child to be safely left in their car seat while a student is dropped off. Under the current system, an individual parent now has to navigate an unprotected and unmarked pedestrian crossing with multiple children. I don’t feel an explanation as to why this is burdensome is needed, however, it doesn’t seems as if this was fully considered. Stating “Never Leave a child unattended in a vehicle” does not address the issue in a realistic fashion and is tone-deaf. A third child will be joining our family this spring, which further highlights the failures of the proposed system. Asking individual adults to wrangle three children across a parking lot is simply unrealistic, insensitive to the difficulty in doing such, and markedly unsafe. Additionally, many students are dropped off or picked up by grandparents who may have difficulty with a longer walk or struggle to safe cross the parking lot with multiple children. Bluntly, the proposed solution is counter to guidance laid out in the FHWA Safe Routes to School Guide (SRTS Guide: Student Drop-off and Pick-up Tools ( and accepted civil engineering practice and as such, exposes the school system and Town to significant liability. Has a traffic safety professional been consulted in this matter? Below is the from the SRTS Guide section titled Separating Motor Vehicles from Pedestrians and Bicyclists:

“To further reduce conflicts, school facilities can be arranged to eliminate or reduce the number of children walking through parking lots. Children should walk around parking lots on dedicated walkways or sidewalks. If this is not possible, clearly marked walkways through parking lots with adult or older student monitors should be used, and speed calming treatments such as humps or bumps should be employed in the parking lots.”

If the proposed system is implemented, my family will have no choice but to end our enrollment at ECDC as the proposed system doesn’t allow us to keep our children safe during drop off and pick up. Respectfully, I suggest that a traffic professional with a background in school zone safety be consulted for both short-term and long-term solutions for ECDC drop off and pick up. Realistically, this issue needs a long-term solution, in my opinion an enhanced queuing area, but in the immediacy a solution that doesn’t sacrifice safety for convenience should be implemented. As a father and licensed civil engineer with extensive experience in school zone traffic safety, I implore you to reconsider this proposal and leave the current drop-off and pick up system in place. In my professional opinion, due to the number of un-consolidated crossings and pedestrian-vehicle conflict, it is a matter of time before a pedestrian is injured or killed following this procedure.

Thank you for your time and your attention to this matter.

Jay Mello, P.E.
Franklin, MA

Email with pick up schedule link can be found here

Voices of Franklin: ECDC Pickup & arrival schedule changes
Voices of Franklin: ECDC Pickup & arrival schedule changes

Monday, January 30, 2023

Voices of Franklin: former Davis Thayer neighborhood parents raise concerns for School Committee

We are here today to present concerns about redistricting that are unique to families living in formerly Davis Thayer neighborhoods.

To give needed background: The interest among some town stakeholders to close Davis Thayer started to come to a point of action just as the COVID pandemic hit. A number of us consistently dialed in to full School Committee meetings as well as those for the Space and Facilities subcommittee. We spoke during meetings, sent emails, and engaged in information sharing. We raised questions around space and crowding at Keller; about the transitions and adjustments students were already experiencing due to COVID; and about our fears regarding moving students when an imminent town redistricting was already on the horizon. 

Former superintendent Sara Ahern stated, in her January 2021 letter to the subcommittee: “The question remains as to whether or not redistricting is something that should be considered as part of closing Davis Thayer Elementary School or planned for in the future. It would be prudent to avoid any situation where Davis Thayer students are attending school at Keller and then redistricted at a later point in time.”

Ultimately, the committee voted to close DT, and so, in Sept of 2021, Davis Thayer children entered Keller while the pandemic raged on. They did their best to acclimate themselves to new staff and classmates while wearing masks and being cautioned not to go close to others. They learned the policies, expectations, values, and even physical layout of their new surroundings without having had the chance to first return to the comfort of their former school to adapt back to a regular, full-time school week.

Our kids have weathered this change with all the grit, grace, and resilience one could imagine. Their former school building sits unoccupied. It houses books, desks, and supplies. We have seen little on how the school closure has actually financially benefited the town. The kids’ sacrifice for their community often feels all for naught.

And now here we are at the redistricting effort. As new scenarios are discussed and new school zone lines are drawn, we wonder, what will happen to our kids? We fear how another school switch will negatively affect their academic progress and mental wellness. 

We will send a longer email to your committee that outlines some important research about the detrimental effects of frequent school-switching. We would also like to draw your attention to the potentialities of a phase-out approach or a grandfathering of former DT students. Our longer email contains more details on these potential solutions.

We ask you to value the DT kids’ courage, and prioritize their vulnerability and mental health. We hope you will honor the commitment of Sara Ahern. Uprooting young children twice from their school is not only detrimental to community educational progress, but also for their social-emotional wellness. 

We also ask you to consider in detail the facilities projections that came out of the Kaestle Boos report and that have been studied by other town bodies. For instance, that report conveyed a need to close Parmenter and Kennedy schools at some point. 

How terrible it would be to move students to one of those schools only to close it a short time later. We implore town committees including yours to create a master plan that takes into account short and long term needs of all students before making this decision.

Thank you for your time and attention, and for all the work you do.

Gretchen Donohue

On behalf of former Davis Thayer parents
A version of a Citizen Comment to the School Committee meeting 1/24/23

Voices of Franklin: former Davis Thayer neighborhood parents raise concerns for School Committee
Voices of Franklin: former Davis Thayer neighborhood parents raise concerns for School Committee

Saturday, November 5, 2022

Voices of Franklin: Karen Landers is Yes for Question 1

There are many opinions about whether to vote “Yes” or “No” on Question 1.  For those who have voted or will vote “No”, I wonder if you will regret your decision when some of the  services that we all pay for with our current tax dollars are eliminated for lack of funds.  

Our schools, roads, public transportation, bridges, etc. are not in great shape right now.  Imagine, when all of the extra funds that have been provided due to COVID is spent.  And there are also the funds from President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill and the Inflation Reduction Act.  All of that money will be gone one day.  Our quality of life may suffer.  I can see lots of tax override questions being argued in our towns.

Also, consider what will happen to our property values if schools fail, potholes increase, bridges collapse, there is more crime, public transportation comes to a halt.   Oh, boy!  I can see future increases in our real estate taxes, state income taxes, excise taxes, gas taxes, sales taxes, etc.  Those increases will hit everyone, not just the wealthy folks with high earnings.

Please think it through for yourselves.  Public services cost money.  This state’s transportation Infrastructure needs maintenance, repairs, and replacement.  Schools need to prepare our children for the future.  Workers need to be paid a fair wage.  Folks who earn lots of money can afford to part with a little more for the benefit of all.  Let’s allow them to do this.  

If you have not voted, yet, please vote “Yes” on Q1.  If you have already voted “Yes”, thank you!

Karen Landers 
Franklin MA

To add your voice to the discussion, please follow the guidelines

Voices of Franklin: Karen Landers is Yes for Question 1
Voices of Franklin: Karen Landers is Yes for Question 1

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Voices of Franklin: Ted McIntyre - Strong Support for Senator Rausch

I strongly support the re-election of State Senator Becca Rausch. I condemn the unethical and intentionally deceptive messages being released by her opponent.

Senator Rausch should be re-elected because she is the only candidate in this race who has forged the widespread collaborative network needed to continue delivering for our values and our community. She has both the successful track record and the broad support to prove it. Senator Rausch is endorsed by more than half the State Senate, the very people who are now, and will be, her direct colleagues. The list includes the Senate President, the Senate President Pro Tempore, the Senate Majority Leader, and every other member of Senate Leadership.

On top of that, the vast majority of local elected officials in our district have endorsed Senator Rausch. These are the people whose recommendations should weigh heavily in Rausch's favor -- they know and appreciate her skills in serving the district. You can see the impressive list at Senator Rausch has been endorsed by the overwhelming majority of State Representatives in our district, including State Representative Jeff Roy, whom Rausch’s opponent inappropriately name-dropped in a recent mailing. That mailing was an explicit attempt to mislead voters. Indeed, the letter falsely claimed support from Democrats and was signed by someone who is, in fact, a registered Republican in Bellingham. This kind of disinformation campaign runs afoul of common decency and basic respect for us, the voters.

Rausch's opponent has also tried to dodge his staunchly right wing record as he seeks higher office and promotes his own personal gain. His record speaks for itself, and that record has earned him the badge of being among the farthest right-wing extremist politicians in the entire Commonwealth, per the American Conservative Union. He has repeatedly voted against abortion access, birth control access, climate action goals, workers, voting rights, and protecting LGBTQ+ youth from the serious harms of abusive conversion therapy. Every one of those votes is documented.

You are smarter than Shawn Dooley thinks you are. Get the facts. Resist the lies. Join me in voting for Senator Becca Rausch on or before Tuesday, November 8.

Ted McIntyre, Ph.D.
Franklin MA

To add your voice to the discussion, please follow the guidelines

Voices of Franklin: Ted McIntyre - Strong Support for Senator Rausch
Voices of Franklin: Ted McIntyre - Strong Support for Senator Rausch

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Voices of Franklin: Colin Cass - "Democrats for Dooley" half true

We received a letter in Franklin this week titled “Democrats for Dooley” and signed—“sincerely”—by two people, Dan Fallon and Daniel Ranieri.

Ranieri may be for Dooley, but he’s not a Democrat.  He’s a registered Republican.

Ooops.  I’m sure he’s sorry if he confused anyone.

When you claim to be a Democrat and you’re actually a Republican, this is called LYING.

Colin Cass
Franklin, MA 02038

To add your voice to the discussion, please follow the guidelines

Voices of Franklin: Colin Cass - "Democrats for Dooley" half true
Voices of Franklin: Colin Cass - "Democrats for Dooley" half true

Monday, October 24, 2022

Voices of Franklin: Mark and Mike Lenzi on the proposed Transfer of an all alcoholic license to Table & Vine (Big Y)

333 East Central St,
Franklin, MA 02038

October 23, 2022

Town of Franklin
Municipal Building
355 E Central St, 
Franklin, MA 02038

RE: Transfer for all alcoholic license to Table & Vine (Big Y) at 348 East Central St hearing


This is regarding the liquor license upgrade/transfer request and hearing on November 2nd 2022.


Franklin Liquors, located at 333 East Central St, has been family owned since 1978.  Mark and Mike Lenzi are the owners, full time employees, and lifelong Franklin residents. 


In the past we fought Table & Vine (Big Y) in getting a beer and wine license.  At that time, we were told a business can’t use competition, distance, or public need for a town to deny a license, and it was approved.

Table & Vine (Big Y) Request:

Please consider the points we make in this letter to you.  Table & Vine (Big Y) will tell you they want an upgrade to a full liquor license, as their customers are asking for it.  In our opinion, this request is because they can’t compete without it.  You may recall, recently the council received a request from Dacey’s Market to also upgrade to a full liquor license. The market is changing; if Franklin Liquors cannot object to a license on grounds of competition, how can Table & Vine (Big Y) be approved for saying they can’t compete without it? 

Exposure and control of alcohol:

This transfer request from Village Mall Liquors to Table & Vine (Big Y) would take control from an alcohol-only store to a supermarket.  You may ask, why does this matter?  For that you must think of the safety of the community. People that don’t drink, those affected by alcoholism, and those who don’t want to expose their children to alcohol don’t need to, and won’t go into a liquor store such as Franklin Liquors.  Those same people must go into a supermarket to purchase essential daily supplies. This will increase exposure. Please also think about workers in these stores- many underage employees will now be exposed significantly more. 

Articles on Exposure:

Consumer alcohol exposure in supermarkets: legislatively adherent, but a societal problem

“Alcohol misuse is a well-known public health problem. Supermarkets provide relatively easy access to alcohol for consumers; this is linked to an increase in alcohol misuse”

Children's exposure to alcohol marketing within supermarkets: An objective analysis using GPS technology and wearable cameras

“One mechanism by which on-site alcohol marketing influences child non-drinkers to consume alcohol is by its conflation with everyday consumer goods sold at supermarkets,”

Effects of Alcohol Advertising Exposure on Drinking Among Youth

“Youth who saw more alcohol advertisements on average drank more”

Young people and under-age exposure

“Further, alcohol was found to be located near staple foods such as bread and milk, reinforcing the perception of alcohol as just another ordinary food stuff.”

Call to ban alcohol in supermarkets after cameras reveal over-exposure to children

“The over-exposure of alcohol to children put it on par with everyday products such as bread and milk, causing children to drink alcohol earlier in their life”

Note: This study also noticed by the Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs

The relationship between exposure to alcohol advertising in stores, owning alcohol promotional items, and adolescent alcohol use

“This study provides clear evidence of an association of adolescent drinking with weekly exposure to alcohol advertising in stores and with ownership of alcohol promotional items. Given their potential influence on adolescent drinking behavior, retail ads, and promotional items for alcohol deserve further study.”

Alcohol exposure in NZ supermarkets 'like advertising candy' to children, researcher says
“Children grow up seeing it offered every Friday, every Saturday, samples being given to adults," 

Note On Exposure: 

Many town residents and councilors have made comments about alcohol miniatures (nips) on our streets.  That is an example of overexposure to our community through the form of trash and waste. People are already being inundated with the sight of alcohol in their daily lives. Take a walk into Shaw's, BJ’s, or Table & Vine (Big Y)- seeing alcohol line the shelf in a big box is even greater exposure to the community, and our youth, who have no choice to avoid these stores, either for work or purchasing supplies.

The town CAN say no:
Table & Vine (Big Y) currently sells beer and wine, so this will not prevent the sale of alcohol at the store.  You will prevent them from increasing exposure by not allowing a full alcohol license.  As a corporation they also have the option to pursue this request in many of their other stores in Massachusetts: this isn’t their only store to expand in.  Here are some resources for you to see other towns who have denied supermarkets, even one that regrets giving a beer and wine license to Table & Vine (Big Y).

Stop And Shop Denied
A transfer request denied in Harwich

And follow up after denial
Stop & Shop withdraws alcohol license request
“He added that the town and its residents clearly didn't want the supermarket to be able to sell liquor, and that the store, which already sells liquor in three of its other stores across the state, should look elsewhere.”

As selectboard airs concerns about Big Y, Price Chopper liquor license denied

“That members of the sober community might be unnecessarily tempted by the alcoholic offerings,”

“Board member Ed Abrahams added that he had voted to give Big Y the all-alcohol license a few years ago and now regrets it. “

Distance And Public Need:

In the past Franklin Liquors brought to the attention of the council the number of licenses on East Central Street.  Currently, Table & Vine (Big Y), Franklin Liquors, Shaw's, And Devita's all occupy the same area, less than one mile.  Devita's and Franklin Liquors sell full alcohol.  Here is a CDC study that is a guide to measuring “density” for alcohol.

Guide for Measuring Alcohol Outlet Density

“High alcohol outlet density, defined as a high concentration of retail alcohol outlets in a small area, is known to be an environmental risk factor for excessive drinking. To prevent excessive drinking, the Community Preventive Services Task Force recommends “limiting alcohol outlet density through the use of regulatory authority (e.g., licensing and zoning),” which is based on strong scientific evidence of intervention effectiveness.”

“There is strong scientific evidence that regulating alcohol outlet density is one of the most effective strategies for reducing excessive alcohol consumption and related harms.”

Section 16C: Licenses for premises located near schools or churches:

We know the applicant has done all the steps to notify abutters and the church within 100 and 500 feet.  Other town departments will also sign off on this request. Many don’t know that New England Chapel hosts Alcoholics Anonymous meetings. Do town council members ever follow up with the community or research impact after getting license request?. How does adding additional alcohol exposure impact these community programs in previous safe spaces? Other organizations, such as the Safe Coalition, would be skeptical of this increase. 


Franklin Liquors would like the Town Council to consider denying this transfer request based on:

Great Exposure and Limited Control of Alcohol
Distance And Public Need
The Use of Can’t Compete Requests
Other Towns Having Denied OR Regretted These Transfer Requests
Table & Vine (Big Y) Already Has Beer/Wine-Not Preventing them from selling alcohol
This would be the first Table & Vine (Big Y) Full Liquor in Eastern MA
Table & Vine (Big Y) Has MANY other Store in State in Can Do This In 
Franklin Already Has Alcohol Exposure In 3 of 4 Big Box Stores- IF you approve this Table & Vine (Big Y) gives up their Beer/Wine. If Village Mall closes, chances are Stop & Shop will then apply for that. 
Support of the growing “shop small” movement in Franklin

Thank you for your time in reviewing these details.  We hope you think of all the information provided and choose to deny this transfer. 

Mark And Mike Lenzi
Franklin Liquors 
Vintage 1978 

Voices of Franklin:  Mark and Mike Lenzi
Voices of Franklin:  Mark and Mike Lenzi 

Sunday, April 17, 2022

Voices of Franklin: Colin Cass says "Please sign candidate nomination papers!"

Candidates in Massachusetts who want to be elected to any public office this fall need something right now.

They need large numbers of qualified voters to sign their nomination papers before May 10.  (No need to get tangled in the weeds:  the numbers and qualifications depend on the offices sought.)

People seem confused about this.  Your signature on a nomination paper commits you to nothing.

It shows only that you helped a candidate get into the race.  This is crucial for all candidates (you can sign for as many as you please) and completely harmless to you.

So if candidates who want to run in your district ask you to sign their nomination papers, give them a break.  

Colin Cass
Franklin, MA

To add your voice to the discussion, please follow the guidelines

Voices of Franklin: Colin Cass proud of the diverse election results
Voices of Franklin: Colin Cass says "Please sign candidate nomination papers!"

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Franklin Matters information service updates

As part of the integration with Franklin.TV and Franklin Public Radio ( you likely have seen some changes to this home page and or to some posts.

Two additions

  • The daily schedule for Franklin TV and is shared. This is in addition to the weekly post sharing the programming guide. We'll be watching the stats (such that are available) to see if this addition is making a difference.
  • "Ask Franklin Matters"  is back in a top of fold web page spot. I had introduced this when we started the "Talk Franklin" radio interview series during 2020. This is a new year, hence a new opportunity. A couple of question have already come in so that is good. Hopefully, this feature will help answer your questions. 

Two reminders

  • This is a daily digital newsletter and you have a chance to have your say (with a question - as noted above) or a comment/email. You should also know that the "Voices of Franklin" is really the same as a "Letter to the Editor". It has been used primarily during the election season but is a feature available any time you feel the need to write. Guidelines here ->
  • The community calendar functions best when all the events are available to the community. Organizations with a Google calendar can integrate automatically. If you don't have one, you can use the form to submit the event  ->   If all else fails, send me an email. Be sure to include the basics of the event (who, what, when, where, etc.)

This Franklin news service (daily newsletter, podcast, Twitter, etc.) is my public service effort for Franklin but I can't do it alone. I can always use your help.


How can you help?

  • If you can use the information that you find here, please tell your friends and neighbors

  • If you don't like something here, please let me know

Through this feedback loop we can continue to make improvements. I thank you for reading/emailing/commenting/listening, etc.

Friendly reminder: The best way to remain informed is to subscribe for the daily newsletter ->

Franklin Matters information service updates
Franklin Matters information service updates