Showing posts with label math. Show all posts
Showing posts with label math. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Teens who discovered new way to prove Pythagoras’s theorem uncover even more proofs | US news | The Guardian

"Two college freshmen who, during their final year of high school, found a new way to prove Pythagoras’s theorem by using trigonometry – which mathematicians for generations thought was impossible – have since uncovered multiple more such proofs, they revealed in a national interview on Sunday.

“We found five, and then we found a general format that could potentially produce at least five additional proofs,” Calcea Johnson said on CBS’s 60 Minutes, a little more than a year after she and Ne’Kiya Jackson collaborated on an accomplishment that earned them international recognition.

Nonetheless, in comments that stunned their interviewer, Bill Whitaker, the two graduates of St Mary’s Academy in New Orleans denied seeing themselves as math geniuses and dismissed any interest in pursuing careers in mathematics." 
Continue reading the article online ->

Link to video on 60 Minutes ->

Monday, July 31, 2023

How are boat wakes related to duck wakes? It is explained via math

"If you look at the wake behind a duck, or a kayak, or a ship, you might notice two things: first, it’s a feathery, rippled pattern, and second, that pattern looks the same regardless of whether it’s made by a duck, kayak, or ship— even though they’re all moving at different speeds and the waves are different sizes. 
How is this possible? Minutephysics digs into the Kelvin wake pattern."
The 4+ minute video explains the math ->

How are boat wakes related to duck wakes?
How are boat wakes related to duck wakes?

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Franklin Public Schools: MCAS Presentation - 11/23/21

Among the agenda items for the Franklin School Committee meeting Tuesday, Nov 23, 2021 is an update on the recent MCAS statistics for the Franklin School District.

You can view a copy of the report here or below:

Franklin Public Schools: MCAS Presentation - 11/23/21
Franklin Public Schools: MCAS Presentation - 11/23/21

Sunday, July 18, 2021

"we need to reach a new level of public understanding about health, disease, risk and probability"

We’re soon going to have to make our own choices about social distancing, wearing masks and travel. When the legal enforcement of rules is lifted, the way in which each of us deals with the risk of Covid-19 will be down to personal judgment. But how well equipped are we to make these decisions?

Graphs and data can help explain things, but what’s also needed is a deep understanding of how science works, and, perhaps most important of all, a sense of how to weigh up the odds of coming down with the disease and how it might affect us. Not in an abstract way, but in our day-to-day lives. And what many people don’t realise is that COVID-19 is just the start. 
To equip us for all this, we need to reach a new level of public understanding about health, disease, risk and probability. Some of this should be taught in schools, colleges and universities, of course, but there needs to be more. During the pandemic, we have seen a huge increase in the number of scientists discussing their work in public. Now, as the UK government formally lifts restrictions, we must not retreat from this exposure. Rather, we must embrace science as a vital part of our culture even more than we do now. At stake is not just our health and wellbeing, but our sense of what it means to be human.
Continue reading the article online (subscription maybe required)
Progress in human biology is accelerating at an unprecedented rate, and there’s no sign of it slowing down.’ Photograph: Yuri_Arcurs/Getty Images
Progress in human biology is accelerating at an unprecedented rate, and there’s no sign of it slowing down.’ Photograph: Yuri_Arcurs/Getty Images

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

School Committee Meeting - Recap of Sep 22, 2020


  • The Superintendent's Report was detailed and covered a whole host of areas around the re-opening of schools, issues with bandwidth, equity of materials and class sizes, acknowledgement of communications issues, etc. See the Twitter thread for details.
  • An overview on the hiring practices was provided and the 'comprehensive' personnel report was lacking in that it did not fully account for the 104 (or 103) notifications. This is really an elementary level math problem and it is disappointing not to get a resolution (yet).
  • Resources attempted to being into the system (additional counselors, digital learning specialists, curriculum personnel...) have had their needs raised due to the requirements of delivery education in this pandemic period (hybrid or remote).
  • A preview of the District Improvement Plan and goals for this year, including an update on prior year accomplishments was provided. Approval of the goals is up for vote at next meeting.
  • The Community Relations Subcommittee will met again (their absence could have helped with the above communication issues). The Facility Analysis Subcommittee has a meeting Sep 30 to pick up where they suspended work during the summer. The Policy subcommittee has been busy. The Budget Subcommittee will be scheduling a meeting.
  • The meeting was to go to executive session and return but given the uncertainty for when they would return, I left the meeting when they entered executive session.

As with most meetings in this pandemic period, I took my notes via Twitter during the meeting reporting in real-time via the virtual session.
The Twitter hashtag can be found online #SchCom0922

  • Real time reporting underway for the #Schcom0922 meeting. (They should wait a minute once allowing entrance to Zoom before starting)
  • Moving to superintendent's report: update on reopening, ongoing support for PD, metrics, transition to hybrid, update on chromebook, etc. #schcom0922
  • See text of report on #schcom0922 page when posted Weds AM (will share link when available. Meeting being broadcast via zoom (link in agenda doc), Verizon/Comcast and Town of Franklin live stream (
  • Another Professional development day scheduled for Friday per calendar #schcom0922 COVID metrics slightly higher for Franklin over last several weeks still in good stage, hybrid a go so far
  • Still looking to accelerate the hybrid date for FHS (is currently end of first Q marking period) #schcom0922 4,000 chromebooks and germicidal implementation benefit the schools from COVID funding coordinated with Town
  • Grant used to support technology integrationist along with others (see the personnel update for details) #schcom0922 (will spend more time on this report later in meeting)
  • Apologies for info flow to families on virtual academy, not what she would have preferred, hybrid has been a challenge to plan for. Has been working hard on the virtual program, with separate staffing model. #schcom0922 still coding students into the learning system
  • Supplies pickup scheduled for next week for virtual academy, more details coming; some chromebooks coming next week, more in Oct. Details to be provided, tech dept working on issues. Internet bandwidth has supported this far, researching minor issues here/there #schcom0922
  • Demand on video driving the issues, closing in on a solution. #schcom0922 digital integrationist holding events for families on remote learning. There are families without internet, hard to quantify, can provide access.
  • FHS sports won the Boston Globe Dalton award 2nd year in a row. (Shared on FM previously) #schcom0922 Req to bring in example of enhanced learning being used to meeting. Req to teachers principals re: lingering issues SchCom should know pls be specific
  • Discussion on teachers supporting both in person students and online (remote) students; looking for monitors and ESPs for assistance in this manner. #schcom0922 sounds like teachers need to be like a circus ring master keeping students engaged in person and remote at same time
  • Talk about how to apply and address SEL in this environment. #schcom0922 SEL Committee will also be spending time on this as they get started this school year. Q - Hearing things being worked on during taskforce but not being used now? May reconnect with members of task force
  • So much work to be done, maybe it feels like too much work to be done. Difference in and among the 6 elementary schools and now the 7th with the virtual academy. Curious on the differences and why? Not to resolve now, but need to be addressed. #schcom0922
  • Material difference, class size difference between hybrid and virtual, will virtual be separated in line item budget? #schcom0922 is the equivalence among the students and schools including virtual? What is special ed alignment for virtual vs. hybrid?
  • #schcom0922 central office does spend time on where to be consistent vs local i.e. individual school direction. It is a tension and discussed. Work last year on consistency did get halted due to pandemic. Resources are being looked at, building principals can supplement
  • Hybrid does become challenging because you have two cohorts and the high needs students. Virtual is not to be separate reporting, per DESE requirements. Virtual will participate with building teachers for consistency and also among virtual #schcom0922
  • Are tracking expense for virtual separately and will allocate back to each school they came from for end of year reporting #schcom0922 helpful to NOT think of virtual as a 7th, communications still the issue that rears its head, difference creates confusion
  • Bergen: it is a learning curve, an enormous one, always adjusting, it goes across all levels. Q's first line is to principal, SchCom is not to get into day-to-day issues. #schcom0922 understand the respect and complexity of what we're doing
  • What we have asked for before in budget and couldn't get; these are still needed even more so today: curriculum consistency, digital learning integrationist... Look at all the awards across, DECA, Mock trial, music, we have a lot to be proud of #schcom0922
  • Lisa Trainor, HR for schools is present to get into the details on the personnel report. #schcom0922 usually a hiring season in spring, onboard in summer and we go in September, some adjustments during but not the scale we see now
  • In competition with other districts for a variety of staff to help now. #schcom0922 start with hiring process. Respect and experience of candidates whether hired or not is key for process. Interview team for teachers and some positions. Lesson planning, reference checks
  • #schcom0922 a rigorous process to ensure a right fit. Usually a large pool to draw from, this time around smaller choices. 6 resignations due to non renewal where they went elsewhere before could recall. Accommodations made where possible.
  • Page 2 of memo outlines budget process positions, #schcom0922 increase in counseling at Parmenter due to partner not participating this time due to pandemic but services still needed. Page 3 pandemic positions building subs was six, up to ten today
  • More updates on lifelong learning coming in future meetings. 104 notices given. 87 returned. (#s still not adding up) Milford Daily News reporter talked to Superintendent today resulting in article updated late today #schcom0922 chap 70 funding related insights helped
  • Unsung heroes all over Central Office, #schcom0922 21.6 open positions includes all. Principal at Keller was teaching art (and doing it well) LPNs needed. Q on long term sub vs. new teachers. Teachers on salary schedule, mentor works with staff usually but assigned to subs too
  • Moving to District Improvement goals #schcom0922
  • DESE pilot interrupted per pandemic. #schcom0922 vaping focus for substance abuse taskforce via grants, support for staff and families for SEL will be focus this year building upon work started last year.
  • Working to create a feeling of safety when approaching the building. SEL team did continue through the school closure to meet virtually and work on the "I can" statements #schcom0922 data from summer surveys to be incorporated in work
  • Principal to do building based survey to get input from teachers and staff, #schcom0922 resources from health care/plans made available as well. This is a preview of the DIP goals, to be voted at a future meeting.
  • Expanding with SAFE Coalition per local funding for counseling, portrait of a graduate coming this fall. #schcom0922 Ron Taylor mentioned in regards to tweet thread about expectations
  • #schcom0922 assessment of skills and address accordingly, leverage portrait to build curriculum, MAPLE one item to come off list as one to take off plate (from earlier meeting)
  • Identify support for academic enrichment, instructional practices for hybrid and digital environment #schcom0922
  • Q on homework program that had been cancelled, when? Special consideration for homework during remote, work would shift and trying to distinguish independent work vs work outside if school day #schcom0922 increase awareness of bias in materials for example
  • Awareness of bias is also work being done in some of the curriculum studies; Q on transition back to FHS and middle school; screening would be building based #schcom0922
  • Priority to build relationships over curriculum with students, Community spirit among staff, #schcom0922
  • Moving to discuss/action items #schcom0922 first based on MASC with progressive consequences; also MA general law re: idling in a vehicle in or around a school building - motion to move to 2nd reading, second, passes 6-0 (1 absent Pfeffer)
  • #schcom0922 MASC delegate appointment for Denise Spencer Moved, second, passes 6-0 (1 absent)
  • Budget Subcommittee coming next week TBD, MASC 10 resolutions to be scheduled for review over the two Oct meetings before the conf in November, FEF fund raiser at La Cantina 9/30, Community relations TBD, facilities mtg scheduled 9/30 #schcom0922
  • #schcom0922 joint PCC met recently, Judy did attend will have notes next time, looking at PCC resources, officers, etc. Event planning underway for social and racial justice, TBD. Y gave out 175K food packs, 3K to Franklin
  • Consent agenda up Motion to approve, second, passes 6-0 (1 absent) Motion to go to executive session to return to open meeting #schcom0922 passes 6-0 (1 absent)
  • That will be all for me for this tonight, catch you next time #schcom0922
The agenda for the meeting can be found
The written version of the Superintendent's report was added to the meeting packet folder
Additional photos from the meeting and used with Twitter posts are available here

Superintendent Sara Ahern making a point during meeting 9/22/20
Superintendent Sara Ahern making a point during meeting 9/22/20

In the News: "The letter states that the numbers printed do not equal 104"

From the Milford Daily News, articles of interest for Franklin:

"In June, 104 employees – many of them teachers – at Franklin Public Schools received pink slips. This fall, 87 of them are returning, according to a recent comprehensive personnel update released by the district.

Only 15 positions of the 104 threatened with the chopping block back in June wound up being cut, according to a letter from the district signed by Superintendent Sara Ahern and Director of Human Resources Lisa O’Keefe-Trainor on Friday. "

Continue reading the article online (subscription may be required)

Editor's note: Other than the quote from Superintendent Ahern, there is no new information in this article and the numbers still don't add up. This is elementary math and if turned in as a school report by a fourth or fifth grade student, it would be really interesting to see what the rubric would provide as a score. Lots of numbers, lots of info but it doesn't add up. They can start with either people or positions, there is a difference between them, I get that. But 104 (or 103) got notified, what happened to them? It should be as easy as 87 came back and 17 (or 16) didn't. There can be a variety of other categories, that really doesn't matter. Tallying to the total (either 104 or 103) does.

In the News: "The letter states that the numbers printed do not equal 104"
In the News: "The letter states that the numbers printed do not equal 104"




Tuesday, March 31, 2020

The math behind social distancing

"As we wait for scientists and healthcare professionals to develop a vaccine for COVID-19, there is another, more readily available tool at our disposal.

Social distancing, defined as measures taken to reduce physical contact, is the first line of defense for containing an infectious disease like COVID-19. That’s because these infections spread when people cough, sneeze, or touch surfaces on which the virus resides.

To help us grasp the impact these measures can actually have, today’s infographic illustrates how a reduction in social exposure can theoretically contain the spread of infection."
Continue reading online

 The math behind social distancing
 The math behind social distancing

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

In the News: Recycling company expands; MA schools top rated again

From the Milford Daily News, articles of interest for Franklin:
"A national recycling center that has a presence in Franklin has moved to a larger location to meet increased demand in people recycling their old working refrigerators and freezers.

In June, Arca Recycling Inc moved from its approximately 15,000-square-foot facility at 40 Kenwood Circle to an approximately 22,000-square-foot facility at 20 Liberty Way, according to Regional Transportation Director Stefan Marszalek.

Many residents in the state are taking advantage of Mass Save’s appliance recycling program, which provides monetary incentives for eligible individuals who recycle their functional refrigerator and freezer. Mass Save is funded by the state’s major energy utilities, including Cape Light Compact, Eversource, National Grid and Unitil.

On Monday, the company hosted an open house at the Franklin location to give representatives from those utility companies a first-hand look at what goes on inside the facility, which includes taking apart and recycling the appliances."

Continue reading the article online (subscription may be required)

Arca Recycling
Arca Recycling Inc
Arca Recycling Inc

"The state’s schools were the highest-ranked in both math and reading test scores, as well as the lowest percentage of threatened and injured high school students.

For the second year in a row, Massachusetts schools are tops in the nation.

At least that was the result of a recently released study from the personal finance website WalletHub.

The state’s schools were the highest-ranked in both math and reading test scores, as well as the lowest percentage of threatened and injured high school students. The state ranked in the top five in several other categories."

Continue reading the article online (subscription may be required)

Read the report online

the highest-ranked in both math and reading test scores
the highest-ranked in both math and reading test scores

Friday, June 30, 2017

Russian School of Math - Franklin is currently enrolling students for Summer School

Dear Friends,

Welcome to Russian School of Mathematics located in downtown Franklin at 9 Summer St., Franklin Center Commons!

RSM-Franklin is currently enrolling students for the Summer School classes July 10 - August 17 and can serve families from Franklin and the surrounding communities.

Our mission is to help our students develop mathematical excellence and lifelong critical thinking skills using our unique curriculum and exceptional teachers.

Our summer course offerings include:

  • Math for Grades 1-6: These courses hone students' analytic skills and enhance their number sense by introducing them to abstract concepts.
  • Preparation for High School Math: Our courses in Algebra and Geometry will build up pre requisite skills and front load the key concepts of high school math.
  • SAT-preparation classes
  • Contest Level Math: Students are introduced to non-straightforward problems - opening them to the intrigue of math in the world. Students are also prepped for various national and international math competitions.

You can read more about our program online at

Russian School of Math - Franklin is currently enrolling students for Summer School
Russian School of Math - Franklin is currently enrolling students for Summer School

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

In the News: Math update to School Committee; Tri-County shows off robotics progress

From the Milford Daily News, articles of interest for Franklin:
"Math educators from the town's schools said instruction in the district has shifted to encourage activity and problem solving, but School Committee members expressed concern about communication with parents and the standards set. 
Math specialists and instructors spoke at the committee meeting Tuesday night as part of a general overview on the curriculum and instruction in the district. 
Assistant Superintendent Joyce Edwards said the district's curriculum has been changed to align with state standards. 
"It involves the construction of knowledge - not just passively sitting and being talked at," she said.
Continue reading the article online (subscription may be required)

one of the elementary math specialists updating the School Committee during the Tuesday meeting
one of the elementary math specialists updating the School Committee during the Tuesday meeting

"It may have looked like play, but the robotic arm demonstration was really a glimpse at manufacturing's present and future. 
Students Andrew Plante and Candis Brodeur were showcasing the Tri-County Regional Vocational Technical High School's new robotic arm, using it to build a tower with assorted blocks Tuesday. 
"We're just starting now on this - trying to play around with it and learn how it works," Plante said, adding that the arm had just arrived last week. 
Brodeur said the school already had a smaller robotic arm, which introduced students to the basic concepts of programming robotics.

Continue reading the article online (subscription may be required)

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Real time reporting: School Committee - Oct 25, 2016

Present: O'Malley, Schultz, Douglas, Jewell, Scofield, Bilello, Bergen
Absent: none

1. Routine Business
Citizen’s Comments
Review of Agenda
Minutes: I recommend approval of the minutes from the September 27, 2016 School Committee Meeting and the October 11, 2016 Worksession.
motion to accept, seconded, passed

Payment of Bills Dr. O’Malley
Payroll Mrs. Douglas
FHS Student Representatives

  • Football team won against Attleboro on Saturday, going on to playoffs
  • Homecoming dance was a good time
  • two congressional candidates visited FHS to meet with an AP class

1. Budget to Actual – Miriam Goodman

  • acknowledgement of the increase of $162K for the budget to cover for the K-Grant shortfall, thanks to the Town Council for this action

2. FEA – Open negotiations with EA Unit
training and negotiations to begin again before the contract expires June 30, 2017

2. Guests/Presentations

a. Math Program Overview

Ron Taylor had an injury and is recovering

Joyce Edwards, leading the presentation in his absence
elementary math specialists
6 total, one for each school

Elementary school math link

(other notes to be added from Twitter feed)

(be sure to scroll within the Storify widget to review all the entries)

Sunday, September 11, 2016

In the News: Cultural Council grant schedule, Russian Math School awards

From the Milford Daily News, articles of interest for Franklin:
"The Franklin Cultural Council has set an Oct. 17 deadline for organizations, schools and individuals to apply for grants that support cultural activities in the community. 
This funding encourages individuals, groups and not-for-profit organizations to bring to the community unique programming that centers around the arts, humanities, history or interpretive sciences for children, adults and intergenerational groups. 
This year, the Franklin Cultural Council will distribute about $11,000 in grants. Previously funded projects include programs/field trips for five of Franklin’s schools (public and charter), Franklin Downtown Partnership Strawberry Stroll, LiveArts, Franklin Performing Arts Company Whatever Theatre Festival, Southeastern MA Community Concert Band and the Franklin Art Association."

Continue reading the article online (subscription may be required)

"The Russian School of Mathematics recently announced that 16 of its Franklin students posted notable scores on both national and international mathematics competitions. 
Nearly 100 students received an award on the AMC 8, 10 and 12, and approximately 87 percent of the Massachusetts Math Kangaroo winners were RSM students."

The following are Franklin award winners:

  • Shoyaib Shaik, grade eight
  • Aishwarya Prakki, grade five
  • YickRen Leong, grade five
  • Rutvik Parikh, grade six
  • Sameen Shaik, grade six
  • Izam Karukappadath, grade seven
  • Pratusha Nouduri, grade seven
  • Rohit Valiveti, grade seven
  • Vibha Kamath, grade seven
  • Arvind Sridhar, grade eight
  • Shoumik Sompally, grade six
  • Arya Bhat, grade four
  • Nikhil Sankaran, grade three
  • Justin Chen, grade four
  • Liana Warnakulasooriya, grade four
  • Alexandra Krylova, grade nine

Continue reading the article online (subscription may be required)

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Summer Math Academy - Come Join the Fun!

Fun Awaits in the Summer Math Academy!
July 11 to 22, 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM
Remington Middle School
Tuition $270
  The nontraditional setting allows curious and enthusiastic students to explore math, art, and science through hands-on interactive projects such as building solar powered helicopters and boats, designing tessellation t-shirts, creating objects from irregular shapes, constructing newspaper buildings, devising Rube Goldberg machines, and using pool noodles to blow bubbles!

Lifelong Learning Institute | 508.553.4814 | Email | Website
FPS- Lifelong Learning | 355 East Central Street | Franklin | MA | 02038

Trusted Email from Constant Contact - Try it FREE today.

Monday, March 28, 2016

"pushing the boundaries of autonomous flight"

"When you hear the word "drone," you probably think of something either very useful or very scary. But could they have aesthetic value? Autonomous systems expert Raffaello D'Andrea develops flying machines, and his latest projects are pushing the boundaries of autonomous flight — from a flying wing that can hover and recover from disturbance to an eight-propeller craft that's ambivalent to orientation ... to a swarm of tiny coordinated micro-quadcopters. Prepare to be dazzled by a dreamy, swirling array of flying machines as they dance like fireflies above the TED stage."
TED Talks

Sunday, February 28, 2016

"It was heart breaking to see at the new building."

Recognition of the students from Franklin High School who were selected for All State Music Festival.

All State Music students from FHS at School Committee meeting 2/23/16
All State Music students from FHS at School Committee meeting 2/23/16
There was a good deal of time also spent with highlights on the math program being implemented at Davis Thayer. Students, faculty and administration coordinated to make the presentation. The presentation document is embedded here:

The FHS broken water pipe situation can be summarized with information combined from the School Committee meeting on Tuesday and the Town Council meeting on Wednesday. FHS Building Committee Chair Tom Mercer provided the update to the Council on Wednesday.

As announced on Monday as the students were to return to FHS, there had been a 'little water' situation at the high school over the school vacation. Superintendent Maureen Sabolinski provided an update to the School Committee. There was a meeting on Tuesday with all the relevant folks from the building contractors. This apparently was a known situation, an item on the 'punch list' that has been unresolved since the building opened. 

The section of the building near the principals office has not been able to be heated properly. The deep cold that Franklin experienced on Presidents Day resulted in some broken water pipes and a lot of water damage. 

The restoration is underway. The principal's office is the major area affected and hence it really doesn't hinder any of the instructional processes in the building. The clean up was handled, the painting and new walls are underway. When the office will be ready for use is not known.

The fix both short term and longer term is not a cost for the taxpayers as this was the result of the open 'punch list' item. 

"It was heart breaking to see (this occur) at the new building." 

On my walk around Franklin on Saturday, Feb 26, I was able to capture this photo through the window of the principal's office.

reconstruction in the principal's office at FHS
reconstruction in the principal's office at FHS

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

In the News: math specialist touted, Dean explores Division III

From the Milford Daily News, articles of interest for Franklin

"Officials from Davis-Thayer Elementary School are extolling the value of employing a full-time math specialist. 
Principal Evemarie McNeil told the School Committee at Tuesday night's meeting that because of the position, the school has improved instruction in the subject. 
"I'd like to express our sincere thanks for the support from district leadership and the School Committee for allowing us to have a full-time math specialist," McNeil said. "I assure you that it was an excellent decision and money well-spent."

Continue reading the article online (subscription may be required)

"The National Collegiate Athletic Association Division III Membership Committee approved Dean College’s NCAA Division III exploratory application. 
Dean College will officially begin the NCAA Division III exploratory process on Sept. 1 and will be considered a Division III exploratory institution for the 2016-17 academic year. 
“We are very excited for what the 2016-17 academic year holds for Dean College athletics,” said Dr. Paula Rooney, president of Dean College. “Division III is the perfect fit for an institution, such as Dean College, that focuses on the complete scholar-athlete experience.”

Continue reading the article online (subscription may be required)