Monday, November 8, 2021

Happy anniversary Franklin Matters! Goodbye Facebook! (audio)

Let’s celebrate your readership (and growing numbers of readers) as we enter November 2021. 

It was only in November 2007 that came into existence. I had started reporting on Franklin about two years prior, and as the override vote became a reality, during 2007 my reporting increased to cover it. There had been talk of getting it on the ballot and then all the informational meetings began to prepare for the vote when it was set for May 22, 2007.

After the vote passed, I continued to report on what was happening and my ‘regular’ readers began complaining about ‘this Franklin stuff’ that was taking me away from other topics I had been writing about. Hence, plans began for a new page. As the 2007 local election was also scheduled for November, I decided to make the switch after the election and begin preparing the new page for that introduction.

The Facebook page was added in 2010 and will be deleted at the end of November 2021. There was life before Facebook, and there will be life after the Franklin Matters page goes away from Facebook. 

So to be clear, while the Franklin Matters feed to Facebook will go away, Franklin Matters will not.

My commitment will continue to be providing timely and accurate information to all interested. I will continue to ‘follow the money’ focusing on the School Committee, Finance Committee, and Town Council meetings. In my current retirement lifestyle, some of the extra time I have, can then be applied to expanding my reporting to include the quality of life items that ‘following the money’ provides for us.

The content will continue to be text based with appropriate links to the supporting or source documents. Audio will be made available when practical. Photos will be shared. Multiple social media channels will help spread the information to where you can find it. Except that Facebook will not be part of our journey forward.

Email is the best source. One email daily with all that matters. 

Twitter will continue to be used for sharing the individual items as well as for capturing my notes during meetings or events. The podcast will share the audio files of meetings and interviews.

Integration with Franklin TV and Franklin Public Radio ( will continue. Someday, not too far away, there will be one page with three views to “Watch, Listen, and Read” all of Franklin’s information. 

  1. Franklin TV and the three channels will be the “Watch” view

  2. Franklin Public Radio ( will be the “Listen” 

  3. last but not least, to help tie them all together will be Franklin Matters as the “Read’ view

It does take two to tango, so you have a role to play as we take this journey together to keep informed on what matters in Franklin.  What do you need to do? I am glad you asked.

  • If you can use the information that you find here, please tell your friends and neighbors

  • If you don't like something here, please let me know

Through this feedback loop we can continue to make improvements. I thank you for reading, listening, and asking questions.

My ‘radar’ is pretty good but not perfect. So if you want to know something, don’t be bashful. Ask. Send me an email, or use Twitter. You can also use Facebook messenger. I will still participate on Facebook primarily to keep up with family connections so you can use that if you choose.

I also host a monthly “Franklin Matters Q&A” event. It is usually hybrid. I’ll be in person at the Senior Center with a Zoom link to enable remote participation. It provides some time for a quick overview of what’s current and time for in depth Q&A to answer your questions.

Let me close with this is my public service effort for Franklin because I believe Franklin matters. If you do too, then we are on this journey together.

Audio file ->


If you need or want help setting up one of the options to remain 'in the know' , sign up here ->

You can find all the archives for the Override Vote in 2007 on my personal blog  

All the posts for the Election Collection in 2007 are also there 

Fall house cleaning 


We are now producing this in collaboration with Franklin.TV and Franklin Public Radio ( or 102.9 on the Franklin area radio dial

This podcast is my public service effort for Franklin but we can't do it alone. We can always use your help.


How can you help?

  • If you can use the information that you find here, please tell your friends and neighbors

  • If you don't like something here, please let me know

Through this feedback loop we can continue to make improvements. I thank you for listening.


For additional information, please visit or

If you have questions or comments you can reach me directly at shersteve @ gmail dot com

The music for the intro and exit was provided by Michael Clark and the group "East of Shirley". The piece is titled "Ernesto, manana"  c. Michael Clark & Tintype Tunes, 2008 and used with their permission.

I hope you enjoy!


You can also subscribe and listen to Franklin Matters audio on iTunes or your favorite podcast app; search in "podcasts" for "Franklin Matters"

the monthly “Franklin Matters Q&A” event is usually hybrid
the monthly “Franklin Matters Q&A” event is usually hybrid

Franklin, MA: Finance Committee - Agenda - Nov 10, 2021

Finance Committee Meeting
Agenda & Meeting Packet
November 10, 2021 - 6:00 PM

Meeting will be held at the Municipal Building
2nd floor, Council Chambers
355 East Central Street 

1. Call to Order
2. Public Comments
3. Town Budget proposals
a. Previous Year unpaid bills
b. FY22 Operating Budget Amendment
c. Host Community Agreement Cannabis Appropriations
4. Adjourn

Agenda doc and remote connection info ->

Franklin, MA: Finance Committee - Agenda - Nov 10, 2021
Franklin, MA: Finance Committee - Agenda - Nov 10, 2021

FHS Varsity and JV cheerleaders take home trophies at Hockomock League Meet

FranklinAthletics (@FHSSports) tweeted Sun, Nov 07, 2021:
Congratulations to our Cheer Teams! Varsity takes 1st Place at the Hockomock Meet! 
JV takes 2nd! 
Great day for our Cheer student-athletes!!!! 🏆 🏆

FHS varsity cheerleaders
FHS varsity cheerleaders

FHS JV cheerleaders
FHS JV cheerleaders

Register O'Donnell Sees Decline in Norfolk County Real Estate Activity

Register of Deeds William P. O'Donnell reported an across-the-board decline in real estate activity for Norfolk County in October 2021. Declines were seen in both real estate sales and in mortgage lending. 

"The Norfolk County real estate market" noted Register O'Donnell, "has started to slow down and decline.  There were 14,433 documents recorded at the Norfolk County Registry of Deeds which is a 20% decrease over last year's October document volume." 

"During the month of October in 2021, a total of 1,590 residential and commercial real estate sales were recorded countywide, resulting in a 15% drop from the previous year's October numbers. Additionally, the total dollar volume of these residential and commercial sales decreased by 22% to $973.1 million year over year, as well as declined in the average sale price by 1% to $1,009,538." noted the Register.

Although there were less mortgages recorded the total amount of money borrowed for mortgages County wide was over 2.5 billon, a 13% increase compared to October 2020.  "While some of the mortgages are due to purchases and sales of real estate, other mortgages are due to refinancing existing mortgages.  Individuals have different motivations to refinance.  Some refinance to reduce their monthly payments, others to take some years off their debt while still others are using the money to pay for home improvements and other capital expenditures" said Register O'Donnell. 

One continuing cause for concern, however in Norfolk County, was foreclosures.   A moratorium on foreclosures in place during the pandemic in 2020 was lifted on October 17, 2020.  This moratorium was in place due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  The Norfolk County Registry of Deeds has been closely watching the foreclosure market.  O'Donnell stated, "During October of 2021 there were only 1 foreclosure deed recorded as a result of foreclosure processes taking place in Norfolk County.  

However, there were 15 Notices to Foreclosure Mortgages, the first step in the foreclosure process, recorded here in Norfolk County in October of 2021.  A foreclosure recording is very impactful on those being foreclosed on.  During October of 2020 there were 3 Foreclosure Deeds and 2 Notices to Foreclosure Mortgages filed as opposed to this year's 15 Notices to Foreclosure Mortgages."  "These numbers remind us that some of our neighbors continue to face financial challenges", said O'Donnell.  "We will continue to monitor these numbers."

Additionally, for the past several years, the Norfolk County Registry of Deeds has partnered with Quincy Community Action Programs, 617-479-8181 x376, and NeighborWorks Housing Solutions, 508-587-0950 to help anyone facing challenges paying their mortgage. Another option for homeowners is to contact the Massachusetts Attorney General's Consumer Advocacy and Response Division (CARD) at 617-727-8400. Register O'Donnell stated, "If you are having difficulty paying your monthly mortgage, please consider contacting one of these non-profit agencies for help and guidance."

Homestead recordings by owners of homes and condominiums decreased this year at the Norfolk County Registry of Deeds in October.    There was a 22% decrease in homestead recordings in October 2021 compared to October 2020.  "A Homestead," noted O'Donnell, "provides limited protection against the forced sale of an individual's primary residence to satisfy unsecured debt up to $500,000.  It is great to see folks protecting the biggest asset most of us have, our homes.  I would urge anyone who has not availed themselves of this important consumer protection tool to consider doing so.  Please visit the Registry website at  to get more information on homestead protection."

Register O'Donnell concluded, "Without question October was a disappointing month for real estate activity in Norfolk County.  Available real estate inventory continues to be a constant source of concern in Norfolk County. It's especially been a problem for first-time homebuyers attempting to crack the market. Also, things may be slowing down compared to past real estate indicators.  The Registry of Deeds was operational every work day during the pandemic.  The Registry of Deeds continues to be open to the public for business, however that is being evaluated as the COVID-19 developments unfold.  The drop-off box located at the main entrance of the Registry Building for the time being will continue to be available for use by those members of the public who may not be comfortable in entering the Registry of Deeds Building.  Land documents are being recorded electronically for many of our institutional users. We are also receiving documents in person, via regular mail, Federal Express and from those placed in our drop-off box located just outside our main entrance at 649 High Street, Dedham, MA."   

To learn more about these and other Registry of Deeds events and initiatives, like us at or follow us on and

The Norfolk County Registry of Deeds is located at 649 High Street in Dedham.  The Registry is a resource for homeowners, title examiners, mortgage lenders, municipalities and others with a need for secure, accurate, accessible land record information.  All land record research information can be found on the Registry's website  Residents in need of assistance can contact the Registry of Deeds Customer Service Center via telephone at (781) 461-6101, or email us at

Register O'Donnell Sees Decline in Norfolk County Real Estate Activity
Register O'Donnell Sees Decline in Norfolk County Real Estate Activity

GoFundMe: Help widowed disabled wife with bills and moving

Paul F Connor passed Oct 21, 2021 leaving his disabled wife Ellaree alone with the grown children living out of state. The GoFundMe is to raise money to enable a move closer to family.

Go Fund Me:  Help widowed disabled wife with bills and moving
Go Fund Me:  Help widowed disabled wife with bills and moving

Reminder: St Mary's Women's Faith Formation - Nov 13

The St. Mary's Women's Faith Formation group will be meeting via Zoom on November 13 from 9:30 - 10:30 AM.  We will be viewing a short video from the Bishop Barron series entitled "Conversion – Following the Call of Christ". During the meeting we will listen to the story of "The Woman at the Well". 

Here is a link to the Trailer provided by Bishop Barron on his Conversion series. It will give you a sense of what is coming.  

We are extending an invitation to each of you to join us. Please email Deacon Guy ( if you are interested in the  Zoom link contact information. 

St Mary's Women's Faith Formation - Nov 13
St Mary's Women's Faith Formation - Nov 13

Franklin Newcomers - Changed Plans for Wednesday's meeting - Nov 10

Come join your friends and neighbors at the Franklin Newcomers & Friends Club monthly Meeting.  Meet us upstairs at "3" Restaurant on Wednesday, November 10 at 7:30. Typically we meet the 3rd Wednesday of the month at “3” . . .  however, we switched nights this month.

Last minute substitution!! We were scheduled to have a few members of the newly elected Town Council members speak, but their meeting has been postponed to the 10th – so we will reschedule them for sometime next year.

Terri Attinello, one of our members who also works at The Little Shop of Olive Oils, will speak about olive oil and balsamic vinegars – everything from history and cultural significance, health benefits, how to use and some fun facts. We will have some different oils and vinegars to sample. Complimentary appetizers and beverages will be served and a cash bar is available.

No need to be a newcomer to the area . . . and no need to RSVP.  Come join us and have fun while you make connections in your community.  We are a multi-generational club offering a wide range of activities for all ages with an emphasis on fun and camaraderie.  We are a member driven organization and are always excited to welcome new faces and new ideas.

Residents of Franklin, or any surrounding town that doesn't have a Newcomers Club, are welcome to join us the 3rdWednesday of the month.  We run our meetings September through May.  We also hold many fun and varied events throughout the year to stay connected.  We meet at “3” Restaurant, 461 W. Central Street, Franklin, upstairs in a private room.  

So come join us on the 3rdWednesday at “3”!

Look for us on our Meetup and Facebook pages for more information. 

Franklin Newcomers & Friends
Franklin Newcomers - Changed Plans for Wednesday's meeting - Nov 10

Washington Post: "We’re losing ground against diseases we’ve already defeated"

"As we race to build global immunity against covid-19, we’re losing ground against diseases we’ve already defeated. There are two reasons for this: growing vaccine hesitancy as a result of the politicization of coronavirus vaccines, and the disruption of routine childhood inoculation.

We cannot let this persist. Health officials — and the public at large — must shore up our defenses against all diseases and keep routine childhood vaccination requirements from becoming enmeshed in our growing ideological divide.

All vaccines work in two ways: First, they build immune memory to help protect against infectious diseases and reduce our ability to transmit them. Second, they reduce the chance we come across anyone else with the disease through the same mechanism (particularly important for vulnerable people, such as the elderly or immunocompromised). That means vaccines work best when they have high rates of population uptake."
Continue reading the article online. (Subscription maybe required)

A measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine is seen t a pediatrics clinic in Greenbrae, Calif., in February 2015. (Eric Risberg/AP)
A measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine is seen t a pediatrics clinic in Greenbrae, Calif., in February 2015. (Eric Risberg/AP)

Sunday, November 7, 2021

Franklin, MA: Town Council Meeting - Agenda - November 10, 2021

Franklin Town Council
Agenda & Meeting Packet
November 10, 2021 - 7:00 PM

Meeting will be held at the Municipal Building
2nd floor, Council Chambers 355 East Central Street 


2. ELECTION OF OFFICERS – Town Council Chair, Vice-Chair & Clerk


a. This meeting is being recorded by Franklin TV and shown on Comcast channel 11 and Verizon Channel 29. This meeting may be recorded by others.
b. Chair to identify members participating remotely.
a. Citizens are welcome to express their views for up to five minutes on a matter that is not on the agenda. The Council will not engage in a dialogue or comment on a matter raised during Citizen Comments. The Town Council will give remarks appropriate consideration and may ask the Town Administrator to review the matter.
a. October 6, 2021


a. Franklin Cultural Council: Venus Senjam
b. Franklin Cultural Council: Patrick Kinner
c. Franklin Cultural Council: Shelley Green
d. Franklin Cultural Council: Jacob Juncker

9. HEARINGS - 7:10pm - None Scheduled

a. Residence Inn Boston Franklin, License Modification, Change of Manager, Officers/Directors/ LLC Managers & Change of ownership Interest, 4 Forge Parkway, Franklin, MA 02038
b. Shaw's Supermarkets, Inc. d/b/a Shaw's, License Modification, Change of Officers/Directors/LLC Managers, 255 East Central Street, Franklin, MA 02038
c. 99 Restaurants of Boston, LLC d/b/a The Ninety-Nine, License Modification, Change of Officers/Directors/LLC Managers, 847 West Central Street, Franklin, MA 02038

a. Presentation: Open Meeting Law, Public Records, Ethics and Conducting a Public Meeting - Mark Cerel, Town Attorney

a. Capital Budget Subcommittee
b. Budget Subcommittee
c. Economic Development Subcommittee

a. Resolution 21-65: Cable Funds in Support of PEG Service and Programming per MGL Ch. 44, §53F3/4 - $18,500.22 (Motion to Approve Resolution 21-65 - Majority Vote)
b. Resolution 21-66: Gift Acceptance: Veterans Service Department ($3,295.00) and Fire Department ($965.00) (Motion to Approve Resolution 21-66- Majority Vote)




a. Considering the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property, because an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the negotiating position of the Board.
i. Schmidt’s Farm, Prospect Street

Two-Thirds Vote: requires 6 votes
Majority Vote: requires majority of members present and voting 

Franklin MA: Town Council - Agenda - Nov 10, 2021
Franklin MA: Town Council - Agenda - Nov 10, 2021

Endemic? Srsly? The end is nigh – umm, or not. (Wait! What?)

by Pete Fasciano, Executive Director, Franklin●TV & wfpr●fm 11/07/2021

There’s a new word in town. Endemic. What does that mean? The not so great news is that science – and the more astute among us – are coming to grips with the notion that COVID-19 is the guest that just won’t leave. We now know how this ends. Truth? It doesn’t. It lingers. It simmers. We won’t get to achieve (and celebrate) true herd immunity after all. The virus – and its variants yet to be – will be perniciously permanent.

However, with vaccines and follow–up treatments available, not every COVID-19 case is created equal. Breakthrough cases are much milder; 10,000 vaccinated cases cause a tiny fraction of hospitalizations and deaths vs 10,000 unvaccinated cases. With endemicity—when nearly everyone has baseline immunity from either infection or vaccination—the U.S. could still be facing tens of millions of infections from COVID-19 every year, thanks to waning immunity and viral evolution.

For context, the endemic flu sickens 10 to 40 million a year, and through science we mitigate its impact. The 1918 flu killed 800,000 in 2 years among 100 million Americans. COVID-19 will likely claim a similar number among 360 million of us. The 1918 flu was almost 4 times more deadly. The infected turned purple from oxygen starvation; dying within a day. Yet, then as now, masks were an issue of heated debate.

So, what’s the callous money play here? Bet on science. That’s what the stock market is doing. It’s telling us that the virus is here to stay, and mitigation will become a matter of ongoing personal vigilance. Our annual flu shot might include COVID-19. Conversely, COVID-19 treatments in capsule form might also be developed for the flu.  The war on vaccines is a false flag. Please vaccinate. It’s science. It’s safe. It’s the smart play.

And –  as always –
Thank you for listening to wfpr●fm. 
And, thank you for watching. 
Get this week's program guide for Franklin.TV and Franklin Public Radio ( online  or for archive purposes

Check out the endemic entry on wikipedia and find link to the other related terms. Let's hope we don't get to a state of "syndemic"

Endemic? Srsly?  The end is nigh – umm, or not.  (Wait! What?)
Endemic? Srsly?  The end is nigh – umm, or not.  (Wait! What?)

Winter Farmers Market is around the corner

Bummed already that the summer Farmers Market is no longer available. Yup, that happens this time of year. However, there is hope.

Shared from Facebook:

Winter Farmers Market is around the corner
Winter Farmers Market is around the corner

FHS boys soccer drop match, girls soccer win in OT to advance on Saturday

Via @HockomockSports and Twitter, we share the results of the FHS fall sports playoff action on Saturday, Nov 6, 2021   

Boys Soccer - Division 1 = #26 Franklin, 1 @ #7 Framingham, 2 – Final

Girls Soccer - Division 1 = #29 Reading, 0 @ #2 Franklin, 1 – Final (OT) 
– Freshman Kelly O’Connor popped up with a clutch header in the first overtime period to lift the Panthers to a win in their playoff opener. After a scoreless game that saw Franklin pick up its intensity in the second half and OT, Stella Regan played a ball into the box and O’Connor was there to head in the winner in her playoff debut. Franklin advances to host No. 13 Brookline on Tuesday.

For other results around the Hockomock League

FHS boys soccer drop match, girls soccer win in OT to advance on Saturday
FHS boys soccer drop match, girls soccer win in OT to advance on Saturday

MSTCA Frank Mooney Cross Country Meet results - 11/06/21

Coach Bailey (@FranklinHSXC) tweeted Sat, Nov 06, 2021:

Live results from the Mooney Meet  ->

Shared from Twitter:

The Mooney meet is a series of cross country races run by school class year (frosh girls,  boys; soph girls, boys; etc.) Assuming the team enters at least five runners, a team score is calculated. 

pack of runners in the Hock Championships boys race
pack of runners in the Hock Championships boys varsity race

Join the Downtown Partnership in "Light Up Downtown Franklin and Beyond!"


The Franklin Downtown Partnership is inviting everyone to participate in “Light Up Downtown Franklin and Beyond” with lights and winter decorations in businesses from Nov. 20 to Jan. 31 from 4:30 PM to 9 PM.

Join the Downtown Partnership in "Light Up Downtown Franklin and Beyond!"
 "Light Up Downtown Franklin and Beyond!"

Shared from the Franklin Downtown Partnership page

In Person Pet First Aid & CPR class - Nov 27 & Nov 28

Join us for a 100% In Person Pet First Aid & CPR class on Saturday, November 27, 2021 and Sunday, November 28, 2021 at Destination Dog from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM both days.

Cost = $80
There are multiple sessions available with options for hybrid or in person. Check out the full schedule ->
During the course you will learn the following:
  • What is Pet First Aid?
  • Pet Parenting 101 - Your Pet's Baselines
  • Good Tips for Problem Prevention
  • Vitals and Head to Tail Checks
  • Proper Handling, Restraint and Transport of an injured animal
  • Creating a Disaster Preparedness Plan
  • Choking Management
  • CPR vs. CPCR
  • Which style of CPR is appropriate for your pets
  • First Aid: Illnesses & Injuries including:
  • Heat Stroke and Frostbite
  • Dehydration
  • Severe Bleeding
  • Bandaging various body parts
  • Mouth & Lip Injuries/Illnesses
  • Injected & Ingested Poisoning
  • Drowning
  • Snake Bites
  • Intestinal Distress
  • Allergic Reactions and Bites/Stings
  • Shock & Seizures
  • Bloat
Class materials and a practice pack, including $20 in take home materials will be given to you during the in person class.
At the conclusion of class you will receive a Certification of Completion wall certificate and wallet card good for 2 years. We look forward to teaching you these very valuable skills and helping you truly be your pet's best friend.

For more about Destination Dog ->

In Person Pet First Aid & CPR class - Nov 27 & Nov 28
In Person Pet First Aid & CPR class - Nov 27 & Nov 28

Joint Statement from MSAA and M.A.S.S.

MSAA (@MSAA_33) tweeted  Fri, Nov 05, 2021:  @massupt and @MSAA_33 Release Joint Statement

"We stand ready to work collectively to make our schools a place where respect and civility are the norm."

For full statement ->

Shared from ->

November 5, 2021 –

A Joint Statement from the Massachusetts Schools Administrators’ Association (MSAA) and the Massachusetts Association of School Superintendents (M.A.S.S.):

"Superintendents and principals understood that the pandemic would not just impact our students’ academic growth but more importantly, interfere with their social and emotional development.

The adult behavior toward a LGBTQ student in Franklin and the student attack on a principal in Boston only highlight what we see in the number of dis regulated students and adults in our school community right now. These behaviors are unacceptable. 

Personal threats, verbal outbursts, and physical assaults have been escalating, creating threatening situations. It is not hyperbole to say that our school and district leaders are navigating through dangerously uncharted waters fueled by these emotions. Equally, we all need to realize that many of our young people are dealing with their own trauma and it requires an entire community to help them deal with this disruptive time in their lives.

We all need to reduce the vitriol in our communication and realize that our students are watching how we adults behave. We stand ready to work collectively to make our schools a place where respect and civility are the norm."

Joint Statement from MSAA and M.A.S.S.
Joint Statement from MSAA and M.A.S.S.


Charter School Applications Available

Applications for the 2022-2023 school year at the Benjamin Franklin Classical Charter Public School are now available ->
You can learn more about this regional public charter school for students in Kindergarten through Grade Eight by visiting
Charter School Applications Available
Charter School Applications Available

Shared from Facebook

Saturday, November 6, 2021

Franklin, MA: School Committee Meeting - Nov 9, 2021

School Committee Meeting 
Municipal Building - Council Chambers 
 (Virtual Link in Agenda)

Call to Order 
Pledge of Allegiance
Moment of Silence
  • Election of Chair
  • Election of Vice Chair
I. Routine Business
  • A. Review of Agenda
  • B. Citizen’s Comments
In the spirit of open communication, “the Committee will hold a public participation segment (also called Citizen’s Comments) about matters not related to an agenda item at the beginning of each regular School Committee meeting. The Committee will listen to, but not respond to any comment made…. A Committee member may add an agenda item to a future meeting as a result of a citizen comment…. The Committee will hear public comments related to an agenda item when the Chair deems appropriate during the Committee meeting. Topics for discussion during the meeting must be limited  to those items listed on the Committee meeting agenda for that evening…. ” - from Policy BEDH
C. FHS Student Representative Comments
D. Superintendent’s Report
II. Guests/Presentations
  • A. none
III. Discussion/Action Items
A. Policy 2nd Reading/Adoption
I recommend adopting policy GCRD - Tutoring for Pay as detailed.
IV. Discussion Only Items
A. Superintendent Update on DESE Mask Waiver for FHS
V. Information Matters
A. School Committee Sub-Committee Reports (e.g. Ad Hoc Supt. Evaluation, Budget, Community Relations/Public Schools Advocacy, Policy, Transportation)
B. School Committee Liaison Reports (e.g. Joint PCC, Substance Abuse Task Force, School Wellness Advisory Council)
VI. New Business
A. To discuss any future agenda items
VII. Consent Agenda
A. Approval of Minutes
I recommend approval of the minutes from the October 26, 2021 School Committee Meeting as detailed.
B. Athletics Gift
I recommend acceptance of a check for $1,000.00 from the NE Patriots Foundation for Supplemental curriculum materials as detailed.
VIII. Payment of Bills TBD
IX. Payroll TBD
X. Executive Session
a. Executive session pursuant to Purpose 1 (M.G.L. c.30A, §21(a)(1)) to consider an Open Meeting Law complaint against public officers, namely the members of the School Committee, filed with the Committee by Christina Black and dated October 29, 2021.
b. Pursuant to M.G.L. c. 30A, §21(a)(3) to discuss strategy with respect to litigation as an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the litigating position of the public body and the chair so declares.
c. Pursuant to M.G.L. c. 30A, §21(a)(3) to discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining with the FEA/RN unit as an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining position of the School Committee and the chair so declares.
XI. Adjournment

Franklin, MA: School Committee Meeting - Nov 9, 2021
Franklin, MA: School Committee Meeting - Nov 9, 2021