Wednesday, June 24, 2009

"It's really the Medway-Franklin library"

Milford Daily News
Posted Jun 23, 2009 @ 08:30 PM


Franklin's library director will take on a second directorship at Medway Public Library next month, the first step in regionalization efforts between the two towns, said Selectman Dennis Crowley.

In three separate votes, Medway Town Meeting opted to appropriate money for its library, to hire Franklin Public Library Director Felicia Oti as Medway's library director, and regionalization costs, Crowley said.

The separate votes were intended to protect funding for the library, in case the town voted down regionalization, he said.

Oti will work 16 hours per week for Medway, and her duties are still to be determined, Crowley said, "but she will be the library director for the town of Medway."

"This really is all about regionalization. Cities and towns can't continue, with taxes (as they are), to be the lone wolf any longer. We need to find a way to cut overhead," Crowley said.

read the full article on the regionalization effort for the library in the Milford Daily News

We were the first public library in the USA, we might as well be the first regional library in MA.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

School Committee Mtg 06/23/09

This is the collection of live reporting from the School Committee meeting held on Tuesday, June 23, 2009.

Live reporting - Closing

6. New Business
To discuss future business that may be brought before the School Committee.

Cafasso - compliments to the Teachers union for accepting the sacrifice, to the negotiating committees for working out the deal. Now that that has been completed there are somethings that have been on my mind. The School District is under intense stress about time, no less responsibilities. Tried to avoid reductions in staff but haven't been able to. It is all about time, the teachers are seeking what they need, the principals are seeking to fulfill their needs. I urge the Administration and the Committee to make an interested based, collaborative discussion to discuss budget savings, to see what can be done. Pursue an interest based problems to resolve rather than looking to strike certain language. There has been a lot of rhetoric. We need to change our mindset to come around to the new reality.

One thing I found upsetting were the personal attacks on the Committee Chair. I will not put up with these. Jeff ROy has done more for this committee, this district than anyone. For people to hide behind their anonymous comments in chat rooms and blogs, I do not approve it.

Roy - a note of thanks from Patrick Slight
Trahan - we got personal notes from Brittany McLeod

Sabolinski - thank you, this is our last meeting for the school year, thankyou for all you do for the kids and the community.

7. Executive Session
Contractual Negotiations - motion to enter, not to return to public session
approved 6-0

Live reporting - Superintendent update

Superintendent’s Report
  • MSBA - letters provided to Town Administrator, Building Committee has been established, feasibility study to be funded by Town Council, project manager to be on the approved listing from the State, if we go a different way it would need to be justified
  • Stimulus Money - were counting on $448,000 now down to 218,000; may not comeback as the foundation money total had been reduced and the stimulus money was to help bring us to the foundation level
  • Special Education - Supreme court case on Special Ed funding is interesting and troubling

Live reporting - action items

4. Action Items
  1. I recommend acceptance of three checks from the Remington PCC totaling $376.76 for field trips as detailed. motion to accept, approved 6-0
  2. I recommend acceptance of the donation of the installation of a flagpole from the 5th grade students for the Parmenter Elementary School. motion to accept, approved 6-0
  3. I recommend acceptance of a check for $800.00 from the ASMS PCC for buses for an 8th grade field trip. motion to accept, approved 5-0, 1 abstention (Rhorbach)
  4. I recommend adoption of the Town-School Agreement as detailed. motion to accept, approved 6-0
  5. I recommend acceptance of a Japanese Maple Tree from the FHS Young Democrats Club. motion to accept, approved 6-0
  6. I recommend approval of Budget Transfers as detailed. motion to accept, approved 6-0

Live reporting - Audit actions, budget, FY 10

3. Discussion Only Items
  • Town – School Agreement
  • Budget to Actual
  • FY10 Budget
Notes on #1

Goodman - review of the agreement between the Town and School to formalize and eliminate the forensic audit recommendation.

For example; custodial expenses by the Town for the schools behalf have been formalized to be charged appropriately. The Technology staff is paid initially by the Schools and charged across to the Town. Both sides should be reviewing this agreement on an annual basis.

The end of year report will be used to calculate the "net school spending" amount that the State uses to track how well we are doing. As referenced during the budget discussions, this amount is getting close to the State minimum required level.

Rohrbach - where does the Charter School fit in?
Goodman - it is a factor on the Town side for the "net school spending" calculation. Let me get a better analysis of how it fits. It is a pass through charge that we don't control.

Sabolinski - we think this is a fair representation of the operations and shared expenses between the Town and Schools.

Cafasso - You're coming up on a year?
Goodman - just over a year, we have a good healthy working relationship and I look to see it maintained.
Cafasso - Thank you, I feel more comfortable with the finances you have presented this past year.

Rohrbach - it is great to have this down and documented, it will be a good reference for future.

#3 - State level updates
Chapter 70 cut 2%
Stimulus funds were also cut
Town needs to determine how to split/absorb the cuts between the Town and Schools
Circuit breaker reduced from 60% to around 38-42% that's another $274,000 cut
Since these numbers are still fluid, the budget sub-committee needs to continue to review and await some unanswered questions before making final decisions

Cafasso - we need to see a kind of menu of items and associated dollars that could be considered.

Roy - with the Teachers agreement we were getting down to about 500,000

Sabolinski - it looks like we can add back about 23 positions based upon money that is confirmed and not changing.

Sherlock - I am a little confused. Is the 800,000 shortage Jeff Nutting had referenced now closer to the 1.1 million just discussed, or if this was in addition to the 800,000. If I understand it correctly, it is now closer to a 1.1 million short fall to the total Franklin budget. It remains to be see how it gets split between the Town and Schools.

Roy - good point, there were 60 notified, based on the numbers this far, approx 23 may be able to be returned leaving still 40-plus would be lost positions

My explanation added after the meeting: The School Committee and Administration were talking of adding teachers back based upon the consideration that 60 had been notified and were being cut. I had been working from a difference reference point. So if the School Committee had gotten their piece of the budget shortfall reduced to about 500,000 and the Town now needs to split the 1.1 million (up from the 800,000 previously discussed), then the School side could end up with another 550,000 to look to adjust the budget to cover. Coincidentally, that works out to be about 1 million to cover which could mean those teachers (that Sabolinski mentioned) aren't coming back. With such a fluid situation, all I can say is stay tuned in.

Armenio - parents should plan on program fees could still be increased and additional programs could still be cut until we have that final number.

Trahan - I agree we should keep things open until we have a final number, they should stay tuned.

Live reporting - Community Health Council update

Community Health Council Update – Michele Kingsland-Smith

Here is the summary report that Michele referenced as providing to the School Committee:

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