Alcoholic Beverage License-Failure to Pass Compliance Check – 7:10 PM
Franklin Wine and Spirits
Chief Semerjian providing additional info
Owners: We take it very seriously, 30 plus years of experience, beyond disheartening that this happened at this location. There have been no other violations. There is a license transfer pending for ownership reasons.
Q - Councilor Roy: What training have you had?
Owners: We have had the TIPS training, the Police have been very helpful to provide information on what to look for, clock with up to date approval time. Hard to believe that someone with 30 years of experience.
Q - Councilor Jones: how does this violation work with the pending sale/
A - Counsel Cerel: The issue does not transfer with the license, it is really held to the individual
motion to approve, passed 9-0 license suspended for this Saturday
N. Council Comments
Oct 23, Senior Center tax relief programs
Ground breaking great event, well attended
thanks for attending the ground breaking
thanks to those who put the day together
The Building Hearing will be holding a public meeting on Nov 14th in the Council Chambers. An update on the project, the different phases, traffic patterns, etc.
Architect, Project Manager, Contractor will all be present. Will also be televised via Franklin TV
Negotiations, Litigation, Real Property, as May Be Required
Motion to go to executive session for purchase of property, open session will return
approved 8-0, Roy recuse
the Council left to use Room 205 and will return to the Council Chambers when the executive session has completed