1. Routine Business
Citizen’s Comments
Review of Agenda
Minutes: I recommend approval of the minutes from the December 8, 2009 School Committee Meeting.
Payment of Bills Mr. Glynn
Payroll Mrs. Douglas
FHS Student Representatives
Correspondence: Budget to Actual – Miriam Goodman
2. Guests/Presentations
a. War Memorial Recognition
1. DT – Anna Kelley/Gr. 5
2. Jefferson – Judi Johnson/Teacher, Beth Raffin/ PCC Pres., Mikayla/Gr. 2 & Trevor/Gr. 4
3. Keller – Ruthann McHugh/Teacher, Collin Kane/ Student Council & Andrew Purdy/ Student Council
4. Oak St – Katelyn Pokorny/Gr. 5
5. Parmenter – Aprile Albertelli Teacher/Judi Bassignani Principal, Dominic Giardini/Gr.6, Nicholas Gnaman/Gr.5, & Alexa Cornetta/Gr. 4
6. HMMS – Rob Vacca/Teacher
7. ASMS – Ashley Gatchell/Gr. 8
8. RMS – Kathy Goodwin/Teacher
9. FHS – Vince Pellegri & Andrew Travers - graduates
b. Best Buddies Grant Awards
1. Sue Streeter
c. Community Health Council / Middle School Teen Angels
1. Lisa Keohane / Students
d. FHS World Challenge – Trip to Peru
1. Peter Light, Chelsea Barnard, Advisors from World Challenge
3. Discussion Only Items
Policy - Regulation of Motor Vehicle Idling on School Grounds
Policy - First Readings:
ACE – Non-Discrimination on the basis of Disability
ADA – School District Goals and Objectives
Policy – Second Readings:
BIBA – School Committee Conferences, Conventions & Workshops
BID – School Committee Member Compensation & Expenses
BGF –Suspension of Policies
DJA – Purchasing Authority
The Race To The Top Program
4. Action Items
a. I recommend acceptance of a check for $300.85 from Barnes & Noble for the Horace Mann for In-house enrichment.
b. I recommend acceptance of the donation of 3 cameras & a Recorder/VCR valued at $2496.48 from Mr. Robert Salzberg of Resh, Inc. for the Davis Thayer Elementary School.
c. I recommend approval of the proposed trip to Peru in June/July 2011 as detailed.
d. I recommend adoption of Policy BIBA – School Committee Conferences, Conventions & Workshops.
e. I recommend adoption of Policy BID – School Committee Member Compensation & Expenses
f. I recommend adoption of Policy BGF –Suspension of Policies.
g. I recommend adoption of Policy DJA – Purchasing Authority.
h. I recommend acceptance of a check for $1877.32 from Lifetouch for the Remington Gift Account for supplies.
i. I recommend acceptance of a check for $250.00 from Maura Schaeffer-Tobin for the Jacqueline A Schaeffer Memorial Theatre Arts Scholarship Fund at the FHS.
j. I recommend approval of the request of Brad Sidwell for the recurring field trip for the FHS Wrestling Team Competition in Eason, PA from 1/22-23/2010 as detailed.
k. I recommend acceptance of two checks for $414.29 and $70.96 (totaling $485.25) from Follett for Library & Supplemental Curriculum Materials for the JF Kennedy Elementary School.
l. I recommend acceptance of the Best Buddies Grants as detailed.
m. I recommend acceptance of a check for $200.00 from the Franklin Democratic Town Committee for the FHS Young Democrats’ Club.
n. I recommend that Franklin not participate in the Race To The Top Program.
o. I recommend approval of the request of the HMMS Ski Club for their recurring trip to Mt. Sunapee, NH on January 23, 2010 as detailed.
p. I recommend approval of the request of Ms. Neal for 5 ALP students to travel to the RI Rock Wall in Lincoln, RI to participate in a leadership program with the YMCA.
5. Information Matters
Superintendent’s Report
a. Race To The Top
b. H1N1
c. DESE Financial Review
d. Snow Fallout / Sidewalks
School Committee Sub-Committee Reports
School Committee Liaison Reports
6. New Business
To discuss future business that may be brought before the School Committee.
7. Executive Session
Contractual Negotiations
8. Adjourn