Present: Padula, Kelly, Vallee, Pfeffer, Bissanti, Dellorco, Jones, Mercer (via remote), Pellegri (although in role of Town Clerk)
Absent: None
swearing in ceremony
Town Clerk Debbie Pellegri swears in the new Town Council |
Motion to nominate Kelly as Chair
seconded, passed 8-0 as role call
Jones made motion to nominate Mercer as vice chair, Dellorco seconded
Bissanti made motion to nominate Vallee as vice chair, Padula seconded
- Bissanti voted for Vallee
- Dellorco voted to Mercer
- Jones voted for Mercer
- Mercer voted for Mercer
- Padula voted for Vallee
- Pfeffer voted for Vallee
- Vallee voted for Vallee
- Kelly (Chair) voted for Mercer
4-4 tie
move to schedule new vote when the full Council is seat
motion passed 8-0 via roll call
Motion to nominate Pfeffer as Council Clerk
motion to close nomination, 8-0 via roll call
seconded, passed 8-0 via roll call
approval of minutes for Oct 7
motion to approve, seconded, 7-0 via roll call (Jones abstain - wasn't present)
approval of minutes for Oct 21
motion to approve, seconded, 7-0 via roll call (Jones abstain - wasn't present)
Town Council Dec meeting moved to Dec 9
fiscal tax hearing
alternate planning board position open, contact no later than Nov
Nov 14, public hearing at Library on the open space and recreation
with no Vice Chair, issue of schedule
Citizens Comments
Helen Chalk, speaking on the Spectra pipeline, looking for Council input on issue
Jim Hill, 120 signatures on a petition and packet on fracked gas
organizing against the Spectra pipeline
30" extension of pipeline running through 21 towns
proposed utility bill tariff means the utility users actually pay for the pipeline
Karen Lavery
commenting against the Spectra pipeline
no many people are aware of what is possible
119 folks have signed an online petition (as of a few minutes ago)
surprised that there hasn't been more information surrounding this issue
Gail Chirdon
what is the process to get special meeting with the Council before Christmas
Donald Parsling
asking for a meeting on the Spectra pipeline
focus should be more on renewable energy
Paul Sacky (?)
I haven't heard why we should have the pipeline
- Finance Committee - David Moses
resident since 1998, volunteer with Franklin Youth Hockey
motion to approve, seconded, 8-0 via roll call
Ken Norman
Rose Turco
motion to approve, seconded, 8-0 via roll call
no hearings, no license transaction,
Legislation for action
- establishment for school store resolving account
motion to approve, seconded, 8-0 via roll call
Town Administrator's report
will be in touch to get a meeting on the pipeline after the new year
downtown project wrapping up for this season
back in April to do the bridge and Main St
Dean college cross walk moved, there are stop signs at the end of Emmons
the lights will be activated there eventually
OPEB obligation being reviewed next week
next meeting next Weds, then Dec 9th
Nov 29th - holiday event on the Town Common
Old business
Padula - thanks for the paint donations to get the containers painted at the recycling center
New business
discussion on the Dec 9th meeting, looking at the 10th instead
fiscal tax hearing on this night
with the expansion of power plant, and the pipeline coming, can we get a special attorney to help us
Nutting has reached out hopeful of having an answer next week
Jones, Dellorco
get them here as soon as possible
Wachusett st lot, expanding parking
Nutting - the work in not complete, you will come in the regular spot and turn right, the driveway won't be used as an entrance. it is still a work in progress
discussion on getting the children more involved with the election process
perhaps a contest, open to all children, how to use the South meeting house for a public purpose
have an open house to let folks see what the possibilities are
Nutting to check with school folks
Councilor Comments
Jones - thanks for all the voters to turn out last week, thanks to my wife and kids, and all my friends
Dellorco - thanks to all voters, thanks to my wife and kids
Bissanti - thanks, it was intriguing to get social media involved, we are hearing of you and seeing you know
Pfeffer - thanks to all the voters and my family; thanks to Steve Lombardi for all his work for the town who just retired
Padula - thanks, I am humbled to be back here, I am looking forward to another 2 years
Vallee - no comments
Mercer - thanks to all, my wife and others for their help, looking forward to the next couple of years
even though the Clerk was elected, she can't hold a council position until the recount is completed
there will be a resolution to compensate her for her extra time
(Debbie was still in the audience)
Kelly- thanks to the almost 20% of the voters who came out and participate in the democratic process, thanks for your confidence in me as the Chair, I am fortunate to sit among an amazing group of councilors. I couldn't be working with better folks for the next two years
motion to adjourn, seconded, passed 8-0 via roll call