Hello Everyone!

Staying Connected
Link to the Senior Center - https://www.franklinma.gov/fsc
Link to the Senior Center Calendar https://www.franklinma.gov/node/39/events/day
Link to Franklin Matters - https://www.franklinmatters.org/ and www.franklin.news
Link to the Town's webpage - https://www.franklinma.gov/
Link to Mass.Gov COVID - https://www.mass.gov/info-details/covid-19-updates-and-information
Save the Date:
The Metro North Alzheimer's Partnership Virtual Education Program. Care Partner Overload and Burnout Syndrome on May 26th from 10-11:30 am presented by Tammy Pozerycki. This program is open to caregivers, families, professionals and general audiences. People can register by calling the Helpline at 1-800-272-3900 or REGISTER HERE
You will be asked to create a free account in order to register.
National Senior Health & Fitness Day 5/26th - It happens to be National Senior Health and Fitness Day on May 26th! What better way to get moving and kickoff your Spring than keeping your mind & body healthy! Join us at the Enclave in Franklin for a fun filled day of exercise, education, healthy snacks and great company. Meet the team of our partner agencies who work so hard to enhance the wellbeing of our residents. Fox Rehab will present the "Benefits of Exercise" and Barbara, our Lifestyles Director, will get you moving and grooving with a group fitness activity outside. *Activities will have proper social distancing and attendees are required to wear masks for safety. ENJOY: Tasty snacks | Hydration stations | Health screenings Mobility equipment checks | Goodie bags with swag and more! Please register by calling the Concierge at 508-520-1150
We have a TON of amazing events both in person and on zoom. Please make sure to check the upcoming events below to sign up and register as space is limited for many programs!
Natural Gas prices to increase through 2022. Here's why:
30 minute chair exercise routine for seniors or beginners
More unusual and strange musical instruments
Jeffry Li sings "You Raise Me Up" on America's Got Talent. This gave me goosebumps!
Unique vocal stylings - how do they do that?!?!
Just for Fun
Test your eye power. How sharp are they?
Having a dog in your life is the best decision
The difference between Chinese, Japanese and Korean chopsticks
Animals can be jerks - funny animal videos
Don't go rafting without at Baptist in the boat - Jeanne Robertson
Kindness Matters
Deaf man moved to tears when neighbors learn sign language to talk to him
Motorcycle group visits a young girls lemonade stand to thank her Mom for saving their lives
People's reactions to paintings of their loved ones who have passed away - Get the tissues ready for this.
Upcoming Events email adoggett@franklinma.gov to attend unless noted otherwise.
*Monday - Cafe' opens indoors! YOU MUST CALL AHEAD to reserve a seat.
*Monday at 1:30pm - Monday Matinee, News Of The World with Tom Hanks. Call to register
*Tuesday 11-1 - Tailgate Tuesday- order lunch at the curbside cafe and stay for a picnic with
friends in the parking lot. Bring a blanket or a chair for comfort.
*Tuesday at 5pm - Quarantini Time a virtual, social, cocktail hour.
*Tuesday at 1pm - Audio Book Club- email mgunderson@franklinma.gov
*Wed. 9:00 Wellness RN
9:45 Chair Yoga
11:00 Zumba
1:00 Senior Scribblers
1:15 Healthy Sleep
*Thursday 8:30 Sr. Coffee Hour
9:30 Chair w/ Shirley
10:00 Virtual Chair w/Judi
10:00 Discussion Group
11:00 Cardio
12:30 Painting Space
*Thursday at 1pm -Bingo IN PERSON call to register 508-520-4945
*Thursday at 1:30 - Franklin Matters Q & A with Steve Sherlock - via zoom
*Thursday at 6:30pm - Name That Tune! The BEST game show around! Email
adoggett@franklinma.gov to register for this zoom event.
*Friday at 11am - Sunshine Zoom - for members with memory loss - 1 hour of socialization,
games and activities.
*Friday at 12:30 - Finding Easy Walks with Marjorie Turner Hollman -Marjorie Turner Hollman is a writer who loves the outdoors and has completed three guides to easy walking trails in Massachusetts. She has recently released her latest book, Finding Easy Walks Wherever You Are. With limited mobility, she uses hiking poles when heading outdoors. She has been published in local, regional, and national publications. Join us for this FREE zoom event. Email adoggett@franklinma.gov to register to attend.
*Friday: at 11am - Cafe' is open! You must register to come for lunch
Link to the Franklin Senior Center Calendar :
https://www.franklinma.gov/node/39/events/month or our newsletter
Attached you will find Donna's fun filled activity pages!
So many great things are happening in town and at the Franklin Senior Center! We look forward to seeing you all in person and online. Please remember:
Upon entering the Franklin Senior Center you will be required to scan or sign in, fill out a COVID questionnaire, have your temperature taken, wear a properly fitting mask over your mouth and nose at ALL times and remain socially distanced. We greatly appreciate your assistance in following these rules so we can continue to move forward with our scaled and mindful opening based on the rules we MUST follow! Please do NOT move chairs or remove signs marking appropriate social distancing.
The rules are in place for legal and safety reasons. Breaking them makes you a fun ruiner and we will ask you to leave and ban you until the mask requirements are lifted by our Board Of Health for our building if you refuse. Seriously don't be "that person" that gets us shut down for everyone!
Stay safe, kind and responsible!
Please feel free to share this email with anyone you think might enjoy it. If you want me to add someone to the email blast list just send me a message with their email in it.
When searching for information about the Coronavirus, COVID-19 please use caution! Unfortunately there are many false sites that contain viruses and malware that can threaten your computer. Many look like real sites. Your best bet is to go directly to the CDC, WHO or your local government page (links below).
For those of you who attend our Memory Cafe events I invite you to learn more about attending a VIRTUAL Memory Cafe through Zoom! There are many options to choose from.