Saturday, December 1, 2012

12 Days of Donating: Day 2

On Day 2 of the "12 Days of Donating", let's continue to look back through the events of the year and see how much we can be thankful for in Franklin.

In February, while the big news was that the Town Council set the date for the debt exclusion vote for the new Franklin High School, that seemed to overshadow the Library being decertified by the MA Board of Library Governors.  We will spend more time on the new high school in March but for now recall the issue of the Library decertification.

Franklin: Where am I? #12

First word came from outside

The "Municipal Appropriate Requirement" became a new term to understand

The MDN gets into the issue

Digging back into the Budget cycle for FY 2012 didn't reveal much discussion about the cuts that were made

The Library was recertified early in April.

During the decertification period, the Library was open to all but the lending of books were only available to Franklin residents. Franklin residents were also prevented from obtaining materials from the interlibrary loan program. Franklin has applied for a new waiver from the MAR requirements for FY 2013 and we won;t find out until later if that will be approved.

So how does this related to the 12 Days of Donating? Money, it all takes money. From the Franklin budget to our personal budget to feed and fund our family life, money is a key resource. The Franklin Food Elves are combining forces with the Franklin Downtown Partnership for the “12 Days of Donating” campaign to benefit the Franklin Food Pantry. Donation bins are available at these participating businesses:

  • Berry Insurance, 9 Main St.
  • Chestnut Dental Associates, 38 Pond St.
  • Dean Bank, 21 Main St.
  • Dean College, Campus Center
  • DCU, 500 West Central St.
  • East Coast Driving School, 25 East Central St.
  • Emma’s Quilt Cupboard, 12 Main St.
  • Franklin Downtown Partnership Office, 9 East Central St.
  • Jane’s Frames, 11 East Central St.
  • Murphy Business, 15 East Central St.
  • RE/MAX Executive Realty, 445 Franklin Village Dr.
You can also make a donation securely through the Franklin Food Pantry web page

"a cause to rally around"

The Franklin Food Elves are back for another round of "12 Days of Donating". The Milford Daily News reports on their efforts for the Franklin Food Pantry:
"It’s not the stereotypical family coming in here," Sottile said. "It’s the neighbors; it’s the people who are working. You could have both parents working and still not make enough money to provide." 
Erin Lynch, the food pantry’s developmental director, said Friday the drive brings in the whole town. 
"We love to see the community come together on this," Lynch said. "You can always accomplish more together. This event shows that when you work as a team, you can maximize your resources for the greatest results." 
She added, "When you look at the ways something like this benefits the community, it’s not just the recipients here at the food pantry: It’s any organization that needs help. When you have kids learn they can make a difference, it benefits everybody."

Read more:

More about the Food Elves and the Franklin Downtown Partnership

Disclosure: I am honored to lead the Board of the Directors for the Franklin Food Pantry and thoroughly approve of the efforts of the Franklin Food Elves. Franklin does matter!

You made the Holiday Stroll a great success!

from Lisa Piana Executive Director of the Franklin Downtown Partnership:

Thank you to everyone who participated in the Holiday Stroll last night..
Hundreds of people turned out to enjoy the sights and sounds of the 4th Annual Holiday Stroll in downtown Franklin yesterday. Visitors were treated to hot chocolate, carols, handbells, arts and crafts, wreaths, a visit from Santa, stories from Mrs. Claus, lighted trees, gingerbread cookies, holiday music and much more!

The Stroll was made possible by our generous sponsors and the tireless efforts of co-chairs Cindy Kozil and Roberta Trahan and a large number of volunteer elves.

Many thanks to our Gold Sponsors Dean Bank and DCU
Silver Sponsors D.G. Ranieri Real Estate, Local Town Pages Franklin and Middlesex Savings Bank and Bronze Sponsors Franklin Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts and Simon's Furniture

We also thank the Franklin Police Department who skillfully kept traffic moving and Strollers safe. And to DPW who made the downtown look so good.

Preschool Exploration Open House

Preschool Exploration Open House

Franklin, MA Dean College Children's Center will host an Exploration Open House on January 14, 2013 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Parents of preschool children ages 2 ½ years old through 5 years old are encouraged to stop by during exploration hours, bring their child to explore the school, and learn about our program.

Innovative and progressive, the school is NAEYC accredited and well known in the community for an excellent preschool experience. Dean Children's Center has an adult to child ratio of 1:5 and has credentialed teachers as well as teachers-in-training. The center has a professional, caring environment where young children learn through hands-on exploration and enjoy enrichment programs in science, puppetry, music and dance.

Applications are now being accepted for preschool enrollment. An NAEYC Accredited program, the Children's Center serves as an inspiring environment for children and a lab school for Early Childhood Education at Dean College. Dean Children's Center uses a developmental approach which reflects education research in child development and peer conflict resolution. "We are a regional resource to parents and educators on peer conflict resolution in young children and our lab school is a demonstration site for best practices in early education of children" states Director Faith Nickolas.

Dean College Children's Center located at 144 School Street in Franklin. For more information, call 508-541-1598

Man suffers serious injuries in fall from tree in Franklin

Sent to you by Steve Sherlock via Google Reader:

via The Milford Daily News News RSS by Matt Tota/Daily News staff on 11/30/12

A man was flown by medical rescue helicopter Friday morning to UMass Memorial Medical Center in Worcester after a fall from a tree, fire officials said.

Things you can do from here:

Friday, November 30, 2012

12 Days of Donating: Day 1

On Day 1 of the "12 Days of Donating", let's look back through the events of the year and see how much we can be thankful for in Franklin.

In January, the Historical Museum celebrated the birthday of Benjamin Franklin. Vera Meyer returned to glass the glass harmonica which had been one of Ben's inventions.

Franklin Historical Museum - 2

You can view additional photos from the birthday party here:

The Franklin Food Elves are combining forces with the Franklin Downtown Partnership for the “12 Days of Donating” campaign to benefit the Franklin Food Pantry. Donation bins are available at these participating businesses:
  • Berry Insurance, 9 Main St.
  • Chestnut Dental Associates, 38 Pond St.
  • Dean Bank, 21 Main St.
  • Dean College, Campus Center
  • DCU, 500 West Central St.
  • East Coast Driving School, 25 East Central St.
  • Emma’s Quilt Cupboard, 12 Main St.
  • Franklin Downtown Partnership Office, 9 East Central St.
  • Jane’s Frames, 11 East Central St.
  • Murphy Business, 15 East Central St.
  • RE/MAX Executive Realty, 445 Franklin Village Dr.
You can also make a donation securely through the Franklin Food Pantry web page

Alan Procknow: Franklin's Industrial Revolution

Alan Procknow, a senior majoring in History at Dean College, presented this study during the Holiday Stroll at the Franklin Historical Museum, Thursday Nov 29, 2012.

The Franklin Historical Museum web page can be found here:

or on Facebook

Holiday Stroll - Photo essay

The bargain of the day was the Christmas wreaths being sold by the Friends of Franklin to benefit the Franklin Food Pantry.

At $5, they wreaths were moving quickly. This one is already hanging on my front door! (For the very observant, yes, I did change the photo. The wreath by daylight looked so much better than in the night view I originally had here.)

The Mount St. Charles Handbell Choir performed and explained their process at Dean Bank

The Franklin Art Center was alight and welcoming!

A great holiday idea is the Franklin Calendar. Available at the Franklin Art Center $15. Each month displays a different work of art in and around Franklin.

The downtown was busy with families and a festive spirit in the cool evening air.

At the Franklin Historical Museum, Mrs Claus had a circle of young folks listening with great attention. Everyone leaving her area left with big smiles!

Alan Procknow, a senior majoring in History at Dean College, presented on Franklin's role in the Industrial Revolution. A link to the presentation document will be added here.

It was a good night be in and around downtown Franklin. There were other places I could have stopped but time was short and there was so much to do! Albeit cool, the weather was good and the moon rose brightly over Franklin.

Thanks to the Franklin Downtown Partnership, all their helpers and sponsors for this wonderful evening.

"It’s mostly the guts of the school"

The next priority in line of sight for the Franklin school district facilities needs is the Davis Thayer Elementary School.
The project has been on the town’s agenda for at least a few years, he said, but other concerns pushed the renovations aside. 
"It was on the radar screen, but the high school just dominated the discussion over the past few years," he said. "Now it’s time to address the Davis Thayer issue." 
Superintendent Maureen Sabolinski said the school, constructed in 1924, was designed with a different era in mind. 
"It just wasn’t built for the educational expectations of the 21st century," Sabolinski said.

Read more:

The recent School Committee capital plan

In the News: NuStyle, Schofield Dr

Franklin's 'brownfield' referenced is the former NuStyle property on Grove St.

Using gold to turn the region's brownfields into green

Voices of Franklin: How many ounces of Franklin's medicated municipal tap water to ingest daily?

Dear Health Board members:

In light of your decision last year to continue fluoridating Franklin inhabitants through the public water supply, medical best practice principles require that you provide residents with dosage information.

As you are aware, recent studies have shown, and federal health officials have warned, that ingesting too much fluoride poses various health risks, ranging from fluorosis of the teeth and bones to impaired brain development in children. Therefore it is necessary now for responsible Franklin parents to begin carefully monitoring and controlling the amount of municipal tap water that is being ingested by the children for hydration and through cooking.

We have already contacted state and federal health officials for this important information but they will not say how much fluoridated tap water is safe to consume because fluoridation is ordered by local officials, not state or federal. According to MA General Law Chapter 111, you are 100% responsible for the drugging of our water and therefore are responsible for publishing the dosage recommendations.

Please advise as soon as possible: How many ounces of municipal tap water per day are optimal? By optimal, we mean the number of ounces that will both provide your program's intended benefits and also not expose Franklin's inhabitants to the growing list of fluoridation's side effects. Please specify your recommended daily ounces for adults, children, infants, and those on dialysis.

Thank you in advance.

Rich Aucoin

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Town Council - 11/28/12

The collection of posts reported live during the Town Council meeting on Wednesday, Nov 28, 2012 can be found here:

Related posts
The tax rate information and analysis was updated and posted here

The full agenda for the meeting is here

"Nutcracker" - Dec 15, Dec 16

Rehearsing for their debut performances in the "Nutcracker" as Clara are Celine Santorsola, left and Caroline Lounsbury, right, at the Patti Eisenhauer Dance Center in Franklin, MA.

The show performances are Saturday, December 15 at 5:30pm and Sunday, December 16 at 1pm. Tickets are available by calling 508-520-7873.

In the News: committee openings, tax rate, commuter rail

Franklin seeks members for committees

Franklin taxes to rise

Mobile ticketing option available on Framingham, Franklin rail lines

Mingle, Jingle, & Shop - Sunday 12/2 @ Dean College

To benefit the Benjamin Franklin Classical Charter School 8th grade class trip to Washington DC in the spring

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Live reporting: closing


Q - Mercer: question, changed policy on plowing cul-de-sacs?
some folks have heard it was once in and once out
A - Nutting - no, but I'll look into it

Q - Kelly - can we have a session with Brutus on what residents can do when they see potholes?
A - Nutting - yes, we'll set something up

Q - Vallee - can we look at waiving the meter fees for Dec shopping?
A - we could but you'd have commuters using them

Q - Bissanti, I don't see we have a parking problem
A - Nutting - Maybe try it the last couple of weeks; let me spend the week talking with the Police Dept and come back

Dellorco - shout out to the Girls Soccer Team for state championship
Kelly - thanks for the work on the Town Common, it looks really good
Powderly - thanks also to girls Soccer team, it was a great performance and they conducted themselves well
Pfeffer - thanks to the two firemen who went to NYC to help with the Sandy aftermath
Jones - I think the Town Common looks really good now, the lights make the
Bissanti - condolences to the P Brunelli and their family for a lose of a family member; thanks to J Nutting for helping to bring a resolution
Roy - echo sentiments for the Girls Soccer Team, recognize the High School for getting on the AP Honor, MA had the highest number of schools on it

Dec 5 to honor Stella, also former Rep Jim Vallee

Negotiations, Litigation, Real Property, as May Be Required
none tonight

motion to adjourn, passed 9-0

Live reporting: Legislation


3. Resolution 12-78: Classification Tax Allocation – Residential Factor
keep single tax rate, hence factor =1
motion to make factor = 1, seconded, passed 9-0

4. Resolution 12-79: Classification Tax Allocation – Open Space Exemption
no exemption for open space
motion to approve, seconded, passed 9-0

5. Resolution 12-80: Classification Tax Allocation – Small Business Exemption
no exemption for small business, would have to be picked up by some other group (i.e. home owners)
motion to approve, seconded, passed 9-0

6. Resolution 12-81: Classification Tax Allocation – Residential Property Exemption
no exemption for residential properties, would have to be picked up by some other group (i.e. home owners)
motion to approve, seconded, passed 9-0

Live reporting: Tax Hearing

Tax Classification Hearing – 7:10 PM

Kevin Doyle, Director of Assessing
Ken Norman, Chair Board of Assessors
Chris Feeley and John Neas - members of the Board

Review of the information package 

The full set of documents for the meeting can be found on the Franklin web page here

$844,102 is the amount of new growth added to the tax levy for FY 2013
the 'automatic' 2.5% amounts to $1,319,490 added to the tax levy (anything more than this amount requires a vote)

$14.34 is calculated to be the new tax rate for FY 2013
Mean avg of single family homes calculated at $348,000.
Median avg of single family home calculated at $316,000

no question from audience or Council
hearing closed

Live reporting: Town Council - Nov 28, 2012

Present: Mercer, Dellorco, Kelly, Powderly, Vallee, Pfeffer, Jones, Bissanti, Roy
Absent: none

March 21, 2012, April 4, 2012, November 7, 2012
Executive Session
Motion to approve, passed 9-0

This meeting is being recorded by Franklin TV and shown on Comcast channel 11 and Verizon channel 29. This meeting may also be recorded by Franklin Matters.


Told to leave Common for 'slack lining'
Looking for permitted use either on Common or other place


1. Resolution 12-76: Appropriation – Debt – Interest
Motion to appropriate, passed 9-0

2. Resolution 12-77: Adoption of FY 2013 Budget – Revision
Motion to approve, passed 9-0

a technical correction to the budget documents

Town Administrator 
Traffic study for Panther Way as traffic backs up
Event on the common

Downtown Partnership, Holiday Stroll on Thursday
Brian and Jeff spoke at Metrowest forum
Feedback on how well we are running our permitting process

DEP Commissioner highlighted Franklin on water reduction, storm water treatments, etc.

During the holiday season, please remember you favorite charity, people are in need
There are a number of groups in Franklin who can help
Food Pantry, Friends of Franklin, Random Smile, etc.

Franklin High School Winter Concert - Silent Auction

The Franklin High School Winter Concert will be held at 7:00 PM on Tuesday, December 4th at the Thomas D. Mercer auditorium at Horace Mann Middle School, 214 Oak Street. This highly anticipated event promises to be a warm and festive evening for music students, their families and the community. Concertgoers will enjoy performances by the Franklin High School Orchestra, Concert Band and Wind Ensemble under the direction of Leighanne Rudsit, as well as the Chorus, Select Chorus and A Cappella groups directed by Michael Sansoni. A selection of classic and contemporary pieces will be performed, and the 2012 music scholarship winners will be recognized.

The Franklin Music Boosters, Inc. will once again be hosting a silent auction and reception at the concert. Franklin Music Boosters, Inc. is a parent organization which supports the entire Franklin Public School Music Program grades 6-12. Last year many generous area businesses as well as music students, their families and faculty members donated items and refreshments for the auction which was highly successful, raising over $2,500. Through fundraising efforts such as this throughout the year, the Music Boosters sponsor concerts and special events; finance the purchase of musical equipment and uniforms; fund private lessons and scholarships, and provide transportation for performance trips, competitions and outings for music students.

Silent auction bidding will begin at 6:30 when doors open, and resume at intermission when complimentary refreshments will also be served. Donations of auction items and refreshments for this year’s event are still being accepted. Area businesses and individuals who wish to donate please contact Cindy Gleichauf, 508-397-5204 or For more information about getting involved with the Franklin Music Boosters, contact Amy Czuba,

"It’s a mammoth undertaking"

The MCAS data for Franklin was discussed at the School Committee meeting on Tuesday.
Still, the school district faces the daunting task of aligning to the new state standards for math and English, which will challenge both students and teachers, Edwards told the School Committee during its meeting on Tuesday night. 
In a broad overview of Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System test data from the district, Edwards discussed many of the changes and methods the school has adopted to reduce some of the proficiency gaps apparent in the scores. 
English scores have been consistently better than math scores, Edwards said. To address this trend, teachers and specialists have this year met with students needing extra math help for small group tutoring sessions.

Read more:

Related posts
The MCAS presentation

The School Committee agenda and links to associated documents

'12 Days of Donating' Food Drive Kicks Off Thursday

Sent to you by Steve Sherlock via Google Reader:

via Franklin Downtown Partnership by (Franklin Downtown Partnership) on 11/26/12

Food Elves, FDP Plan '12 Days of Donating' Drive

The Franklin Food Elves are combining forces with the Franklin Downtown Partnership for the "12 Days of Donating" campaign to benefit the local food pantry, and they'll kick off the drive at the fourth annual Holiday Stroll's tree lighting ceremony on Thursday, November 29, at 4:00 p.m.

As a charitable community service group, the Food Elves aim to collect 1,200 pounds of food in 12 days, from December 1 to December 12, for the Franklin Food Pantry.  More than 50 Elves will ask for food donations in Franklin neighborhoods during the first two weeks in December, and local businesses have pledged their support. If the Food Elves collect 1,200 pounds of goods, eleven participating companies have each pledged a $200 cash donation. 

Ideally the Elves hope to beat last year's drive in which they raised more than 2,000 pounds of goods and $4,000, allowing the Food Pantry to provide 17,000 meals for Franklin families in need last winter.

Franklin Food Elves co-founders Melissa and Cameron Piana and the Partnership hope that the community will support the Food Pantry again this year by helping them reach their goal. 

"Last year we were excited by the generosity of the people in this town," says Cameron Piana.  "Because of those donations we could help the Pantry feed families for several months.  Our timing was good because there is more need in winter when people have to spend money on heat." 

According to the food pantry, 600 households currently use their services, and the number of families struggling increases during the cold months. 1,200 pounds of food can provide approximately 900 meals, and $2,200 can provide an additional 5,500 meals. 

The Food Elves will kick off the "12 Days of Donating" campaign at the Holiday Stroll with a bin at the tree lighting ceremony, and they will place donation bins at these participating businesses:

  • Berry Insurance, 9 Main St.
  • Chestnut Dental Associates, 38 Pond St.
  • Dean Bank, 21 Main St.
  • Dean College, Campus Center
  • DCU, 500 West Central St.
  • East Coast Driving School, 25 East Central St.
  • Emma's Quilt Cupboard, 12 Main St.
  • Franklin Downtown Partnership Office, 9 East Central St.
  • Jane's Frames, 11 East Central St.
  • Murphy Business, 15 East Central St.
  • RE/MAX Executive Realty, 445 Franklin Village Dr.

"The Franklin Downtown Partnership is happy to partner with the Franklin Food Elves again this year," says FDP President Nicole Fortier. "We encourage residents to visit the local businesses to drop off their donations. We are pleased to support the teens who are doing such necessary community service work in Franklin."

The Franklin Food Elves are local students ranging from fourth grade through high school:  Colin and Charles Berg; Jack, Katie and Julia Buccella; Cara and Chris Callahan; Corey Cassi; Austin and Carter Castillo; Sarah Carroll; Allie Champlin; Kiara Chan; Amanda Chang; Chris Chou; Kiara Cronin; Karen Cunningham; Jessica Deaver; Julia and Jacob Dextradeur; Ryan Dombroski; Elise and Haley Frank; Sarah Georges; Maddie Gordon; Yagnya Govada; Megan and Julie Harrington; Kirsten Hummel; Victoria Krasnick; Maddie Lacman; Kasey Lynch; Kathryn Mason; Nicolette McCarthy; Laura Murphy; Kyle Neenan; Melissa and Cameron Piana; Lindsey, Sydney and Kaitlyn Rappa; Sara Richardson; Aubree Ronan; Emily Shea; Katie and Ellie Teixeira; Mely Wu. 

For more information about the Franklin Food Elves and the "12 Days of Donating" campaign, please contact the Franklin Downtown Partnership at or (774) 571-3109. For more information about the Franklin Food Pantry and what items are needed, please contact Development Director Erin Lynch or Operations Director Linda Sottile at (508) 528-1135, or go to their website, 

Things you can do from here:

Where is the Franklin Food Pantry? (video)

Thanks to Eagle Scout Zach Zollo, the Food Pantry now has a couple of videos to share. This one answers the question: Where is the Franklin Food Pantry?

This was originally posted on the Franklin Food Pantry web page

Reminder: Pancake Breakfast - Dec 1

Saturday Dec. 1 from 8:00 - 11:00 AM

Elks Hall 1077 Pond St. Franklin

Pictures with Santa for $3

Themed raffle baskets $1 per ticket

All you can eat pancake breakfast $6 per person, children 2 and under and scouts in uniform are free.

Governor orders big review of drug cases handled by Franklin chemist

Sent to you by Steve Sherlock via Google Reader:

via The Milford Daily News News RSS by GateHouse Media, Inc. on 11/27/12

Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick has ordered a "file by file review" of every case handled by a state chemist accused of faking test results at a now-closed government lab. Annie Dookhan, a Franklin resident, allegedly skirted protocols and manipulated drug samples at a former Department of Health drug lab where she worked for nine years. The alleged misconduct has threatened to unravel thousands of criminal cases.

Things you can do from here:

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Franklin Public Schools: MCAS Presentation

The PowerPoint presentation on the MCAS Report as scheduled for discussion at the School Committee meeting Tuesday evening is shown here:

The full agenda for the School Committee meeting including links to other documents being used can be found here

St John's Annual Christmas Fair

The Annual Christmas Fair takes place this Saturday, Dec 1 at St John's on Pleasant St. Additional details can be found in this flyer:

and you might also find a sign or two around Franklin

In the News: AP courses, Youth baseball

Franklin is among those honored!

Local towns honored advanced placement course increase

Franklin LIbrary: How to Select eReaders

Sent to you by Steve Sherlock via Google Reader:

via Franklin Public Library by Franklin Public Library on 11/26/12

Things you can do from here:

Monday, November 26, 2012

Franklin, MA: Town Council - Agenda - Nov 28, 2012

March 21, 2012, April 4, 2012, November 7, 2012
Executive Session

This meeting is being recorded by Franklin TV and shown on Comcast channel 11 and Verizon channel 29. This meeting may also be recorded by Franklin Matters.




Tax Classification Hearing – 7:10 PM


Citizenship Award – Stella Jeon


1. Resolution 12-76: Appropriation – Debt – Interest
2. Resolution 12-77: Adoption of FY 2013 Budget – Revision
3. Resolution 12-78: Classification Tax Allocation – Residential Factor
4. Resolution 12-79: Classification Tax Allocation – Open Space Exemption
5. Resolution 12-80: Classification Tax Allocation – Small Business Exemption
6. Resolution 12-81: Classification Tax Allocation – Residential Property Exemption





Negotiations, Litigation, Real Property, as May Be Required


The full set of documents for the meeting can be found on the Franklin web page here

Tax Rate info for FY 2013 updated

I have updated the numbers for this year based upon the info provided for the Town Council meeting agenda and the MA DOR webpages for Franklin.

Franklin FY2013 TaxRateInfo

There is some good news in all this data. The decline in valuation of Residential values is less than prior years. The Commercial category increased for the first time since 2008. Maybe, just maybe this is showing we are at the bottom of the property value decline! Time will tell.

You can view these numbers here

Military Uniforms on display

To honor those who have served in the military, a display of military uniforms is the feature this month at the Franklin Historical Museum.

Pictures of Franklin men and women in uniform are on display

Is there someone you know or remember pictured? Stop by to look.

Where is the Historical Museum? 80 West Central St

View Larger Map

You can visit their webpage

or follow them on Facebook

Holiday Shopping - Benefits Franklin Fusion Softball

Join us on Friday November 30th for a Holiday Shopping Spree!

We have a great line up of vendors for a fun night of holiday shopping and mingling to benefit Franklin Fusion Softball

Friday November 30, 2012 from 7pm-10pm at the Franklin Elks located at 1077 Pond St, Franklin

We will provide snacks and a cash bar will be available.

Cash for Gold! Use your cash to shop!
Sure Shots Sports Memorabilia
Arbonne (Skin care, cosmetics)
Thirty-One (Purses, Tote bags)
Willow House, Sara Blaine (Exclusive home décor and jewelry collections)
Sugar Mommas Custom Cakes, Cupcakes, Cookies
Gems by Jules (Custom accessories)
Wildtree (Herbs, Spices)
Pampered Chef (Premier direct seller of high-quality kitchen tools & gadgets)
Handmade Christmas crafts
Get a Tarot card reading or get your Aura colors done!

In the News: Tri-County, chainsaw sculptor, Sandy relief

Tri-County students to launch projects for NASA

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Franklin, MA: School Committee - Agenda, Nov 27, 2012

Vision Statement
The Franklin Public Schools will foster within its students the knowledge and skills to find and achieve satisfaction in life as productive global citizens.

"The listing of matters are those reasonably anticipated by the Chair which may be discussed at the meeting. Not all items listed may in fact be discussed and other items not listed may also be brought up for discussion to the extent permitted by law."

1. Routine Business
Citizen’s Comments
Review of Agenda
Minutes: I recommend approval of the minutes from the October 23, 2012 and November 7, 2012 School Committee Meetings.
Payment of Bills - Mrs. McIntyre
Payroll - Mrs. Douglas
FHS Student Representatives
Correspondence: Budget To Actual

2. Guests/Presentations
a. Franklin Girls Soccer Team – State Champions!
b. MCAS Presentation – Joyce Edwards
(The MCAS presentation can be found here)

3. Discussion Only Items
Calendar Adjustment 2012-2013 (proposed change found here)
Capital Plan (documents for the capital plan can be found here)

4. Action Items
a. I recommend acceptance of a check for $270.00 from BJ’s for district in-house enrichment.
b. I recommend acceptance of a check for $1500.00 from the Hockomock YMCA for enrichment, yoga and field trips for ASMS.
c. I recommend acceptance of a check for $168.79 from PBC for in-house enrichment for the Athletics Department.
d. I recommend acceptance of a check for $2473.39 from O’Connor Portraiture for in-house enrichment for Keller Elementary School.
e. I recommend acceptance of a check for $126.35 from Ohiopyle Prints, Inc. for in-house enrichment for the FHS.
f. I recommend acceptance of a check for $156.43 from HMMS PCC for in-house enrichment at HMMS.
g. I recommend approval of the field trip request of Allison Wroe to take Parmenter students to the Veteran’s Auditorium in Providence, RI on April 11, 2013.
h. I recommend acceptance of a check for $282.66 from Douglas Lee for in-house enrichment at FHS.
i. I recommend acceptance of a check for $5000.00 from the Jefferson PCC for field trips for Jefferson Elementary School.
j. I recommend approval of the FPS Capital Plan as detailed.
k. I recommend adjustments to the 2012-2013 School Calendar: April 12 and May 24 as elementary reduced days; and May 3 and May 31 as secondary reduced days as discussed.
l. I recommend approval of the request of Mr. Light for the Wind Ensemble and Concert Band travel to UNH for the Band Invitational on April 29, 2013 as detailed.
m. I recommend approval of the request of Mr. Light for approximately 200 Music students travel to Orlando, Florida for “Festival Disney” during April vacation 2014 as detailed.
n. I recommend approval of the request of Mr. Light for Franklin Arts Academy students to travel to Providence Performing Arts Center (PPAC) in Providence, RI on March 3, 2012 to see Blue Man Group.
o. I recommend acceptance of the donation of 50 passes to the premier of Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey in Boston on December 10, 2012 for HMMS students.
p. I recommend acceptance of a check for $600.00 from Mass Cultural Council for Sullivan Middle, Keller and Parmenter Elementary Schools.
q. I recommend approval of the request of Beth Ackley for the HMMS Ski Club’s recurring field trip to Mt. Sunapee in Newbury, NH on January 26, 2012 as detailed.

5. Information Matters
Superintendent’s Report
School Committee Sub-Committee Reports
School Committee Liaison Reports

6. New Business
To discuss future business that may be brought before the School Committee.

7. Executive Session
Contractual Negotiations

8. Adjourn