Showing posts with label curriculum. Show all posts
Showing posts with label curriculum. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

In this Chalkboard Chat we condense the School Committee meeting talking math curriculum & budget (audio)

FM #1369 = This is the Franklin Matters radio show, number 1369 in the series. 

This session shares my conversation with School Committee Chairperson Dave Callaghan. This is a new episode of our continuing “Chalkboard Chat” series. We had our discussion in person at the Franklin TV & Radio Studio on Wednesday, January 29, 2025. We recapped the School Committee meeting of January 28, 2025. 


We cover 

  • Middle School Math Curriculum update

  • FY 2026 Superintendent’s Recommended budget & discussion

  • Redistricting is intertwined with both of the above topics

  • Encourage to participate in the Listening Sessions

The recording runs about 42 minutes, so let’s listen in. Audio link ->


Contact info for Dave Callaghan ->   

School Committee Meeting Info

Franklin TV video available for replay ->  (full meeting)   

Jump to the Start of Middle School Math Curriculum presentation & discussion 

Jump to the Start of FY 2026 Superintendent’s Recommended budget presentation & discussion 

The agenda doc ->  

Meeting packet (other docs as they are released after the meeting will get posted here) ->  

My full set of notes taken during the meeting can be found in one PDF -> 


We are now producing this in collaboration with Franklin.TV and Franklin Public Radio ( or 102.9 on the Franklin area radio dial. 

This podcast is my public service effort for Franklin but we can't do it alone. We can always use your help.

How can you help?

  • If you can use the information that you find here, please tell your friends and neighbors

  • If you don't like something here, please let me know

  • And if you have interest in reporting on meetings or events, please reach. We’ll share and show you what and how we do what we do

Through this feedback loop we can continue to make improvements. I thank you for listening.

For additional information, please visit  or 

If you have questions or comments you can reach me directly at shersteve @ gmail dot com

The music for the intro and exit was provided by Michael Clark and the group "East of Shirley". The piece is titled "Ernesto, manana"  c. Michael Clark & Tintype Tunes, 2008 and used with their permission.

I hope you enjoy!


You can also subscribe and listen to Franklin Matters audio on iTunes or your favorite podcast app; search in "podcasts" for "Franklin Matters"

In this Chalkboard Chat we condense the School Committee meeting talking math curriculum & budget (audio)
In this Chalkboard Chat we condense the School Committee meeting talking math curriculum & budget (audio)

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

School Committee gets details on middle school math curriculum changes, FY 2026 budget, & approves Parmenter release to the Town (video)

The Franklin (MA) School Committee met as scheduled on Tuesday, January 28, 2025. 6 of the 7 members were present in Council Chambers for the just over 4 hour session. 

Franklin TV video is available for replay ->

Quick recap:
  • The middle school math curriculum program is being revised to meet MA Curriculum Framework guidelines and to beter meet the needs for a solid foundation in math for all students. Photos of the presentation were recorded into one album ->
  • The FY 2026 budget was presented and mutlipe questions from the committee to clarify the details. $80M is being requested, 3.78% more than prior year but within the guidelines offered by the Town Administrator which also assuming successful passage of the possible override
    • The schools do achieve significant savings with the redistricting. 34 positions are reassigned within the district, 20 positions ultimately will be reduced. For the non-redistricted budget: it would be a >$6M increase from last year. About $3M more than level service that is being requested for this year
    • The budget timeline was laid out whcih includes a budget hearing Feb 4, School Committee vote on Feb 11, the Joint Budget listening sessions, before the Finance Committee hearings in April and Town Council hearings in May
    • What was not discussed, but is on the timeline, is the Town Council consideration of the possible override at a March meeting AFTER the listening sessions complete. The decision for yes or no on the override, and if yes, to determine a date and an amount are to be expected
    • Photos of the presentation were recorded into one album ->
  • The decision to release the Parmenter facility to the Town was approved. Consideration of the alleged Parmenter family requirement for the land to be kept in school use was made but based upon Town Attorney advice that the deed does not include such a provision, the decision was made to proceed. Vote on this was 6-0-1 (1 absent, 6 for)
  • Three sets of policy modifications were made per DESE request to bring language of the policy into compliance with current requirements. Vote on this was 6-0-1 (1 absent, 6 for)
  • Motion to enter into executive session for contract negotiations, not to return to open session was made and approved. The vote on this was 6-0-1 (1 absent, 6 for)
My full set of notes taken during the meeting can be found in one PDF ->

School Committee gets details on middle school math curriculum changes, FY 2026 budget, & approves Parmenter release to the Town (video)
School Committee gets details on middle school math curriculum changes, FY 2026 budget, & approves Parmenter release to the Town (video)

Monday, January 20, 2025

In this Chalkboard Chat, we condense the School Cmte Mtg of Jan 14 (audio)

FM #1356 = This is the Franklin Matters radio show, number 1356 in the series. 

This session shares my conversation with School Committee Chairperson Dave Callaghan. This is a new episode of our continuing “Chalkboard Chat” series. We had our discussion in person at the Franklin TV & Radio Studio on Wednesday, January 15, 2025. We recapped the School Committee meeting of January 14, 2025. 


We cover 

  • Cheerleader recognition, approval for trip to Nationals

  • FHS update & program of studies

  • Redistricting updates mostly in Superintendent Update, action items did include approval of notification of the school names for interim usage

  • Approval of the capital budget

  • Franklin TV presentation, issue of cable cutting and alternative revenue source

  • State of the Schools, January 27 at 7 PM at the TV Studio

The recording runs about 40 minutes, so let’s listen in.

Audio link ->


Contact info for Dave Callaghan ->   

School Committee Meeting Info


We are now producing this in collaboration with Franklin.TV and Franklin Public Radio ( or 102.9 on the Franklin area radio dial. 

This podcast is my public service effort for Franklin but we can't do it alone. We can always use your help.

How can you help?

  • If you can use the information that you find here, please tell your friends and neighbors

  • If you don't like something here, please let me know

  • And if you have interest in reporting on meetings or events, please reach. We’ll share and show you what and how we do what we do

Through this feedback loop we can continue to make improvements. I thank you for listening.

For additional information, please visit  or 

If you have questions or comments you can reach me directly at shersteve @ gmail dot com

The music for the intro and exit was provided by Michael Clark and the group "East of Shirley". The piece is titled "Ernesto, manana"  c. Michael Clark & Tintype Tunes, 2008 and used with their permission.

I hope you enjoy!


You can also subscribe and listen to Franklin Matters audio on iTunes or your favorite podcast app; search in "podcasts" for "Franklin Matters"

In this Chalkboard Chat, we condense the School Cmte Mtg of Jan 14 (audio)
In this Chalkboard Chat, we condense the School Cmte Mtg of Jan 14 (audio)

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

School Committee gets MCAS update, FHS theatre update, approves capital budget & varsity ski co-op (video)

The Franklin School Committee met as scheduled on Tuesday, Nov 26 ay 7 PM. 6 of the 7 members participated in Council Chambers (Griffin was absent).

Franklin TV video is available for replay ->

Quick recap:
  • 3 coaches recognized as MIAA coaches of the year, (basketball, unified track, & swim coach); Ice hockey players down across states, approved for 8th grade waiver for varsity program, For the girls, to be clear, not boys, 13 skaters and 2 goalies currently
  • Review of free/reduced application with a Franklin threshold, folks could apply, especially for winter sports if they have not participated in fall sports
  • On guest presentations, theater program at FHS - Virginia Bernstein speaking to the student program (Outsiders, first show); Yellow Boat, a competition show, part of the annual program. 13 teachers volunteered to help out, Not just about putting on a play, grit plus. "Theater is not a luxury it is a vital part of the educational program" Thanks around from Cmte members and to the volunteer teachers! "This is a portrait of a graduate! She is articulate and advocating for her program"
  • Dr Rogers, Dr Frazier, Mr Stark present an update on the MCAS results for the District. Difference between formative and summative data points. 1 slides is full of logos an indication of the investments made in the academic support tools used in the schools; Sullivan and Jefferson met/ exceeded standards. And an opportunity to remind that MCAS is not going away, it will remain, the vote did take away MCAS as a graduation requirement. How does the data play into the curriculum refresh cycle? It does play. For instructional directions for sure, and may for curriculum decisions, depending upon timing and budget.
  • Discussion Action Items - I recommend moving the following policies to a second reading as discussed:
    • ● ACA – Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Sex
    • ● ACA-R – Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Sex under Title IX Including Sex-Based Harassment; Moved to second reading, passes 6-0-1 (1 absent)
  • Varsity Ski Co-Op - I recommend approval of the request of FHS Athletics for a Co-Op Varsity Skiing with Nipmuc Regional High School as detailed. Parent participating as volunteer for this trial co-op program. Motion to approve, second, passes 6-0-1 (1 absent)
  • Capital Requests - I recommend approval of the Capital Requests as detailed. Previewed in the budget subcmte meeting earlier today, these are initial, could be modified and prioritized as needed; also a further iteration will have refinement for this figures. Finally, a vote on the capital request as detailed, motion to approve, passes 6-0-1 (1 absent)
  • Student handbook review with DESE, self assessment prior, minor revisions and information for parents for code of conduct infractions, motion to approve second, passes 6-0-1 (1absent)
  • Discussion only item, inclement weather update, on the schools page, reminding what we'll do during this winter, safety at the forefront, it may be a challenge for families but is is acknowledged, usually would make by 5:30 AM, try to do so the night before if possible
  • Committee entered Executive Session for contract negotiation strategy not to return to open meeting
My notes in one PDF ->

Photo album of the MCAS slides shared ->

1 slides is full of logos an indication of the investments made in the academic support tools used in the schools
1 slides is full of logos an indication of the investments made in the academic support tools used in the schools

Thursday, January 4, 2024

Giguere, Rogers, Stark & Frazier talk about teaching & learning, and the curriculum review program (audio)

FM #1125 = This is the Franklin Matters radio show, number 1125 in the series. 

This session of the radio show shares my conversation with Franklin School Superintendent Lucas Giguere, Dr Tina Rogers, Assistant Superintendent for Teaching & Learning; Eric Stark, Director of Curriculum STEM; and Dr Tim Frazier, Director of Curriculum ELA & SS. We had our conversation in person at FPS Central Offices on Wednesday, December 13, 2023. 

At a high level our topics were:

  • Instructional design

    • Emphasis on professional learning

  • Universal design for learning

    • Capturing & analyzing the Data 

    • MCAS just one data point, use of summative & formative 

  • Curriculum review program

The recording runs about 38 minutes so let’s listen to our conversation on teaching and learning in the Franklin School District. Audio link ->


Superintendent’s page -> 

Teaching & Learning page -> 

Teaching & Learning update to School Committee as referenced ->

EduSpeak glossary -> 

School Committee meeting recap of 11/28/23 session -> 


We are now producing this in collaboration with Franklin.TV and Franklin Public Radio ( or 102.9 on the Franklin area radio dial.  

This podcast is my public service effort for Franklin but we can't do it alone. We can always use your help.


How can you help?

  • If you can use the information that you find here, please tell your friends and neighbors

  • If you don't like something here, please let me know

Through this feedback loop we can continue to make improvements. I thank you for listening.

For additional information, please visit or

If you have questions or comments you can reach me directly at shersteve @ gmail dot com

The music for the intro and exit was provided by Michael Clark and the group "East of Shirley". The piece is titled "Ernesto, manana"  c. Michael Clark & Tintype Tunes, 2008 and used with their permission.

I hope you enjoy!


You can also subscribe and listen to Franklin Matters audio on iTunes or your favorite podcast app; search in "podcasts" for "Franklin Matters"