"We are excited to announce that our new exhibit, Women in Franklin, is now on display! Come visit the Museum on Sundays from 1-4 PM and learn about some of the amazing women who have devoted their lives to the Town!"
Providing accurate and timely information about what matters in Franklin, MA since 2007. * Working in collaboration with Franklin TV and Radio (wfpr.fm) since October 2019 *
Saturday, January 30, 2021
Franklin Historical Museum: new exhibit "Women in Franklin"
Town of Franklin: Vaccination Information and COVID-19 Data
Vaccination Information and COVID-19 Data
Rep Jeff Roy: COVID-19 Vaccine Update
Rep Jeff Roy writes:
"Just finished a meeting with the Secretary of Health and Human Services and here is the latest info on the vaccine rollout:
Beginning February 1st, residents age 75 and older are eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine in Massachusetts. Appointments became available yesterday for online booking at www.mass.gov/COVIDVaccine. Right now and until more vaccines are readily available, there is a very high demand for a limited number of appointments through the online platform.
Early next week the website will be revised and simplified and they will also offer a telephone number to schedule appointments. And they will continue to add sites and expect to increase capacity to 305,000 doses each week by mid-February. The current allocation from the federal government is 86,000 doses per week, so we are hoping for a larger allocation to match our capacity."
Rep Jeff Roy: COVID-19 Vaccine Update |
Davis Thayer Facility Analysis Subcommittee to recommend closure of building to full School Committee
Quick Recap:
- Review of the 5 options as discussed at the meeting last week. Committee should have had time since then to review and prepare, final questions, clarifications asked of each option as they went through each one
- The three members got to outline their background and approach to decision and what the factors were for them; Superintendent and Business Administrator also asked for their views
- Consensus across the group for recommending to close in September, acting now to start planning for a good transition. Recognizing not an easy decision to close, or even in the pandemic period, but it is the best for the students across the district
- Next meeting to work on the proposal and outline of decision factors for the full committee to decide at a future meeting (time TBD, could be as early as the Feb 9 meeting - stay tuned.)
The audio recording of this meeting will be available soon
As with most meetings in this pandemic period, I took my notes via Twitter during the meeting reporting in real-time via the virtual session.
Davis Thayer Facilities Analysis = DTFA
- Davis Thayer Facilities Analysis SubCommittee Meeting - Jan 28, 2021 about to begin at 6:00 PM Full agenda (including connection info) https://www.franklinps.net/sites/g/files/vyhlif4431/f/agendas/agenda_dt_subcom_1.28.21.docx.pdf
- #dtfa0128 getting ready for real time reporting of this meeting (what is the difference between ‘real time’ vs. live reporting’? Glad you asked - I did prepare an answer "Live" reporting is used when I am in the room. "Real time" is when I report via the live cable or internet feed. http://www.franklinmatters.org/2010/07/note-of-distinction.html
- Meeting opens, minutes from prior meeting approved 3-0 via roll call. #dtfa0128
- Protocol and process for meeting reviewed, status of where they are in the process grounds the start #dtfa0128
- Recap of the 5 options under consideration, three shown here #dtfa0128
- #dtfa0128 graduation of about 150 more students than are entering the district that year, hence the enrollment decline. Study of 2013 had touted renovation costs of $23m and build new at $28m, clearly dated numbers but for reference. BTW approx. 60+ participate via zoom
- #dtfa0128 decision needed sooner than later for budget planning as well as planning for the transition to Keller. Moving boxes, changing bus routes, 'easy'; the soft and fuzzy stuff also done regularly, getting ahead of it can better ensure success of the transition
- #dtfa0128 schools are buildings but there is much more to the building too! Keller built with 5 classes/grade, plans show use of 4 per with some exception but middle school population declines and rooms from Annie Sullivan would be used to assist.
- Concern of new housing project to tax school population, not really, it is a phased project if it comes to fruition. (Numbers should already have been included in overall forecast). Capacity is not the issue at Keller. (Over capacity is what we are trying to solve) #dtfa0128
- #dtfa0128 there is a policy on attendance area, a request form is also available, serious consideration is done in case of an exception. Traffic issue? Keller used to have more students several years ago, so it has been seen before (as did Sullivan)
- #dtfa0128 could be a potential issue with staffing if kept open another year, not to say the existing staff is not dedicated, it is. But the longer the decision, the more uncertainty, the more likely a problem with staffing.
- #dtfa0128 if keeping open next year could some students/families now rather than later to avoid multiple transitions (K, VLA, etc. )? Would already cover this scenario in Option 4, hard to do for efficiency and cost perspectives esp if for a small #of students
- #dtfa0128 by staggering the transition, could also make the cultural adjustments more of a challenge; bus routes could get complicated with routes going to a street and students going two ways.
- K registration is ongoing, it usually is from Feb to May but do get movins over the summer, and after September starts. This year had increase in two schools in K and added staff accordingly. Q on siblings during staggering xfer, transportation would be a factor
- #dtfa0128 there are many options when you consider the permutations, need to reduce change and simply not increase complexity and increase expense. Option 5 close DT and redistrict. Summary was to look at the stand alone schools (Parmenter and Kennedy).
- SchComm needs to look at developing a master facilities plan, and down the road possibly look at redistrict. #dtfa0128 the master plan would likely begin after the DTFA work is done (at least decided).
- #dtfa0128 Judy for closure in Sep, provides brief history of Franklin roots including graduation from DT earlier in her life. MJ only in Franklin 31 years. SchComm 97-2007, and then re-elected 6 years ago, involved with youth soccer. "Compensated so well for it" (actually $0)
- #dtfa0128 the benefits are not financial. Making a good decision for the community. We simply can't afford it. Or fix it. 1st to close DT in Sep, 2nd to close and consider redistricting. Can't wait longer? Chair asked Superintendent and Business director for their (views) before her…
- #dtfa0128 other member objected, so Chair provides her analysis, get ready it will be long (her words) thru lens evaluated the options (will need to listen to the recording, not going to do justice to this)
- #dtfa0128 so bottom line, chair is on closing train for Sep.
- Superintendent, some facts are hard to overlook, decisions do need to be made, facts align support closure of DT, same footprint with 20% less students, an opportunity to invest in the kids of the district
- #dtfa0128 if decision made soon, we could make a thoughtful transition. We have a structural deficit to address and hard to avoid. Not an easy decision, difficult time in pandemic, but not any easier later.
- #dtfa0128 Goodman; accessibility, budgeting, facts are what others have referenced and I agree to close sooner than later to be most helpful for everyone. Chair to put together draft recommendations for review next meeting (Feb 3).
- #dtfa0128 reminder 7 people with 7 votes. Opening up for citizen comments. 1 optics on bullets and negativity apparent and from parent point of view most depressing. 2 question on staffing (raised from someone who hasn't heard the answer in prior meeting) oh and yes, staff …
- Would move as much as possible to support the students in the combined building. #dtfa0128 3 - kids haven't been in school for a normal day for a year. (Also answered in prior meeting; recordings available) 4 - to ask to close and pack up a building at this time?
- #dtfa0128 5 - so conflicted right now, agree with decision but things to be explored in depth to make this happen. Support may need to be increased to help the kids. 6 - a Keller parent says the community is welcoming 7 - we have little bandwidth, so how can it be a …
- Thoughtful transition? #dtfa0128 8 - could you consider keeping DT kids in their own classrooms to help the transition? 9 - came in from another school, not easy but it has moved on, interesting to see that none of the options kept DT open. Email to subcommittee an option
- #dtfa0128 motion to adjourn, second, passes via roll call 3-0,
- That's all for tonight, catch you next time!
Davis Thayer Facility Analysis SubCommittee
Jan 20, 2021 recap = https://www.franklinmatters.org/2021/01/schcomm-davis-thayer-facility-analysis.html (audio) = https://www.franklinmatters.org/2021/01/fm-442-davis-thayer-fa-subcomm-012021.html
Jan 14, 2021 recap = https://www.franklinmatters.org/2021/01/davis-thayer-facilities-analysis-sub.html (audio) = https://www.franklinmatters.org/2021/01/fm-438-schcomm-davis-thayer-fa-mtg.html
The Davis Thayer Subcommittee page also has the link to send a question to the subcommittee
DTFA Subcommittee to recommend closure of building to full School Committee |
FHS gymnastics set a new team record in vs. Oliver Ames
From HockomockSports.com we share the FHS sports results:
Franklin Senior Center: Email Blast - Jan 29, 2021
Hello Everyone!
Staying Connected
Link to the Senior Center - https://www.franklinma.gov/fsc
Link to the Senior Center Calendar https://www.franklinma.gov/node/39/events/day
Link to Franklin Matters - https://www.franklinmatters.org/
Link to the Town's webpage - https://www.franklinma.gov/
Link to Mass.Gov COVID - https://www.mass.gov/info-details/covid-19-updates-and-information
COVID-19 and the vaccine
We know people are anxious for information about when and where they can get vaccinated.
Phase 2 of vaccine distribution begins on February 1st. On Wednesday, January 27th, individuals 75 or older can begin making appointments for dates February 1st or later.
Vaccination sites can be found by clicking on the map in the link below:
This is your best resource for vaccine information. The Senior Center unfortunately has no information on when individuals in our community will be able to get vaccinated or recommendations for how to get the vaccine.
GOOD NEWS: The public clinics for 75+ went live Thursday. You can now access Phase II public clinics at Gillette and Fenway. https://www.maimmunizations.org/
Cyber Seniors
Franklin Matters talk with Norfolk County RSVP program Director, Robert Pierson, about "Cyber Seniors" and available free training - audio recording is 22 minutes long.
Hawaii - A scenic journey with relaxing music - 60 Beautiful minutes
Shaolin Qigong - 15 minute routine
Stretch and Dance Movements with Paul Eugene
If you weren't able to attend this week's Estate Planning Event here is a link to the full MASSBAR Association 2020 Elder Law guide.
Beethoven: The man revealed with John Suchet (a podcast)
Victor Gama - Toha in concert - the Tower harp
Toha - Tower Harp, what exactly is it and about the design
Just for Fun
The world's most dangerous ways to school - (a film) And you thought telling your kids you walked "uphill both ways"was impressive. The dedication to education these children have is truly impressive!
Moments caught on camera you won't believe
The redwood Forest an incredible and relaxing walk through the beauty of nature
The coolest treehouses in the world!
Jeanne Robertson - Lights, Camera, Action!
How to play "Happy Birthday" like Beethoven, Chopin, Brahms, Bach and Mozart
Kindness Matters
22 inventions that are helping to save the earth - Kindness to the planet matters too!
Upcoming Events
email adoggett@franklinma.gov to attend zoom events unless noted otherwise.
*Monday Feb 1st at 11am - Book Club via zoom
*Monday Feb 1st at 1pm - Tele-Bingo Call the Senior Center to register- Phone in
*Tuesday Feb. 2nd at 5pm - Quarantini Time a virtual, social, cocktail hour. Zoom
*Tuesday Feb. 2nd at 1pm -Low vision support group- email
mgunderson@franklinma.gov - phone call in
*Wed. Feb. 3rd at 1pm -Fireside Chat with the staff of the Franklin Senior Center
*Thursday Feb. 4th at 10am- Discussion Group - call to sign up 508-520-4945
*Thursday Feb. 4th at 1pm - Tele-Bingo call the Senior Center to sign up 508-520-4945
*Thursday Feb. 4th at 1pm - Franklin Historical Museum Tour with Jim Johnston via zoom -
If you missed this event last week you have a second chance to attend!
*Friday Feb. 5th at 11am - Sunshine Zoom - for members with memory loss - 1 hour of
socialization, games and gentle exercise. Zoom Event
Wednesday Feb. 3rd at 1pm - Fireside Chat with the staff of the Franklin Senior Center Hear what's on the schedule for February, Ask questions of the staff, provide input as to activities and events you would like to see or just catch up with us all. Call to sign up for this zoom event or email adoggett@franklinma.gov
Thursday Feb. 4th at 1pm - Franklin Historical Museum Tour - Take 2!
If you missed seeing the new exhibit at the Franklin Historical Tour with Jim Johnston last week here is your chance to see it! Tour the beautiful Parlour VIRTUALLY and learn about the rich history of the treasures inside. This is a zoom event.
Curbside Cafe' - Special week of Feb. 1-5 is Cheese Pizza and salad
Attached you will find Donna's fun filled activity pages!
Love, virtual hugs and good health to you all! We are still here for you! Please feel free to email Donna and I with questions, concerns or just to check in!
Ariel & Donna
Please feel free to share this email with anyone you think might enjoy it. If you want me to add someone to the email blast list just send me a message with their email in it.
When searching for information about the Coronavirus, COVID-19 please use caution! Unfortunately there are many false sites that contain viruses and malware that can threaten your computer. Many look like real sites. Your best bet is to go directly to the CDC, WHO or your local government page (links below).
FHS A World of Difference: 1 minute video - how perspectives matter
"Happy Friday everyone! Here is a short, 1-minute lesson taught by a World of Difference Member that you can do right now to illustrate how perspectives can differ! "
View the video =https://t.co/zgnaumLvgq
Franklin Public Library: February 2021 - News & Events
Library News
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, The Franklin Public Library is currently closed to the public. Curbside Pickup is available Monday through Thursday, 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., and Friday and Saturday, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. in the vestibule of the entrance at the top of the parking lot ramp. Library Staff are available by phone (508-520-4941) and email (frkill@minlib.net) Monday through Thursday, 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., and Friday and Saturday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Sunday hours are not available at this time.
The Library will be closed and Curbside Pickup will not be available on Monday, February 15 for Presidents Day.
No donations are being accepted at this time. Please do not place them in the return bins or outside the building.
Friends of the Franklin Library
Library staff would like to thank the Friends of the Franklin Library for their incredibly generous donation of $4000 to the Library. This gift will be used to fund programming for children, teens, and adults.
New Materials
Check out the list of new books, movies, and music added to the Library's collection in the last month!
Curbside Printing
The Franklin Public Library is now offering Curbside Printing! Send your document as an email attachment to the following email address: frkill@minlib.net .
In the email subject line, in all caps, type: CURBSIDE PRINTING
- Can only be printed on 8.5 x 11 or 8.5 x 14 inch paper
- Can only be printed in black and white
- Must be ten pages or less
- Limit of one print job per week
- Must be Microsoft Office compatible or standard PDF format
- Single sided pages only
- For Franklin residents only
- You will receive an email when your document is ready for pick up
- This is a free service
Staff members cannot alter your print job in any way prior to printing. Please carefully check the print preview option on your computer or personal device before submitting our document.
Privacy information: Please do not send print jobs that contain private or sensitive information. Your document will be placed in an envelope, but it will be left for pickup in the Curbside Pickup area – this area is open to the general public.
Have some questions about this service? Send an email to frkill@minlib.net . In the subject line, type CURBSIDE PRINTING QUESTION.
Book & Movie Bundles for Kids and Adults
Miss browsing the stacks? Looking for some book or movie recommendations? Help is here! Introducing Book & Movie Bundles! Fill out a form indicating your preferences, and Library staff will customize a bundle of five items just for you. Once your bundle is ready, you will receive an email that it is available in our Curbside Pickup area. To get started, visit the Franklin Public Library's website https://www.franklinma.gov/franklin-public-library/pages/book-movie-bundles .
Programs for Children and Teens
Weekly Virtual Events for Kids!
Wake Up Wiggles! Mondays @10:30AM on Facebook Live!
Virtual Dungeons & Dragons! Mondays @3:30PM
email mgousie@minlib.net for more details!
Zoom Tummy Time for Babies! Tuesdays @9:30AM
email Miss Caleigh at ckeating@minlib.net to register for Tummy Time!
Zoom Toe Tapping Tuesdays! (Super Silly Dance Class for Ages 2+!) Tuesdays @4:00PM
email Miss Bree at bcomeau@minlib.net to register for Cool Cruisers!
Bookworm Bounce! Thursdays @4:00PM on Facebook Live!
Virtual Dungeons & Dragons! Mondays @ 3:30PM
Kids Ages 7-15! Join us each week for virtual D&D on Roll20.net! Then join a community of gamers for fun on FPL's own Discord Server! "Chairs" are open for New Players and Dungeon Masters are always in demand! Email mgousie@minlib.net for more details!
Teen Advisory Board, 2nd Wednesday of the Month on Zoom @6:30PM!
Teens! Want to get involved at the library from a distance? Join us as we plan teen-centric events, book displays, revamp our website and more! The perfect way to earn community service hours remotely! Email ckeating@minlib.net to get involved!
Girls Who Code!
Grades 3-5 Friday Feb. 5th & 19th @ 3:00PM
A Coding club for grades 3-5. We are bringing back G.W.C. at the Franklin Public Library! Learn to Code, Join a community, and Share your passions. All kids interested are welcome! Email mgousie@minlib.net for more details!
Grades 6-12 Friday Feb. 5th & 19th @ 4:00PM
A Coding club for grades 6-12. We are bringing back G.W.C. at the Franklin Public Library! Learn to Code, Join a community, and Share your passions. All teens interested are welcome! Email mgousie@minlib.net for more details!
Special Programs for Families
Take and Make: Chinese New Year Dragon Puppets!
Starting Saturday, February 1st, stop by the library between 10:00am-7:00pm and call the children's room (508-520-4941 ext. 2) to pick up your very own Dragon Puppet Kit! Kits include supplies and instructions for making a charming Dragon Puppet to celebrate Chinese New Year! This year is the Year of the Ox! SUPPLIES ARE LIMITED! Dragon Puppet Kits will be distributed on a first come first serve basis!
Black History Month Book Bingo!
Celebrate Black History Month with a special reading challenge! We've got a special BINGO board with reading prompts relating to Black historical figure, authors and illustrators! Complete BINGO in any direction in order to receive a prize! Special prizes will be available for anyone who completes their entire board! Find the Bingo Board in the library vestibule or on our website starting February 1st, and email your titles to ckeating@minlib.net! All entries must be received by Sunday, February 28th!
Zoom Cooking Class for families with Miss Sandhya! Saturday February 13th, 1:00PM
Join Miss Sandhya of Sandhya's Kitchen for a special zoom cooking class for kids and their grown-ups! To register for the class and receive the zoom link, email Caleigh at ckeating@minlib.net!
Take and Make: Slime!
Starting Saturday, February 13th, stop by the library between 10:00am-7:30pm and call the children's room (508-520-4941 ext. 2) to pick up your very own Slime Making Kit! Kits include supplies and instructions for making your very own slime, with glue and liquid starch! The perfect vacation week craft! SUPPLIES ARE LIMITED! Slime Kits will be distributed on a first come first serve basis!
February StoryWalk at DelCarte Reservation!
Starting Saturday, February 13th, the Franklin Recreation Department and the Franklin Public Library are teaming up again for a cozy StoryWalk on the trail! The StoryWalk will be up until mid-March, so you have plenty of time to enjoy the story, while social distancing!
Teen Zoom Murder Mystery Party! Wednesday, February 17th @6:00PM
Teens! Join us on Zoom for a teen-centric virtual soiree, as we celebrate February vacation week with a 1920s, Gatsby themed interactive mystery! To register and receive the zoom link, please email ckeating@minlib.net!
Make with Miss Mitzi Craft Class: Hand Warmers! Saturday February 27th, 1:00PM
Join Miss Mitzi for a special zoom crafting class! She will be teaching us how to sew our own heart-shaped hand warmers! To register for the class and receive the zoom link, email Mitzi at mgousie@minlib.net!
Love in All its Forms: A Valentine's Reading and Performance, Wednesday, February 10, 7:00 p.m.
Love in All its Forms will feature four local authors reading and performing original works spanning literally all forms of love: gay, straight, undecided, male, female, cringe-inducing, heart-warming, humorous, pathetic, vanilla and not-so-much, millennial and middle-aged, romantic and platonic.
The New England Indie Authors Collective will present their latest work on the modern state of love. The Zoom event will include time for a Q&A. Authors will include Jenny Pivor, Judah Leblang, Jason M. Rubin, and Randy Ross. To register, please visit https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUqf-yvqDopHNGUcKO_rtyzEOrzgSC... .
Roots of Black Music in America presented by Karlus Trapp, Wednesday, February 17, 7:00 p.m.
Karlus Trapp's delightful, educational, and entertaining presentation "The Roots of Black Music in America" is a 100 year journey back through time to hear, experience anew, and learn about the music of America's black musical giants. It is a joyful show that encourages and comes alive through audience participation and interaction with singing, dancing, call and response and percussion playing. Please be warned: If you view this show, you may find yourself uncontrollably smiling, singing or humming for hours afterward.
To register for this Zoom program, please visit https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUudO-uqzMsHNKi6AUaGVu1mkziEz0... .
Take-And-Make Craft for Adults: Embroidery Kit
In a collaboration with the Franklin Mill Store, the Franklin Public Library is now offering Take-And-Make craft kits for adults! The project for January is embroidery kits. The embroidery kits include everything you need to create your own hand embroidered hoop. The pattern design is pre-printed on 100% cotton fabric, so there's no need for transferring or tracing. Just pop the fabric in the hoop, thread your needle, and start stitching!
These make easy and wonderful gifts. Embroidery is a great way to slow down, get cozy, and get crafty. Each kit contains: pre-printed (in color) fabric pattern, coordinating embroidery floss, needle, wooden hoop(s), full color card with image on front and stitching notes on back, a 'getting started with hand embroidery' guide and instructional how-to for basic stitches. The finished design is sized to fit nicely in a 6" hoop.
Kits are available to the first 35 Franklin residents to register, and will be placed in Curbside Pickup. To register, please contact Assistant Library Director Kim Shipala at 508-520-4941, or email kshipala@minlib.net .
Franklin Public Library Book Club, Tuesday, February 23, 7:00 p.m.
The book for discussion is Such a Fun Age, by Kiley Reid.
Alix Chamberlain is a woman who gets what she wants and has made a living, with her confidence-driven brand, showing other women how to do the same. So she is shocked when her babysitter, Emira Tucker, is confronted while watching the Chamberlains' toddler one night, walking the aisles of their local high-end supermarket. The store's security guard, seeing a young black woman out late with a white child, accuses Emira of kidnapping two-year-old Briar. A small crowd gathers, a bystander films everything, and Emira is furious and humiliated. Alix resolves to make things right. But Emira herself is aimless, broke, and wary of Alix's desire to help. At twenty-five, she is about to lose her health insurance and has no idea what to do with her life. When the video of Emira unearths someone from Alix's past, both women find themselves on a crash course that will upend everything they think they know about themselves, and each other. With empathy and piercing social commentary, Such a Fun Age explores the stickiness of transactional relationships, what it means to make someone "family," the complicated reality of being a grown up, and the consequences of doing the right thing for the wrong reason.
To reserve a copy of the book or for more information, please contact Assistant Library Director Kim Shipala at kshipala@minlib.net . To register, please visit https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcsf-yrrDIuGNZUG2MU5BiraLtGa3d... .
Online Resources
Even though we are closed to the public, the Library still has so much to offer! Here are updates and information regarding the Library's services during this closure:
- Our digital library is still open! Explore our collection of audiobooks, ebooks, and more at https://minuteman.overdrive.com/ . On your phone or tablet, download the Libby and Minuteman Library Network apps!
- Learn a new language with Rosetta Stone, or try out Kanopy, hoopla, and Consumer Reports on the Featured Databases page (exclusively available to Franklin residents).
- Learn something new, find articles for school assignments, read newspapers like the New York Times, or pick up a new skill using the links on our Databases & Research Resources page.
- Tune in to our Facebook page for streaming storytimes, book discussions, and other live programs. https://www.facebook.com/FranklinPublicLibrary/
- For email Reference service, or help with your library account, send questions to frkill@minlib.net . Inquiries will be answered within 24 hours.
- Follow us on Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube!