Wishing all the Moms out there a wonderful, happy and healthy Mother's Day!
Staying Connected
Link to the Senior Center - https://www.franklinma.gov/fsc
Link to the Senior Center Calendar https://www.franklinma.gov/node/39/events/day
Link to Franklin Matters - https://www.franklinmatters.org/ and www.franklin.news
Link to the Town's webpage - https://www.franklinma.gov/
Link to Mass.Gov COVID - https://www.mass.gov/info-details/covid-19-updates-and-information
Save the Date: West Suburban Area Alzheimer's Partnership Virtual Spring Forum: Seven Steps to Managing Your Memory: What's Normal, What's Not, And What to Do About It, with guest speaker Dr. Andrew Budson on Wednesday May 19, 2021 from 8:30-9:30 am (flyer attached) Register by calling 1-800-272-3900 or REGISTER HERE
There are TONS of events happening next week at the Franklin Senior Center. Make sure to check the "Upcoming Events" below so you don't miss out on the fun!
18 breathing exercises for beginners - Qigong
Full body Low impact workout with Paul Eugene
Unusual and Strange Musical instruments
Over an hour and a half of beautiful music to celebrate Mother's Day
Supermarket Flowers by Ed Sheeran - The most heartbreakingly beautiful song for all of the Moms who have left this world. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bIB8EWqCPrQ
Just for Fun
The history of Mother's Day
How banana waste is made into rugs and more
Incredible synchronicity that looks like a glitch in the matrix
7 Riddles to test your brain power - How many can you get right?
Dumbest answers ever on Family Feud
Alternative Cuss Words - Tim Hawkins
Kindness Matters
Sparky the Loser - The story of Charles Schultz
2 year old convinces her mom to adopt a deaf puppy
Upcoming Events email adoggett@franklinma.gov to attend unless noted otherwise.
Link to Senior Center monthly calendar https://www.franklinma.gov/sites/g/files/vyhlif6896/f/uploads/may_newsletter_2021_-1.pdf
*Monday at 1pm - TeleBingo call to register for this phone in game
*Tuesday at 1 and 2:30 Outdoor Concert Bring a chair and some friends and enjoy our LIVE music concerts. THE MARK SHILANSKY JAZZ TRIO, Berklee College of Music, will perform. Rain date is May 13th.
*Tuesday at 11am - Tailgate Tuesday! Pick up lunch at our Curbside Cafe and stay for a tailgate picnic with friends! Bring a chair or picnic blanket for comfort.
*Tuesday at 5:30pm - Quarantini Time a virtual, social, cocktail hour.
*Tuesday at 1pm - Low Vision Group- email mgunderson@franklinma.gov
*Wed. At 1pm - MASSACHUSETTS, THE LIBRARY STATE - From the early days of European settlement to the present, Boston and Massachusetts have been friendly to the printed word. In fact, the first printing press in British North America arrived at Harvard in 1636. Libraries, private, public, and academic followed quickly, including Franklin's own public library. In this presentation, local author and historian Alan Earls will present a slide show and discussion of some of the important milestones, architectural gems, and key figures in this story, as well as an overview of just how richly endowed we are with libraries of all kinds today. Email Ariel at adoggett@franklinma.gov for the link to join.
*Thursday at 9:30 - Chair exercise with Shirley - You must register to attend
*Thursday at 1pm - Tele Bingo call the Senior Center to play 508-520-4945
*Friday at 11am - Sunshine Zoom - for members with memory loss - 1 hour of socialization,
games and activities.
Attached you will find: Donna's Fun filled activity pages
By entering the Franklin Senior Center you are agreeing to the rules in place and will be required to scan or sign in, fill out a COVID questionnaire, have your temperature taken, wear a properly fitting mask over your mouth and nose at ALL times and remain socially distanced. We greatly appreciate your assistance in following these rules so we can continue to move forward with our scaled and mindful opening based on the rules we MUST follow! Please do NOT move chairs or remove signs marking appropriate social distancing.
The rules are in place for legal and safety reasons. Breaking them just makes you a fun ruiner for everyone! Don't be "that person" who gets us shut down!
Stay safe, mindful and kind everyone!
Please feel free to share this email with anyone you think might enjoy it. If you want me to add someone to the email blast list just send me a message with their email in it.
When searching for information about the Coronavirus, COVID-19 please use caution! Unfortunately there are many false sites that contain viruses and malware that can threaten your computer. Many look like real sites. Your best bet is to go directly to the CDC, WHO or your local government page (links below).
For those of you who attend our Memory Cafe events I invite you to learn more about attending a VIRTUAL Memory Cafe through Zoom! There are many options to choose from.