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Left to right: Jamie Barrett, instructor, veterans Matt Linahan, David Kast and Scott Halet |
Providing accurate and timely information about what matters in Franklin, MA since 2007. * Working in collaboration with Franklin TV and Radio (wfpr.fm) since October 2019 *
Saturday, July 31, 2021
Veterans - "Tune It Out" guitar lessons underway and you can still join!
Sen. Rausch slams DESE/DPH non-binding masking recommendations
"Today, Governor Baker and his administration failed our Commonwealth's children and families. The DESE/DPH masking guidance falls far short of the data-driven recommendations of the CDC, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and hundreds of Massachusetts medical and public health experts: everyone age 2 and up in every school setting – from childcare through grade 12 – must wear masks indoors. Kids, parents, teachers, and school committees have been through enough; they deserve better than weak, unenforceable, non-binding guidelines that further endanger their health and safety."
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Sen. Rausch slams DESE/DPH non-binding masking recommendations |
DESE releases fall guidance for school districts
"Just released fall guidance from the @MASchoolsK12.
Please note:"Today's guidance is a recommendation for districts, and individual districts should make decisions based on their own particular circumstances."
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https://twitter.com/MASchoolsK12 |
Franklin Election Collection - 2021
- Town clerk = Danello - 4114; Santorsola - 1150
- Planning Board: Halligan - 1552; Padula - 1701; Wierling - 3431; Williams - 3348
- School Committee: *bottom 5 - D'Angelo - 2330; Scofield - 2487; Bisson - 1424; McCormack - 1473; Videra - 1057 *Top 7 - Spencer - 3643; Stokes - 3631; Bernstein - 3056; Callaghan - 2987; Charles - 3081; McNeill - 2806; Whitmore - 2887
- Town Council: bottom 3 - Bissanti - 1992; Callaway-Tripp - 1559; Earls - 1840; Top 9 - Chandler - 3525; Dellorco - 3808; Frongillo - 4053; Hamblen - 3689; Jones - 3661; Mercer - 3812; Pellegri - 3734; Cormier-Leger - 3119; Sheridan - 3192
- Board of Assessors - Feeley - 4096
- Board of Health - Sweet - 4046
- Approx. turnout 5,754 for a turnout of 23.5% of the 24,456 registered voters.
Town clerk = Danello - 4083; Santorsola - 1145Planning Board: Halligan - 1535; Padula - 1685; Wierling - 3418; Williams - 3337School Committee: *bottom 5 - D'Angelo - 2309; Scofield - 2470; Bisson - 1418; McCormack - 1465; Videra - 1054 *Top 7 - Spencer - 3623; Stokes - 3614; Bernstein - 3045; Callaghan - 2969; Charles - 3069; McNeill - 2795; Whitmore - 2876Town Council: bottom 3 - Bissanti - 1976; Callaway-Tripp - 1550; Earls - 1832; Top 9 - Chandler - 3501; Dellorco - 3786; Frongillo - 4030; Hamblen - 3668; Jones - 3637; Mercer - 3788; Pellegri - 3708; Cormier-Leger - 3106; Sheridan - 3176Board of Assessors - Feeley - 4065Board of Health - Sweet - 4017Approx. turnout 5700 for about 24%
Note: The candidate info gathered here is shared with the Franklin Voter guide to create one place for all the info.
While called the "Town of Franklin", we operate as a city form of government with a Council, an Administrator hired by the Council to manage the town operations, and a School Committee which hires a Superintendent to manage the school district operations.
Every two years, the entire Town Council (9 positions) and School Committee (7 positions) are up for election. There are other elected positions that have staggered terms so some of them are available every two years or four years.
The Town Clerk is normally elected every four years, but with Nancy Danello taking on the role as "acting Town Clerk" in September 2020 when Teresa Burr resigned, the position is up for election this year.
All precincts vote in one location; Franklin High School. The precincts are used to balance the voter numbers across the town and are set at the State level. Our State Senate representation is split between two sets of precincts while we have a Representative in the House that covers all of Franklin and a few precincts in Medway.
Early voting opened Tuesday, Oct 12, 2021 - it will run during normal business hours in the Town Clerk's OfficePolls open 6 AM on Tuesday, November 2, 2021. They close at 8 PM. It is anticipated results could be available by 9 PM that night.- Please visit the Town of Franklin website www.franklinma.gov/town-clerk or call the Town Clerks Office at 508-520-4900
Candidate Information:
Candidate | Voter Guide | Franklin Matters | Frank Presents |
Board of Assessors | |||
Chris Feeley | |||
Board of Health | |||
Bridget Sweet | |||
Planning Board | |||
Joseph F Halligan Jr | |||
Anthony D Padula | |||
Beth Wierling | |||
Jennifer D Williams | |||
School Committee | |||
Jennifer L D'Angelo | |||
Mary Jane Scofield | |||
Denise Spencer | |||
Elise Stokes | |||
Camille N Bernstein | |||
Mark A Bisson | |||
David C Callaghan | |||
Al Charles | |||
John McCormack | |||
David J McNeill | |||
Dashe Videra | |||
Meghan L Whitmore | |||
Town Clerk | |||
Nancy Danello | |||
Lynne R Santorsola | |||
Town Council | |||
Andrew M Bissanti | |||
Brian M Chandler | |||
Robert R Dellorco | |||
Cobi Frongillo | |||
Melanie J Hamblen | |||
Glenn F Jones | |||
Thomas D Mercer | |||
Deborah L Pellegri | |||
Jane Callaway-Tripp | text | ||
Theodore D Cormier-Leger | |||
Alan R Earls | |||
Patrick C Sheridan | |||
If any of the links above don’t work for you, try going directly to each source
- Franklin Voter Guide -> https://www.franklinvoterguide.org/2021-voter-guide
- Franklin Matters Election Collection ->
- Franklin TV video on Demand -> https://franklintv.vod.castus.tv/vod/
- For a PDF copy of the candidate table ->
- Voices of Franklin: Colin Cass proud of the diverse election results - https://www.franklinmatters.org/2021/11/voices-of-franklin-colin-cass-proud-of.html
- Official results - https://www.franklinmatters.org/2021/11/official-results-town-of-franklin.html
- Franklin Matters editorial comment - https://www.franklinmatters.org/2021/11/election-results-could-lead-to.html
- Unofficial results - https://www.franklinmatters.org/2021/11/unofficial-results-town-of-franklin.html
- Franklin Public Radio (wfpr.fm or 102.9) to broadcast results Tuesday evening, after the polls close at 8 PM - https://www.franklinmatters.org/2021/11/franklin-public-radio-election-night.html
- Voices of Franklin: Karen Landers - "Time for a change on the Planning Board" - https://www.franklinmatters.org/2021/11/voices-of-franklin-karen-landers-time.html
- MA Open Meeting Law updates - https://www.franklinmatters.org/2021/10/ma-open-meeting-law-items-of-interest.html
- Candidate link info - https://www.franklinmatters.org/2021/10/links-to-candidate-info-for-franklin-ma.html
- Franklin Public Schools complaint process for books and curriculum - https://www.franklinmatters.org/2021/10/franklin-public-schools-public.html
- Franklin Interfaith Council statement and call to pledge - https://www.franklinmatters.org/2021/10/a-call-to-our-community-lovefranklin.html
- Superintendent Dr. Sara Ahern's Letter to the Franklin Community in response to the October 26th, 2021 School Committee Meeting - https://www.franklinmatters.org/2021/10/superintendents-letter-to-franklin.html
- Voices of Franklin: Alan Earls "I heard the bells on Christmas Day..." - https://www.franklinmatters.org/2021/10/voices-of-franklin-alan-earls-i-heard.html
- Voices of Franklin: Raymond Milici advocates Support for Franklin United - https://www.franklinmatters.org/2021/10/voices-of-franklin-raymond-milici.html
- Voices of Franklin: Aaron Gouveia for candidates that support diversity - https://www.franklinmatters.org/2021/10/voices-of-franklin-aaron-gouveia-for.html
- School Committee meeting 10/26/21 (YouTube video) - https://youtu.be/5xitDgZEHMw
Candidate Forum (10/21/21) video available on demand - https://www.franklinmatters.org/2021/10/candidate-forum-video-available-on.html
Milford Daily News - Town Council candidate summaries - https://www.franklinmatters.org/2021/10/milford-daily-news-town-council.html
Milford Daily News - School Committee & Planning Board candidate summaries - https://www.franklinmatters.org/2021/10/milford-daily-news-school-committee.html
- Milford Daily News - Town Clerk candidate summaries - https://www.milforddailynews.com/story/country-gazette/2021/10/28/franklin-clerk-faces-challenge-posting-town-election/8552583002/
Franklin TV broadcast schedule for Sunday (10/24) through Friday (10/29) - https://www.franklinmatters.org/2021/10/franklin-tv-candidate-interviews-and.html
Candidate Forum Audio (10/21/21) - https://www.franklinmatters.org/2021/10/candidate-forum-audio-oct-21-2021.html
Candidate Forum (10/21/21) - five candidate statements - https://www.franklinmatters.org/2021/10/candidate-forum-statements-oct-21-2021.html
- Voices of Franklin - Colin Cass on partisan what it means and doesn't mean - https://www.franklinmatters.org/2021/10/voices-of-franklin-colin-cass-on-what.html
Franklin United campaign launch - https://www.franklinmatters.org/2021/10/franklin-united-campaign-launch-oct-23.html
Broadcast info for Candidates Forum - Oct 21 - 6:30 PM -https://www.franklinmatters.org/2021/10/broadcast-info-for-candidates-forum-oct.html
- Voices of Franklin - Robert Vacca on "Education is More Than Back to Basics" - https://www.franklinmatters.org/2021/10/voices-of-franklin-robert-vacca.html
- Franklin TV schedule for "Frank Presents" for week of Oct 18 - https://www.franklinmatters.org/2021/10/franklin-tv-schedule-for-frank-presents.html
- Candidate Forum - Oct 14, 2021 - YouTube link - https://www.franklinmatters.org/2021/10/franklin-ma-candidate-forum-oct-14-2021.html
- Specimen ballot sample -> https://www.franklinmatters.org/2021/10/specimen-ballot-for-franklin-ma.html
- Franklin United Municipal PAC endorses candidates - https://www.franklinmatters.org/2021/10/franklin-united-municipal-pac-endorses.html
- Voices of Franklin: Jayson Joyce on "politics and baseball" - https://www.franklinmatters.org/2021/10/voices-of-franklin-jayson-joyce-on.html
- Candidate night - Oct 14 at 7 PM - https://www.franklinmatters.org/2021/10/candidates-night-oct-14-2021-7-pm.html
- Voices of Franklin: Colin Cass on School Committee candidates - https://www.franklinmatters.org/2021/10/voices-of-franklin-colin-cass-on-school.html
- Voices of Franklin: Robert Vacca on School Committee candidates - https://www.franklinmatters.org/2021/10/voices-of-franklin-robert-vacca-on.html
- Franklin TV: "Frank Presents" candidate interviews schedule for week of Oct 11, 2021 - https://www.franklinmatters.org/2021/10/franklin-tv-frank-presents-candidate.html
- Franklin TV: Candidate Forum teasers - https://www.franklinmatters.org/2021/10/franklin-tv-are-you-candidate-theres.html
- Early voting schedule; absentee and vote by mail applications available - https://www.franklinmatters.org/2021/10/franklin-town-clerk-early-voting-begins.html
- Franklin TV schedule for week of 10/03/21 - "Frank Presents" -> https://www.franklinmatters.org/2021/10/franklin-tv-view-frank-presents.html
- Franklin Voters Guide is available (and a work in progress) https://www.franklinmatters.org/2021/10/the-franklin-voters-guide-is-available.html
- 'Almost final' listing of candidates set - https://www.franklinmatters.org/2021/09/candidates-listing-almost-final-with.html
- Acting Town Clerk Nancy Danello provides info on the Nov 2 election (audio) - https://www.franklinmatters.org/2021/09/fm-601-acting-town-clerk-with-things-to.html
- Candidate interview questions finalized https://www.franklinmatters.org/2021/09/election-2021-candidate-interview.html
- 5 candidates remain outstanding to return nomination papers https://www.franklinmatters.org/2021/09/5-candidates-to-turn-in-nomination.html
- School Committee candidate campaign pages https://www.franklinmatters.org/2021/09/school-committee-candidate-campaign.html
- Statement by Tracey Novick on School Committee responsibilities https://www.franklinmatters.org/2021/09/the-governance-of-school-committee-that.html
- Wicked Local on ballots filing up and link to candidate question form https://www.franklinmatters.org/2021/09/wicked-local-franklin-ballot-filling-up.html
- 18 candidates have turned in their nomination papers https://www.franklinmatters.org/2021/08/18-candidates-have-turned-in-their.html
- Enough candidates file for Town Council, School Committee and Planning Board https://www.franklinmatters.org/2021/08/franklins-local-election-draws-more.html
- Reminder to potential candidates, still time to pull papers https://www.franklinmatters.org/2021/08/still-time-to-pull-papers-obtain.html
- Cobi Frongillo press release announcing his campaign for reelection https://www.franklinmatters.org/2021/08/announcing-re-election-bid-cobi.html
- Ballot question process starts for 30 initiatives https://commonwealthmagazine.org/politics/from-gig-economy-to-tci-30-ballot-questions-filed/
- Gov Bakers signs bill extending early voting through Dec 15, 2021 https://www.franklinmatters.org/2021/07/mma-gov-signs-law-extending-voting.html
- Offer to candidates for Town Election https://www.franklinmatters.org/2021/07/offer-to-candidates-for-town-of.html
- Franklin Election 2021: What does the Town Council do? https://www.franklinmatters.org/2021/08/franklin-election-2021-what-does-town.html
- Franklin Election 2021: What does the School Committee do? https://www.franklinmatters.org/2021/08/franklin-election-2021-what-does-school.html
- Franklin Election 2021: What does the Town Clerk do? https://www.franklinmatters.org/2021/08/franklin-election-2021-what-does-town_01476030939.html
- Franklin Election 2021: What does the Board of Assessors do? https://www.franklinmatters.org/2021/08/franklin-election-2021-what-does-board.html
- Franklin Election 2021: What does the Planning Board do? https://www.franklinmatters.org/2021/08/franklin-election-2021-what-does.html
- Franklin Election 2021: What does the Board of Health do? https://www.franklinmatters.org/2021/08/franklin-election-2021-what-does-board_01439513653.html
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Franklin Election Collection - 2021 |