Showing posts with label veterans. Show all posts
Showing posts with label veterans. Show all posts

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Save the Date: Veterans Coffee Social scheduled for August 7, 2024 at 10:00 AM

The next Veterans Coffee Social will be held on Wednesday, August 7 at 10:00 a.m. at the Senior Center.

All Veterans are welcome to join us!

Save the Date: Veterans Coffee Social scheduled for August 7, 2024 at 10:00 AM
Save the Date: Veterans Coffee Social scheduled for August 7, 2024 at 10:00 AM

Friday, July 12, 2024

The next Veterans Council Meeting is August 15, 2024

There will be no Veterans Council Meeting in July.

The next meeting will be held on Thursday, August 15, 2024 at 7:00 PM at the Senior Center.

Any Franklin resident interested in Veterans' activities is welcome to join us. Veterans Council meets the third Thursday of every month unless otherwise noted.

The next Veterans Council Meeting is August 15
The next Veterans Council Meeting is August 15, 2024

Saturday, June 8, 2024

June Veterans Council Meeting scheduled for June 20

June Veterans Council Meeting
June 20 - 7:00 pm - All Franklin Residents are Welcome!

The June Veterans Council meeting will be held on Thursday, June 20, 2024 at 7:00 PM.

The Veterans Council meets the third Thursday of the month at 7:00 pm at the Franklin Senior Center, 10 Daniel McCahill Street.

All Franklin residents interested in veterans' events and activities are welcome.

For more information, contact Shannon Nisbett, Director of Veterans' Services, at (508) 613-1315.
June Veterans Council Meeting scheduled for June 20
June Veterans Council Meeting scheduled for June 20

Monday, May 27, 2024

Reminder: Franklin's Memorial Day parade route and schedule information for May 27, 2024

The Franklin, MA's Memorial Day parade route remains the same. The parade will step off at 10:30 AM from Depot St, proceeds up Main St. 

It stops briefly at Dean College for a wreath ceremony before continuing up Main St and turning on School St (at the Library). 

The parade turns again on Union St and stop for another wreath ceremony at the Union St cemetery. The parade resumes proceeding down RT 140 to Beaver St and turns toward the Town Common. 

It makes another stop at the St Mary's cemetery before completing the route at the Town Common. The final ceremony among the veterans memorials is scheduled for noon.

Memorial Day Parade schedule
Memorial Day Parade & schedule 

Memorial Day Parade route
Memorial Day Parade route

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Representative Roy: "Massachusetts House Passes Landmark Veterans Legislation"

Rep. Roy was honored to join his colleagues in passing legislation that honors veterans in Massachusetts by broadening the definition of a veteran, increasing tax credits and state benefits that they are eligible for, and modernizing the services that they rely on. “An Act honoring, empowering, and recognizing our servicemembers and veterans (HERO Act),” will impact hundreds of thousands of veterans living in Massachusetts.

“Massachusetts has the most generous veterans benefits in the nation,” said Rep. Roy. “And, as a matter of fact, I am not in the Franklin chamber tonight because I just left the House floor where we voted unanimously on a bill to further expand veterans benefits here. “Today’s bill combines spending, policy and tax initiatives aimed at expanding access by veterans to health care, increasing financial benefits to former servicemembers, and ensuring that women, disabled and LGBTQ+ veterans have equal access to supports. I am honored to support the expansion of benefits to those who gave greatly to support freedom and democracy and to make sure our veterans and their families have access to the benefits, resources and support they deserve.”

Read Rep Roy's full article ->

Full text of the HERO Act legislation ->
Representative Roy: "Massachusetts House Passes Landmark Veterans Legislation"
Representative Roy: "Massachusetts House Passes Landmark Veterans Legislation"

Monday, May 20, 2024

Memorial Day weekend special events at the Historical Museum

In honor of Memorial Day Weekend, the museum will be showing film and videos related to local veterans during regular hours, Saturday from 10 AM to 1 PM and Sunday from 1 PM to 4 PM.  

There will also be a small informational display about the Army Air Corps pilot killed in a training incident in Franklin in 1943. 

On Monday, May 27. the museum will also have special hours. Watch the website for updates.

If you haven't already had the chance, visit the museum, located in downtown Franklin. The museum is open Saturdays 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM; Sundays 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM.   
Handicap access is available at the back of the building.  
Come by and discover Franklin's history, where our story began.

Franklin Historical Museum, 80 West Central St
Franklin Historical Museum, 80 West Central St 

Saturday, May 18, 2024

GOOD DEEDS: The True meaning of – "Support the Troops"

This month, we observe Memorial Day to honor and remember the brave men and women who died while serving in the United States Armed Forces. With this in mind, I want to take a moment to reflect about the true meaning of "support the troops." For me, as the father of a Service Member, supporting our troops goes beyond a simple gesture. It means actively getting involved and reaching out to the brave men and women whose commitment and service to our country is both unwavering and inspiring. By truly supporting our troops in a meaningful way, we can honor their sacrifices and show our gratitude for their dedication to protecting our freedoms.

In the spirit of one of the United States Army's 10 principles of leadership, leading by example, I want to share with you a few ways that we at the Norfolk County Registry of Deeds have not only shown our support but acted on that principle to hopefully inspire others to do the same.

Providing clothing donations to Veteran organizations is a simple yet impactful way to show appreciation for our Veterans. This small act to benefit Veterans can make a significant difference in their lives.

In 2016, the Registry of Deeds made a commitment to the Veteran Affairs Boston Healthcare System Voluntary Service program by expanding the Registry's "Suits for Success" program to include Veterans, starting with Jamaica Plain VA Medical Center. Since that time, this partnership has grown to include the West Roxbury VA Medical Center and the Brockton VA Medical Center. Since the Registry started the "Suits for Success" program in February 2009, it has collected and distributed more than 11,500 articles of clothing to local non-profit groups throughout southern Massachusetts.

Norfolk County Register of Deeds William P. O'Donnell delivers clothes to Mary Peak and staff, VA Boston Healthcare System Voluntary Service program.

Another way to show your support is by sharing the story of a fallen hero. By telling their stories, it ensures that their legacy lives on and that future generations will remember the sacrifices made by these brave men and women.

In November 2023, the Norfolk County Registry of Deeds celebrated the Veterans of Norfolk County with an open house and the release of our third volume of Notable Land Records titled "We Remember Our Veterans."

These stories allow us to honor the sacrifices made by Veterans and gain a deeper understanding of why it is crucial to support and care for our Veterans today.

The evening's event took on a special significance as Veterans' Services Secretary Jon Santiago, the highest-ranking state Veteran's official in the Commonwealth, spoke about the role of Veterans and the sacrifices they make on behalf of our freedoms.

From left Norfolk County Register of Deeds William P. O'Donnell, Jeanette Rose-Gutshall, a Gold Star wife from Weymouth, and Massachusetts Veterans' Services Secretary Jon Santiago
From left Norfolk County Register of Deeds William P. O'Donnell, Jeanette Rose-Gutshall, a Gold Star wife from Weymouth, and Massachusetts Veterans' Services Secretary Jon Santiago

Lastly you can actively participate in the Veteran community. You can show respect on Memorial Day by going to a national cemetery or war memorial, putting flowers or flags on the graves of Veterans, or going to a local parade or ceremony. Another option to be active in the Veteran community and show your support is to talk to a Veteran or Veterans' group.

Recently, I had the honor to meet with the Veterans and Veteran Family Members of Braintree American Legion Post 86 to share some of the programs and services that are available through the Registry of Deeds. During that event it was my pleasure to sign a Statement of Support for the National Guard and Reserve, joining others throughout the United States in pledging that I fully recognize, honor and enforce the Uniformed Services Employment and Re-Employment Rights Act and will continually recognize and support our country's service members and their families in peace, in crises and in war.

So, I hope that this Memorial Day, you will join with me and your fellow Americans in not only showing your support but also taking the time to be active in the Veteran community so that we can all truly reflect on the sacrifices made by our brave men and women in uniform and express our gratitude for their service and dedication to this great Country, the United States of America.

Norfolk County Register of Deeds William P. O'Donnell

Thursday, May 16, 2024

May 2024 - Veterans' Council Meeting and Memorial Day Parade Planning

May 2024 - Veterans' Council Meeting and Memorial Day Parade Planning

Thursday, May 16 - 7:00 pm - Senior Center


CALL OUR OFFICE TO SIGN UP: (508) 613-1315

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May 2024 - Veterans' Council Meeting and Memorial Day Parade Planning
May 2024 - Veterans' Council Meeting and Memorial Day Parade Planning

Monday, May 13, 2024

Memorial Day Parade scheduled for May 27, 2024 at 10:30 AM

Franklin's Memorial Day parade route remains the same. The parade will step off at 10:30 AM from Depot St, proceed up Main St. 

It stops briefly at Dean College for a wreath ceremony before continuing up Main St and turning on School St (at the Library). 

The parade turns again on Union St and stop for another wreath ceremony at the Union St cemetery. The parade resumes proceeding down RT 140 to Beaver St and turns toward the Town Common. 

It makes another stop at the St Mary's cemetery before completing the route at the Town Common. The final ceremony among the veterans memorials is scheduled for noon.

Memorial Day Parade schedule
Memorial Day Parade schedule

Memorial Day Parade route
Memorial Day Parade route

Friday, May 3, 2024

Massachusetts Military Support Foundation Announces 4th Annual Fishing4Vets - June 9

Fishing4Vets: Reeling in Support for Our Nation's Heroes Through the Power of Friendly Competition and Camaraderie

The Massachusetts Military Support Foundation (MMSF) is excited to announce the fourth annual Fishing4Vets event, a charity fishing tournament designed to bring veterans and the community together for a day of camaraderie, competition, and Cape Cod's finest fishing. Taking place on June 9, 2024, this fun-filled event will raise essential funds to support our Food4Vets program, addressing the food insecurity needs of our nation's heroes.

Fishing4Vets: Casting a Line for a Cause

4th Annual Fishing4Vets
4th Annual Fishing4Vets

The Fishing4Vets tournament offers a unique opportunity for veterans to bond with fellow service members and the wider community over a shared love of fishing, while competing for bragging rights and valuable prizes. All proceeds from the event will be directed to the Food4Vets program, which aims to assist veterans and military families who may be faced with food security issues and may lack access to affordable healthy meals.

This annual event has grown in popularity since its inception, attracting veterans, fishing enthusiasts, and community members who come together to support a worthy cause. Fishing4Vets aims to raise awareness about the challenges faced by veterans, and to create a supportive environment for those who have dedicated their lives to protecting our country.

Uniting Veterans, Community, and Nature

The Fishing4Vets tournament encourages participation from veterans, their families, and the local community, fostering connections and understanding between those who have served our nation and those who support their efforts. The event has received praise from veterans for its ability to create a relaxing, enjoyable atmosphere where they can share their experiences and build lasting friendships.

"I look forward to the Fishing4Vets tournament every year," says Joe Martinez, a local veteran and tournament participant. "It's not just about the thrill of competition or the incredible fishing. It's about coming together with my fellow veterans and the community to support each other and share our stories."

About Massachusetts Military Support Foundation

The Massachusetts Military Support Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing essential support to veterans and active-duty military personnel in need. MMSF offers a range of services, including housing assistance, food programs, and counseling services, to address the unique challenges faced by those who have served our nation. For more information, visit

For media inquiries about Fishing4Vets or to schedule an interview, please contact our Media Relations department at (617) 378-2974 or To learn more about this event, sponsorship opportunities, or to register, visit

Sunday, March 31, 2024

Saturday, March 23, 2024

First Annual Cornhole Tournament - April 6, 2024 to benefit veterans and programming at 22Mohawks

Next9Up and 22mohawks have joined together to host the First Annual Cornhole Tournament on Saturday, April 6, 2024 with proceeds to benefit veterans and programming at 22Mohawks.

Food trucks, DJ, raffles, cornhole, and tons of fun is the BEST way to spend a day in April while supporting our veterans.

22Mohawks ( is a 501(c)(3) Veteran Charitable Organization helping veterans lead themselves to find purpose. This includes their Pups for Vets Program and teaching Suicide Prevention Classes.

It has been proven that organizations that give dogs to veterans have a 0% suicide rate and studies show that adrenaline producing activities can reduce and even eliminate anxiety and depression in the short term. To find our more about their programs for companion dogs for veterans, head here

Next9Up Baseball/Softball Training Facility has always been a supporter to aide our veterans, and we are excited to help bring this event to life.

We also are offering sponsorships for those wanting to help - you can check out the options at

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Honoring Our Franklin Veterans Who Died In Service to Our Country

The Town of Franklin has one of the most beautiful Veteran’s Memorial areas in the state.  If you haven’t been there recently, it is worth a visit.  There are monuments for all wars centered in front of the WWI “Doughboy” monument.  At the rear of the monument area is the Veterans’ Memorial Walkway which currently honors 1866 veterans who have served America.

Perhaps the most moving part of the Memorial area are the 45 granite posts which line the Veterans’ Walkway. Each one of these posts is dedicated to a Franklin veteran who gave his life, defending our freedom. These columns are beautifully done, marked with bronze plaques and a flag. During the holidays, each is also decorated with a beautiful wreath.

Over the past few months, Franklin’s Veterans’ organizations, the Edward L. Grant American Legion Post 75, and the Veteran’s of Foreign Wars Post 3402, under the auspices of the Town’s Veterans Council, have developed a program to further honor those who died for our nation, to ensure they are remembered, and their stories are kept alive.

This program will include the placing of a Memorial Wreath for the day, the playing of Taps, a salute from those present, and a reading of whatever history we may have on that veteran. This is a way of keeping the memory of that veteran alive.

This event will happen 45 times during the coming year.  Some months, like January, only one ceremony will be held. Other months will have multiple ceremonies, such as February with 4 and June with 7.   On March 10, April 9, July 18, and September 21, there will be dual ceremonies as we lost two veterans on the same day.

Families of the veterans, if known, will be invited to attend the ceremony.

The public is invited to attend these ceremonies to honor those who gave their lives.

Franklin’s military organizations support numerous veterans’ activities  and encourage all veterans in town to join them.

The current schedule (note as additional info is gathered and confirmed this schedule may be updated)

photo of the recognition group for 1 of the March 10 recognitions
 Honoring Our Franklin Veterans Who Died In Service to Our Country

Thursday, March 14, 2024

VFW Post 3402 Hosting Luncheon for Vietnam-Era Veterans 29 March 2024

Luncheon for Vietnam-Era Veterans

Calling local Vietnam-Era Veterans!

VFW Post 3402 is hosting a luncheon in your honor on 29 March 2024.

Event time is 12 PM (noon). RSVP required, call 508-613-1315.

See flier for more details!


VFW Post 3402 Hosting Luncheon for Vietnam-Era Veterans 29 March 2024
VFW Post 3402 Hosting Luncheon for Vietnam-Era Veterans 29 March 2024

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Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Reminder: Veterans' Coffee Social on March 6, 2024 at 10 AM features Secretary Jon Santiago

Veterans' Coffee Social - March 6, 2024

Reminder to join the us, this Wednesday, March 6, for the Veteran's Coffee Social at the Franklin Senior Center!

We will be having a legislative visit from EOVS Secretary Jon Santiago (Army Veteran and Reservist), Rep. Jeffrey Roy, and Senator Rebecaa Rausch. Come and converse about issues that are important to our Veterans!

Join us on March 6th, 2024 at the Franklin Senior Center at 10:00AM

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Reminder: Veterans' Coffee Social on March 6, 2024 at 10 AM features Secretary Jon Santiago
Reminder: Veterans' Coffee Social on March 6, 2024 at 10 AM features Secretary Jon Santiago

Friday, March 1, 2024

Hockey Triple Header at DCU in Worcester - FREE TICKETS FOR VETS!

Veterans Appreciation Day & Night - Saturday, March 30, 2024 
- Reserve your seat today!

Join the Department of Massachusetts VFW for a day of camaraderie and hockey on Saturday, March 30 beginning at 2:30 p.m. at the DCU Center in Worcester!

Reserve your seat today by calling: Mike Raymond at: (603) 608-6898

Read more

Hockey Triple Header at DCU in Worcester - FREE TICKETS FOR VETS!
Hockey Triple Header at DCU in Worcester - FREE TICKETS FOR VETS!

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Veterans Coffee Social with Senator Rausch, Rep Roy, & Secretary Santiago at the Franklin Senior Center - March 6 at 10 AM

Save the date!!!      March 6 at 10 AM

State Rep Jeff Roy, State Senator Becca Rausch and Secretary of Veterans Service, Jon Santiago

Veterans Coffee Social with Senator Rausch, Rep Roy, & Secretary Santiago at the Franklin Senior Center - March 6 at 10 AM
Veterans Coffee Social with Senator Rausch, Rep Roy, & Secretary Santiago at the Franklin Senior Center - March 6 at 10 AM

Friday, February 9, 2024

Veterans Coffee Social at the Franklin Senior Center

Save the date!!!

March 6 at 10 AM.

State Rep Jeff Roy, State Senator Becca Rausch and Secretary of Veterans Service, Jon Santiago

Shared from -> 

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

New Ceremony to Honor Franklin Veterans Who Died In Service to Our Country: first of series starts Jan 26 at 9 AM

The Town of Franklin has one of the most beautiful Veteran’s Memorial areas in the state.  If you haven’t been there recently, it is worth a visit.  There are monuments for all wars centered in front of the WWI “Doughboy” monument.  At the rear of the monument area is the Veterans’ Memorial Walkway which currently honors 1866 veterans who have served America.

Perhaps the most moving part of the Memorial area are the 45 granite posts which line the Veterans’ Walkway.  Each one of these posts is dedicated to a Franklin veteran who gave his life, defending our freedom.  These columns are beautifully done, marked with bronze plaques and a flag.  During the holidays, each is also decorated with a beautiful wreath.

Over the past few months, Franklin’s Veterans’ organizations, the Edward L. Grant American Legion Post 75, and the Veteran’s of Foreign Wars Post 3402, under the auspices of the Town’s Veterans Council, have developed a program to further honor those who died for our nation, to ensure they are remembered, and their stories are kept alive.

Beginning in January, specifically on January 26, at 9:00 AM, the first of 45 ceremonies will take place at the column of William O. Martello, Ensign, U.S. Navy who died on that date off Anzio beach in Italy, when his landing craft struck a mine.

In February, there will be four veterans honored, February 18 – Air Force SSgt Alan Willard, Vietnam; February 22 – Navy Oiler James P. Murray, WWI; February 24 - Marine Corporal David Laughlan III, WWII, and February 26 – Marine Lance Corporal Richard L. Desper, Vietnam.

For the month of March, we will honor the following veterans.  On March 10, a dual ceremony will be held for Army 2nd LT John A. Schur, WWII and Army PFC Marshall E. Rollins, both who lost their lives on the same day; March 18 - Army PFC Elton E. Ekstrom, WWII, and on March 30 – W. Franklin Lynch WWI.

This program will include the placing of a Memorial Wreath for the day, the playing of Taps, a salute from those present, and a reading of whatever history we may have on that veteran.  This is a way of keeping the memory of that veteran alive.

This event will happen 45 times during the coming year.  Some months, like January, only one ceremony will be held. Other months will have multiple ceremonies, such as February with 4 and June with 7.   On March 10, April 9, July 18, and September 21, there will be dual ceremonies as we lost two veterans on the same day.

Families of the veterans, if known, will be invited to attend the ceremony.

The public is invited to attend these ceremonies to honor those who gave their lives.

Franklin’s military organizations support numerous veterans’ activities  and encourage all veterans in town to join them.

Honoring Our Franklin Veterans Who Died In Service to Our Country
Honoring Our Franklin Veterans Who Died In Service to Our Country