Saturday, February 6, 2021

Town Council Meeting recap - 02/03/21 - town finances in great shape, storm water fee discussed, ambulance fee gets 1st approval

Quick Recap:
  • Scout leader Bill Murphy recognized for 30+ years of service for Troop 126
  • Valuable information in the presentation/discussion on Finance and borrowing. Town at great credit rate, recognition of fiscal management over the years
  • Difference between excluded borrowing and non-excluded borrowing explained. "Excluded" are those school building debt exclusions approved by voters. Over next several years only the new FHS will be left to pay for. Meanwhile, the "non-excluded" borrowing has paid for the Senior Center, fire stations, Library, etc. There is capacity for funding projects within the current operational budget for non-excluded projects over the next several years
  • Long impassioned discussion on the proposed storm water utility fee, not the last time for this discussion. For some councilors they appeared to have missed all the opportunities to participate in informational sessions as the proposal developed last year. Planning Board Chair took offence at not being included last year either
  • Ambulance fee increase approved for second reading. (Oh and one councilor who complained about 'death of thousand cuts' on the storm water fee approved this without raising a question)
  • Town ready to distribute vaccine to approved order of individuals but needs supply. Still supply/demand issue. Hope on horizon with possible increases in supply coming. Patience for now
Photos captured during the meeting and shared via Twitter can be found in one album
As with most meetings in this pandemic period, I took my notes via Twitter during the meeting reporting in real-time via the virtual session.
The Twitter hashtag can be found online  #tc0203

  • Swivel seat to real time reporting for the Town Council meeting at 7, agenda doc here With connection info and details on topics. #tc0203
  • Moving to approval of minutes, Dec 16, seconded, via roll call passes 8-0-1 (Pellegri absent) Motion to approve, second, via roll call same 8-0-1 (Pellegri absent) #tc0203
  • Phone number available to join #tc0203
  • Moving to approval of minutes, Dec 16, seconded, via roll call passes 8-0-1 (Pellegri absent) Motion to approve, second, via roll call same 8-0-1 (Pellegri absent) #tc0203
  • Proclamation for Bill Murphy, Troop 126 leader over 30+ years. Proclamation read by Councilor Bissanti. #tc0203
Finance and borrowing presentation/discussion
  • Moving along to presentation on finance and borrowing #tc0203
  • Slide captures, #tc0203
  • Non-excluded vs excluded (prop 2 1/2 like FHS) #tc0203
  • Opportunity to leverage the debt funds to pay for the long term expenses i.e do the sewer interceptor without any additional funding. #tc0203 we are at AA+ only one step down from highest rating (AAA).
  • Note an addition to the Council chambers to the right of councilor Jones, one of the new air filter units. #tc0203 floor mount, black cover white sided...
  • Non-excluded debt competes for interest expense in the ops budget, not so much an issue with number of projects, relates to the dollars associated with the projects and then with the interest for the bonds per project #tc0203
  • #tc0203 Bissanti not getting the dollar flow for the bonding, "rainbows and puppy dog tails", things change and they don't always change for the best. Stay within the budget so we can get the funding and maintain the rating.
  • Excluded debt comes from the prop 2 1/2 question and ballot choice, i.e. FHS the school required $100m of which the state reimbursed approx 60% so we bonded the 40% and that rolls off when done #tc0203 the rating is high due to the behavior of the Town Council in fiscal mgt
  • Kelly refuting the Bissanti comment, the town Council report card is AA+ hence we have been doing great. Are we about to change? I have no doubt future Council will do similar for our fiscal future. #tc0203
Storm water discussion
  • Chair Mercer summarizes similar comments, Bissanti still not getting it. #tc0203 Moving to the storm water topic, utility fee, etc. Presentation copy here, we did sue the EPA and got concessions on timing and effort discussion only tonight
  • Pros/cons on the utility fee proposal #tc0203
  • We have the infrastructure that needs 2 be paid for, we either do it with the fee or taxes. #tc0203 Bissanti confused; the EPA and MA DEP, are government agencies not a private entity, Secretary level agency at the Governor's office. He's glad 2 hear that, was hearing otherwise
  • #tc0203 the utility fee provides for leeway (via exemption and credits) not available from property tax funding. Also the non-profits and state agencies pay the fee where they are exempt from the property taxes. How will credits work? List to be our together
  • Sidewalk and roads are part of town responsibility. The per 1000 SQ foot makes it easier to manage and calculate. Gravel road today is impervious. Could we change it? A choice to make. Where did the up to 50% come from? Why not a higher max? Majority of Communities do #tc0203
  • The end of the day, it goes back to the money raised for us to do the work. If x doesn't pay, someone else would. #tc0203 options to provide credits, etc. don't exist if property tax revenue is to be used. An ongoing discussion, not to be solved tonight.
  • Churches, non-profits are exempt from property taxes due to legislative decision. Attny Cerel chimes in on Q if legislative body could exempt them on this, apples to oranges; other municipality have enacted these, in MA also. Kelly argues that it is tax on commercial #tc0203
  • #tc0203 the utility is proposed because it is the most equitable way. The infrastructure here was put in over time and needs to be managed (paid for) we either do it this way equitably or via taxes, ultimate decision. The older building still needs to be covered with this code
  • #tc0203 from a Council side, I know we need the money, from a resident side they are going to be upset. We have a rebate program on rain barrel today. Can we get feedback on the MS4 permit? We need to push to get someone from the EPA to talk with us.
  • Kelly can go for a flat fee but not for an escalation fee. (Actually counter to what he said on the fiscal responsibility he talked of before) #tc0203 admits he is on soap box. Chair Mercer interjects that this only a discussion, moves on to another.
  • Not just about storm water, there are other things in the MS4 permit coming down the road, we are only talking about the implementation for the first phase. #tc0203 Padula disappointed if any Council member would vote for this. Planning Board was not asked to be part ...
  • Planning Board is the storm water manager per prior decision. #tc0203 this is the just the beginning. Putting salt into our water, and not cleaning catch basins so we are saving money. Now trying to generate more with this? Reconsider this
  • Chandler what happens if we don't do this? EPA thinks this is a palatable thing. There is not a lot of support for this, I get that. The requirements will increase year to year. If we don't do this fee, it will come from the tax revenue. And compete with other expenses #tc0203
  • Do we sacrifice other services? Or wait for the EPA to force and fine you. When, not sure but it will come. #tc0203 like OPEB, it needs to be funded, how are we going to do this. This will be on future agendas, it is a lengthy discussion.
  • The permit requires more than what we are already doing. So what we have been doing is in the budget. The question is where will the future come from. Tax or utility fee. #tc0203 the interest rate varies but one bonded remains the same. Future discussion, not any more tonight
 Subcommittee reports
  • Subcommittee reports: Budget, no meeting. Capital, not yet. EDC met just before this meeting, another listening session on food truck, craft brew bylaw. Report to be sent out on TA review prior to next subcommittee meeting. #tc0203
 Legislation for action
  • Next up, legislation for action. Ambulance fee schedule changes. Adjusting rate to maintain level in comparison with other Communities #tc0203 adjusting yearly to avoid major changes
  • Motion to move to 2nd reading, majority required, via roll call 8-0-1 (1 absent) Town Administrator report, vaccine now, call BoH or Senior Center. We don't have doses available. #tc0203 we are preparing to deliver 100 to seniors over 75, supply/demand issue
Town Administrator report
  • FHS is an approved site, we are ready to go, we just need supply. #tc0203 the vaccine rollout is our #1 Economic Development effort, we are ready to go. It is frustrating not getting supply. Over 75, call senior center to get on list. be patient
  • #tc0203 we prepared to answer questions. If on listing, still working on the oldest and working back. 90+ for first round, only getting 100 doses. Looking at how many we can get? It is not just Franklin, everyone across the state has same issue
  • #tc0203 are you prepared for second lists to use all the doses? Yes, already covered. Even if it is one dose, we don't want to loose it. Budget calendar. Neutral for Town at this point with governor's release, probably early March for first view and hearings re: memorial day
  • Request for trail info. Tech review meeting possible item for Depot plaza, garage, etc. Conversation on density zoning with planning board. Look at study of bylaws re: equity (based on roundtable discussion) #tc0203
  • Frongillo touting video on roundtable on race in Franklin recorded in November available now Alert on spam email as if from Chair Mercer, cautioned, checked with him before opening #tc0203
  • #tc0203 heart wrenching story from Jones who can't attend wake for pastor he had worked with in Haiti missions, a great loss for so much that he had done. For veterans, if you call Bedford VA can call to get one. Wishes for Pellegri
  • Speedy recovery to Ronni Pellegri, motion to adjourn, seconded, via roll call 8-0-1 ( 1 absent) #tc0203


Town Council Meeting recap - 02/03/21
Town Council Meeting recap - 02/03/21

FM #451 Board of Health Mtg - 02/03/21 (audio)

FM #451 = This is the Franklin Matters radio show, number 451 in the series.

This session shares the Franklin, MA Board of Health meeting held on Wednesday, February 3, 2021.

The meeting was conducted in a hybrid format: some of the Health Dept were in the Municipal Building, the remainder, Committee, (and public) were remote via conference bridge, all to adhere to the ‘social distancing’ requirements of this pandemic period.

The show notes contain links to the meeting agenda and to my notes.

The recording runs about 25 minutes. Let’s listen to the Board of Health meeting held on Wednesday, Feb 3


Agenda doc

Health Dept/Board of Health page

My notes from the meeting

Quick Recap:

  • Vaccine clinic plans ready, awaiting allocation and delivery
  • Sharing best practices with Milford Regional Hospital
  • Found assistance for Magnolia Hgts, they had been dropped from CDC coverage
  • Housing Authority clinic being explored their supply separate from Town allocation 

We are now producing this in collaboration with Franklin.TV and Franklin Public Radio (

This podcast is my public service effort for Franklin but we can't do it alone. We can always use your help.
How can you help?

  • If you can use the information that you find here, please tell your friends and neighbors
  • If you don't like something here, please let me know

Through this feedback loop we can continue to make improvements. I thank you for listening.
For additional information, please visit 

If you have questions or comments you can reach me directly at shersteve @ gmail dot com

The music for the intro and exit was provided by Michael Clark and the group "East of Shirley". The piece is titled "Ernesto, manana"  c. Michael Clark & Tintype Tunes, 2008 and used with their permission.

I hope you enjoy!


You can also subscribe and listen to Franklin Matters audio on iTunes or your favorite podcast app; search in "podcasts" for "Franklin Matters"

FM #451 Board of Health Mtg - 02/03/21 (audio)
FM #451 Board of Health Mtg - 02/03/21 (audio)

Town of Franklin: Vaccination Information Updates

Vaccination Information Updates

Please visit our Vaccination Information Portal to find recently updated information regarding COVID-19 vaccine distribution.  

Eligible residents can sign up to express interest in receiving a vaccine via THIS FORM or by contacting the Senior Center at 508-520-4946


Shared from =>

Use this form:

FM #452 Economic Development SubComm Mtg - 02/03/21 (audio)

FM #452 = This is the Franklin Matters radio show, number 452 in the series.

This shares the Economic Development Committee meeting that was held on Wednesday, February 3, 2021.

The meeting was conducted in a hybrid mode; some of the key participants were in the Council Chambers, the Chair Melanie Hamblen led the meeting remotely along with many others via Zoom conference bridge to adhere to the ‘social distancing’ requirements of this pandemic period.

Links to the meeting agenda and my notes are in the show notes. The recording runs about an hour and eight minutes (~68 mins)  Audio file =



Meeting agenda including bylaw revision for food trucks

My notes captured via Twitter and shared here in summary form

Quick Recap:

  • Very enlightening listening session this time. Good info gleaned from participants all around. Food trucks are not inanimate objects, they have people and families to support behind them
  • Where did the 25% requirement for tasting space come from; the manufacturing bylaw allows 25% for a manufacturer to have that amount of space for a retail operation
  • Tasting rooms as designed in the bylaw are shifting to be more than that per some of the participants; what should they have, how should they be operated, how can the service be 'safe'....
  • Food requirement for tasting makes sense but then brings complications, patio space outside counted against space requirements, which then drive capacity and parking; need to be careful of making changes without considering other effects especially unintended ones
  • the food truck experience is not the same as a table service, should not be considered competitive, they are distinctly different
  • No pun intended but there is plenty of food for thought here, more to come as the info is reviewed and solution or options designed for next discussion (TBD)

Photos captured during the meeting and shared via Twitter can be found in one album


We are now producing this in collaboration with Franklin.TV and Franklin Public Radio (

This podcast is my public service effort for Franklin but we can't do it alone. We can always use your help.
How can you help?

  • If you can use the information that you find here, please tell your friends and neighbors
  • If you don't like something here, please let me know

Through this feedback loop we can continue to make improvements. I thank you for listening.
For additional information, please visit 

If you have questions or comments you can reach me directly at shersteve @ gmail dot com

The music for the intro and exit was provided by Michael Clark and the group "East of Shirley". The piece is titled "Ernesto, manana"  c. Michael Clark & Tintype Tunes, 2008 and used with their permission.

I hope you enjoy!


You can also subscribe and listen to Franklin Matters audio on iTunes or your favorite podcast app; search in "podcasts" for "Franklin Matters"


FM #452 Economic Development SubComm Mtg - 02/03/21 (audio)
FM #452 Economic Development SubComm Mtg - 02/03/21 (audio)

FHS boys hockey top Attleboro 3-1 on Friday

From we share the FHS sports results:

Boys Hockey = Franklin, 3 @ Attleboro, 1 – Final 
– Junior Christian Shabbick scored his first career goal and added an assist to help the Panthers sweep the season series against Attleboro. Shabbick set up Ben Jarosz for a first period goal and Justin Magazu (from Pat Dolan) added a second as Franklin claimed a 2-1 lead after a period. Shabbick extended the visitors’ lead with a goal assisted by Justin Abely in the second period. Attleboro goalie Nick Piazza made 35 saves in net. 
For other results around the Hockomock League 
"Hard Hat   🎩   and Coaches game puck to #23 Christian Shabbick!  2 points tonight , goal/assist tonight and scoring his first varsity goal!  Played hard all night, awesome game Christian!!"

Hard Hat   🎩   and Coaches game puck to #23 Christian Shabbick
"Hard Hat and Coaches game puck to #23 Christian Shabbick"

Franklin Senior Center: Email Blast - Feb 5, 2021

Hello Everyone!

Staying Connected

Link to the Senior Center -

Link to the Senior Center Calendar 

Link to Franklin Matters -

Link to the Town's webpage -

Link to Mass.Gov COVID - 

Links to COVID vaccine information at Gillette 

Town of Franklin Vaccine information - The Commonwealth of Massachusetts is currently distributing the COVID-19 vaccine to individuals in Phase 1 and Phase 2 ( individuals 75 + older). For residents of Franklin, the closest available site to obtain a COVID-19 vaccination is at Gillette Stadium. You can book an appointment online at: https:// If you do not have access to a computer, you can call the Senior Center and staff will try and assist you in making an appointment. Please keep in mind that appointments are booking up fast, but will increase in the coming weeks as more vaccine supply comes into the Commonwealth. In addition, The Franklin Health Department is ordering doses of the vaccine, but is limited to ordering 100 doses at a time per DPH regulations Doses will be made available to Franklin residents aged 75+ older, but there is no timeframe or details available yet. If you are interested in receiving the vaccine once available, please contact the center at 508-520-4945. 


Balance exercises for Seniors - Prevent Falls 

Dance Yoga - Seated 


Careless Whisper performed by Alexandr Misko - fingerstyle guitar 

5 beautiful songs played fingerstyle on the guitar 

Incredible busker drummer 

Just for Fun

4 of the best light shows on America's got Talent 

A slideshow of the strangest roadside attractions around the world 

Amazing inventions that are next level 

Happiness Village Baby Panda live camera 

The "new" Morse Block in Franklin by Joe Landry 


The Three Little Pigs like you have never heard it before - John Branyon 

Victor Borge - Phonetic Punctuation on the Ed Sullivan Show 

Animal bloopers in the news 

Kindness Matters

Random acts of kindness 

Man turns his house into an indoor playland for cats 

Upcoming Events email to attend unless noted otherwise.

*Monday at 1pm - Tele Bingo call the Senior Center to sign up.

*Tuesday at 5pm - Quarantini Time a virtual, social, cocktail hour.

*Tuesday at 1pm - Audio Book Club- email 

*Wed. At 1pm - Writers group - call the senior center to sign up

*Wed at 4pm - Caregivers Support group - email 

*Thursday at 1pm - Franklin Matters Q & A with Steve Sherlock - email for the link to attend

*Thursday  at 1pm - Tele Bingo call the Senior Center to sign up 508-520-4945

*Thursday at 6:30pm - Name That Tune - email 

*Friday at 11am - Sunshine Zoom - for members with memory loss - 1 hour of socialization,

 games and activities.


CURBSIDE CAFE - Special of the week is Lasagna.  Chicken noodle soup. Pineapple upside down cupcake.  Order here: 

Attached you will find: Donna's FUN filled activity pages

Love, virtual hugs and good health to you all!  We are still here for you!  Please feel free to email Donna and I with questions, concerns or just to check in!

Ariel & Donna

Please feel free to share this email with anyone you think might enjoy it.  If you want me to add someone to the email blast list just send me a message with their email in it. 


When searching for information about the Coronavirus, COVID-19 please use caution!  Unfortunately there are many false sites that contain viruses and malware that can threaten your computer.  Many look like real sites.  Your best bet is to go directly to the CDC, WHO or your local government page (links below).

Ariel Doggett

Virtual Program Coordinator
Respite Coordinator

"We rise by lifting others" - Robert Ingersoll
There is no act of kindness too small

CommonWealth Magazine: "Baker stands up vaccine call center"


"GOV. CHARLIE BAKER unveiled a 500-person call center on Friday to help residents 75 and older book appointments to receive a COVID-19 vaccine.

The center is intended to assist those without internet access or those having trouble navigating the current two-step process, which requires using a state website to find vaccine locations near them and then going to websites for those locations to actually book an appointment. The call center, reached by dialing 2-1-1 and selecting the option for help making a vaccine appointment, will handle the booking process for the individual or put them on a call-back list if no appointments are available.

The service will be available from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday, with representatives who speak both English and Spanish. Translators for over 100 other languages will also be available upon request."

Continue reading the article online
Gov Baker's press conference =


One of the new Public Service Announcements (PSA's) on "Trust the Facts. Get the Vax." video link =


New York Times: “It’s very clear our economy is still in trouble”

"The American economic recovery showed new signs of stalling on Friday as government data underscored the pandemic’s brutal damage to the job market.

U.S. employers added 49,000 jobs in January, the Labor Department said, dashing hopes that the new year would bring immediate relief. The private sector added just 6,000 jobs, barely enough to register against the millions of positions lost during the pandemic.

The weak showing was tallied amid a fresh effort in Washington to provide a big infusion of aid to foster a recovery and the data will almost certainly bolster the Democrats’ argument for a robust stimulus package."

Continue reading the article online (subscription may be required)

Scammers are scheming as reopens

Consumer Alerts from the Federal Trade Commission

by Colleen Tressler, Division of Consumer and Business Education, FTC

The Coronavirus pandemic has not only had a dramatic health impact, but also an economic blow as many Americans are now unemployed — and uninsured. As a result, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has re-opened for a "Special Enrollment Period," from February 15, 2021 – May 15, 2021. 

This Special Enrollment Period will give people who need health care coverage the chance to sign up. But it also gives scammers a new chance to call, email, send letters and texts, trying to get your money — and your personal and financial information.


This is a free service provided by the Federal Trade Commission.

Another business on the #ThinkFranklinFirst gift card listing to visit

Another local business has joined the #ThinkFranklinFirst gift card program!  We welcome Lotus Lash to the list of participating businesses! 
Gift cards can be purchased at Dean Bank  right in Downtown Franklin or online at 
#LocalBusiness #LocaSupport #ItMatters #ShopLocal #SpendLocal

You can use the #ThinkFranklinFirst card make your purchase as part of the #ProjectEnvoy eat out/take out, help out effort!
Another business on the #thinkfranklinfirst gift card listing to visit
Another business on the #thinkfranklinfirst gift card listing to visit

Friday, February 5, 2021

Franklin's Event Outlook: Feb 5 - Feb 11, 2021

Super Bowl Sunday, the weather forecast isn't all that great, and a relatively quiet weekend (and week) ahead. It is up to us all to find something to do to keep busy and stay safe (masks, social distance, etc....). 

There is hope with some lift in the restrictions coming Monday, and even more importantly, perhaps better news on the vaccine delivery front ahead as we head to Valentine's Day. 

So let's keep the faith and hope alive. We'll get through this!

Friday, February 5
3:00pm =  FPL: Girls who code (Grades 3-5)
4:00pm =  FPL: Girls Who Code! (Grades 6-12)
Sunday, February 7
1:00pm =  Historical Museum (open and free admission) 

Thursday, February 11
7:00pm =  Love in All its Forms: A Valentine's Reading and Performance
7:00pm =  FHS Musicians Livestream Concert


If you have an event to add to the calendar, you can use the form to submit it for publication:

The Town meeting calendar is found
The School district meeting calendar is found
Community Calendar
Community Calendar