The Franklin Fluoride Council has posted a new article on "Dental Fluorosis Alert"
What is the Franklin Fluoride Council? From the About Us page we find:
Franklin Fluoride Council is an alliance of 1,463 Town of Franklin residents who withheld their consent in 2011 to being medicated with uncontrolled dosages of sodium fluoride through the town's drinking water.
This website is your free community portal to all the latest mainstream fluoride news and information, important facts you won't hear from local officials.
In spite of our very real concerns about artificial fluoridation and our declaration of nonconsent, Franklin's health officials voted to remain part of a minority in Massachusetts who still practice medicine through the drinking water without a license and without patients' consent.
If our neighbors in Milford, Bellingham and Blackstone and many others are allowed to choose this drug, then why not us?
Industrial-grade Sodium fluoride is a toxic chemical by-product of the phosphate-mining industry. No one should be forced to take it, particularly in uncontrolled dosages.
Please join us. Contact the Franklin Board of Health and let them know you also don't consent to being medicated with artificial industrial fluoride through the drinking water.
For additional information you can visit the Franklin Fluoride Council web site