HMEA holds 10th Annual Independence 5K:
For more info and to register visit the HMEA website
Thanks to Cardi's Furniture, one of many good sponsors for HMEA.
Franklin, MA
Providing accurate and timely information about what matters in Franklin, MA since 2007. * Working in collaboration with Franklin TV and Radio ( since October 2019 *
HMEA holds 10th Annual Independence 5K:
"There's definitely an increased need with the economy," said Maureen Roy, a member of the pantry's board of directors who is organizing the phone drive. "People are making choices between buying food and paying the electric bill. ... We're just trying to make it possible for all people that need us to have access to healthy food choices."
The pantry, which serves about 400 people each month, is seeking volunteers to call residents to ask for donations on four days, from April 30 to May 3.
Small donations have a big impact since the pantry can buy 100 meals for $20 by leveraging the resources of the Greater Boston Food Bank, local supermarkets and other organizations. They hope to use some money raised at the phone-a-thon to buy produce, which is often more expensive than processed foods, she said.
Roy came up with the idea after reading about a program in Bedford where high school students call residents to raise money for a scholarship program, she said.Read more:
Hello Gardeners and Supporters!
Big News!
Build Day has been scheduled for Saturday May 7th!
More info will be sent next week, but right now,
We need Team Leaders to help the day run smoothly!
Please contact Chris Clay ASAP at to be a team leader,
The times are:
9-12 and 1-4.
We need your organizational skills (& drills if you can spare one!)
Have you read the blog lately? click on the link!
until next week,
Your Community Garden Dream Team
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Yes, we are on Facebook.
In 2007, the Zoning Board of Appeals approved two variances for a mixed-use project by developer Antique Realty Corp. and builder Platinum Building, both Franklin-based companies.
Ross said no formal application was ever submitted to the Planning Board.
The plan called for a four-story building with parking below ground, shops and parking on the first floor, office space on floors two and three and residential space on the top floor, according to Zoning Board documents.
"I think everybody in the state was moving towards transit-oriented (mixed-use) development," said Daniel Lewis, of Antique Realty, a principal in the project. "The building had been vacant - it seemed like that would be the perfect spot for it."
Last night's Town Council meeting was canceled because not enough members showed up to form a quorum.
The board needs five of its nine members for a quorum, but Stephen Whalen, Matthew Kelly, Shannon Zollo, Joseph McGann and Tina Powderly were unable to attend.
Town Administrator Jeffrey Nutting said this was only the second time he could recall in the 11 years he's worked in Franklin that a meeting was canceled because there was no quorum.Read more:
Normally, investigators start at the least-damaged area of a building and work toward the most damaged spot to pinpoint where the fire began. Once they discover that, they can ask the property owner what was located there and pinpoint a cause, Mieth said.
But that process was difficult in this case, prompting officials to offer the reward, she said.
"Given the fact that the building is unoccupied and there were no obvious witnesses to the fire, they are asking for the public's help," she said.
Investigators completed their site work Friday and are now reviewing timelines and other information, Franklin Fire Capt. Stephen Parchesky said.
In Franklin, where Town Councilor Tina Powderly has urged online for residents to tell their legislators to support the reform, the town has also had success negotiating with its unions, Town Council Chairman Scott Mason said.
Nevertheless, "we need to take the constraints off and have a little more control of our own financial destiny," Mason said, adding he was surprised the issue came up this year. "No one on the state level has seemed to want to step forward and take the reins on it. Unfortunately it's a political time bomb."
Please consider contacting your local legislator (letters attached below) to push for passage of municipal health care reform. Franklin and its employees are ahead of the curve on this issue, and we've been able to realize significant benefits over the past few years by working together to implement changes to health care plan design outside of collective bargaining. Our local efforts have saved money for both the employees and the town. It is time to codify the right of a municipality to manage this out of control cost. The measures below do this, while maintaining many of the collective bargaining rights of unions.
Thanks for your consideration.
Tina Powderly