Look closely. Franklin ball field, A sign clearly stating that the backstop was donated by the fence company to the Franklin Girls Softball Assoc. The property is owned and maintained by Franklin but as the budget shrinks from year to year, organizations and companies are stepping up to fill in the gaps. This is happening all over town. It is the little things like this that make Franklin a good place to live.
Thank you Mr Fence and Franklin Girls Softball Assoc
Other recent examples:
1 - Eagle Scout project
2 - Downtown Partnership
Are there other examples, you can share?
Providing accurate and timely information about what matters in Franklin, MA since 2007. * Working in collaboration with Franklin TV and Radio (wfpr.fm) since October 2019 *
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Friday, July 29, 2011
Franklin/Dean Station looks better now!
Local Eagle Scouts from Franklin organized a beautification project with the help of the Massachusetts Bay Commuter Railroad Company for the Franklin/Dean College commuter rail station. Scouts and MBCR staff planted shrubs and flowers as part of the project.
MBCR operates the commuter rail system under a contract with the MBTA.
Thanks to the Eagle Scouts!
Photo 1 (L-R): Molly Dickenson, Samantha Conway, Patrick Cunniff, Cathy Tomaso, Grant Conway, Cameron Cawley, Mike Miga and Chris Gerber – all of Franklin.
Photo 2 (L-R): Molly Dickenson, Grant Conway, Cathy Tomaso, and Samantha Conway
Farmers Market Open Today !
Franklin Farmers Market, Friday, 12:00pm to 6:00pm
Located on the Town Common
Reminder that the Farmers' Market now accepts SNAP dollars and can double your purchasing power.
Visit the Food Pantry tent at the Farmers' Market for details.
In the News - Milford Trail, tornado cleanup
For those who like to ride their bikes
Milford trail work almost done
from The Milford Daily News News RSS by Brian Benson/Daily News staff
For those with some spare time this weekend
Volunteers needed for tornado cleanup this weekend
from The Milford Daily News News RSS by Staff reports
Mower n More summer 2011 closure
How about a lawn mower service that you can request via the web? You can pick a date/time to set the appointment and then they appear in your driveway? Such a service does exist. I was surprised to find them but have used the website and find it quick easy to use.
The following email was just received:
The Mower and More website can be found here: http://mowernmore.com/
The following email was just received:
Hi Steve,
Please be advised that Mower n More will be closed for vacation from August 11, 2011 to August 29, 2011.
Until then, we are happy to offer a deep discount on mower tune-ups:
$20 off up to 22 inch = $59 (a regular walk-behind)$40 off 23-42 inch = $159 (most common riding mowers or wide walk-behind)$50 off over 42 inch = $189 (Garden tractors or commercial walk-behind)$29 off Extended-area surcharge = $0 (with a minimum purchase of $150, except Sharon and Mansfield)
Our experience shows that most major repairs are a direct result of under-service: Lack of lubrication, components out of adjustment, restricted cooling air flow (engine, deck spindles), rubbing parts, dirty air filter, low oil etc...
Use promo code 811
- Offer is only valid as long as appointment slots are available by August 10, 2011.
This message is sent to you as a customer of Mower n More. We believe the content to be beneficial to you, but if you would like to be removed from future mailings, click here to send us a removal email.
Mower n More, P.O. Box 201, Hopedale MA, 01747. (508) 478-2004
The Mower and More website can be found here: http://mowernmore.com/
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Wachusett St - final paving layer added
The final layer of paving was added early this week to Wachusett St.
No puddles appeared after the rain went through the area Tuesday night so that is a good sign.
They still need to finish the driveway for the Parmenter School as show in this photo.
No puddles appeared after the rain went through the area Tuesday night so that is a good sign.
They still need to finish the driveway for the Parmenter School as show in this photo.
"for a lot of reasons it's the best choice"
Town officials originally thought to make repairs to the high school, which has so many problems that a national school accreditation agency put Franklin on warning status. To make the necessary repairs, workers would need to gut the school as the whole building would need to be brought up to the current building code.
A new building is expected to be constructed atop the current tennis courts, a baseball field and a softball field, putting the school closer to the football field and track.
Construction would take two years; renovation would have required four years of work, officials have said.
School leaders have said a key benefit of a new school would be that students could make use of the existing structure while a new one is being built.
"I think for a lot of reasons it's the best choice, not the least of which (is) there will be no disruption of the educational process," said Thomas Mercer, chairman of the town's School Building Committee.
Read more: http://www.milforddailynews.com/archive/x1704351515/State-accepts-Franklin-into-model-school-program#ixzz1TOKtr2D9
In the News - Farmers' Market, Dean Bank
Franklin Farmers Market accepts food stamps
from The Milford Daily News News RSS by GateHouse Media, Inc.
Additional details on this program can be found here:
Dean Bank to host free workshop
from Wicked Local Franklin News RSS by GateHouse Media, Inc.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
In the News - 'Beauty and the Beast', food pantry, post offices
Franklin arts school to perform 'Beauty and the Beast'
from The Milford Daily News News RSS by GateHouse Media, Inc.
Summer donations needed at local food pantries
from The Milford Daily News News RSS by Ian B. Murphy/Daily News staff
Today in the news: About 3,700 post offices may close
by GateHouse Media, Inc.
(The Franklin Post Office is not on the listing released by the US Postal Service)
MBTA: New Locomotives, New Look
Sent to you by Steve Sherlock via Google Reader:
via Commonwealth Conversations: Transportation by Klark Jessen on 7/26/11
The MBTA has unveiled the new look for the new generation of Commuter Rail locomotives. Nearly 14,000 people responded to three design choices in a two-week online survey. The design chosen above got 50% of the vote. The chosen design has the largest T logo on the side- three times the size of the current logo.
You'll begin seeing the new locomotives with the new look in the winter of 2012-2013, when the first of 20 new locomotives purchased are delivered from the manufacturer, Motive Power Inc. of Boise.
The $114 million investment represents the MBTA's first major locomotive procurement in more than 20 years.
Things you can do from here:
- Subscribe to Commonwealth Conversations: Transportation using Google Reader
- Get started using Google Reader to easily keep up with all your favorite sites
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Christmas in July Patio Party - BBC Franklin
Ohhhhhh - the weather outside is delightful…so let's celebrate with a
Christmas themed outdoor patio party! On Thursday July 28th the
British Beer Company in Franklin will be decking out the patio to
celebrate Christmas in July. Twinkling lights, stockings hung with
care…dig out your fluffy Santa hat from the closet and join the
celebration. Fun for the kids for sure (face painting, cookie design,
crafts), but more importantly this party will benefit children in need
through the Franklin Police Department's Toy Drive which is associated
with the Santa Foundation. Everyone who brings an unwrapped gift to
put under the glorious fake Christmas tree will be entered into a
raffle with some great prizes. Adults will be able to enjoy a secret
stash of seasonal winter beers that the BBC has been cellaring for a
special occasion along with some Christmas themed (cold) cocktails.
Come join BBC staffers and members of the Franklin community as they
sing along to their favorite Christmas carols under a beautiful summer
British Beer Company
280 Franklin Village Drive
In the News - stabbing, Planning Board, pole fire
9-year-old stabbed in Franklin
by Alison McCall/Daily News staff
Franklin officials favor latest plan for former Knights property
by Alison McCall, Daily News staff
Pole catches fire in Franklin
by Alison McCall/Daily News staff
Monday, July 25, 2011
Living in the cracks
Yes, they are healthy. An unintended consequence but a wonderful one. The Franklin Downtown Partnership (a non-profit organization of business folks and citizens) raised money to adorn the downtown area with flower pots.
If you are not familiar with Franklin, this is the triangle downtown. The railroad runs underneath the bridge. Main St is behind you to the left. West central changes to East Central on the right. Also referred to as "the Triangle" this is a centerpiece for downtown.
Just off to the left of these flowers making their life among the cracks in the cement, are several of the flower pots. The pots contain a full collection and colorful assortment of flowers. How these migrated (via seeds maybe?) as runoff when the pots got watered to the cracks is open to speculation.
I'll leave the speculation to any of the CSI-wannabes around. The thought I would leave you with today is simply, when something good happens (as in the Partnership coming together to create a welcoming downtown for Franklin), more good happens!
Note: I am a citizen member of the Franklin Downtown Partnership
If you are not familiar with Franklin, this is the triangle downtown. The railroad runs underneath the bridge. Main St is behind you to the left. West central changes to East Central on the right. Also referred to as "the Triangle" this is a centerpiece for downtown.
Just off to the left of these flowers making their life among the cracks in the cement, are several of the flower pots. The pots contain a full collection and colorful assortment of flowers. How these migrated (via seeds maybe?) as runoff when the pots got watered to the cracks is open to speculation.
I'll leave the speculation to any of the CSI-wannabes around. The thought I would leave you with today is simply, when something good happens (as in the Partnership coming together to create a welcoming downtown for Franklin), more good happens!
Note: I am a citizen member of the Franklin Downtown Partnership
Note Worthy: Library grants, animals at the Library
State defers libraries’ grants
from Boston Globe -- Globe West by Megan McKee, Globe Correspondent
Live animals Wednesday at Franklin Public Library
from 02038.com by Warren Reynolds
In the News - helping dogs
Franklin kids sell flowers to help dogs
from The Milford Daily News News RSS by Alison McCall/Daily News staff
Sunday, July 24, 2011
"the building cannot provide an adequate level of education"
And that's just the science department.
The high school has been on warning status from its accreditation organization, the New England Association of Schools and Colleges, for years, especially because it does not comply with the federal Americans with Disabilities Act, or ADA.
In response, several members of the School Building Committee recently took a tour of four high schools in the state that were built on different state-approved model school designs.
The committee voted Monday to request a place in the state's model school program, which allows towns to build new schools based on pre-designed plans and be reimbursed by the state 58 percent of the estimated $97.9 million total cost of a new school. The state is expected to make a decision about Franklin this Wednesday.
Read more: http://www.milforddailynews.com/archive/x371607962/Franklin-education-leaders-make-case-for-new-school#ixzz1T1FhMWDF
Franklin model school choices
from The Milford Daily News News RSS by Alison McCall/Daily News staff
"a perfect location for a station"
... many factors have changed in the past 14 years. Population in towns west of Milford has grown significantly and the owner of the Grafton & Upton Railroad has begun restoring track in Hopedale and Milford to use for freight service, reducing the capital costs to add passenger trains. The owner, Marlborough developer Jon Delli Priscoli, has said he would be willing to work with the MBTA if the project moves forward, Moore said.
The study will examine Hopedale's Draper mill complex as the last station on the line with the possibility of adding stops between Franklin and Hopedale including in Milford, Moore said.
The Draper complex is a privately owned 1.5 million-square-foot former mill in downtown Hopedale that has been mostly vacant for years.
"Freight alone servicing the old Draper facility makes that facility far more attractive to development," said Moore, a former Hopedale selectman. "If there's also commuter rail, it's a tremendous opportunity."
Read more: http://www.milforddailynews.com/archive/x920808681/Franklin-rail-line-could-expand-to-Milford-and-Hopedale#ixzz1T1HLeyZl
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