- The Town Council approved the following appointments
- a. Library Board of Directors (Associate): Barbara Steele
- b. Franklin Cultural Council: Jamele Adams
- c. Franklin Cultural District: Amy Adams
- d. Design Review: Gerald Wood
- e. Design Review (Associate): Venkata KP Sompally
- Cathleen Liberty, Health Director, presented an overview of her department and the work being done aside from managing the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Discussion on a possible beer/wine license for Dacey’s Market, to be brought back to the Council at a future meeting for a vote and home rule legislation to be filed to get an exception to allow.
- Karena Alves is retiring from Senior Center Director effective Sep 18; Erin Rogers to take her place.
- Municipal Aggregation is coming soon, communications start Sep 23
As with most meetings in this pandemic period, I took my notes via Twitter during the meeting reporting in real-time via the virtual session.
- Real time reporting underway for the Town Council meeting #tc0916
- Meeting being broadcast via Verizon 11 and Comcast 29 on cable, via Zoom as well as live streamed via the town page #tc0916
- No citizen comments. Motion to approve mins passes 8-0 for Aug 12 and then as well for Sep 2 #tc0916
- Moving to appointments: first up - Barbara Steele actually a correction, had been appointed to the wrong seat previously #tc0916 Passes 8-0-1 (8 yes, 0 no, 1 unfilled position)
- Motion on appt passed same vote 8-0-1 #tc0916
- Motion to appt to cultural district #tc0916 passes via same vote 8-0-1
- Motion to appt to design review committee #tc0916 Passes via same vote 8-0-1
- Motion to appt to design review as an associate #tc0916 passes via the same vote 8-0-1
- License transaction for new manager for 3 Restaurant. #tc0916 Corcoran thanks town for the approval process on the outdoor platform, making by with this. Applied Mon, had permit Weds and opened shortly after. Passes 8-0-1
- Moving to presentation from Health Dept, Cathleen Liberty, Director. Jamie, she needs no intro after COVID; Bridget Sweet, Chair of Board of Health. Happy birthday Bridget! #tc0916
- Presentation doc can be found online #tc0916 required by State law, coordinates with Dept of Public Health
- Enforce state sanitary code. Photo depicts a empty building in Franklin that had been used by unknown persons #tc0916
- Do inspections of food establishments regularly, findings get a 24 hour order and follow-up. If it persists we can execute a cease and desist order #tc0916
- Licensing group for Beaver trappers, inspect septic systems - Title 5, funeral directors, tanning facilities, test Beaver Pond for E coli, tobacco control #tc0916
- Provided mandatory training for business, on re-opening task force for schools. #tc0916
- Q on businesses not wearing face covering, multiple from certain place, it is beyond education so there is a fine/penalty process added to give it some bite to get it done properly. #tc0916 Q four houses in the queue on the abandoned process with the attorney general
- Q on funding, any unfunded? Budget is funded properly. State will inspect the flavored tobacco products for enforcements. Budget did increase in FY21 for more food inspections and title 5 processing. We do plan on review in October (along with other depts) #tc0916
- Should be a renewed focus on public health with the recognition of Covid-19, there is a whole lot of work being done and required to maintain health. #tc0916 Q and clarification on abandoned property what is covered or not
- Masks are the best thing to do beside physical distance, very important #tc0916 decision was not to be more restrictive than governor's executive order. Better for local level law (for enforcement) rather than use the governor declaration. Bridget covers the update
- The fine was effective 9/08/20 and revised tonight to be effective Thursday. #tc0916 clarification on nuisances.
- Bissanti recuses himself before this item, Attorney Doherty present to speak to it. Exception when reaching limit of licenses, can ask Legislation for approval, applicant for former Dacey's market. Recommended for preliminary discussion for home rule petition for future #tc0916
- Other site has a full liquor license, Dacey's would only have the beer/wine license not for on premise #tc0916 Jones not keen on having 2 so close together; Chandler the 2 markers are different enough. It will help him economically. Not over saturated in that part of town
- Kelly speaks to the 140 side where Big Y, Franklin Liquors, and DaVita's and maybe missing some. Good confirmation. Discuss this evening, will come back in future on legislation for action, no one against this for future action. Once passes it gets filed with Legislation #tc0916
- Capital no meeting; budget met earlier this evening, CARES act funding reviewed, looking for another meeting in Oct. Economic dev meet before last meeting, listening sessions scheduled first one Sep 30, #tc0916
- Legislation for action. Gift acceptances #tc0916. Vote to approve, passes 8-0-1 Vote to approve, passes 8-0-1
- Town administrator report, active total 16 low but highest since Memorial day. Stay safe. Municipal aggregation, Sep 23 mailing for opt out of, auto enrolled already, national grid rate is 12.5, we get 10.5 without sweat Savings for everyone Colonial Power is our vendor #tc0916
- Folks at Colonial Power are helpful. Karen Alves officially retired this Friday Sep 18. Erin Rogers will take her place, some small events socially distanced, some day we will do something worthy #tc0916
- Chandler should we have a policy for flag half staff on Sep 11, not just that day but for all major days. #tc0916 maybe a small group? Or get together with Jamie and DPW to being something back for us.
- Thanks to Downtown Partnership for decorating today! #tc0916 ordered 2 new ornaments for sale at the museum, will plan for sale outside at the beginning of October. Meetings on Community Preservation Act, look to Franklin Matters for dates, on November ballot
- #tc0916 Jones read email on first day success for 4th grade for one of his kids, will be joining campaign for building at the Food Pantry. FEF fund raiser at La Cantina, Sep 30. Mercer and Dellorco comments on Alves retirement. Contollo Mfg awarded 2 large contracts for PPE
- Motion to adjourn, that is all for tonight folks. Catch you all next time #tc0916
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Town Council - Meeting Recap - Sep 16, 2020 - Health Dept PresentationAdd caption |