Showing posts with label ballot question. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ballot question. Show all posts

Friday, July 26, 2024

Here is the order of the five statewide voter questions that will appear on the ballot in November - The Boston Globe

"Massachusetts Secretary of State William F. Galvin on Thursday released the order that five statewide measures will appear on the ballot in November.

voter questions
ballot questions
The five ballot questions are the most since 2000, when voters had eight to consider. The numbers are assigned at the discretion of the secretary of state’s office.

“Numbers are typically assigned in a manner that will ensure the best possible ballot layout, given the length of the question summaries,” Galvin’s office said in a statement."

Question 1: State Auditor’s Authority to Audit the Legislature

Question 2: Elimination of MCAS as High School Graduation Requirement

Question 3: Unionization for Transportation Network Drivers

Question 4: Limited Legalization and Regulation of Certain Natural Psychedelic Substances

Question 5: Minimum Wage for Tipped Workers

The State will send out the "red book" the voters guide before the November election early voting starts. The early voting timeline for both the Sep primary and November election as contained in this PDF (and image below)

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Possible questions for November's state ballot

Via the Boston Globe:
"Millions of Massachusetts voters will hit the polls in November to cast a presidential ballot. They also could rewrite state laws in ways unseen in decades.

Possible ballot questions
Possible ballot questions
Unions, advocates, and out-of-state groups are pushing to put five ballot questions before voters this fall, creating what would be the largest single slate in 24 years. The breadth of the lineup appears likely to spur one of the most expensive ballot question campaigns in Massachusetts history, with groups collectively having spent millions of dollars before the ballot has even been finalized.

For voters, that not only could mean enduring an onslaught of political advertising, but also wrestling with weighty policy decisions. Should the state scrap MCAS exams as a graduation requirement, reversing years of educational standards? Should it legalize psychedelic mushrooms? Should ride-share drivers be allowed to unionize?"
Continue reading the article at the Globe -> (Subscription may be required)

Later this year, the "red book" of information on the ballot questions will be made available by the Secretary of the Commonwealth. 

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Special Election ($6.8M Override) today, voting at FHS up to 8 PM

One question:
"Shall the town of Franklin be allowed to assess an additional 6.8 million dollars in real estate AND personal property  taxes for the purposes of the operating budget for which monies from this assessment will be used for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2024?"

The override collection of posts with information to help you cast an informed vote on or before June 11 8 PM ->

Special Election ($6.8M Override) today, voting at FHS up to 8 PM
Special Election ($6.8M Override) today, voting at FHS up to 8 PM

Sunday, December 17, 2023

One Franklin’s New Years Resolution - Jan 11, 2024 from 6 to 9 PM

Join One Franklin for a New Years Resolution Public Event on January 11 from 6-9 PM at 67 Degrees Brewing

Meet our leadership team and talk directly with elected leaders about how we are working together to avoid cuts to Franklin's town services, most significantly to our public schools!

(One Franklin is a ballot question committee formed to pass an operational override in Franklin.)

One Franklin’s New Years Resolution - Jan 11, 2024 from 6 to 9 PM
One Franklin’s New Years Resolution - Jan 11, 2024 from 6 to 9 PM

Thursday, October 12, 2023

Franklin Town Clerk Nancy Danello walks us through voting process for the Oct 24 Tri-County Election, then for the Nov 7 Biennial Election (audio)

FM #1074 = This is the Franklin Matters radio show, number 1074 in the series. 

This session shares my conversation with Town Clerk Nancy Danello conducted in her office at the Municipal Building on Tuesday, October 3, 2023. 

We talk about 

  • The Tri-County election October 24

  • The biennial Town of Franklin election Nov 7, includes the debt exclusion to fund the Tri-County building 

The show notes include links to the Town Clerk page and to the Tri-County information.

The recording runs about 27 minutes, so let’s listen in. Audio link ->


Town Clerk’s page -> 

Tri-County new building page -> 

Tri County School Building Project - Karen Maguire, Tri County Superintendent (presentation to Town Council)

Building update meeting in June, 2023 -> 

Tri-County Election Announcement  ->

Memo from Town Administrator - Tri-County Election if approved: Estimated Cost Per Household   ->

Tri-County Election Warrant  ->

Tri-County Sample Ballot  ->


We are now producing this in collaboration with Franklin.TV and Franklin Public Radio ( or 102.9 on the Franklin area radio dial. 

This podcast is my public service effort for Franklin but we can't do it alone. We can always use your help.

How can you help?

  • If you can use the information that you find here, please tell your friends and neighbors

  • If you don't like something here, please let me know

Through this feedback loop we can continue to make improvements. I thank you for listening.

For additional information, please visit  or 

If you have questions or comments you can reach me directly at shersteve @ gmail dot com

The music for the intro and exit was provided by Michael Clark and the group "East of Shirley". The piece is titled "Ernesto, manana"  c. Michael Clark & Tintype Tunes, 2008 and used with their permission.

I hope you enjoy!


You can also subscribe and listen to Franklin Matters audio on iTunes or your favorite podcast app; search in "podcasts" for "Franklin Matters"

Franklin Town Clerk Nancy Danello
Franklin Town Clerk Nancy Danello

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Town Council asked to approve ballot question to authorize funding for new Tri-County school for the Nov 7 election

Among the key items on the Town Council agenda Wednesday, Sep 20 is the proposed ballot question to fund the Tri-County new school building. The proposed ballot question is part 2 of the school building approval. Part 1 of the approval is the 11 community vote on October 24, a simple yes or no answer required to build the school. Assuming the school is authorized by a 50% plus 1 margin, then this question is required to authorize Franklin to fund its portion. The proposed ballot question is before the Council to get on the Nov 7, 2023 election ballots.
"Shall the Town of Franklin be allowed to exempt from the provisions of
proposition two and one-half, so-called, the amounts required to pay the
Town’s allocable share of the bonds issued by the Tri-County Regional
Vocational Technical School District to pay costs of designing, constructing
and equipping a new high school to be located at 147 Pond Street, in
Franklin, including the payment of all costs incidental or related thereto?"

Agenda doc includes supporting docs as well as remote participation info 

Friday, November 11, 2022

Notice Of Post Election Tabulation - Nov 14, 2022 - 9 AM

In accordance with MGL Chapter 54, section 25B(a)(14) as amended by section 10 of Chapter 92 of the Acts of 2022, known as the VOTES Act of 2022, the Town of Franklin will perform a post-election tabulation session for the November 8, 2022 State Election.

Any ballot returned by mail and received on or before 5PM on November 12, 2022, if postmarked by November 8, 2022 will be opened, processed, and added to the Election Day totals.

This session will take place in the Municipal Building, 355 East Central St on Monday, November 14, 2022 at 9:00 AM.

We respectfully ask that observers register in advance by emailing

Shared from Town of Franklin page ->

So in case you are wondering when the early votes, mail ballots and absentee ballots were counted:

The early voting, absentee ballots, and vote by mail ballots were processed last Saturday in to the voting tabulators. The memory cards with those results were taken out, stored securely and a new set of memory cards put in for all the day of voting on Tuesday. Once the polls closed Tuesday night, they ran the tape (tally) for the day of activity, took those cards out, put the other cards from Saturday in, and ran the tape (which they did not do on Saturday). 

Both tapes with the voting totals were then entered manually to the spreadsheet shown in the unofficial results posted 10ish Tuesday night.

Both sets of cards were tested  in a public session on Oct 26 and the audio for the testing process as well as community member questions on the process is available for review

Notice Of Post Election Tabulation - Nov 14, 2022 - 9 AM
Notice Of Post Election Tabulation - Nov 14, 2022 - 9 AM

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

The schedule for a busy Election Day,. Nov 8, 2022

Voting opens at 6 AM at Franklin High School. 

The School Committee has a budget workshop scheduled for 6 PM in the 3rd Floor Training Room. I plan on being there to report/record the meeting.

The School Committee has their organizational meeting and a full agenda scheduled for 7 PM. I will miss the meeting. Franklin TV will record and broadcast via cable, live stream and YouTube.

I'll be at the high school to report on and record the announcement of "unofficial results" when they are available from Town Clerk Nancy Danello after the polls close at 8 PM. (My unofficial "guestimate" ~ 9-9:30 PM at the earliest)

The Election Collection - all the info we have gathered on the local candidates and ballot questions ->

The map of the 9 precincts for Franklin

Other information can be found on the Town Clerk's page

Voting in Franklin on Nov 8, 2022
Voting in Franklin on Nov 8, 2022

Saturday, November 5, 2022

Town of Franklin: Tabulator Testing shows ballots will be read properly - 10/26/22 (audio)

FM #873 = This is the Franklin Matters radio show, number 873 in the series. 

This session shares the Tabulator Testing conducted in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building on Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Town Clerk Nancy Danello opened the session. Deputy Clerk Dyan Fitzgerald assisted and took over to close the session when Nancy left about 10:30ish for a meeting at the high school to plan for the election setup. 

9 or 10 election workers were sworn in to start the process. Other observers arrived as the process was underway. You can hear the welcomes, and overall instructions, and the various question and answer sections.

The full recording was edited to remove the extraneous conversations, noise, etc. The intent of the recording is to share the tabulator testing process as discussed in the open session. 

What is the tabulator? The tabulator is what most would refer to as the voting machine that reads the ballot and tallies the vote by precinct.

The outline of the steps as described by our Town Clerk is provided. The Early Opening sessions as mentioned did start on Friday, Oct 28 and complete Friday, Nov 4, 2022. The steps of the early opening process are provided in the show notes.

The Early Deposit session is scheduled for Saturday, Nov 5 at Franklin High School. They intend to process all the early ballots on Saturday. If something prevents that, they do have time scheduled on Sunday, if necessary.

Ballots still arriving via mail, election dropbox at the municipal building, etc. will be gathered sometime late Tuesday (Election Day), and transported to the high school for processing.

All results Tuesday are ‘unofficial”. The Town Clerk has a couple of days to back in the office to check all the totals before making them ‘official’ to submit to the Secretary of the Commonwealth.

The show notes include links to the Town Clerk page and other election information.

The edited tabulator testing recording runs about 43 minutes, so let’s listen in.

Audio file ->


Town Clerk’s page -> 

Transcript of the audio (except for the intro and closing segments read by me (Steve Sherlock)which are spelled out in the 'show notes' document.)

Tabulator Testing Process outline  -> 

Early Opening outline -> 

Vote by mail process diagram -> 

Town Clerk podcast episode talking about the voting changes in advance of the Sept State Primary ->

Town Clerk podcast episode talking about the overall election process -> 


We are now producing this in collaboration with Franklin.TV and Franklin Public Radio ( or 102.9 on the Franklin area radio dial. 

This podcast is my public service effort for Franklin but we can't do it alone. We can always use your help.

How can you help?

  • If you can use the information that you find here, please tell your friends and neighbors

  • If you don't like something here, please let me know

Through this feedback loop we can continue to make improvements. I thank you for listening.

For additional information, please visit  or 

If you have questions or comments you can reach me directly at shersteve @ gmail dot com

The music for the intro and exit was provided by Michael Clark and the group "East of Shirley". The piece is titled "Ernesto, manana"  c. Michael Clark & Tintype Tunes, 2008 and used with their permission.

I hope you enjoy!


You can also subscribe and listen to Franklin Matters audio on iTunes or your favorite podcast app; search in "podcasts" for "Franklin Matters"

Town of Franklin: Tabulator Testing shows ballots will be read properly
Town of Franklin: Tabulator Testing shows ballots will be read properly

Voices of Franklin: Karen Landers is Yes for Question 1

There are many opinions about whether to vote “Yes” or “No” on Question 1.  For those who have voted or will vote “No”, I wonder if you will regret your decision when some of the  services that we all pay for with our current tax dollars are eliminated for lack of funds.  

Our schools, roads, public transportation, bridges, etc. are not in great shape right now.  Imagine, when all of the extra funds that have been provided due to COVID is spent.  And there are also the funds from President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill and the Inflation Reduction Act.  All of that money will be gone one day.  Our quality of life may suffer.  I can see lots of tax override questions being argued in our towns.

Also, consider what will happen to our property values if schools fail, potholes increase, bridges collapse, there is more crime, public transportation comes to a halt.   Oh, boy!  I can see future increases in our real estate taxes, state income taxes, excise taxes, gas taxes, sales taxes, etc.  Those increases will hit everyone, not just the wealthy folks with high earnings.

Please think it through for yourselves.  Public services cost money.  This state’s transportation Infrastructure needs maintenance, repairs, and replacement.  Schools need to prepare our children for the future.  Workers need to be paid a fair wage.  Folks who earn lots of money can afford to part with a little more for the benefit of all.  Let’s allow them to do this.  

If you have not voted, yet, please vote “Yes” on Q1.  If you have already voted “Yes”, thank you!

Karen Landers 
Franklin MA

To add your voice to the discussion, please follow the guidelines

Voices of Franklin: Karen Landers is Yes for Question 1
Voices of Franklin: Karen Landers is Yes for Question 1

Thursday, November 3, 2022

Franks Musings: 047 - Ballot Questions (audio)

In this episode, Frank Falvey discusses the ballot questions that are on the upcoming election's ballot; breaking down what each question means, what a yes or no vote would mean and how this will affect voters moving forward.

Franks Musings: 047 - Ballot Questions (audio)
Franks Musings: 047 - Ballot Questions (audio)

Frank Presents: 046 - Mark Lenzi on Ballot Question 3 (audio)

In this episode, Frank Falvey sits down with Mark Lenzi, owner of Franklin Liquors and co-host of Franklin Radio's "Wonderful World of Wine" to discuss his background, the wine world, the different varieties of wine, and the upcoming ballot question #3 involving wine.

046 - Frank Presents - Mark Lenzi on Ballot Question 3 (audio)
Frank Presents: 046 - Mark Lenzi on Ballot Question 3 (audio)

Sunday, October 30, 2022

The Franklin Voter Guide for 2022 is available

The 2022 Franklin Voter Guide has been published.

The Franklin Voter Guide for 2022 is available
The Franklin Voter Guide for 2022 is available
"The Franklin Area Voting Guide is intended to be a non-partisan resource created by private individuals to allow the people of Franklin, Massachusetts, and surrounding communities to cast an educated vote on issues that impact our community.

Information contained in this guide is provided by candidates and taken verbatim from their survey responses, or sourced from candidate websites/social media accounts, public statements, town halls, and past achievements."

Visit the 2022 Franklin Voter Guide ->

SAFE Radio: Ballot Question 3 with Mark Lenzi (audio)

In this episode, Jim Derrick and Anne Bergen sit down with Wonderful World of Wine host and Franklin Liquors owner Mark Lenzi, to discuss Massachusetts ballot question #3; the confusing nature of the question, the repercussions of both sides of the question, what to consider and how it affects underage use of alcohol in local communities.

SAFE Radio:  Ballot Question 3 with Mark Lenzi (audio)
SAFE Radio:  Ballot Question 3 with Mark Lenzi (audio)

Substance Use Disorder; Hope, Health and Healing
SAFE Radio (a product of the SAFE Coalition) will examine the disease of Substance Use Disorder. Each week the program will feature guests that are subject matter experts covering topics such as treatment options, coping strategies and recovery.

The SAFE Coalition exists to provide pathways for support, education, coping mechanisms and treatment options for Substance use Disorder

Monday, October 24, 2022

60 Minutes: "Dominion Voting Systems CEO speaks out against conspiracy theories" (video)

"Can you flip votes in the computer system? Can you add votes that did not exist?" Anderson Cooper asks Dominion Voting Systems CEO John Poulos. "Absolutely not," Poulos says. See the interview, Sunday on 60 Minutes.

Shared from CBS News: ->

The MA voting system administered by the Secretary of the Commonwealth and used by Franklin (along with the other 350 communities) is
  • paper ballot based
  • the voter registration system is a closed network (not part of Internet)
  • highly secure

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Vote by mail ballots are in the mail to Franklin voters

"The Town Clerk's office received mail-in ballots on Tuesday, October 11th! Election workers, wardens along with the Town Clerk's office were hard at work for 1 1/2 days processing resident vote by mail ballot requests. If you requested a mail-in ballot, keep an eye out on your mail as ballots have been sent out!"
Shared from Instagram ->

If you requested a ballot by mail, track it's status

Vote by mail ballots are in the mail to Franklin voters
Vote by mail ballots are in the mail to Franklin voters

Boston Globe: "Liquor store giant Total Wine enters fray on Question 3"

"The mom-and-pop package stores in Massachusetts now can identify an enemy in their Question 3 ballot campaign: retail giant Total Wine & More.

Question 3 represents the latest round in a debate that has lasted for years over the limits on how many retail, or “off-premises,” alcohol licenses can be controlled by any one company in this state. It’s a fight that has long pitted small, independent liquor stores against larger retail chains that want the right to sell alcohol more broadly.

This ballot question would, among other things, somewhat loosen those caps, by increasing the number of locations under one corporate owner that can sell beer and wine from 9 to 18 over the course of a decade. However, it would also reduce the number of locations with common ownership that can sell hard alcohol from nine to seven."
Continue reading the Boston Globe online -> 

Tuesday, October 18, 2022