All service on all Commuter Rail Lines/Routes has been suspended for Sunday, 8/28/2011 due to Hurricane Irene. Full service is expected to resume on Monday, August 29, 2011.
Current updates can be found on
Providing accurate and timely information about what matters in Franklin, MA since 2007. * Working in collaboration with Franklin TV and Radio ( since October 2019 *
Hello Everyone,
This Saturday August 27th the garden coordinator Chris Clay will be in the garden from 9am-11am to give tours of the garden for community members and answer any questions gardeners may have. If you want to know what the spots on your tomato leaves mean, what that bug on your broccoli is, or anything else this is your chance to ask!
Chris Clay
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Meanwhile, Franklin - along with Milford and Northborough - will soon be getting some guidance and training from the nonprofit Walk Boston, through funding from the Metrowest Community Health Care Foundation.
The project is just getting started, according to Wendy Landman, executive director of Walk Boston - which has worked with about 50 communities in various capacities, from creating walking maps to providing pedestrian safety education.
The plan is to perform “walk audits’’ in each community. Those involve walking around and examining various factors, she explained, including sidewalk conditions, intersection placement and geometry, efficiency of pedestrian lights, presence of trees, and availability of shade.Read the full article in the Boston Globe here
A dog park has been part of Franklin's open space plan since 2009, said Town Planner Beth Dahlstrom, but hasn't been a priority in past years. When Goulet began work on the project about five months ago, she contacted Town Administrator Jeffrey Nutting, who helped her figure out where to put the park, and to which departments she needed to talk.
"It's something that's been in our master plan for some time and she's taking the initiative. That's great," said Nutting. "We hope she can move ahead with this in the next several months."
To get the park opened, Goulet coordinated volunteers to help her clear the proposed space in Dacey Field, on the far side of the walking path between the sport field and playground; sought donations from local businesses and price quotes on fencing, mulch, trash bins and signs; and built a website,, where people can go for more information.
"We want a clean river. Ultimately a drinkable, swimmable river is of great value to the community," Fernandes said. "I think we do need to look at continuing to slow the (regulatory) process down. We've got to look at alternative means."
One alternative would be to pass legislation requiring phosphorus-free fertilizers, he said.
Complying with the proposed EPA mandate could cost $66 million to $111 million in Milford, based on an EPA-funded study for the three towns, Town Engineer Michael Santora said.
It could cost $75 million to implement in Franklin and $35 million in Bellingham, Franklin Department of Public Works Director Robert Cantoreggi said.
"I'm very concerned about the economic fallout of trying to attract and retain businesses," Franklin Town Administrator Jeffrey Nutting said.
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Should the town permit everything the developer is requesting, the Villas will amount to 45 condominiums, 22 of which will be age-restricted, and 23 of which will not.
Under that formula, Eastern Management owes the town an affordable housing unit, Town Administrator Jeffrey Nutting and the Planning Department have said.
After conceding at the Aug. 8 Planning Board meeting that he is required to build the unit, Coras and his attorney Gary Hogan last night asked that it be built off-site.
The Franklin High Parent Communication Council has established its meeting dates for the 2011/2012 school year. They have several upcoming events and could use many helping hands to make these a success...
The PCC will be having meetings on the following dates:
All meetings start at 7p.m. and are held in the FHS Technology Center.
Each meeting will have guest speakers and a principal update. These meetings are truly a communication tool for parents, to hear about important topics regarding the school, and to ask questions and find out answers that their teenager may not be able to give them.
If you need more information or would like to get involved, please email me at or call 508-369-5131.
Kathy Stankard of Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage can be reached by cell at 508-369-5131 or via email.
Kathy has been a top producing REALTOR for the past 15 years helping buyers and sellers in the Franklin, MA and metrowest of Boston area. Feel free to check out her website for more resources and information.
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