Call to Order
Pledge of Allegiance
Moment of Silence
I. Routine Business
A. Review of Agenda
B. Citizen’s Comments
In the spirit of open communication, “the Committee will hold a public participation segment (also called Citizen’s Comments) about matters not related to an agenda item at the beginning of each regular School Committee meeting. The Committee will listen to, but not respond to any comment made…. A Committee member may add an agenda item to a future meeting as a result of a citizen comment…. The Committee will hear public comments related to an agenda item when the Chair deems appropriate during the Committee meeting. Topics for discussion during the meeting must be limited to those items listed on the Committee meeting agenda for that evening…. ” - from Policy BEDH
C. FHS Student Representative Comments
D. Superintendent’s Report
II. Guests/Presentations
A. FHS Program of Studies – Josh Hanna, Principal FHS
III. Discussion/Action Items
A. Extending Senior Perks to Include Lunch Block for Students in Directed Study
I recommend approval of the request of Principal Josh Hanna to extend student
perks to include lunch block for students in Directed Study as detailed.
B. Varsity Cheerleading National Competition
I recommend approval of the request of Doni Gill (Coach) to take 11 cheerleaders
to Orlando, Florida from March 18-21, 2022 for the Nationals Competition as
C. Space Needs & Facilities Assessment Sub Committee
I recommend that the School Committee establish a Space Needs & Facilities
Assessment Sub Committee as detailed.
IV. Discussion Only Items
A. COVID Status Update
V. Information Matters
A. School Committee Sub-Committee Reports (e.g. Supt. Evaluation, Budget,
Community Relations/Public Schools Advocacy, Policy)
B. School Committee Liaison Reports (e.g. Joint PCC, (SATF) Substance Abuse Task
Force, (SWAC) School Wellness Advisory Council, SEPAC (Special Education Parent
Advisory Council), DEI Committee (Diversity, Equity & Inclusion).
VI. New Business
A. To discuss any future agenda items
VII. Consent Agenda
A. Approval of Minutes
I recommend approval of the minutes from your January 11, 2022 School Committee meeting as detailed.
B. Transfers
I recommend approval of the budget transfers as detailed.
C. Music Gift
I recommend acceptance of a check for $664.40 from music parents for supplemental supplies as detailed.
D. Jazz Festival Recurring Field Trip
I recommend approval of the request of Diane Plouffe to take Jazz Band students to the University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, on March 12, 2022 to participate in the Annual Jazz Festival as detailed.
E. Executive Session Minutes for Release
I recommend approval of the Executive Session Minutes from the January 11, 2022 Meeting as detailed.
VIII. Payment of Bills Ms. Spencer
IX. Payroll Ms. Stokes
X. Executive Session
Pursuant to M.G.L. c. 30A, §21(a)(3) to discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining with non-union personnel.
XI. Adjournment
Documents released for this meeting can be found in the packet folder ->
Franklin, MA: School Committee Meeting - Agenda - Jan 25, 2022 |