Showing posts with label Human resources. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Human resources. Show all posts

Monday, December 16, 2024

Franklin Fire Dept looking to fill 2 Open Firefighter/Paramedic positions

"2 Open Firefighter/Paramedic positions

Franklin Fire Dept looking to fill 2 Open Firefighter/Paramedic positions
2 Open Firefighter/Paramedic positions
The Franklin Fire Department seeks candidates that have a passion in the Fire & Emergency Medical Services field. Candidates must be a certified paramedic in Massachusetts. Additional qualities include being highly motivated, work well with a committed team of professionals, be an integral part of the community you serve, have a desire for continued training and education. The members of the Franklin Fire Department are dedicated to enhancing the quality of life of the citizens of Franklin, as well as those who work here, visit and frequent the Town's businesses.

The Department provides a full range of Fire - Rescue Services including Fire Suppression, Paramedic level Emergency Medical Services, Technical Rescue and First Response Hazardous Materials response. We also provide a full range of prevention services to include code compliance, plans review and public education.

No Civil Service Requirement
Apply Now"

Thursday, November 7, 2024

Finance Committee gets preview of FY 2025 budget adjustments, Norfolk Retirement issue, Finance & HR reorg for Town/Schools (video)

The Franklin (MA) Finance Committee met as scheduled on Wednesday, Nov 6 with 7 members participating in Council Chambers and 2 members absent (Batchelor, Hamilton)

Quick recap:
  • committee voted to keep same org structure as prior given status and new members, etc. Conley, Chair, Riley, Vice-Chair, Corbesierio, Clerk (passed 7-0-2; 2 absent)
  • committee approved the minutes for the 3 budget hearings in May (passed 7-0-2; 2 absent)
  • Town Administrator Jamie Hellen walked through the recommendation on FY25 Budget Adjustments and the committee voted to recommend them as discussed to the Town Council  (passed 7-0-2; 2 absent)
  • Jamie took time to outline the new Town and School Finance and Human Resources organization restructure, a work in progress for a number of years and finally operational, answered a number of clarification questions 
  • Jamie also presented the FY24 Preliminary Expense Recap & Local Receipts year-end report  and the Stabilization Account Report and answered a number of clarification questions
  • Brief update on the FY26 Budget Model and Fiscal Forecast Update, discussion around dodging a massive increase in the Norfolk County Retirement Fund, procedurally the Retirement Board should have bene more forthcoming about the increase, they weren't, still an item to watch
  • Related to the retirement funding, it had been anticipated that once it was fully funded (approx. 2032, now 2035), those funds could be reallocated to the OPEB account and start paying that down more sooner. Confirmed delayed to 2035 currently
  • As a result of the OPEB funding process, why doesn't the Town consider helping the Schools with the "hold harmless" funding. Can't be done all at once, it is about 12-15 Million, but the town is chipping away at OPEB, we should consider chipping away at the "hold harmless" too
  • member comments lead to discussion (and future discussion) around how the committee can help raise the awareness of the community on the fiscal issues. More to come on that front

Finance Committee gets preview of FY 2025 budget adjustments, Norfolk Retirement issue, Finance & HR reorg for Town/Schools (video)
Finance Committee gets preview of FY 2025 budget adjustments, Norfolk Retirement issue, Finance & HR reorg for Town/Schools (video)

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Town of Franklin: Job Opportunities with Board of Assessors, Public Works, Police Dept & Facilities

Job Opportunities

To apply for a vacant position, please submit a resume and cover letter to  Please put the job title in the subject line of your email. 

Appraiser - Board of Assessors 

Heavy Motor Equipment Operator - Department of Public Works 

Crew Leader / Lead Pesticide Applicator (Tuesday - Saturday) - Department of Public Works

Patrol Officer (academy trained) - Franklin Police Department

Part Time and Substitute Custodians - Facilities Department 

Updated 11/4/2024

If you do not have a resume, you may send a completed Application for Employment instead.

To receive notifications of all job opportunities in the Town of Franklin, subscribe here .

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Town of Franklin: Job Opportunities with Board of Assessors, Public Works, Police Dept & Facilities
Town of Franklin: Job Opportunities with Board of Assessors, Public Works, Police Dept & Facilities

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Friday, April 12, 2024

Franklin Announces DPW Director Cantoreggi Reinstated as of April 11, 2024

On February 15, 2024 the Massachusetts State Ethics Commission announced that Franklin DPW Director, Robert “Brutus” Cantoreggi violated Conflict of Interest Law relative to the unethical acceptance of gifts, G.L. chapter 268A, section 23(b)(2)(i). In the attached Press Release from the State Ethics Commission and the Disposition Agreement between the Ethics Commission and Mr. Cantoreggi, Mr. Cantoreggi admits to the proposed violations and waives his right to a hearing.

On February 9, 2024, when the Town was in receipt of this information, Mr. Cantoreggi was placed on unpaid administrative leave indefinitely and until further notice. Since this time, the Town has been working to gather information in order to fully understand the extent of Mr. Cantoreggi’s actions in his official capacity as Department of Public Works Director.

“While the realization of this ethics violation has been very difficult for Town staff, the Town Council, and the Franklin community at large, this incident was an isolated incident and does not reflect on the entire organization,” stated Jamie Hellen, Franklin Town Administrator. “The Town has independent annual financial town audits in addition to effective standards, training, internal controls and policies in place and a truly remarkable staff culture. These were careless and hubris actions by Mr. Cantoreggi, but do not reflect a widespread problem in the organization.”

The Town has issued a report on the complete findings of its own internal investigation. Notably, and most importantly, zero taxpayers dollars were affected by this violation and succeeding decisions. No bribery allegations, charges, or findings relevant to a quid pro-quo or “something for something” or any other illegal or criminal act were found. There were no procurement violations found.

In addition to a $15,000 fine to the State Ethics Commission and significant damage to Mr. Cantoreggi’s reputation, both personally and professionally, the Town instituted the following corrective measures:
An unpaid suspension for two months; a wage loss of $29,935, or $44,935 in total, when accounting for the civil penalty from the state;
A six (6) day redaction of employee Earned Time (aka “ET” which is equivalent to vacation time) for time off during the two ski trips as they were not work related;
No accrued additional Earned Time during the time of the two-month suspension, which is lost time for a total of approximately 11.3 days (91 hours);
One-year prohibition on attendance at industry sponsored events and conferences in an effort to focus on DPW staff needs and succession planning;
Execution of a “Last Chance” Agreement for any unknown past and future incidents;
Release and waiver of all legal and privacy rights;
Public apology acknowledging impacts on the organization and community; and
Repeating his state mandated Ethics Training and documenting the receipt and review of the Conflict of Interest Law Summary.
Based on the facts of the Ethics Investigation, as well as additional supporting factors and materials that have been laid out, the Town Administrator has decided to reinstate Robert “Brutus” Cantoreggi as the DPW Director, effective Thursday, April 11, 2024 at 7:00 AM.

“I deeply apologize to all of the residents of Franklin for making such a poor decision without truly thinking through the ramifications of it,” said Robert “Brutus” Cantoreggi. “I am very regretful of the unintended consequences my poor judgment has had on the Town, my staff, my colleagues and my family. I have committed my professional career to the Town of Franklin and truly love my job. Over the past eight weeks, I have used this time to reflect and it has reaffirmed how much I value my role as the Public Works Director for the Town of Franklin. It has not been easy being under the scrutiny of false accusations by some, but I have also been humbled by the amount of support I have received by so many others. I will never be able to express my deep gratitude to the members of the community, the Council, and Town Administrator for their time working on this ordeal. Going forward, I will recommit myself to working to be the best Public Works director, colleague, friend, husband and father. I know we have all made mistakes in life, and I can unequivocally say that I have learned huge lessons from this. I am so grateful for the second chance, I will not let you down, and I pledge to do everything in my power to earn back the public's trust.”

The Town Council received a briefing from the Town Administration on March 13, 2024 in Executive Session. In an effort to be transparent and proactive with the public, these materials have been posted on a dedicated webpage.

“Mr. Cantoreggi’s actions are extremely disappointing, and as the DPW Director he should have known that his acceptance of these gifts violated the Conflict of Interest Law,” stated Tom Mercer, Chair of the Franklin Town Council. “These proscribed actions not only reflect poorly on
Mr. Cantoreggi personally but also on the Town of Franklin. While significant reputational damage has been done, I feel the prescribed disciplinary action is on par with the misconduct. As a lifelong Franklin resident and one who values his expertise, he has earned a second chance in my book due to his dedicated and innovative leadership over two decades. While we may individually have our own views on the matter, the entire Town Council has agreed to move forward together. ”

“It is vital that Franklin residents have the utmost trust and confidence in the integrity of their government,” stated Hellen. “With this information I acknowledge a violation of the public’s trust and confidence. I will work with Mr. Cantoreggi to build back public trust and confidence moving forward. Mr. Cantoreggi is remorseful for his lapse in judgment, and I believe if there is anyone who can restore both his own reputation and the reputation of the Town, it is Brutus.”

Town Administrator website with all materials ->

Franklin Announces DPW Director Cantoreggi Reinstated as of April 11, 2024
Franklin Announces DPW Director Cantoreggi Reinstated as of April 11, 2024

Thursday, March 7, 2024

Town of Franklin: Job Opportunities with Public Works & Facilities

Job Opportunities

To apply for a vacant position, please submit a resume and cover letter to  Please put the job title in the subject line of your email. 

Motor Equipment Repair Person - Department of Public Works

Junior Building Custodian - Facilities Department

Part Time and Substitute Custodians - Facilities Department 

Updated 03/06/2024

If you do not have a resume, you may send a completed Application for Employment instead.

To receive notifications of all job opportunities in the Town of Franklin, subscribe here .

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Town of Franklin: Job Opportunities with Public Works & Facilities
Town of Franklin: Job Opportunities with Public Works & Facilities

Saturday, February 17, 2024

Annual Report Of The Human Resources Department: FY 2023 Report

The Human Resources Department had another very busy year! We are excited to announce the addition of a new staff member, Diane Montanez. Diane joined the Town in June 2023 and will serve as the Benefits Coordinator. This is a new position that will work with both the Town and the Schools to coordinate employee benefits like health insurance, dental insurance, life insurance, disability insurance and many more. Diane has only been with us for a short time, but has already brought some great ideas. Diane will take over the daily administration of benefits, which will open up staff time to focus on recruitment, retention and other important priorities.

During Fiscal Year 2023, we were able to work closely with GovHR, department heads and employees to finalize our new Compensation and Classification plan. This project started in FY22, but continued into the fall and was wrapped up in December 2022. We created a new Compensation and Classification plan in December 2022 which we believe puts us on the right path towards paying our non-union employees competitively. We will continue to review the plans each July (or more often, if needed) and ensure that our salaries are in line with other municipalities and that we can continue to recruit and retain our wonderful employees.

Fiscal Year 2023 was our first year with a new health insurance arrangement with the Massachusetts Strategic Health Group (MSHG). MSHG is a health insurance purchasing coalition made up of about 17 different towns, school districts and other public entities designed to increase access to care while maintaining an affordable and predictable cost to its members and communities. We pay for all claims through a self-funded trust, but have access to the Harvard Pilgrim and United Healthcare networks.

As with any health insurance transition, there were a few hiccups during the first month or two as our employees switched coverage. Since that time, everything has been running smoothly and we were able to offer several new cost saving members to our employees and retirees. The MSHG offers cost saving programs like a diabetes management program, brand name prescriptions at no cost through a mail order program, mental health counseling for children under 18, and a number of other programs. Now that Diane has joined the team as our Benefits Coordinator, she can start spreading the word about these wonderful programs and increase our engagement and participation.

Once we finished our transition to the MSHG in the fall of 2022, we moved on to a similar transition for our Medicare eligible retirees in January 2023. We switched from a Medicare Supplement plan with Harvard Pilgrim Health Care to a Medicare Advantage Plan with Aetna. One of the biggest perks of this change was our new partnership with a company called "Retirees First" which serves as a concierge service for our Medicare eligible retirees. Franklin retirees can call Retirees First and advocates will help navigate their health insurance benefits and help troubleshoot issues with the carrier, providers, or pharmacy. Retirees First also helped the Town with a "Medicare Migration." They worked closely with us to help 12 retirees who were not initially eligible for Medicare enroll in Medicare Parts A and B. These retirees were able to end coverage on their EPO and PPO health plans and join the Medicare Advantage plan. This move will save the employees and Town quite a bit on annual premiums and also lowers the out of pocket costs for our retirees! An individual went from having a $2,000 deductible and copays on all services to a Medicare Advantage plan with no deductibles and only copays on prescriptions. The Massachusetts Strategic Health Group even paid the late enrollment penalty for these retirees, which was a wonderful bonus.

We were very pleased to commit to staying with the Massachusetts Strategic Health Group for another year and will continue our coverage with them for Fiscal Year 2024. We went into the process expecting an 8% increase and were pleased to end up with a 6% increase on the EPO and PPO plans and only a 4.25% increase on the high deductible plan.

It continued to be a very busy year in terms of hiring! Many of our long term employees have retired in the last few years and, like in other industries, we are finding that people do not stay with jobs as long as they used to! This has resulted in fairly steady hiring over the last few years. Between July 1, 2022 and June 30, 2023, the Town of Franklin hired 27 full-time employees and a number of part-time employees. 

The new full-time employees include:
Payroll Administrator Debra Broe (Finance)
Benefits Coordinator Diane Montanez (HR)
10 new employees at the DPW including Staff Engineer Elijah Gerrior, Water Operations Person Richard Costello, Mechanic Sean Roddy, and the following Heavy Motor Equipment Operators: Glen Camire, Joseph Clinton, Andrew Hatch, Corey Lambert, Steve Nasuti, Thomas Ruth and Christian Vidal. The DPW management team also worked closely with the Town Administrator, Human Resources and the union to add several new union titles, which will help create a career ladder and growth for our union employees.
4 Police Officers - Christopher Gulla, Michael LaCure, Kevin Quinn and Marciano Silva
4 Firefighters - Nicholas Brosseau, Victor DaCosta, Kristin Krauss and Jack Lennon
Administrative Assistant for the Health Department Maureen Canesi
Several positions at the Senior Center including Deputy Director Sarah Amaral and Social Services Coordinator Raeleen Gallivan. In addition, Ariel Doggett moved from her position as Supportive Day Program Coordinator to the Program Coordinator position (internal transfer, rather than a new hire) and Kathleen Laughran moved from her part-time assistant role to the full-time Supportive Day Program Coordinator position.
Mitzi Gousie at the Library moved from a part- time Youth Services Librarian to the full-time Programming and Outreach Librarian. Human Resources will continue to work with the Library to convert part-time employees into full-time opportunities as vacancies become available in the future. Our goal is to eventually have all full- time employees at the Library.
Custodian Michael Giorgio (Facilities)
Deputy Director for Facilities, Engineering Kevin Harn (Facilities)
Steve O'Neill, who worked closely with Gus Brown as a Building Inspector for about 10.5 years, moved to a new position as the Deputy Director for Maintenance and Trades in the Facilities Department. We are excited to have both Steve and Kevin join as new members of the Facilities management team.

As we enter Fiscal Year 2024, we will continue to focus on the procurement of additional Human Resources software to help us organize and streamline our work. We are researching different vendors for an electronic personnel file system as well as an applicant tracking system for online applications and electronic onboarding. We are hoping that now that our health insurance changes are complete, we will have more time to focus on these important priorities.

We look forward to continuing to work with our employees and our retirees to have a great fiscal year 2024!

Respectfully submitted,

Karen M. Bratt 
Director of Human Resources

The Human Resources Dept report can be found in one PDF ->

The full Town of Franklin FY 2023 Annual Report can be found online

Annual Report Of The Human Resources Department: FY 2023 Report
Annual Report Of The Human Resources Department: FY 2023 Report

Sunday, January 7, 2024

Check out these Job Opportunities with Town of Franklin Finance, DPW, and Facilities!

Job Opportunities

To apply for a vacant position, please submit a resume and cover letter to  Please put the job title in the subject line of your email. 

Munis (Tyler) Administrator - Finance Department

Heavy Motor Equipment Operators - Department of Public Works 

Junior Building Custodian - Facilities Department

Part Time and Substitute Custodians - Facilities Department 

Updated 01/04/2024

If you do not have a resume, you may send a completed Application for Employment instead.

To receive notifications of all job opportunities in the Town of Franklin, subscribe here .

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Check out these Job Opportunities with Town of Franklin Finance, DPW, and Facilities!
Check out these Job Opportunities with Town of Franklin Finance, DPW, and Facilities!