K. TOWN ADMINISTRATOR’S REPORT The mailbox is our policy not the council's. If the mailbox is on our property, it is not our responsibly to replace it
Whalen - do we have new drivers? 4 in a row on my street got struck, if it is a more significant amount will they take more care?
Nutting - we don't do it intentionally, I don't think so.
Mason - if we made the driver replace the boxes they hit, the number would go way down.
Kelly - I spoke to Brutus last year, it is not the Town drivers I have a problem with, it is the private drivers that cause the problems
Kelly - the situation that is going on needs to get fixed.
Nutting - moving on, the list of thanks for the storm is endless. The police, fire, recreation, dozens of volunteers. We were fresh off Irene and we had lessons learned, we are learning more. National Grid kept us in the loop with a daily update around new. About 200 left now, mostly around Vine St.
We had more phone calls, we are not the utility, we can get a new utility. If you haven't signed up for the ConnectCTY, give us your email and phone numbers, we can reach out to folks during tough times
Depot St parking lot will be open tomorrow, the construction has progressed.
Thanks to the outgoing councilors for your effort and dedication
New councilor workshop next week at 7:00
Jones - reiterate to sign up for the ConnectCTY and get their cell phones as well as their house phones
McGann - to Mr Primo who is usually on the messages, sometimes we get Brutus... he sounds like Elmo. Can we give him an other job?
Vallee - I am getting phone calls on the high school, can you give us an update?
Nutting - FAQs on web, forum on Nov 18th at Horace Mann to cover all the items
architect is in design, looking to get to MSBA for Jan meeting, assuming approved, then debt exclusion question would be needed in Mar, if Jan isn't approved then the schedule could back up 2 months.
McGann - I want to go back to last week's meeting. I don't want to get miss understood. I did not mean it when I said the teachers were lucky to have a job. I hope the ones tonight will understand. It was not a negative remark. I'll go a little bit further as I may not be hear next week.
Back in June, we the sitting council approved the SchCom budget, never once was in mentioned that there were built in raises. I won't speak for the FinCom, they interpreted the budget the same way we did. We had asked all bargaining units to hold the line. And the SchCom did not. Mr Chairman, you asked that this council move this matter over to the new council.
We were the council
we approved the budget
we were the ones mislead
we have to answer the other bargaining units
I had to answer to emails of residents and town employees
to defer this to the new council is wrong, to me it doesn't make any sense
the money isn't there, there will be layoff, they will have to figure out how to fund it
the raises were given and they are not coming back
the SchCom did what they thought was in the best interest.
I have not heard where the money is coming from
M. NEW BUSINESSPfeffer - presents an award plaque to Mason for his service
Powderly - I do support the need, I think the procedural requirements could have been better prepared.
Thanks for the response to help during the storm
Thanks for the help Mason, Whalen and Zollo for their years of service, they approached each decision with integrity and honest. They have taught me to navigate the bylaws and charters. Their collected and reasonable approach has been thanked,
Zollo - public thanks to his family for their patience being here has been more than he anticipated. Reasonable people can differ on issues.
I view the biggest accomplishment was the ability to participate in a successful override. There was a collective approach to it. It was a successful collective effort. I do believe the others were needed. The biggest disappointment was the ability to motive a number of people to get involved in the process.
If we break 20% next week, it will be unusual. This has more importance that other day in and day out effect.
I think the biggest issue other than the on going budget is going to be this high school. I would urge everyone to concentrate on it and focus on it. Nothing else will impact the town as much as this will.
Wish all the candidates good luck,hope you are able to perform your duties with a sense of purpose and humility
McGann - thanks to Jeff, Maxine, Mark for all your help. I recognize this sitting as a family and I have been the runt of the family. There is one gentleman sitting here, and we have differed, he is not running. I find him to be the most intelligent, he knows numbers inside and out. Mr Whalen - I wish you were on the ballot for re-election, you are very knowledgeable. I wish you all the best. You brought a lot (Zollo).
I was going to say prospersous but the SchCom has already got the raise.
Kelly - thanks for your help, get out and vote
Jones - thanks to the so many people who helped on this crazy storm who helped get this under control. When I first joined this Council 2 years ago, I knew it was a volunteer position but did not realize how much. Thanks to Whalen, Zollo and Mason for all your hard work.
Vallee - The town is loosing three excellent councilors, thank you
Pfeffer - Ryan Jetty donated a new load timer for the Council to use. The other one was too old. Thanks to the three councilors for your service and involvement in t his adventure
Whalen - thanks for your kind words, it is humbling, being fortunate in being elected to 2 terms, the people are absolutely the best part of the job. To be consistent and some what redundant the town is slipping in level of services, I try to analyze it in any different way to improve those services. We are going to have to convince a majority of the voters to pay more out of their part in property taxes.
mason - six years ago I thought it would be fun to run and by 4 votes I got on the first time. I consider myself very luck to know and work with you. Volunteering is a noble cause. I encourage all our community to give back to our wonderful community. I want to thank you. I think we tend to take for granted what we have, take a look around.
N. COUNCIL COMMENTSO.EXECUTIVE SESSION – Negotiations, Litigation, Real Property, as May Be RequiredP. ADJOURN