Showing posts with label emergency response. Show all posts
Showing posts with label emergency response. Show all posts

Monday, September 2, 2024

Do you have an emergency and recovery plan? Get started or update it this National Preparedness Month

Consumer Alerts from the Federal Trade Commission

By Gema de las Heras

With more powerful and frequent natural disasters — even affecting areas where they weren't typical — you might have something like "update or make my emergency plan" on your to do list. 
The FTC has information and tools to help you avoid fraud as you prepare and recover from an emergency. 
And this National Preparedness Month we're partnering with FEMA to bring you free webinars in English and Spanish with step-by-step guidance to get ready.

Do you have an emergency and recovery plan? Get started or update it this National Preparedness Month
Do you have an emergency and recovery plan? Get started or update it this National Preparedness Month

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Fire Department Press Release on Hazmat Incident - July 9 (video)

Via the Franklin Fire Dept:
"At 8:56AM on Tuesday, July 9, 2024, the Franklin Fire Department received a fire alarm at 38 Forge Parkway. The first arriving Franklin Fire Department units were advised of a small fire which self-extinguished and a chemical leak by the building occupants.

After consulting with a chemist on site, fire companies investigated and found a smoke or vapor condition in a process room within the facility.

The building was fully evacuated, and a Tier 2 Hazardous Materials response from the Department of Fire Services was requested. Upon the Hazardous Materials Team arrival, a Tier 3 response was requested bringing 45 Hazardous Materials Technicians to the scene. 

The Hazardous Materials team made entry and was able to safely mitigate the hazard. There were no injuries during this entire event due to the great coordination among multiple agencies. The scale of the response was partly based upon the reactivity of the chemical which was determined to be Sodium Potassium.

This was an isolated incident confined to one room inside the business.

The incident was brought under control by 2pm and all crews cleared by 3:30pm.

Thank you to all of the agencies that responded including the Massachusetts Department of Fire Services State Hazardous Materials Team."

Saturday, March 23, 2024

FEMA podcast explore the benefits of our training course for people with disabilities (audio)

FEMA (@fema) posted  on Fri, Mar 22, 2024:
In our new podcast, we explore the benefits of our training course for people with disabilities in disaster operations & how it ensures equitable access to the whole community. Tune in:

Shared from ->

FEMA podcast explore the benefits of our training course for people with disabilities (audio)
FEMA podcast explore the benefits of our training course for people with disabilities (audio)

Saturday, March 2, 2024

Free Hands Only CPR Class - March 20, 2024

CPR Class - March 20, 2024

This class teaches participants how to recognize cardiac arrest and act quickly and effectively to perform hands-only CPR in order to save a life. This class is for educational purposes only and participants will not receive CPR certification.

Please join us in the Franklin Fire Training Room at 40 W Central St, Franklin MA.

Shared from ->

Free CPR Class - March 20, 2024
Free CPR Class - March 20, 2024

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Updates to the emergency info you should keep on the refrigerator

I just received info from our dispatch center regarding the emergency health profile and new 988 number. The flyers are attached. Please feel free to share this with the community.


Laurie A. Kaye, EMS Captain/Paramedic

Infection Control Officer
Franklin Fire Department

The updated info can be found here

988 info graphic

These are updates to the info shared previously

Monday, January 22, 2024

Do you keep your emergency info on the refrigerator?

Franklin Fire Department EMS Chief William Blanchard and EMS Captain Laurie Kaye were special guests for the Rise Up gathering Saturday morning at the Franklin Public Library. They presented and lead a Q&A discussion on "Emergencies for People with Disabilities."

Many of the key tips apply to all folks 
  • Do you keep your emergency info on the refrigerator? You should. That is one place easily found and readily available for emergency personnel to find and use to help delivering support to your household. You can find info on setting up your emergency profile ->
  • Were you aware of the Silent 911 procedure to use in cases where you need to call 911 but can't talk?
The presentation copy shared on Saturday can be found here (PDF) ->

Thanks to Ali Rheaume for her coordination of this group and valuable information shared. The group is scheduled to meet on the 3rd Saturday of each monthThis one-hour social meet-up is intended to be a safe space for:
  • individuals navigating life with disability to meet others they can relate with
  • community partners to learn more about the population and share resources
  • support persons to meet other support persons

For additional information about this event, please visit ->

Some of the group posed for a photo on Saturday
Some of the group posed for a photo on Saturday

Saturday, December 30, 2023

Prospect St emergency repair requires street closing beginning Jan 3, 2024 for several days

Prospect Street Emergency Repair Update:
After careful evaluation of the existing condition of the old granite culvert and working with Engineering and the contractor it makes sense at this time to completely remove the whole granite culvert and replace it with a new 48" concrete pipe.
In order to do this, Prospect Street will have to be closed for a couple of days. Even though this presents a long significant detour (not kidding no easy away around this work) either through Franklin (think Grove St) or Bellingham (126?) it is the safest and most cost effective way to make the repairs.
It is anticipated at this time Prospect St will be closed the morning of January 3rd and hopefully reopen in seven to ten days, weather permitting.
Prospect St emergency repair requires street closing beginning Jan 3, 2024 for several days
Prospect St emergency repair requires street closing beginning Jan 3, 2024 for several days

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

September Is National Preparedness Month. Are You Prepared?

Today as I write this on September 11, 2023.  I feel it appropriate to remind others that September is National Preparedness Month.   This was established in 2003 by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).  I have personally observed those who roll their eyes slightly annoyed at the campaign.  However, I am here to tell you it is not to be taken lightly.    If the 9-11 event of 2001 did not alter your perception of self-reliance and situational awareness, I am not sure what will.   

Most Americans recall where they were that horrific day.  In addition, others may remember how hurricanes such as Ian in 2022, Sandy in 2012, Katrina in 2005, or the recent wildfire in Maui impacted their lives.  

I personally lost seven co-workers in the towers that day.  Six I worked with personally at different times during my career.  One met her fiancé while they both worked for the department I managed.   Everyone has a connection somehow from that day. Many experienced a first-hand loss and others, as an American and basic human sensed the losses as if they were their own.  

Additionally, I have had other personal experiences with unexpected emergencies.  I traveled to Manhattan for a day work trip with only my laptop and the shirt on my back. I walked off an elevator into a cab and did not make it to the first traffic light before realizing that the entire city had encountered the second-largest blackout in North East history in August 2003. I got out of the cab and walked block after block in 90-degree temps without water, without a cell phone, and not knowing where I was heading.  The sea of people flooded the streets getting out of work at 5 PM walking elbow to elbow.  The only way to get home was to walk. The problem was I lived in Massachusetts. That was the day I vowed to always be prepared. Never again was I not going to be able to survive on my own.  I vowed to always carry on my person what I would need to handle most situations.  

Each individual needs to learn to be responsible for oneself.  We cannot always rely on the safety of our National Guard, Power Linemen, Police, Fire, Doctors, and Nurses. We need to do our part to take responsibility to respond to our immediate needs at all times.  This includes at the workplace, school, grocery shopping, or away on vacation.  

One would easily agree that we cannot live in fear, nor should we.  However, we can now take simple steps and actions to help and possibly save our lives. I encourage you to spend time reviewing the various Tool Kits, Animal Graphics, Disabilities Guides, and Older Adult references on sites such as,,, or environmental emergencies information at Each site has extensive checklists, contact phone numbers, and additional links to help you and your family get prepared for the unexpected.  

FEMA sets a theme each year to promote self-reliance. This year it is Take Control 1,2,3.  It focuses on preparing the older adult community for disasters.  In 2022 it was to help establish a lasting legacy for you and your family in preparedness.  If you begin to take action now, others in your family and extended family may follow.  Setting an example and teaching your children simple things such as keeping a flashlight next to each bedside or storing extra water in the home will be a great start. Mentoring now can set the tone for their future.  

In the current tumultuous political climate and the endless changes in weather, things happen and will continue to do so.  Our population is too vast to expect municipal resources to arrive at our rescue in a timely manner.  The workforce and resources are strained and it is up to us to do what we can now to stand strong against fire, hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, political unrest, disruptions in our supply chain, pandemics, war, and terrorists.  It can be a cruel world but there is no doubt a smart, loving, and capable population is out there that can do the right thing now.  As they say… “Put your oxygen mask on first to then help others”.  Prepare now so you can help others in times of need.  

By Lyn MacLean 

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Making Sense of Climate: Ted & I talk emergency preparedness with Chief McLaughlin (audio)

FM #1030 = This is the Franklin Matters radio show, number 1030 in the series. 

This session of the radio show shares my conversation with Ted McIntyre, Franklin resident and climate activist via the Zoom conference bridge Thursday, July 27, 2023.  

In this episode we welcome Town of Franklin (ToF) Fire Chief James McLaughlin. The Chief is also the ToF Emergency Management Director. Given the headlines and climate weather related emergencies around us, it was a good time to talk about Franklin’s planning efforts.  Links to the articles we talk of are located in a section below.  

This discussion continues our journey understanding the MA roadmap toward net zero and while it helps me “make sense of climate”, we hope it helps with your understanding as well. 

If you have climate questions or Franklin specific climate questions, send them in and we’ll try to answer them in a future session.  

The conversation runs about 42 minutes. Let’s listen to my conversation with Ted McIntyre and Chief McLaughlin as we help ‘make sense of climate.’

Audio file ->



Links to articles referenced:

Resources available on Town page 

Hazard mitigation plan 

Home emergency guide 

The Mass Emergency Mgt Agency (MEMA) posted a reminder on important docs to have ready in an emergency (good timing!)

Mass Emergency Mgt Agency (MEMA) posted a reminder on important docs to have ready in an emergency (good timing!)
Mass Emergency Mgt Agency (MEMA) posted a reminder on important docs to have ready in an emergency (good timing!)

Not to be left out, the
Federal Emergency Mgt Agency (FEMA - they must have been listening to us) just released a planning guide for working on climate change emergencies ->

** See the page that collects all the “Making Sense of Climate” episodes -> 


We are now producing this in collaboration with Franklin.TV and Franklin Public Radio ( or 102.9 on the Franklin area radio dial.  

This podcast is my public service effort for Franklin but we can't do it alone. We can always use your help.

How can you help?

  • If you can use the information that you find here, please tell your friends and neighbors

  • If you don't like something here, please let me know

Through this feedback loop we can continue to make improvements. I thank you for listening.

For additional information, please visit or 

If you have questions or comments you can reach me directly at shersteve @ gmail dot com

The music for the intro and exit was provided by Michael Clark and the group "East of Shirley". The piece is titled "Ernesto, manana"  c. Michael Clark & Tintype Tunes, 2008 and used with their permission.

I hope you enjoy!


You can also subscribe and listen to Franklin Matters audio on iTunes or your favorite podcast app; search in "podcasts" for "Franklin Matters"

Friday, February 3, 2023

Urgent: Extreme Cold Temperature Forecast - February 3 - February 5, 2023: Resident Resources

Extreme Cold Temperature Forecast  

February 3 - February 5, 2023: Resident Resources

Massachusetts is predicted to experience potential record breaking cold temperatures and gusty winds Friday, February 3rd through Sunday February 5th, 2023.

Residents are reminded that the Franklin Public Library will be available as a warming center during regular business hours on Saturday from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM and Sunday, 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM. 

At this time, the Town of Franklin does not anticipate opening an emergency shelter, UNLESS there are widespread power outages in town from the wind. Any updates will be communicated via the official Town of Franklin Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram social media accounts and website. Residents can dial 2-1-1 to find warming centers and emergency shelters near you. In the event of an emergency, dial 9-1-1.

Residents are encouraged to review emergency resources by visiting the Emergency information toolkit located here

Below are some tips from the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency for staying safe in extreme cold.

What to do during extreme cold weather:

  • Reduce outdoor activities for the whole family, including pets.
  • Dress in several layers of loose-fitting, lightweight clothing instead of a single heavy layer. Outer garments should be tightly woven and water repellent. Wear a hat, mittens (not gloves), and sturdy waterproof boots to protect your arms, legs, hands and feet. Cover your mouth with a scarf to protect your lungs.
  • Follow recommended safety precautions when using space heaters, a fireplace, or a woodstove to heat your home. Keep a fire extinguisher handy.
  • Make sure emergency generators or secondary heating systems are well ventilated.
  • If you lose heating, move into a single room. At night, cover windows and external doors with extra blankets or sheets.
  • Wrap pipes in insulation or layers of newspapers covered in plastic to prevent them from freezing. Let a trickle of warm water run from a faucet to keep water moving through your pipes.
  • If your pipes freeze, open all faucets all the way, remove any insulation, and heat the frozen pipe with a hair dryer or wrap with towels soaked in hot water. Never use an open flame to thaw pipes.
  • In the event of a power outage, you may need to take extra precautions or go to an emergency shelter to stay warm.
  • Know the symptoms of and watch out for cold-related illnesses. Call 9-1-1 to report emergencies.
  • Be a good neighbor. Check on family, friends, and neighbors, especially the elderly, those who live alone, those with medical conditions, and those who may need extra help.


Shared from Town of Franklin ->

Urgent: Extreme Cold Temperature Forecast - February 3 - February 5, 2023: Resident Resources
Urgent: Extreme Cold Temperature Forecast - February 3 - February 5, 2023: Resident Resources

Saturday, December 17, 2022

Franklin Police Media Release - Accidental Death - 12/16/22

On December 16, 2022, at approximately 6:32 AM, Franklin Police and Fire Department units were dispatched to 176 Grove Street, XPO Logistics, for a report of a person down and not breathing. Emergency crews provided medical treatment and the individual was transported to the Milford Hospital where he was pronounced deceased.

Initial indications at the scene are that the male was struck by a truck delivering a dumpster. There are no charges or citations in place at this time but the incident remains under investigation by the Franklin Police Detective Unit, the Norfolk District Attorney’s Office, and the Massachusetts State Police.

This is an ongoing investigation and no further information is available at this time.

Accidental Death - 12/16/22
Accidental Death - 12/16/22

Shared from Town of Franklin ->

Thursday, November 3, 2022

Urgent: NO EMERGENCY - Franklin Public Schools Follow Up


You received an email notification at 7:59AM on Wednesday, November 2nd, 2022 entitled "EMERGENCY INFORMATION". This email was sent to individuals subscribed to the Horace Mann Middle School Urgent Alerts via the official Franklin Public Schools Civic Plus website. To clarify, there is NO EMERGENCY at the Horace Mann Middle School or at any Franklin Public Schools campus location. Please disregard the previous message, as it was a result of user error, which will be readdressed during internal website training. If you would like to unsubscribe from these alerts, you may do so by clicking the "You can unsubscribe here." button on this email.

We apologize for any inconvenience or misunderstanding this may have caused.

Thank you,

Franklin Public Schools

Urgent: NO EMERGENCY - Franklin Public Schools Follow Up
Urgent: NO EMERGENCY - Franklin Public Schools Follow Up

Saturday, July 16, 2022

Franklin Fire Dept takes emergency vehicle driver training

"This week each group went through emergency vehicle driver training through . The training included a classroom presentation followed by each member of the department operating a simulator."

Shared from Twitter -> 

Franklin Fire Dept takes emergency vehicle driver training
Franklin Fire Dept takes emergency vehicle driver training

Saturday, February 12, 2022

Franklin Police: Media Release for Pleasant St Situation - The incident has resolved. Another release will be available shortly.

This morning, on February 12, 2022, at approximately 10:52 am, the Metacomet Emergency Communications Center (MECC) received a 911 call for a report of a male making suicidal statements at a residence on Pleasant Street in Franklin. Officers determined the male made suicidal statements to his family and threatened to harm himself with a firearm. The man did have access to firearms. There were no threats made to the man’s family. 

The man’s family was evacuated from the residence and officers established a perimeter outside the residence and attempted to contact the man. Alongside the Franklin Police Department, the Franklin Fire Department, and assets from the Metropolitan Law Enforcement Council (MetroLEC), quickly responded to assist the incident. Assets from MetroLec include the Crisis Negotiation Team (CNT) and MetroSwat. MetroLec units established their perimeter and continue to try and contact the man. This is an isolated and contained incident and there is no threat to the public at this time. Please continue to avoid the area. Further information will be released when available. 

Update: The situation was peacefully resolved with no force used. The male involved was transported to the hospital for a mental health evaluation. He did not have any apparent injuries.

Franklin Police: Media Release for Pleasant St Situation
Franklin Police: Media Release for Pleasant St Situation

Bernheart family thank Franklin Police/Franklin Fire for emergency response

"On 12/31/2021 around 10 pm, Officer Kal Koblick, Officer Jon Giron, and Sergeant Mike Colecchi responded to a residential address for an unresponsive man who was not breathing. The man was David Bernheart. While responding to the call, dispatchers from the Metacomet Emergency Communications Center provided CPR instructions via the phone to David’s family.

Once on scene, Sergeant Colecchi began chest compressions while Officer Koblick set up the AED. David was administered a successful shock with the AED and the team of Sgt. Colecchi, Officer Koblick, and Officer Giron continued chest compressions and rescue breaths. The Franklin Fire Department arrived and began their advanced life-saving skills and transported David to the hospital. Later at the hospital, David began breathing on his own and made a recovery weeks later. He was able to return home to his family.

Yesterday, the Bernheart family met with each of the officers from that night and expressed their gratitude. Medical calls like this involve a great deal of privacy and are not often publicized but the Bernhearts were insistent on sharing their story and the amazing life-saving work done by the FPD and the FFD. This is just one example of the GREAT work performed by the FPD and the FFD. Great work that is performed 24/7 365.

Pictured below are Officer Kal Koblick, the Bernheart family, Officer Jon Giron, and Sgt. Mike Colecchi. Great job guys and thank you to the Bernheart family for letting us share their story."

Officer Kal Koblick, the Bernheart family, Officer Jon Giron, and Sgt. Mike Colecchi
Officer Kal Koblick, the Bernheart family, Officer Jon Giron, and Sgt. Mike Colecchi

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Wirecutter: DIY emergency kit for the auto

Don't buy a prepackaged emergency kit. The ones we've looked at either leave out important items, include things you may never use, seem poorly made, or cost too much.

You're much better off creating your own emergency kit. Here's how:
Wirecutter: DIY emergency kit for the auto
Wirecutter: DIY emergency kit for the auto

Monday, February 1, 2021

Parking Ban & Curbside Trash/Recycling Pick-Up - 2/01/21

Parking Ban & Curbside Trash/Recycling Pick-Up 2/1/21

Due to the impending snow storm, there will be a full parking ban from 4 pm today through tomorrow morning.

If your trash is not picked up today, it will be picked up tomorrow.

Stay safe!

Parking Ban & Curbside Trash/Recycling Pick-Up - 2/01/21
Parking Ban & Curbside Trash/Recycling Pick-Up - 2/01/21

Saturday, January 30, 2021

Winter Weather & Emergency Information

Winter Weather & Emergency Information

Hello Franklin,

The forecast over the next few days includes extremely cold temperatures and the potential for snow early next week.  Please take the necessary steps to stay safe and be prepared.  Emergency Management Information is available on our website, as well as this informational flyer with tips on how to prepare for a storm.  

Emergency Management Information
How to prepare for a snow storm
Winter Weather & Emergency Information
Winter Weather & Emergency Information


Monday, January 4, 2021

Interesting bits from the "Hazard Mitigation Plan 2020 Update"

To help your reading of the hazard mitigation plan, I have in my own reading captured some interesting tidbits. What do you find?

Other interesting bits (and where found):

  • "Notably, 25% of Franklin’s population lives alone, and 50% of those living alone are over 65 years old." (p13)
  • "Franklin relies on local groundwater sources for all of its public water supply" (p13)
  • "Although Franklin is not a coastal community, information on sea level rise is included as an important trend that has implications for the regional economy, and considering that Franklin is on the MBTA Commuter Rail line, and a number of local residents commute to jobs in Boston." (p25)
  • "Flooding was the most prevalent natural hazard identified by local officials in Franklin" (p30)
Did you know 46% of the land in Franklin is forest?
  • that 27.2% is residential?
  • that 10.6% is wetland?
  • that only 5.3% is classified as industrial/commercial
Check out the land use table on page 55 (Table #26)


The Hazard Mitigation Plan  2020 Update can be found online:


Interesting bits from the "Hazard Mitigation Plan  2020 Update"
Interesting bits from the "Hazard Mitigation Plan  2020 Update"