Saturday, December 5, 2020

Unofficial election results - Dec 5 =Town Council open seat won by Frongillo

Unofficial election results











Write ins




Spreadsheet (PDF) with precinct totals coming soon


Unofficial election results - Dec 5
Unofficial election results - Dec 5

Town Council Meeting: Comcast contract, Spear phishing update, tax rate set

Quick Recap:
  • Acting Town Clerk Nancy Danello reminds folks of the election Dec 5 
  • Discussion on election 'rules' raised during citizen comments - debunked in Council discussion later, there are MA MGL and US voting rights statues but not the '30 page or rules doc mentioned'
  • tax rate hearing was held. rate set at 14.65, a .14 cent increase of last year. The rate is a calculation that allows only a decision on a single rate or dual. Franklin is not in a position to use a dual rate so the Council voted for a single rate. The rest is a math exercise. I'll simplify the analysis later.
  • Comcast cable contract came up for renewal, new one has a ten year term (good for us) as it enables Franklin to chose between Verizon or Comcast (or 'cut the cord'). Almost 5,000 user for Comcast in Franklin. One of the cable fees on both the Verizon and Comcast bill is what funds the Franklin TV cable operations (and coincidently an item on the agenda Weds was the quarterly transfer of funds from Verizon through Town of Franklin to Franklin TV - purely a pass through for accounting purposes)
  • The bylaw to provide a reduction in license renewals for restaurants was approved at this second reading. It costs the Town approx. $13K in 'lost revenue' but will help each of the business in this pandemic period.
  • Insights on the cyber theft incident were provided (finally) as the investigation (still ongoing) had developed enough info to be able to share. It was a target attack to the Treasurer/Collector over two months of email that led to a change in the processing of a payment that resulted in the diversion of funds. It was discovered in Sept when the real legitimate vendor came looking for their promised payment that had not been received. 
    • The individual was suspended, salary reduced and will maintain position as this (while a significant mistake) was the only blemish on her work
    • At one point in the meeting she stood up to apologize publicly (well done) 
    • The investigation continues. The Town has obtained $200K from insurance to cover the loss. 
    • The balance will come from the emergency fund within the water enterprise account (already set aside for emergencies - usually for broken water mains)
    • There is a possibility of recovery of the funds. 
    • There is no need to raise rates to cover for the loss
    • Procedures were in place for creation of a wire transfer. Procedures will be modified to cover a change in a payment process.
    • Additional training on cyber awareness will be conducted. All Town side personnel and School department central office personnel are currently part of this regular training (oddly, teachers (the largest segment of Town employees are not yet covered))
  • After the presentation, a combined effort from Technology Director Tim Raposa, Police Chief TJ Lynch, and Town Administrator Jamie Hellen, the Council took a 3 minutes recess before getting into their Q&A and statements
  • The presentation doc was posted to the Town page after the meeting. Future updates can be found on the same page

Photos captured and shared via Twitter during the meeting can be found in one album

As with most meetings in this pandemic period, I took my notes via Twitter during the meeting reporting in real-time via the virtual session.
The Twitter hashtag can be found online  #TC1202 
  • Real time reporting underway for the Town Council meeting #tc1202
  • New tagline for those connecting via cable and wanting the Zoom info #tc1202 visible on screen
  • Town clerk provides updates on election Dec 5 #tc1202 wheel chair available if necessary. All voting in FHS gym or via mail to the dropbox at municipal building before Saturday
  • TC candidate Alan Earls in citizen comment about election law and practices. Is there really a set of rules around the election? Other than the state MGL #tc1202
  • Moving to tax classification hearing #tc1202 house values increased 2.8% tax rate increase proposed for .14 cents. Doc with details… TA Jamie Hellen introduces Assessor Kevin Doyle and Board of assessor present
  • Annual tax rate setting formally closes out the budget year FY 2021. #tc1202 really only (1) an approval of what the tax calculation comes out as and (2) a decision on single rate. Runs 80/20 residential vs commercial/industrial properties. To move $1 from residents …
  • As the pie grows (property values increase) the rate increase is less when the pie shrinks (property values decrease) the tax rate increases #tc1202 this slide shows the option if a dual rate was chosen
  • The actual math to support the $1 vs $4 example mentioned earlier
  • Council discussion adding clarification around the tax rate. This is an automatic calculation. Based upon the state law and prop 2 1/2 regulations there isn't much choice (aside from the dual tax rate). #tc1202 it is not an arbitrary number
  • Motion to close tax classification hearing. Approved 8-0 moving to Legislation on tax rates to close out this portion of the topic. #tc1202…. Motion to approve res 20-68, passes 8-0… same vote to pass res 20-69
  •… motion passes by 8-0 vote;
  • Motion passes by 8-0 vote #tc1202
  • Next up public hearing on Comcast cable license, renewal for 10 year period,… 4219 customers, 5% allowed for cable access, quarterly payments to help support Franklin TV operations; senior discount available, #tc1202
  • TA Jamie Hellen provides overview #tc1202 do we need to commit for 10 year contract? Yes, there are other developments, there are almost 5000 customers here to serve. It is a reflection of the marketplace. It is in our interest to get longest contract.
  • Cable attorney provides insights and argument for the long term contract, it is a win-win for Franklin, this meeting and broadcast of it is funded by the contract. If folks aren't happy they can shift to Verizon or cut the service. Enforcing the license is the easy part #tc1202
  • The hard part is getting terms that work with both sides. Comcast has committed to a side letter on providing an electric program guide for Community TV. #tc1202 we provide the options Verizon and Comcast are here, competition, and if you cut cable go internet
  • Motion to close hearing on cable, 7-1 vote to close hearing (Bissanti?) (Hard to tell who voted no) #tc1202… res 20-72 vote passes 7-1
  • Moving to adjustment to service fees for restaurants, and alcohol license for season 2021 only… to help the business survive the pandemic. Costs the town approx $13k, second reading. Listing of business impacted in doc link above
  • Opened public hearing on bylaw, no comments other than Councilor Hamblen endorsing the move. Hearing closed, motion to approve #tc1202 via roll call 8-0
  • Picking back to the agenda, cyber incident now up. #tc1202 there is still an active situation with investigation underway. Resist speculation. Don't make up your own stories of what happen. Personnel matters can not be disclosed
  • Tim Raposa, technology director, starting with definitions. As much of what has been mentioned in social media is inaccurate. #tc1202
  • #tc1202 slides on definitions
  • #tc1202 segmented network with virtual lab areas, a key for security access. You can't get where you shouldn't. Anti-malware is not 100% perfect
  • Cyber security training for all users regularly #tc1202 key definition page as we get to phishing and spear phishing
  • #tc1202 funds were for the water treatment plant construction underway off Grove St. Town has taken several steps
  • Implementation of recovery and prevention started simultaneously in September #tc1202
  • #tc1202 we need to tell the agencies about what happened so that they can possibly solve this down the road. Insufficient evidence to pursue a case
  • Bonds are not insurance #tc1202
  • #tc1202 option to pursue the bond is too expensive. Need 'willful conduct' to pursue.
  • Chief Lynch comes to update and give Jamie a water break #tc1202 FPD needs helps as their jurisdiction is Franklin bound. Subpoena and search warrants take time to execute  and hindered by court reduction due to COVID-19
  • #tc1202 procedure changes and training (certificate based)
  • #tc1202 impressive statement by treasurer collector apologizing for the incident.
  • 3 minute recess before getting to council questions and continue the meeting #tc1202
  • #tc1202 meeting resumes
  • #tc1202 are there chances to get the money back? The investigation is ongoing, I don't want to give a false sense of confidence. Likely not to get it back. We should resist temptation until the case is fully resolved.
  • #tc1202 we need to make these trainings stick like the way sexual harassment training sticks.
  • #tc1202 new webpage off the Town Administrator page for presentation doc and docs related to this going forward.
  • #tc1202 how will training change to accommodate the changes in outside and technology to avoid further phishing events? The training is such that it is part of normal business email.
  • #tc1202 there was a lot of info and I'll go back and re-read, was there a comment on the water rate payers vs well water users? Yes, private well not part of enterprise funds. It could be approx. $30. There is no need to raise rates to cover.
  • #tc1202 Mercer "I apologize that it took so long to get to the point where we could share what we have tonight"
  • Good to see the lights out around town, would be good to get a list of the houses that are festively decorated. Motion to adjourn, passes 8-0. That is all for tonight catch you next time #tc1202 
 audio of the meeting is being prepared to share so you can listen.

Town Administrator Jamie Hellen
Town Administrator Jamie Hellen

Governor Baker (@MassGovernor): submitted initial vaccine order to CDC

From Governor Baker:
"Today (12/04/20), our administration submitted the Commonwealth's initial vaccine order to @CDCgov.

For months, we have been actively preparing for the speedy and equitable distribution of a vaccine upon final authorization."

For more information:

 Shared from Twitter:

Governor Baker (@MassGovernor): initial vaccine order to CDC submitted
Governor Baker (@MassGovernor): initial vaccine order to CDC submitted

Franklin Public Schools:: Facilities Analysis Sub Committee Meeting - Dec 9

Facilities Analysis Sub Committee Meeting

Virtual Meeting (Links in agenda)

 DATE: 12/9/2020 TIME: 5:30
Approval of past minutes (10/29/20)

○    Discuss updates on McKibben and KBA data
○    Review community survey results
○    Outline timeframe for district (phase 2) data share

DT facility analysis timeline
DT facility analysis timeline

Franklin Senior Center: Email blast Dec 4, 2020

Hello Everyone and welcome to the last month of 2020!

We have so many wonderful events, both live and via zoom, happening at the Senior Center this month!  Make sure to check out the calendar of events below or on our website to register for activities and events!

Staying Connected

Link to the Senior Center -

Link to the Senior Center Calendar -

Link to Franklin Matters -

Link to the Town's webpage -


QiGong Routine 

Paul Eugene - Strength Training Arms (you can use bottles of water or cans of soup if you don't have weights) 


Louis Armstrong - What A Wonderful World spoken 

Alexandr Misko - Absence "Roundtrip" album Who knew a guitar could sound like this!!! 


This girl absolutely nails the "world's most difficult song" 

Just for Fun

An excuse for missing school that you just can't beat 

Arkadia Zoom Quilt - This is relaxing to watch 

5 Days in Jail! 

Fast food from the 50's 

A virtual field trip to NASA 


Jeanne Robertson - The Rain Goes On 

Jeff Allen - The America I Grew Up In 

Kindness Matters

Kids explain kindness 

Kids meet a woman with Alzheimer's 

Son of a fallen deputy fails to win the bid on his Father's squad car 

Attached you will find:

  1. Donna's Fun filled activity pages

  2. GATRA to go information sheet

  3. Finish the Saying

  4. Holiday Word Jumble

Upcoming Events email to attend unless noted otherwise.

*Monday Dec. 7th at 1pm Tele Bingo call the Senior Center to play 508-520-4945

*Monday Dec. 7th at 2pm Memory Cafe Email to attend

*Tuesday Dec. 8th at 5pm - Quarantini Time a virtual, social, cocktail hour.

*Tuesday Dec. 8th at 1pm - Low Vision Group - email 

*Wed. Dec. 9th, 4pm  Alzheimer's Support Group email to attend

*Wednesday Dec. 9th at 1pm - Writers Group call the Senior Center to Attend

*Thursday Dec. 10th at 10am - Discussion Group call the Senior Center to attend

*Thursday Dec. 10th at 1pm - TeleBingo call the senior center for instructions on how to play

*Thursday Dec. 10th at 6:30pm - NAME THAT TUNE! Email to play

*Friday Dec. 11th at 4:30 - Drive in Movie "A Christmas Story" IN PERSON- call to register

Plus Exercise, Yoga, Discussion Groups and more.  Check out our newsletter or online calendar for a full list of all activities available

*Curbside Cafe Special of the Week is Beef Stew

Love, virtual hugs and good health to you all!  We are still here for you!  Please feel free to email Donna and I with questions, concerns or just to check in!

Ariel & Donna

Please feel free to share this email with anyone you think might enjoy it.  If you want me to add someone to the email blast list just send me a message with their email in it. 


When searching for information about the Coronavirus, COVID-19 please use caution!  Unfortunately there are many false sites that contain viruses and malware that can threaten your computer.  Many look like real sites.  Your best bet is to go directly to the CDC, WHO or your local government page (links below).


For those of you who attend our Memory Cafe events I invite you to learn more about attending a VIRTUAL Memory Cafe through Zoom!  There are many options to choose from.

Ariel Doggett

Virtual Program Coordinator
Respite Coordinator

"We rise by lifting others" - Robert Ingersoll
There is no act of kindness too small

Franklin Senior Center: Email blast Dec 4, 2020
Franklin Senior Center: Email blast Dec 4, 2020