Hello Everyone and welcome to the last month of 2020!
We have so many wonderful events, both live and via zoom, happening at the Senior Center this month! Make sure to check out the calendar of events below or on our website to register for activities and events!
Staying Connected
Link to the Senior Center - https://www.franklinma.gov/fsc
Link to the Senior Center Calendar -https://www.franklinma.gov/node/39/events/day/2020-07-07
Link to Franklin Matters - https://www.franklinmatters.org/
Link to the Town's webpage - https://www.franklinma.gov/
QiGong Routine https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y88zYo0YlOo
Paul Eugene - Strength Training Arms (you can use bottles of water or cans of soup if you don't have weights) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tVuEn7OvURA
Louis Armstrong - What A Wonderful World spoken
Alexandr Misko - Absence "Roundtrip" album Who knew a guitar could sound like this!!!
This girl absolutely nails the "world's most difficult song"
Just for Fun
An excuse for missing school that you just can't beat
Arkadia Zoom Quilt - This is relaxing to watch
5 Days in Jail!
Fast food from the 50's
A virtual field trip to NASA
Jeanne Robertson - The Rain Goes On
Jeff Allen - The America I Grew Up In
Kindness Matters
Kids explain kindness
Kids meet a woman with Alzheimer's
Son of a fallen deputy fails to win the bid on his Father's squad car
Attached you will find:
Donna's Fun filled activity pages https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GZ1BV6dNNyuGq0xAF5f0VDyknOD2me6Q/view?usp=sharing
GATRA to go information sheet https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PNRfldGmBxPCZXDUUoKIuNZn6eNa089N/view?usp=sharing
Finish the Saying https://drive.google.com/file/d/1oJHY5z6BIUqptoy7rfKsbVdPadpbkdiS/view?usp=sharing
Holiday Word Jumble https://drive.google.com/file/d/1y5mhjaSli3Gco3C2xVfz-Ps94ue9cTPd/view?usp=sharing
Upcoming Events email adoggett@franklinma.gov to attend unless noted otherwise.
*Monday Dec. 7th at 1pm Tele Bingo call the Senior Center to play 508-520-4945
*Monday Dec. 7th at 2pm Memory Cafe Email adoggett@franklinma.gov to attend
*Tuesday Dec. 8th at 5pm - Quarantini Time a virtual, social, cocktail hour.
*Tuesday Dec. 8th at 1pm - Low Vision Group - email mgunderson@franklinma.gov
*Wed. Dec. 9th, 4pm Alzheimer's Support Group email elaineowens@verizon.net to attend
*Wednesday Dec. 9th at 1pm - Writers Group call the Senior Center to Attend
*Thursday Dec. 10th at 10am - Discussion Group call the Senior Center to attend
*Thursday Dec. 10th at 1pm - TeleBingo call the senior center for instructions on how to play
*Thursday Dec. 10th at 6:30pm - NAME THAT TUNE! Email adoggett@franklinma.gov to play
*Friday Dec. 11th at 4:30 - Drive in Movie "A Christmas Story" IN PERSON- call to register
Plus Exercise, Yoga, Discussion Groups and more. Check out our newsletter or online calendar for a full list of all activities available https://www.franklinma.gov/franklin-senior-center/pages/connection-newsletter
*Curbside Cafe Special of the Week is Beef Stew
Love, virtual hugs and good health to you all! We are still here for you! Please feel free to email Donna and I with questions, concerns or just to check in!
Ariel & Donna
Please feel free to share this email with anyone you think might enjoy it. If you want me to add someone to the email blast list just send me a message with their email in it.
When searching for information about the Coronavirus, COVID-19 please use caution! Unfortunately there are many false sites that contain viruses and malware that can threaten your computer. Many look like real sites. Your best bet is to go directly to the CDC, WHO or your local government page (links below).
For those of you who attend our Memory Cafe events I invite you to learn more about attending a VIRTUAL Memory Cafe through Zoom! There are many options to choose from.