Franklin School Committee
March 22, 2022 = 7:00 PM
Municipal Building – Council Chambers
Call to Order Ms. Spencer Pledge of Allegiance
Moment of Silence
FY23 Budget Open Hearing
I. Routine Business
A. Review of Agenda
B. Citizen’s Comments
In the spirit of open communication, “the Committee will hold a public participation
segment (also called Citizen’s Comments) about matters not related to an agenda item at
the beginning of each regular School Committee meeting. The Committee will listen to,
but not respond to any comment made …. A Committee member may add an agenda
item to a future meeting as a result of a citizen comment …. The Committee will hear
public comments related to an agenda item when the Chair deems appropriate during
the Committee meeting. Topics for discussion during the meeting must be limited to
those items listed on the Committee meeting agenda for that evening…. ” - from Policy
C. FHS Student Representative Comments
D. Superintendent’s Report
II. Guests/Presentations
A. none
III. Discussion/Action Items
A. Policy – 2nd Readings / Adoptions
I recommend adoption of the following policies as discussed:
● BEDB – Order of Business
● BEDH – Public Participation at School Committee Meetings
● EBCFA – Face Coverings
● JICFB - Bullying
IV. Discussion Only Items
A. none
V. Information Matters
A. School Committee Sub-Committee Reports (e.g. Supt. Evaluation, Budget,
Community Relations/Public Schools Advocacy, Policy, Space Needs/Facilities
B. School Committee Liaison Reports (e.g. Joint PCC, (SATF) Substance Abuse Task
Force, (SWAC) School Wellness Advisory Council, (SEPAC) Special Education Parent
Advisory Council, (DEI) Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee).
VI. New Business
A. To discuss any future agenda items
VII. Consent Agenda
A. Approval of Minutes
I recommend approval of the minutes of the March 1, 2022 special meeting and
the March 8, 2022 regular School Committee Meeting as detailed.
B. Recurring Field Trip
I recommend approval of the request of Beth Jenson & Jennifer Martinelli to take
Keller 5th graders to Roger Williams Zoo in Providence, RI on May 27, 2022 as
C. Budget Transfers
I recommend approval of the budget transfers as detailed.
D. JFK Gift
I recommend acceptance of a check for $1,240.80 from the JFK PCC for
supplemental supplies as detailed.
E. Scholarship
I recommend acceptance of a check for $5,000.00 from Takashi & Keiko
Kitanosono for a FHS Scholarship as detailed.
F. RMS Gift
I recommend acceptance of a check for $1,299.94 from Lifetouch/Shutterfly, LLC
for in-house enrichment at Remington Middle School as detailed.
G. Music Gift
I recommend acceptance of a check for $230.00 from Franklin Music Parents for
in-house enrichment for the Music Dept. as detailed.
H. Jefferson Gifts
I recommend the acceptance of two checks totaling $5,101.64 for Jefferson
Elementary School as follows:
Donors Choose $101.64 Supplemental Supplies
Jefferson PCC $5,000.00 Field Trips
VIII. Payment of Bills Ms. Spencer
IX. Payroll Ms. Stokes
X. Executive Session
a. Pursuant to M.G.L. c. 30A, §21(a)(3) to discuss strategy with respect to collective
bargaining with the FEA/RN unit as an open meeting may have a detrimental
effect on the bargaining position of the School Committee and the chair so
b. Pursuant to M.G.L. c. 30A, §21(a)(3) to discuss strategy with respect to collective
bargaining with non-union personnel.
XI. Adjournment
Agenda document ->
Agenda packet ->
Franklin, MA: School Committee - Agenda - March 22, 2022 |