Saturday, March 25, 2023

Franklin School Committee - Meeting Agenda for March 28, 2023 - FY 2024 Budget Hearing scheduled

Franklin School Committee
March 28, 2023 - 7:00 PM
Municipal Building – Council Chambers

Call to Order Ms. Spencer
Pledge of Allegiance
Moment of Silence

FY24 Budget Open Hearing

I. Routine Business
A. Review of Agenda
B. Payment of Bills Mr. McNeill
C. Payroll Ms. Spencer
D. FHS Student Representative Comments
E. Superintendent’s Report

II. Guests/Presentations
A. None

III. Discussion/Action Items
A. Policy - First Readings
I recommend moving the following policies to a second reading as discussed:
● JEB - Entrance Age (formerly JEA)
● JCAC - Assignment of Students from other Districts or Homeschooling

IV. Discussion Only Items
A. None

V. Information Matters
A. School Committee Sub-Committee Reports
B. School Committee Liaison Reports

VI. Consent Agenda
A. Approval of Minutes
I recommend approval of the minutes from your March 21, 2023 School Committee Meeting as detailed.
B. Transfers
I recommend approval of the Budget Transfers as detailed.
C. Parmenter Gifts
I recommend acceptance of 3 checks totaling $1,972.00 from the Parmenter PCC
for field trips as detailed.
D. FHS Gift
I recommend acceptance of a check for $64.64 from Ohiopyle for supplemental supplies at FHS as detailed.
E. FHS Scholarships
I recommend acceptance of a check for $7,500.00 from Digital Federal Credit Union for FHS scholarships as detailed.
F. RMS Gift
I recommend acceptance of a check for $2,386.69 from the RMS PCC for in-house enrichment as detailed.
G. Districtwide Donation
I recommend acceptance of a check for $30,000.00 from the United Way of Central MA for a Solutions Behavior Technician floater position within Lifelong Learning as detailed.

VII. Citizen’s Comments

VIII. New Business
To discuss any future agenda items

a. Collective Bargaining: (Cafeteria, Secretaries) - Pursuant to M.G.L. c. 30A, §21(a)(3)
to discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining if an open meeting may
have a detrimental effect on the bargaining position of the public body and the
chair so declares.

a. Ratification of the Memorandum of Agreement Between the Cafeteria Unions and the
Franklin Public Schools (Majority Vote)
b. Ratification of the Memorandum of Agreement Between the Secretaries Union and the
Franklin Public Schools (Majority Vote)

X. Adjournment

The meeting packet folder contains all the docs released for this meeting (note- some will be posted after the meeting)

The FY 2024 budget documents arranged in sections ->

Franklin School Committee - Meeting Agenda for March 28, 2023 - FY 2024 Budget Hearing scheduled
Franklin School Committee - Meeting Agenda for March 28, 2023 - FY 2024 Budget Hearing scheduled

Economic Development Subcmte Plus votes to move accessory dwelling zoning changes forward (audio & video)

FM #965 = This is the Franklin Matters radio show, number 965 in the series. 

This session of the radio show shares the audio recording of the Economic Development Subcommittee & Steering Committee meeting held on Wednesday, March 22, 2023 in the Council Chambers with 6 members participating; 5 in person in the Council Chambers, 1 remote via Zoom.

“Franklin For All” Steering Committee (or EDC Plus)

  • Chair Melanie Hamblen, Cobi Frongillo, Pat Sheridan (Town Council)

  • Greg Rondeau, Beth Wierling (Planning Board) 

  • Bruce Hunchard (Zoning Board of Appeals) - Remote

  • Glenn Jones (absent)

Quick recap:

  • A revision to the posted document for discussion was handed out to the committee members (not found on Town page as we go to press)

  • There were effectively three proposals requiring a vote, one on the accessory dwelling unit (ADU) definition, one on the use table and one on additional language

  • After some discussion, motion made to move the three to the Town Council, seconded, during discussion, Frongillo provides language to amend the definition as he is getting two answers to a question and the clarification is required. Amendment get s 3-3 (Frongillo, Hamblen, Sheridan for; Hunchard, Rondeau, Wierling no) vote, meaning it does not pass

  • Frongillo makes a second amendment which also get a 3-3 vote (same alignment as prior 3-3 vote) and doesn't pass

  • The vote on all three finally comes and it passes 5-1 (Hunchard no)

  • Motion to adjourn, passes 6-0 via roll call

The recording of the meeting runs just under 2 hours. Audio file ->   


The agenda doc also includes remote participation info ->

Franklin TV YouTube video -> 

My notes captured via Twitter during the meeting (in 1 PDF file) 


We are now producing this in collaboration with Franklin.TV and Franklin Public Radio ( or 102.9 on the Franklin area radio dial.  

This podcast is my public service effort for Franklin but we can't do it alone. We can always use your help.

How can you help?

  • If you can use the information that you find here, please tell your friends and neighbors

  • If you don't like something here, please let me know

Through this feedback loop we can continue to make improvements. I thank you for listening.

For additional information, please visit or

If you have questions or comments you can reach me directly at shersteve @ gmail dot com

The music for the intro and exit was provided by Michael Clark and the group "East of Shirley". The piece is titled "Ernesto, manana"  c. Michael Clark & Tintype Tunes, 2008 and used with their permission.

I hope you enjoy!


You can also subscribe and listen to Franklin Matters audio on iTunes or your favorite podcast app; search in "podcasts" for "Franklin Matters"

Building Inspector Gus Brown talking with the EDC Plus about accessory dwelling units
Building Inspector Gus Brown talking with the EDC Plus about accessory dwelling units

Franklin SEPAC presents MGH's Think:Kids Collaborative Problem Solving Workshop - Mar 29 (virtual)

This interactive workshop will provide an introduction to the Collaborative Problem Solving model. 

Presenter Ben Stich, LICSW, M.Ed, is a Certified Trainer and Consultant for Think:Kids.

Kids with challenging behavior are tragically misunderstood and mistreated. Rewards and punishments don’t work and often make things worse. Thankfully, there’s another way. But it requires a big shift in mindset.

This workshop is intended for parents, caregivers, teachers, service providers, & adult community members.

Wednesday, March 29, 2023 - from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM  - This event is virtual

More about Franklin Special Education Parents Advisory Council (SEPAC) ->

Franklin SEPAC presents MGH's Think:Kids Collaborative Problem Solving Workshop - Mar 29 (virtual)
Franklin SEPAC presents MGH's Think:Kids Collaborative Problem Solving Workshop - Mar 29 (virtual)

Panther TV: PanthersNews for Friday, March 24, 2023 (video)

"Panther News: March 24, 2023 via @YouTube" 
@FHSPantherbook @FranklinPSNews @FranklinHS @FHSSports @FranklinMatters @RyanMartinPxP @GraceTucceri

Save the Date! Earth Day Celebration at the DelCarte Conservation Area - Apr 23, 2023

Sunday, April 23, 2023 from 9am to 1pm

An event for children and families! Come join the Franklin Conservation Commission, Department of Public Works, Department of Conservation and Recreation, Agricultural Commission, and others to celebrate our shared Earth on Sunday, April 23, 2023 from 9 AM to 1 PM at the DelCarte Conservation Area at 459 Pleasant Street. 

Celebrate with us by signing up for compost bins, learning about stormwater and rain gardens, enjoying a woods walk, exploring vernal pools, and more!

Overflow parking is available at 337 Pleasant Street and other side streets. Service Hours validated upon request and stewardship. See you there!

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Save the Date! Earth Day Celebration at the DelCarte Conservation Area - Apr 23, 2023
Save the Date! Earth Day Celebration at the DelCarte Conservation Area - Apr 23, 2023

Franklin Food Pantry Re-registration dates

Via the Franklin Food Pantry 

"All neighbors receiving food from The Pantry will need to re-register before our move.  
All neighbors who re-register will receive a $10 gift card!  
Check out the details below and contact Laura Du at with any questions."

Franklin Food Pantry Re-registration dates
Franklin Food Pantry Re-registration dates

MMA: "Legislature passes supplemental budget with pandemic-era extensions, key investments"

The House and Senate both passed a compromise supplemental 2023 budget bill today that includes a majority of the governor’s proposed “immediate needs” bond bill as well as extensions of pandemic-related authorizations related to public meetings and outdoor dining.

The bill was originally filed by Gov. Maura Healey in January, and both chambers had passed slightly different versions earlier this month.

The final bill (H. 47) includes extensions to pandemic-related authorizations that were set to expire next week.

The bill would:
• Allow remote and hybrid meeting options for public bodies through March 31, 2025
• Allow remote and hybrid participation options for representative town meetings through March 31, 2025
• Permit reduced quorums for open town meetings through March 31, 2025
• Extend the expedited outdoor dining permit process through April 1, 2024

The legislation started as H.47 and ended up on the Governor's desk as  H.58 -

MMA: "Legislature passes supplemental budget with pandemic-era extensions, key investments"
MMA: "Legislature passes supplemental budget with pandemic-era extensions, key investments"

Notice from the Treasurer/ Collector: FY 23 Real Estate and Personal Property Tax Bills - Fourth Quarter

Notice from the Office of the Treasurer/ Collector:

Treasurer Collector Kerri A. Bertone has mailed the Fiscal Year 2023 fourth quarter real estate and personal property tax bills.  Payment is due by May 1, 2023.  Payments received after the due date are charged 14% interest.

Shared from ->

Notice from the Treasurer/ Collector: FY 23 Real Estate and Personal Property Tax Bills - Fourth Quarter
Notice from the Treasurer/ Collector: FY 23 Real Estate and Personal Property Tax Bills - Fourth Quarter

Converse and Conserve Workshop - Come Learn About Programs That Allow Your Property to Work for You and Create a Family Legacy

Converse and Conserve Workshop - Come Learn About Programs That Allow Your Property to Work for You and Create a Family Legacy

Tax Incentives | Resource Management | Land Endowment

Your land is a part of your legacy. Deciding what will happen to your land after you are gone is the next critical step of being a good land steward and furthering that legacy. Who will own your land and how will it be used? What will your legacy continue to be? These are questions that the "Converse and Conserve" workshop on Wednesday, March 29 from 4p-6p at Town Hall, Room 326A can answer for you.

Join the Franklin Conservation Department, Franklin Assessor's Office, Franklin Agricultural Commission, Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation, Metacomet Land Trust, and DDCRW Law in learning about your options. Come learn about applicable tax incentive programs for forestland, agricultural land, and open space; learn about resource management for your natural environment; and even learn how to endow your land to ensure its lifelong protection. Estate planning, whether for now or for the future, is not just for the wealthy or for those who own "estates" – if you own land, then estate planning is a necessary and valuable step to ensure that the legacy of your land is a positive one!

Food and beverages will be provided by Birchwood Bakery & Kitchen.

RSVP for a free gift. 

For more information or to RSVP contact 520-4847.

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Come Learn About Programs That Allow Your Property to Work for You and Create a Family Legacy
Come Learn About Programs That Allow Your Property to Work for You and Create a Family Legacy

MCOA Interactive Workshop: Branding & Conducting Your Job Campaign - March 28

Interactive Workshop: Branding & Conducting Your Job Campaign

Tuesday March 28th: 10 AM  – 11:30 AM


Tom Peters famously said, "We are CEOs of our own companies: Me, Inc."


But, what does that mean we should do?

It means you need to brand yourself just as companies do.


Join us to learn about and discuss personal branding and marketing yourself.

Why you need to know about this: Effective personal branding will differentiate you from the competition and allow you to build trust with prospective clients and employers. Mastering personal branding puts you in the top 2% of applicants and greatly enhances your chance of being selected for the job.


New to the program?  Registration is required.


For more information, contact:


Ed Lawrence
Certified Interview Coach
Authorized DISC Administrator
Member, CPRW Certification Committee

MCOA Interactive Workshop: Branding & Conducting Your Job Campaign - March 28
MCOA Interactive Workshop: Branding & Conducting Your Job Campaign - March 28

Register Now! The Transmission Challenge: Unleashing New England's Renewable Energy Potential featuring Sen. Markey

The Transmission Challenge:Unleashing New England's Renewable Energy PotentialA new era of renewable energy beckons in New England. Yet the promise of deploying abundant clean energy — both on land and at sea — faces a fundamental obstacle: the need for new and upgraded transmission infrastructure.  Without significant transmission planning and investment, New England states risk squandering clean and inexpensive energy sources while falling short of vitally important carbon reduction goals. Effective transmission planning will help ensure states meet greenhouse gas reduction goals and reward New England ratepayers with billions in energy savings.Join RENEW Northeast, an organization that unites environmental advocates and the clean energy industry, along with energy regulators, elected officials, and thought leaders, for a conference on the urgent and necessary steps to build the transmission foundation for the next era of clean energy.Monday, April 3, 20238:30 a.m. - NoonFederal Reserve Bank of BostonProgram Details:Keynote Address - Senator Edward J. MarkeyPresentation - Maria Robinson, Director, Grid Deployment Office, U.S. Department of EnergyPanel Discussion - Making the Connection: Transmission Challenges Confronting Renewable EnergyNew England faces a variety of challenges in connecting needed renewable energy resources to a legacy grid built around fossil fuel power plants. Our panel of leading clean energy executives, public interest organizations and leading academic researchers will explore the opportunities and obstacles in harnessing the full potential of New England renewable energy.Featured Panelists: Clarke Bruno, CEO, AnbaricMichelle Gardner, Executive Director, Regulatory Affairs - Northeast, NextEra Energy ResourcesCarrie Hitt, Lead Transmission Strategy & Innovation Hub, EquinorSarah Jackson, Northeast Climate Mitigation Strategy Lead, The Nature ConservancyLopa Parikh, Head of Electricity Policy, OrstedPanel Discussion - The Transmission Infrastructure Opportunity: The Regional PlanIn recognizing the need to expand transmission and work collaboratively, New England states are joining together to pursue Department of Energy funding to support the expanding grid capacity and building critical new infrastructure. What are the potential benefits from this innovative multi-state collaboration and what hurdles remain? Join leading New England energy officials working on the proposal (panel in formation).Featured Panelists:Moderator: Jon Chesto, Reporter, The Boston GlobePhilip L. Bartlett II, Chairman, Maine Public Utilities CommissionChristopher Kearns, Interim Energy Commissioner, Rhode Island Office of Energy ResourcesJason Marshall, Deputy Secretary & Special Counsel for Federal & Regional Energy Affairs, Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy & Environmental AffairsRegister Now for what promises to be an engaging morning. We look forward to seeing you there!
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The Transmission Challenge:

Unleashing New England's Renewable Energy Potential

A new era of renewable energy beckons in New England. Yet the promise of deploying abundant clean energy — both on land and at sea — faces a fundamental obstacle: the need for new and upgraded transmission infrastructure.  

Without significant transmission planning and investment, New England states risk squandering clean and inexpensive energy sources while falling short of vitally important carbon reduction goals. Effective transmission planning will help ensure states meet greenhouse gas reduction goals and reward New England ratepayers with billions in energy savings.

Join RENEW Northeast, an organization that unites environmental advocates and the clean energy industry, along with energy regulators, elected officials, and thought leaders, for a conference on the urgent and necessary steps to build the transmission foundation for the next era of clean energy.

Monday, April 3, 2023
8:30 a.m. - Noon
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
Program Details:
Keynote Address - Senator Edward J. Markey
Presentation - Maria Robinson, Director, Grid Deployment Office, U.S. Department of Energy
Panel Discussion - Making the Connection: Transmission Challenges Confronting Renewable Energy

New England faces a variety of challenges in connecting needed renewable energy resources to a legacy grid built around fossil fuel power plants. Our panel of leading clean energy executives, public interest organizations and leading academic researchers will explore the opportunities and obstacles in harnessing the full potential of New England renewable energy.

Featured Panelists:
Clarke Bruno, CEO, Anbaric
Michelle Gardner, Executive Director, Regulatory Affairs - Northeast, NextEra Energy Resources
Carrie Hitt, Lead Transmission Strategy & Innovation Hub, Equinor
Sarah Jackson, Northeast Climate Mitigation Strategy Lead, The Nature Conservancy
Lopa Parikh, Head of Electricity Policy, Orsted

Panel Discussion - The Transmission Infrastructure Opportunity: The Regional Plan

In recognizing the need to expand transmission and work collaboratively, New England states are joining together to pursue Department of Energy funding to support the expanding grid capacity and building critical new infrastructure. What are the potential benefits from this innovative multi-state collaboration and what hurdles remain? Join leading New England energy officials working on the proposal (panel in formation).

Featured Panelists:
Moderator: Jon Chesto, Reporter, The Boston Globe
Philip L. Bartlett II, Chairman, Maine Public Utilities Commission
Christopher Kearns, Interim Energy Commissioner, Rhode Island Office of Energy Resources
Jason Marshall, Deputy Secretary & Special Counsel for Federal & Regional Energy Affairs, Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy & Environmental Affairs

Register Now

for what promises to be an engaging morning.
We look forward to seeing you there!

Unleashing New England's Renewable Energy Potential
Monday, April 3, 2023 8:30 AM
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston

RENEW Northeast
PO Box 383, Madison, CT 06443 US

Friday, March 24, 2023

Franklin's Event Outlook: Mar 24, 2023 to Mar 31, 2023

Friday, March 24

5:30pm - Heather Deary (live music) (67 Degrees Brewery)

5:30pm - NAHS - Night of the Arts (Franklin High School) 

7:30pm - Pippin (ticketed event) (Dean College)

8:00pm - Rock ‘n Roll Night (ticketed event) (THE BLACK BOX)

Saturday, March 25

10:00am - Winter Farmers Market (Fairmount Fruit Farms)

10:00am - Franklin Historical Museum (always free)

11:00am - Yoga in the Taproom (ticketed event) (67 Degrees Brewery)

11:00am - SNETT Trail Ribbon Cutting (Grove St entrance)

2:00pm - Pippin (ticketed event) (Dean College)

4:00pm - Raina’s Plate (food truck) (67 Degrees Brewery)

5:30pm - Mike and Missy Unplugged (live music) (67 Degrees Brewery)

7:30pm - Pippin (ticketed event) (Dean College)

Sunday, March 26

12:30pm - One Path, Many Experiences: A Labyrinth Workshop (First Universalist Society of Franklin)

1:00pm - Franklin Historical Museum (always free)

2:00pm - Pippin (ticketed event) (Dean College)

4:00pm - Resonant Reflections (ticketed event) (THE BLACK BOX)

Wednesday, March 29

1:00pm - Senior Scribblers (writing group) (Franklin Senior Center)

7:00pm - Think:Kids Collaborative Problem Solving Workshop (virtual)

Thursday, March 30

10:00am - Writer's Quiet Space (Escape Into Fiction)

6:30pm - Metrowest Arts and Culture Symposium (free registration) (Dean College)


The Franklin Art Association Art Gallery remains open during business hours at Escape into Fiction (Main St, Franklin)

Find the full Community event calendar

The Cultural calendar displays only the cultural events

If you have an event to add to the calendar, you can use the form to submit it for publication:

The Town meeting calendar is found
The School district calendar is found 

Franklin's Event Outlook: Mar 17, 2023 to Mar 23, 2023
Franklin's Event Outlook: Mar 24, 2023 to Mar 31, 2023