Showing posts with label MA House of Representatives. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MA House of Representatives. Show all posts

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Medway Democratic Town Committee has resource pages for November 2024 election

Among the key resources available to prepare to cast an informed ballot for the November 2024 election are the following:

State Representative Debate - this page includes the listing of question text asked of each of the candidates in addition to the video links for the Medway channel video as well as the Franklin TV video link -> 

Also of interest is their MA Ballot questions page ->

which includes a forum for pros and cons of the five ballot questions ->

Home page for Medway Town Democratic Committee ->

Medway Democratic Town Committee has resource pages for November 2024 election
Medway Democratic Town Committee has resource pages for November 2024 election

Friday, September 13, 2024

Lt. Gov Driscoll joins State Rep. Roy to Kick off 2024 Re-Election Campaign

State Rep. Jeffrey Roy (D-Franklin) kicked off his 2024 re-election campaign at La Cantina Winery in Franklin with Lt. Gov. Kim Driscoll as one of his featured speakers. She was joined by House Ways & Means Chair Aaron Michlewitz (D-Boston), Sen. Becca Rausch (D-Needham), Town Councilor Robert Dellorco, SAFE Coalition CEO Jen Levine, and Campaign Chair Mike Doherty, who each offered remarks in support of Rep. Roy. Over 150 people attended the event, including 22 legislative colleagues who came from all parts of Massachusetts to support their colleague.

(L-R) Roy, Driscoll, Michlewitz
(L-R) Roy, Driscoll, Michlewitz
Roy is seeking re-election for a seventh term in the 10th Norfolk District which includes all of Franklin and precincts 2, 3 and 4 in Medway.

Roy currently serves as Chair of the Joint Committee on Telecommunications, Utilities & Energy and is the House’s lead negotiator on climate and energy legislation. He previously served as Chair of the Joint Committee on Higher Education and as Acting Chair of the Joint Committee on Health Care Finance. He also serves as House Chair of the Manufacturing Caucus which promotes and encourages “Making It” in Massachusetts. The caucus will be hosting its annual manufacturing award ceremony at Gillette Stadium on Wednesday, September 25.  

"I have enjoyed serving the residents of Franklin and Medway and would be honored to serve another term," noted Roy.  "We have made great progress in the areas of education, climate, economic development, health care and veterans affairs, and I want to build on that success. In addition, we have addressed the challenges of substance use disorder, the social equity, and criminal justice, and I look forward to continuing the work in these areas. I am humbled by the outpouring of support I have received from my friends and colleagues and have enjoyed the opportunity to be the voice of Franklin and Medway on Beacon Hill. If re-elected, I will continue to be a fierce advocate for our communities.”  
In this recently released video (, Rep. Roy makes the case for re-election and talks about what it takes to be an effective legislator. He also talks about his contributions to the community, legislation he has championed, and the role of an elected official in state government.

Roy is the father three children, all of whom were educated in the Franklin Public Schools. He is a 1986 cum laude graduate of Boston College Law School in Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts. He received his undergraduate degree from Bates College in Lewiston, Maine in 1983, where he served as Editor-in-Chief of the Bates Student newspaper. He is also a 22-year rider in the annual Pan Mass Challenge event which raises money for the Jimmy Fund.

For more information on Roy and the campaign, please visit

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Massachusetts Legislature Enacts Comprehensive Midwifery And Maternal Health Bill

Thursday (August 15, 2024), the Massachusetts Legislature enacted a comprehensive midwifery and maternal health bill that creates a state licensure pathway for certified professional midwives and lactation consultants, encourages the creation of more freestanding birth centers, establishes a grant program to address maternal mental health and substance use disorder, and expands the statewide universal postpartum home visiting program. This legislation also mandates that insurers cover post-pregnancy mental health screenings and pediatric well visit appointments once per calendar year up to age six. 

“I am so immensely proud that the midwives and maternal health bill is on Governor Healey’s desk,” said Senator Becca Rausch (D-Needham), lead Senate sponsor of the midwives and pediatric appointment bills.  “In addition to joining the 38 other states that already license certified professional midwives, this single legislative package squarely addresses our maternal health crisis, honors patient choice in maternal care, improves patient outcomes, reduces inequities in maternal health care, lowers health care costs, enhances access to pediatric care, boosts post-pregnancy mental health care, and much more. With this reproductive justice bill, we significantly uplift people deciding for themselves whether, when, and how to parent. I cannot wait for our Governor to sign it into law.” 

A central pillar of the legislative package is licensure for certified professional midwives, or CPMs, a bill Rausch has filed and championed in the Massachusetts Senate. The Senate previously passed the midwifery licensure bill by unanimous vote in 2020, in Rausch’s first term. The bill creates the Board of Registration in Midwifery within the Department of Public Health (DPH) to license and provide oversight of licensed CPMs, enhancing their professional self governance, practice autonomy, and authority to use important and life-saving medication. The bill also ensures equitable reimbursement of certified nurse-midwives by requiring that they receive payment rates equal to those for the same services performed by a physician under MassHealth. 

In an effort to proactively address mental health needs, the legislation requires MassHealth and commercial insurance coverage for post-pregnancy depression screenings for all post-pregnancy patients, without regard to how a pregnancy may have ended. The legislation also requires screenings to be offered at maternal and other adult care appointments, rather than exclusively at pediatric appointments, thereby reaching all post-pregnancy cases, including miscarriage. The inclusion of all post-pregnancy cases reflects a bill filed by Rausch earlier this term. Further, the DPH will develop and maintain a comprehensive digital resource center on post-pregnancy mental health conditions and services and conduct a pregnancy loss awareness program. 

Two other priorities championed by Rausch are encompassed in the legislation: a provision to improve patient safety by requiring the administration of ultrasound services be supervised by a licensed healthcare professional who provides medical care for pregnant individuals; and a provision to improve access to pediatric care that ensures coverage for wellness visits for young children once per calendar year, rather than once every 12 months, so families can stay on schedule with their children’s birthdays even if a doctor’s appointment has to be postponed or rescheduled. 

“Today the legislature took much needed action to strengthen access to physical and mental health care for pregnant people and new parents in Massachusetts,” said Senate President Karen E. Spilka (D-Ashland). “This is an important step to help ensure all expecting individuals regardless of background or economic status have access to the health services they need. I offer my sincere gratitude to Senator Friedman for her leadership of the committee, each conferee, and our partners in the House for their hard work on this legislation.” 

“Today we made important strides to reduce maternal health disparities by breaking down barriers to safe, adequate and equitable maternal health care,” said Senator Cindy F. Friedman (D-Arlington), Senate Chair of the Joint Committee on Health Care Financing and of the conference committee. “This bill takes significant steps to expand coverage and protections for essential health services that are key to improving maternal and perinatal health outcomes, as well as increasing access to care for those whose needs and pain have often been ignored. While we still have work to do to cover and protect the full spectrum of pregnancy care, this legislation addresses some of the most pressing needs and improves the health care system statewide.” 

To encourage the creation of more freestanding birth centers, which operate independent from hospital systems, the bill requires DPH to promulgate updated regulations governing the licensure of freestanding birth centers to ensure safe, equitable, and accessible birth options. 

“It is with immense gratitude that we get to revel in this moment of progress, celebrating the Senate’s monumental commitment to improving the quality of life, maternal and mental health care for our most at-risk constituents. With the birth justice bill on its way to Governor Healey’s desk, we are taking a crucial step forward in tackling the Black maternal health crisis by expanding prenatal, postpartum, mental health, midwifery, and doula care, while enabling the growth of free-standing birth centers across our Commonwealth,” said Senator Liz Miranda (D-Boston). “I extend my heartfelt thanks to the 28-member, Special Legislative Commission on Racial Inequities in Maternal Health for their vital recommendations, as well as the coalition of advocates who have committed unwavering support to seeing this bill through to the end. Together, we are advancing perinatal care and ensuring better health outcomes for individuals and families throughout our Commonwealth. I am proud to share this moment with you all and look forward to a brighter, more equitable future for all.” 

The legislation also requires that MassHealth cover noninvasive prenatal screenings to detect whether a pregnancy is at increased risk for chromosomal abnormalities for all pregnant patients regardless of age, baseline risk, or family history. The bill requires health insurers to provide coverage for medically necessary pasteurized donor human milk and products derived from it, serving as a critical source of nutrition for the growth and development of babies, particularly for vulnerable premature infants. To better support new mothers in their feeding journeys, the bill also authorizes the Board of Allied Health Professionals to license lactation consultants to ensure their services are eligible for reimbursement through the patient’s insurance.  

The legislation passed yesterday provides critical support for birthing people and their families during the postpartum period, including requiring DPH to conduct a public awareness campaign about perinatal mood and anxiety disorders, and to develop and maintain a digital resource center that will be available to the public. It also requires that perinatal individuals be offered a screening for postpartum depression and major depressive disorder, and that those services be covered by health insurance plans. To better address barriers in access to care and reduce racial inequities in maternal health, the bill expands the universal postpartum home visiting program administered by DPH and provides coverage for the program’s services.  

“Massachusetts has some of the best health outcomes in the country, but we have a glaring and persistent disparity in maternal health outcomes, especially when it comes to the experience of Black mothers,” said Senator Julian Cyr (D-Truro), who co-chairs the Joint Committee on Public Health. “The maternal health bill passed by the Legislature will expand access to care for all mothers and ameliorate the maternal mortality and morbidity crisis here in Massachusetts. I am proud to stand behind so many brilliant women colleagues in advancing this vital legislation.”  

Additionally, the bill requires DPH to develop and disseminate public information about pregnancy loss to the public and perinatal health care workers to prioritize the physical and mental health care of patients affected. It also requires DPH to establish a program to conduct fetal and infant mortality reviews (FIMR) to identify social, economic, and systems level factors associated with fetal and infant deaths and inform public health policy programs. The bill also includes a provision that will allow Massachusetts residents to use earned paid sick time in the event of a pregnancy loss. 

The bill ensures that the Maternal Mortality and Morbidity Review Committee will have access to essential records required to conduct thorough and timely reviews of maternal deaths and pregnancy complications. This will enable the Committee to formulate comprehensive recommendations to improving maternal outcomes and prevent mortality. The bill also establishes a grant program under the Executive Office of Health and Human Services aimed at addressing maternal mental health. This program will support the establishment or expansion of initiatives serving perinatal individuals, particularly those in underserved populations, to improve mental health, behavioral health, and substance use disorder. 

The bill establishes a nine-member task force to study the current availability of, and access to, maternal health services and care, as well as essential service closures of inpatient maternity units and acute-level birthing centers. The task force will identify methods of increasing financial investment in, and patient access to, maternal health care in the Commonwealth. 

Having passed both chambers, the bill now sits before the Governor for her consideration.  

Massachusetts Legislature Enacts Comprehensive Midwifery And Maternal Health Bill
Massachusetts Legislature Enacts Comprehensive Midwifery And Maternal Health Bill

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

State Rep Jeff Roy provides update on MA House climate legislation

"The House passed legislation accelerating a responsible, innovative and equitable clean energy transition. The legislation overhauls outdated siting, permitting, and interconnection processes to empower the Commonwealth to deploy clean energy projects and infrastructure to meet its net-zero goals and create better outcomes for communities, clean energy companies, and utilities. 

It further harnesses innovative technologies to power our green transition such as advanced metering, fusion energy, battery storage, grid-enhancing technologies and the buildout of fast-charging infrastructure and meter socket adapters to support wide scale adoption of electric vehicles and heat pumps. 

This involves generating and procuring more clean power, solving interconnection issues, and incentivizing consumers and businesses to adopt green technologies. 

State Rep Jeff Roy provides update on MA House climate legislation
State Rep Jeff Roy provides update on MA House climate legislation

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Representative Roy: "Massachusetts House Passes Landmark Veterans Legislation"

Rep. Roy was honored to join his colleagues in passing legislation that honors veterans in Massachusetts by broadening the definition of a veteran, increasing tax credits and state benefits that they are eligible for, and modernizing the services that they rely on. “An Act honoring, empowering, and recognizing our servicemembers and veterans (HERO Act),” will impact hundreds of thousands of veterans living in Massachusetts.

“Massachusetts has the most generous veterans benefits in the nation,” said Rep. Roy. “And, as a matter of fact, I am not in the Franklin chamber tonight because I just left the House floor where we voted unanimously on a bill to further expand veterans benefits here. “Today’s bill combines spending, policy and tax initiatives aimed at expanding access by veterans to health care, increasing financial benefits to former servicemembers, and ensuring that women, disabled and LGBTQ+ veterans have equal access to supports. I am honored to support the expansion of benefits to those who gave greatly to support freedom and democracy and to make sure our veterans and their families have access to the benefits, resources and support they deserve.”

Read Rep Roy's full article ->

Full text of the HERO Act legislation ->
Representative Roy: "Massachusetts House Passes Landmark Veterans Legislation"
Representative Roy: "Massachusetts House Passes Landmark Veterans Legislation"

Monday, April 29, 2024

State Rep Roy on the MA House Budget passing (video)

Via our State Representative Jeff Roy

"The House concluded budget deliberations on the FY25 budget last night (4/26/24).
I was proud to deliver local aid to Franklin and Medway that will assist the Franklin Food Pantry, the Medway Village Food Pantry, the Franklin Performing Arts Company, the SAFE Coalition, the Franklin Downtown Partnership, and the Medway Community Farm. I was also happy to file an amendment that added $500,000 to the Genocide Education Trust Fund.  
In the video below, I highlight all of the environmental and energy provisions in the budget. It was an amazing budget in challenging times and I am grateful for the leadership of Speaker Ron Mariano and Ways & Means Chair Aaron Michlewitz for making it all happen. "

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Episode 42 starts with eclipse highlights and legislative seminar before discussing headlines (audio)

FM #1176 = This is the Franklin Matters radio show, number 1176 in the series. 

This session of the radio show shares my conversation with Ted McIntyre, Franklin resident and climate activist. We met to record in the Franklin TV & Public Radio studio on Tuesday, April 16, 2024.  

We continued making sense of climate on an almost extemporaneous discussion similar to what we recently had. Starting with highlights from Ted’s experience of the eclipse, and with my highlights from the Citizen Legislative Seminar where I spent 2 days in State House.

This discussion continues our journey understanding the MA roadmap toward net zero and while it helps me “make sense of climate”, we hope it helps with your understanding as well. 

If you have climate questions or Franklin specific climate questions, send them in and we’ll try to answer them in a future session.  

The conversation runs about 43 minutes. Let’s listen to my conversation with Ted.

Audio link ->


** See the page that collects all the “Making Sense of Climate” episodes -> 


We are now producing this in collaboration with Franklin.TV and Franklin Public Radio ( or 102.9 on the Franklin area radio dial.  

This podcast is my public service effort for Franklin but we can't do it alone. We can always use your help.

How can you help?

  • If you can use the information that you find here, please tell your friends and neighbors

  • If you don't like something here, please let me know

Through this feedback loop we can continue to make improvements. I thank you for listening.

For additional information, please visit or 

If you have questions or comments you can reach me directly at shersteve @ gmail dot com

The music for the intro and exit was provided by Michael Clark and the group "East of Shirley". The piece is titled "Ernesto, manana"  c. Michael Clark & Tintype Tunes, 2008 and used with their permission.

I hope you enjoy!


You can also subscribe and listen to Franklin Matters audio on iTunes or your favorite podcast app; search in "podcasts" for "Franklin Matters"

Episode 42 starts with eclipse highlights and legislative seminar before discussing headlines (audio)
Episode 42 starts with eclipse highlights and legislative seminar before discussing headlines (audio)

Sunday, March 24, 2024

Migrant crisis: State Senate votes to limit time in family shelter

"As the state burns through the hundreds of millions already set aside to fund Massachusetts’ emergency shelter system, the state Senate late Thursday voted to inject millions more into the system, and limit the amount of time homeless families, including migrants, can stay.

The 32-8 vote, which happened shortly after 9 p.m. Thursday night, sets the stage for what will likely be a contentious debate with the House, which passed its own version earlier this month.

The proposal is part of a spending bill meant to buoy the strained shelter system through the end of the fiscal year, and help fund it into 2025. While the Senate proposal diverges from the House’s bill on some key details, both chambers are now united behind the concept of restricting, for the first time since the inception of Massachusetts’ right-to-shelter law, how long the state should provide a place to sleep for homeless families."

The Senate legislation differs in many ways from the House’s proposal
The Senate legislation differs in many ways from the House’s proposal

"As Massachusetts struggles to find housing for an influx of migrants, a Globe analysis of state data finds that few wealthy communities are hosting emergency shelters for homeless and migrant families while the bulk are in middle-income cities and towns.

Of the 94 communities hosting emergency shelters, more than half have a median household income below $100,000, while just nine of those communities — including Acton, Concord, and Lexington — have household incomes above $150,000.

The state says its process for placing shelters is driven by the availability of space and factors such as their proximity to critical services such as public transportation.

But many communities say they are having trouble providing all the resources people need, such as transportation and translators, and worry the strain on their limited resources will reach a breaking point."
Buried within the Globe article above was this piece which I missed while I was away in February (subscription maybe required) ->

Friday, January 12, 2024

Massachusetts House unanimously passes bill to prevent abuse and exploitation, enhance protections for survivors (video)

The Massachusetts House of Representatives today (Wednesday, January 10, 2024) passed legislation that combines several separate legislative initiatives into one bill that will help to prevent abuse and exploitation, while also enhancing protections for survivors. The legislation addresses teen sexting and image-based sexual assault, commonly referred to as “revenge porn;” expands the definition of abuse to include coercive control for the purposes of obtaining a restraining order; and extends the statute of limitations for certain domestic violence offenses from six years to 15 years.

“This legislation modernizes our criminal laws by ensuring that those who share explicit images of others without their consent face punishment, while also educating minors on the dangers of sharing explicit images of themselves rather than imposing some of the criminal justice system’s most severe consequences,” said House Speaker Ronald J. Mariano (D-Quincy). “I’m also incredibly proud of this legislation’s bolstered protections for survivors, including the added consideration of nonphysical forms of abuse for those seeking restraining orders from their abusers. I want to thank Chairman Day and the Judiciary Committee, along with each bill sponsor and all my colleagues in the House for prioritizing this vital legislation.” 

“The House has heard the urgent call of survivors to enhance protections and ensure that our laws keep up with technology. But the House doesn’t just listen, we act,” said Representative Michael S. Day (D-Stoneham), House Chair of the Joint Committee on the Judiciary. “It’s critical that these reforms pass into law quickly so that victims of coercive control, adolescent sexting and revenge porn aren’t left without relief.”

Currently, minors who possess, purchase, or share explicit photos of themselves or other minors are charged with violating Massachusetts child pornography laws and are required to register as sex offenders. The legislation passed today instead authorizes commitment to the Department of Youth Services (DYS), but also allows minors to be diverted to an educational program in lieu of criminal punishment. A district attorney, however, is allowed to petition the court to bring criminal charges in extreme cases. 

The educational diversion program, to be created by the Attorney General in consultation with the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE), DYS, and the District Attorneys Association, would provide teenagers with information about the legal and nonlegal consequences of sexting, which would be made available to school districts. DESE should also encourage districts to implement media literacy programs in their schools as a prevention measure.  

“This legislation represents a coordinated effort and a holistic approach to address an increasingly prevalent behavior and provides mechanisms to protect individuals victimized by those who threaten, intimidate, and harass the subjects of these images,” said State Representative Jeffrey N. Roy (D-Franklin), a lead sponsor of the bill. “The sexting provisions provide law enforcement officers with a middle ground that will allow them to educate kids about the consequences of their actions without ruining their lives. It will have a tremendous impact on people who have become entangled in the web and transmittal of images that can cause traumatic and lifetime harm through a diversion program that will educate them about the legal and personal consequences of this behavior.”

In addition to teen sexting, the bill addresses the nonconsensual distribution of explicit images by adults by establishing a penalty in the existing criminal harassment statute, including up to two and a half years of prison time and/or a monetary fine of up to $10,000. The bill increases the upper limit of the fine for criminal harassment from $1,000 to $5,000. Under this bill, a victim may also petition the court for a harassment prevention order against a person who has violated this statute. 

The bill passed today also adds coercive control to the definition of abuse. Coercive control is a nonphysical form of abuse which includes a pattern of behavior, or a single act intended to threaten, intimated, harass, isolate, control, coerce or compel compliance of a family or household member that causes the family or household member to fear physical harm or to have a reduced sense of physical safety or autonomy. Examples of coercive control include threating to share explicit images, regulating or monitoring a family or household member’s communications and access to services, and isolating a family or household member from friends or relatives.

"Protecting victims is the driving force behind these efforts and I am pleased we are giving prosecutors more tools to deal with these disturbing and dangerous situations. Thank you to Speaker Mariano, Chair Michlewitz, Chair Day, and the advocacy groups who recognize how important it is that we further protect victims by updating our criminal laws," said Representative Richard M. Haggerty (D-Woburn), a lead sponsor of the bill. "By defining coercive control as abuse and closing revenge porn consent loopholes, this law protects against the severe emotional harm too often inflicted through non-physical tactics, sending a clear message that revenge porn, coercive control, and criminal harassment have no place in Massachusetts.” 

“Far too often, our legal system has failed victims of domestic violence who are subjected to the unseen tortures of psychological and emotional abuse,” Representative Meghan Kilcoyne (D-Clinton), a lead sponsor of the bill. “I am so grateful that with this piece of legislation, we will be giving our law enforcement and judiciary the necessary tools to ensure those subjected to both physical and emotional abuse are protected. I am thankful to the Speaker and Chairman Day for their leadership. “With this bill, we can make sure victims of coercive abuse will no longer suffer in silence.” 

The legislation passed today also extends the statute of limitations for assault and battery on a family or household member or against someone with an active protective order from six years to 15 years. This change brings the Massachusetts statute of limitations for these domestic violence offenses in line with the statute of limitations for rape, assault with intent to commit rape and sex trafficking. 

“Massachusetts can and should be granting restraining orders for coercive control, but we know that for so many survivors, their emotional and psychological trauma is not given the same seriousness as physical violence. And the reality of that barrier can be deadly,” said Representative Natalie M. Higgins (D-Leominster), a lead sponsor of the bill. “I am incredibly grateful to the Speaker and my House colleagues for taking a critical step forward in protecting our neighbors by codifying coercive control in the Mass General Laws and extending the statute of limitations so that survivors of domestic violence can build more safety and supports to come forward and report domestic abuse to law enforcement.”

“Domestic violence is not always physical violence, sometimes it’s much more insidious. During my time as a legal services attorney, I represented many survivors who suffered emotional trauma and financial devastation through fear and manipulation. Survivors and the courts need our help to update our laws to make it clear that coercive control is a type of domestic abuse that will not be tolerated,” said Representative Tram Nguyen (D-Andover), a lead sponsor of the bill. “I want to thank Speaker Mariano, Chair Michlewitz, and Chair Day for advancing this transformative and bipartisan legislation. I am also grateful for the partnership of Rep. Higgins, who co-filed this legislation with me, and the survivors and coalition advocates who spoke up for the thousands of women, men, and children in our Commonwealth who would be better able to take back control of their future if this bill is signed into law.”

“An Act to prevent abuse and exploitation” (H.4241) passed the House of Representatives 151-0. It now goes to the Senate for their consideration. 

John F. Keenan (@SenJohnFKeenan) posted on Thu, Jan 11, 2024:
The Revenge Porn bill has passed the House! Now what? Well, the Senate has to vote, then @MassGovernor @maura_healey will need to sign it into law. Thank you to Rep. @jeffroy for all your hard work! #MAPoli  (Follow link to view video)
Shared from ->

SenJohnFKeenan & Rep.  @jeffroy
SenJohnFKeenan & Rep.  @jeffroy

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Via CommonWealth Beacon: State budget for FY 2023 completed (finally); Revenues down for November and YTD

"Mass. tax revenues take dive in November" 

"MASSACHUSETTS TAX REVENUES took a dive during November and are running 4.3 percent below forecasted levels through the first five months of the fiscal year, reinforcing concerns that state government needs to slow its pace of spending.

The Department of Revenue reported on Tuesday that tax collections in November totaled $2.25 billion, nearly 11 percent below the state forecast and 5.5 percent less than last year. Through the first five months of the fiscal year, revenues are running $627 million below the forecast used to draft this year’s budget and 1 percent more than the same period last year.

Adding to concerns, the state’s tax revenues in November were not affected by the passage of a major tax cut in October. That tax cut should start having an impact on state tax revenues starting in December or January, officials said."

Continue reading the article -> 

"Dems return to Beacon Hill in force, pass stalled spending bill"

"Instead of using parliamentary rules to block or delay action on the bill, as Republicans in the House did, the Senate Republicans struck a deal with Democratic leaders. In return for the Republicans agreeing not to delay action on the bill, the Senate Democrats supported a Republican motion to suspend the Legislature’s joint rules so the bill could be taken up in a formal session and be debated. The motion wasn’t embraced by the House, so it didn’t go anywhere, but it was a moral victory for the Senate Republicans and it allowed the bill to move quickly to enactment, which is what the Democrats wanted. 
Senate President Karen Spilka called it a “win-win for everybody.” 
The end result was the long overdue spending bill was sent to Gov. Maura Healey, who signed it immediately. All the parliamentary maneuvering didn’t change anything, but it captivated Beacon Hill for nearly a week in the middle of a holiday recess. The drawn-out process was mostly about optics and placing blame for delays that held up raises for public sector unions, disaster relief, and funding for the stretched-thin emergency shelter program."

The H4204 legislative details can be found online ->

The golden dome of the State House. (Photo by Andy Metzger)
The golden dome of the State House. (Photo by Andy Metzger)

Friday, September 29, 2023

MA House & Senate send FY 2024 tax relief bill to Gov Healey

"The House and Senate have passed a compromise tax relief bill that would provide $561 million in tax breaks and credits this year, with the value growing to approximately $1 billion once the law is fully implemented in 2027.

The House overwhelmingly approved the bill on Sept. 27, and the Senate did the same on Sept. 28. The governor, who has 10 days to review and sign the bill, has indicated her strong support.

Provisions that would affect municipalities include property tax relief and housing incentives. The bill would:
• Increase the maximum annual property tax deduction for seniors who provide volunteer services to a municipality from $1,500 to $2,000
• Increase the maximum available “senior circuit breaker” property tax credit from $750 per year to $1,500 per year, prior to adjusting for inflation
• Create a local-option property tax exemption for residential properties that are rented to households earning no more than 200% of area median income, and allow municipalities to determine the amount of the exemption and adopt ordinances and bylaws implementing these provisions
• Increase the cap on Housing Development Incentive Program tax credits from $10 million to $30 million annually and allow for the distribution of any portion of the annual cap on credits that were not authorized in previous years, or of any credits that were returned"

Continue reading the article online at MMA -> 

Boston Globe coverage (subscription maybe required) -> 

For the actual legislative language visit this page ->

FY 2024 Final Budget

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

How late is the State budget? Really? What is in the state budget is the more important question!

Chris Lisinski (@ChrisLisinski) tweeted on Mon, Jul 31, 2023:
Just how late was the annual state budget lawmakers sent to Gov. Healey on Monday?

Only three other budgets since FY2000 have been completed later, one of which was in 2020 when the COVID-19 pandemic upended everything, per @masstaxpayersfd data. #mapoli 

What is in the state budget is the more important question!
What is in the state budget is the more important question!

Shared from Twitter ->

"Less than 24 hours after negotiators inked a compromise on a $56.2 billion annual spending plan, House and Senate lawmakers, with little debate, voted Monday to send the fiscal year 2024 package to Governor Maura Healey.

The chambers’ action on the budget legislation, representing a record level of spending, came nearly a month after the July 1 deadline for the start of the new fiscal year.

The budget is now in Healey’s hands for the next 10 days, and what happens next remains to be seen. Lawmakers used the governor’s budget proposal as a roadmap in crafting their own, but she could seek to further shape the spending plan, the first of her term in the corner office."
Continue reading the Boston Globe article (subscription may be required)

The Conference Committee report on the FY 2024 budget can be found ->

The link to the actual legislation document H 4040 ->

The continuation legislation to fund August in lieu of the final budget. Signed by Gov Healey on July 31, 2023 ->

What is in the state budget is more important - 1
What is in the state budget is more important - 1

What is in the state budget is more important - 2
What is in the state budget is more important - 2

What is in the state budget is more important - 3
What is in the state budget is more important - 3

What is in the state budget is more important - 4
What is in the state budget is more important - 4