Saturday, May 25, 2024

Representative Roy: "Massachusetts House Passes Landmark Veterans Legislation"

Rep. Roy was honored to join his colleagues in passing legislation that honors veterans in Massachusetts by broadening the definition of a veteran, increasing tax credits and state benefits that they are eligible for, and modernizing the services that they rely on. “An Act honoring, empowering, and recognizing our servicemembers and veterans (HERO Act),” will impact hundreds of thousands of veterans living in Massachusetts.

“Massachusetts has the most generous veterans benefits in the nation,” said Rep. Roy. “And, as a matter of fact, I am not in the Franklin chamber tonight because I just left the House floor where we voted unanimously on a bill to further expand veterans benefits here. “Today’s bill combines spending, policy and tax initiatives aimed at expanding access by veterans to health care, increasing financial benefits to former servicemembers, and ensuring that women, disabled and LGBTQ+ veterans have equal access to supports. I am honored to support the expansion of benefits to those who gave greatly to support freedom and democracy and to make sure our veterans and their families have access to the benefits, resources and support they deserve.”

Read Rep Roy's full article ->

Full text of the HERO Act legislation ->
Representative Roy: "Massachusetts House Passes Landmark Veterans Legislation"
Representative Roy: "Massachusetts House Passes Landmark Veterans Legislation"

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