Note: FY 2021 is last year (July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021). The report was prepared to cover the business for the FY 2021 period. This year’s report FY 2022 (July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022) is in preparation now and is normally available for distribution at the polls for the November election. Updated - 08/15/22
The Building Inspection Department is a multi- functional office responsible for the construction, demolition, alteration, repair and occupancy of all residential, commercial, business and industrial uses for both existing and new construction in accordance with the Massachusetts Building Code. The department is responsible for the administration, interpretation and enforcement of the following codes:
Massachusetts State Building Code - 780CMR
Town of Franklin Code - Zoning – CH 185
Mass. Electrical Code – 527 CMR
Mass. Plumbing & Gas Code – 248 CMR
National Fuel Gas Code – NFPA 54-2002
Sealer of Weights and Measure – G.L. CH 98
Architectural Access Board – 521 CMR
Hours of Operation
The Building Inspection Department’s hours are Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday 8:00a.m.-4:00p.m., Wednesday 8:00a.m.-6:00p.m. and Friday 8:00a.m.- 1:00p.m.
For your convenience, you may visit our website: at this site contains a series of online forms and applications easily accessible and available to download and apply online. The website has sample plot plans, sign regulations, swimming pool instruction manuals, shed/barn instruction manuals, zoning criteria and other information necessary to process a permit or to simply provide information to the public.
Building Department Staff
Building Commissioner/Zoning Officer: Lloyd Brown
Inspector of Wires: Bernard Mullaney
Asst Wiring Inspector: James Loughlin
Plumbing/Gas Inspector: Richard Cornetta
Asst Plumb/Gas Inspector: John “Jack” Giancola
Local Building Inspector: Stephen O’Neill
Sealer of Weights & Measurers - Comm. of Mass. /Div. of Standards
Staff Assistants
Judy Demers
Melissa Kiriacopoulos
Tyler Paslaski
Casey Thayer
Lloyd Brown, Commissioner of Buildings, is responsible for all construction trade inspectors, municipal maintenance and supervision of all construction, zoning interpretation and determination, pre-planning and review of all subdivisions and proposed construction and improvements and general input for all other municipal departments and construction-related inquiries.
FY 2021 saw an upward rise in the amount of building permits issued. No doubt a result of more folks staying home and taking less vacations. We appreciate the patience of all residents, town council members and fellow employees, without everyone’s help and understanding FY21 would have been challenging. To our commercial customer’s, we thanks you as well. We saw the passing of our longtime Assistant Plumbing and Gas Inspector, Richard McCormick. Mac was solid inspector and a great friend, he is missed. As always for the past several decades our town is growing and changing every day. New buildings replace older structures and remodeling keeps the older building up to code. A convenient permit process helps to apply for all of our permits with any electronic online device. It’s a pleasure to serve you all!
Building Permits
This year the Building Department issued a total of 1732 building permits and the revenues collected totaled $810.557.20
is a whole lot more to the Building Inspection Department section of this annual report
but the tables and other info were not easily copied for this format.
Find the remainder of the Building Inspection Department report on page 116
The full Annual Report for 2021 can be found
The collection of Annual Reports can be found online
Annual Report Of The Town of Franklin - FY 2021 |