Saturday, November 1, 2014

Get an extra hour of sleep tonight

Remember that it is time to turn the clocks back 1 hour tonight.

Turn your clocks back
Turn your clocks back

For more information on Daylight Savings

The image is one from Ian James Grant and found on Flickr

FHS Boys/Girls Soccer Playoff Games Scheduled

Boys Soccer

D1 South

#4 Franklin (12-1-5) will host #13 Braintree (10-6-4) on Tuesday, November 4th at 6:00.

FHS Panthers
FHS Panthers

The current Hockomock Boys Soccer playoff can be found here

Girls Soccer

D1 South

#2 Franklin (14-0-3) will host the winner of #15 Brockton (7-6-5)/#18 Braintree (7-7-4) on Wednesday, November 5th at 6:00.

The current Hockomock Girls Soccer playoff can be found here

Holiday Stroll looks for sponsors

Get Ready... the holidays are coming soon... and we are getting ready for the HOLIDAY STROLL! The Stroll will be Thursday, December 4, from 4 to 7 p.m.

Holiday stroll carolers
Holiday stroll carolers

Please contact us soon if you would like to sponsor this fun event.  Please find the Sponsorship levels listed below.

craft making
craft making
Sponsorship start at just $100. 

We would like to list your business in the newspapers
promotional materials, posters and flyers so don't delay.

visit with Santa
visit with Santa

If you would like to participate in the event, please contact Gregg Chalk or Roberta Trahan our event co-chairs. 

Click to see a list of Sponsorship Opportunities.

Click to download and print a Sponsorship Registration Form.

Note: this was shared from the Downtown Partnership posting here

Celebrate the Farmer at Farm to Table, Farm to Glass

Pour Richard's
Pour Richard's

Celebrate the Farmer
Farm to Table, Farm to Glass

Saturday, November 1, 1-4 PM

Pour Richard's Wine and Spirits 
14 Grove Street

Have you thanked a farmer today? You should. They feed us.

I grew up in farming country, and now spend a great deal of my time selling the produce of grape and grain farmers.

This Saturday, please join us for a very special event. We welcome back Akin Bak Farm, with all the flavors of fall, Incontro Restaurant, with Italian-inflected specialties, George Schwartz of Kimera Imports, and Corey Bunnewith of Inspired Beverages. Killer lineup, not to be missed!

Try something new. A spiadina. Or a calzone. Sip a little Amarone. Or maybe Nero d'Avola. Sample a Chai Toddy, Fig-Pumpkin Sour, or Orchard Cocktail.

Celebrate Farmers. Celebrate the Harvest. Celebrate Fun.

Free. Fun. See you Saturday.

Taste of the Region Award Winners


Three local food establishments won awards at The United Regional Chamber of Commerce's 25th annual Taste of the Region event on Oct. 28. The event, which featured samples from 15 restaurants and food establishments, was held at Tri-County Regional Vocational High School in Franklin.

Hundreds of people attend the event and, for the first time, voted on "Best in Show" awards. Winners of the awards at this year's event were:

Best Sweet – Making Whoopie of Franklin
Best Savory – Commonwealth BBQ of Wrentham
Best Presentation – 3 Restaurant of Franklin

Best Sweet – Making Whoopie of Franklin
Best Sweet – Making Whoopie of Franklin

Best Savory – Commonwealth BBQ of Wrentham
Best Savory – Commonwealth BBQ of Wrentham

Best Presentation – 3 Restaurant of Franklin
Best Presentation – 3 Restaurant of Franklin
For more information on the United Regional Chamber of Commerce visit them on the web here

MassBudget: Safe Time Policies for Survivors of Domestic and Sexual Violence


Earned Paid Sick Time and Safe Time Provisions:
Supporting Survivors of Violence and Abuse
To protect their physical and economic security, survivors of domestic and sexual violence sometimes need to take time off from work to address health and safety issues. A growing number of earned paid sick time laws in several cities and states give employees the right to take time off when needed. MassBudget's new fact sheet "Earned Paid Sick Time and Safe Time Provisions: Supporting Survivors of Violence and Abuse," examines safe time provisions and their implications on survivors of violence and abuse.

To read the fact sheet please click HERE.

The Massachusetts Budget and Policy Center (MassBudget) produces policy research, analysis, and data-driven recommendations focused on improving the lives of low- and middle-income children and adults, strengthening our state's economy, and enhancing the quality of life in Massachusetts.

BOSTON, MA 02108

Massachusetts Budget and Policy Center | 15 Court Square | Suite 700 | Boston | MA | 02108

Friday, October 31, 2014

Upcoming Events in Franklin, MA Area: FRI 10/31/14 - THU 11/6/14

FRI 10/31   8am   Career Days at Tri-County HS for 8th graders and their caregivers.
FRI 10/31   12-6pm   Franklin Farmers Market - Town Common

SAT 11/1   10am-12pm   CANCELLED DUE TO WEATHER! Story Walk on the Rail Trail with Bellingham Public Library. Family event, park at Lake St, Bellingham parking lot.
SAT 11/1   1-4pm   Farm to Table, Farm to Glass at Pour Richard’s
SAT 11/1   6-11pm   9th Annual Casino Night to benefit the Franklin Education Foundation, Elk’s Lodge, Pond St., Franklin.

SUN 11/2   2:30pm   Pumpernickel Puppets present Sir George and the Dragon at Franklin Public Library

WED 11/5   6:30pm   Franklin Art Association Public meeting with interactive art demonstration at Franklin Senior Center
WED 11/5   6:30pm   Elementary Parent Info Night for NEW Math and Report Cards for Jefferson/Parmenter at Jefferson Elementary School
WED 11/5   7pm   Friends of Franklin Library Public Meeting at Franklin Public Library

THU 11/6   8:30am   Franklin Downtown Partnership Meeting at Dean College Campus Center
THU 11/6   5-7pm   Preschool Fair at the Franklin Public Library sponsored by Franklin Mom’s Club
THU 11/6   6-8pm   First Unitarian Universalist Fundraiser at Pour Richard’s
THU 11/6   6:30pm   Elementary Parent Info Night for NEW Math and Report Cards for Oak St./Kennedy at Oak St. Elementary School

For all the Town of Franklin Public Meetings click HERE.

For event details click HERE.

*If you have any suggestions or events for the calendar, please email

Voices of Franklin: Carla Lievano - Vote Yes on Question 4 - Earned Sick Time for Employees

From Carla Lievano: 
This proposal would entitle Massachusetts employees to earn and use sick time according to certain conditions. Employees would earn one hour of sick time per every 30 hours worked. Employers with 11 or more employees would give paid sick time and those under 11 employees would give unpaid sick time. There are minimal exceptions mostly regarding certain city or town employees. This would not replace better sick time benefits an employee may already have. 
Nationwide a big majority — 87 percent — enjoy sick time benefits among the top 25 percent of top earners. Only 34 percent of those in the bottom 25 percent have the same privilege, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Part-time workers are usually out of luck. 
In Massachusetts about one third of all employees do not earn sick time, and are mostly in low wage jobs. To not lose a day of pay, which they can ill-afford, an employee will come in to their job (like restaurant servers and home health workers that are very likely to not have paid sick time and to have much public contact) and spread their germs. They may also may send their child to school sick and again potentially spread illnesses. 
If passed this would allow families, especially low-income families to meet their needs financially and health wise. A single Mom would not have to make the awful choice to send her child to school sick or stay home and lose much needed income and in some cases potentially lose their job. I personally know of a single Mother (at the company two years and a very good employee as far as I am aware) that was fired for the bad luck of having her child be sick a few times over a short period and day-care would not take her child so she stayed home with her child and ended up getting fired. This was at a call-center and was in another state but she had no other options. Hopefully if this measure is passed no single Mom would have to lose her job like that! 
The Institute for Women's Policy Research estimates the economic benefits of paid sick time outweigh the costs and I agree. If this passes we will be the third state (besides Connecticut and California) to enlarge the peoples rights. Question #4 in Massachusetts broadens the scope of these rights and just like we led the nation on Reforming Health Care and standing up to the Defense of Marriage Act let us lead again. 
Join me in standing up for the people and vote YES on Earned Sick Time! It is the right thing to do!
bandstand on the Franklin Town Common
bandstand on the Franklin Town Common

You can find all the details on the ballot questions for this election in the 2014 Election Collection  here:

If you are a Franklin resident and would like to share a position on one of the ballot questions, send me an email (shersteve @ gmail dot com)

Staying Healthy in the Club

Timely info on staying healthy when you are really working to stay healthy!

Team Fitness and CrossFit Franklin10/14
team fitness franklin

'Tis the season for colds and flus.  Personally, I hate this time of year because most of us are house bound and do not get outside enough. Being inside promotes the spread of germs and increase of illness.  Below is a brief summary (although there is a lot of information) of what Team Fitness and CrossFit Franklin are doing and what YOU can do to help yourself and others stay healthy.  We appreciate you following club etiquette and respecting good hygiene.

How Can YOU promote GOOD Health for Yourself?
Stop the Spread of Germs:
Cleaning and disinfecting surfaces and objects that may be contaminated with germs like the flu can help slow the spread of influenza.
**wiping down the equipment where you have body contact before and after use will prevent you from picking up illnesses more effectively**

**also, placing your own personal mat or a gym towel on top of a multi used gym mat is another good way to prevent the spread of germs.

Stay home when you are sick:
If possible, stay home when you are sick. You will help prevent others from catching your illness.  If you have a fever, do not workout until the fever has been gone for at least 24 hours. 

Clean your hands:
Washing your hands often will help protect you from germs. Using the locker room sinks before and after working out and also, the Purell sanitizers placed around the club.

Cover your mouth and nose:
Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or the inside of your elbow when coughing or sneezing. It may prevent those around you from getting sick.

Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth:
Most experts believe that flu viruses spread mainly by droplets made when people with flu cough, sneeze or talk. These droplets can land in the mouths or noses of people who are nearby. Less often, a person might also get flu by touching a surface or object that has flu virus on it and then touching their own mouth, eyes or nose. **This is why cleaning surfaces is so important**

Hygiene In A Nutshell

Gyms are sweaty places (if we are doing it right!) and it is up to all of us to

keep things clean and sanitary. We've ramped up our cleaning practices.

Please make sure you use towels, wipe down equipment, wash your hands before and after working out. Don't come to the gym if you have a cold, or especially influenza or something equally as infectious or contagious. Let's work to gather to have a happy and healthy winter.

Forward this email

Team Fitness Franklin | 100 Franklin Village Drive | Franklin | MA | 02038

Thanks to TeamFitness Franklin for their generous donation to enable the fund raising raffle helping the Franklin Food Pantry. If you want to take a chance on getting 5 luxury box seats to see the New England Patriots play the Detroit Lions on Sunday, Nov 23, please send me an email. I have tickets to sell..Or you can stop by the Food Pantry during its open hours to buy a ticket.

additional details on the raffle can be found here

Blackstone River Theatre - Deadstring Ensemble / Kathleen Conneely!



This year's Solstice Fest was our biggest yet... stay tuned for more on the 2015 festival set for
June 20! 

Zumba with April Hilliker on Mondays, 6:30 PM

Saturday, November 1 
Flynn Cohen & the Deadstring Ensemble / Kathleen Conneely &
Mark Roberts

Saturday, November 8 

Sunday, November 9, 4 pm 
CONTRA DANCE with WHITE SQUALL and caller Paul Wilde

Friday, November 14 
Cumberland Land Trust Winetasting Fundraiser

Saturday, November 15 

Thursday, November 20 
AJAX - Greek tragedy
by Sophocles
by Providence College and Salve Regina University

Saturday, November 22

Saturday, November 29 
Atwater-Donnelly, Eastern Medicine Singers, Phil Edmonds, Bertrand Laurence, Robbie O'Connell, Pendragon, Mary Ann Rossoni & Rick Bellaire 
Quick Links...
BRT Website    

Join Our Mailing List!

Tickets often available at door but to ensure a seat


Please understand that when a show is SOLD OUT, it truly is! We must adhere to fire codes and it truly is not possible to fit "just one more"... especially when we have had several people ask to do the same!

If a show at BRT has an advance price & a day-of-show price it means:
If you pre-pay OR call in your reservation any time before the show date, you get the advance price. If you show up at the door with no reservations OR call in your reservations on the same day as the show, you will pay the day-of show-price.

NOTE for prepaid tickets
or if reservations have been made but not pre-paid:
If you reduce the number of tickets requested or paid for at the box office on the night of the performance, that ticket must still be paid for! BRT requires 24 hour notice for cancellations or you will be charged for all seats reserved.
Dear Steve,

We are looking forward to Saturday's great split concert featuring Flynn Cohen and the Deadstring Ensemble and Kathleen Conneely and Mark Roberts. And next Saturday we bring back the amazing acoustic fingerstyle guitarist Peppino D'Agostino... not to be missed!

We have new sessions beginning in five levels of fiddle as well as 6 levels of Irish step dance... check out our classes link for updates!

And don't forget to LIKE us on Facebook to get late-breaking news and really expensive gifts. Well, not that last one but definitely the first part... Please share what we do with your friends!


Hope to see you soon...
Russell Gusetti, Executive Director  


Guitarist/composer/singer Flynn Cohen, known for his playing with Annalivia and the John Whelan Band, leads his own band of string geniuses performing original multi-genre acoustic music. Primarily instrumental, the Deadstring Ensemble combines influences ranging from Irish traditional music, old-time appalachian, bluegrass, folk-rock, and early music.

The band consists of two of the finest and most experienced acoustic plucked-string players in America. Matt Heaton, on guitar and bouzouki, is known for his world-wide performances with wife Shannon Heaton. He has accompanied many traditional musicians of note including the Boys of the Lough, has a Master's degree in classical guitar, and also performs on electric guitar in his Surf band the Electric Heaters. Danny Noveck, on guitar/fiddle, is a noted multi-instrumentalist and well-known guitar accompanist.

Tin whistle player Kathleen Conneely was born in England to parents from Galway and Longford. The Conneely home itself was filled with music from records, tapes and live tunes and she grew up playing music with her brother and sisters. Kathleen spent 1986-1993 living both in Dublin and London and was heavily involved in the very lively music scene in both cities. She moved to Chicago in 1993 and enjoyed sessions with Windy City musicians living there at the time such as Liz Carroll and Martin Hayes. She moved to Boston in 1997 and now lives in Rhode Island. Kathleen has taught whistle at Comhaltas Ceoltoiri Eireann in both Dublin and Boston, at the Boston College Irish Studies Program, The Catskills Irish Arts Week and at the Swananoa Gathering near Asheville, NC. She is joined tonight by dynamic accompanist Mark Roberts (Touchstone, The Sevens, Red Clay Ramblers) on guitar. 
  Event Info
Saturday, November 1, 8 P.M.
$12.00 advance / $15.00 day of show
at Blackstone River Theatre
549 Broad Street, Cumberland, R.I. 
Call 401-725-9272 for reservations

Forward email to a friend!

Blackstone River Theatre | 549 Broad Street | Cumberland | RI | 02864

FHS Volleyball wins, Field Hockey goes to OT before losing

Hockomock Sports posted the results of the playoff action on Thursday.


D1 Central East
FHS Panthers
FHS Panthers
#9 Franklin, 3 @ #8 North Middlesex, 0 - Final - Megan Rogers had 14 assists and six aces and Holly Shumway added six kills and three blocks as the Panthers swept North Middlesex. Franklin advances to the D1 Central West Quarterfinals and will travel to #1 Lincoln Sudbudy (18-1) on Tuesday, November 4th at 7:00.

Field Hockey

D1 South
#9 Franklin, 0 @ #8 Dennis-Yarmouth, 1 - Final (OT)

For additional details on the results from Thursday, follow this link


In the News: Best Buddies, civil service

School officials recognize the challenge in having younger students take part in a Best Buddies program, but believe the pairings will help foster respect and tolerance - values that will prove important as students mature. 
The district already has chapters within the middle school and high school, and pending approval from Best Buddies Massachusetts, it would become the first in the country to offer the program to students during all points in their primary and secondary education. 
“As a district and learning community, we value inclusion, and by supporting friendships, collaborative relationships and connections among our elementary students we can change perceptions, values and beliefs of children as they mature into middle school and high school students,” Superintendent Maureen Sabolinski wrote in an email.
Continue reading the article in the Milford Daily News here (subscription maybe required)

The Town Council’s vote eight months ago to remove future fire department hires from the civil service process was never valid, and union leaders say they only learned weeks ago that the system remains in place. 
Apparently the town did not follow the proper procedure under state law for removing a department from civil service. 
To revoke civil service, cities and towns must take the same steps they did to adopt it, or petition the state Legislature to pass home-rule legislation, according to the Massachusetts Municipal Association.
Continue reading the article in the Milford Daily News here (subscription maybe required)

My notes on the meeting Feb 12,2014 can be found here

Franklin Fire Dept - Station #1
Franklin Fire Dept - Station #1

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Attention Elementary Parents - Info Night on new Math Program and Report Cards

From the Franklin Public Schools:

We will be running 3 information nights for parents to introduce our new elementary math program and elementary report cards, which will be issued in December. Information on these two important topics will be presented by teachers, math specialists, and administrators on the following nights:

Parents of children at Jefferson and Parmenter
Wednesday, November 5th at Jefferson Elementary 
Parents of children at Oak Street and Kennedy
Thursday, November 6th at Oak Street Elementary 
Parents of children at Keller and Davis Thayer
Wednesday, November 12th at Keller Elementary

Each evening will run from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

If you cannot attend on the evening designated for your child’s school, please feel free to join us for one of the other presentations.

All materials will also be posted to school and district webpages after the last presentation.

Ladybug rug at JF Kennedy School
Ladybug rug at JF Kennedy School

This was posted to the Franklin Schools webpage here