I have some catching up to do with so much happening around so I'll tease you with a quote and a link to follow.
1 - Instant messaging in the classroom:
Every single upper junior class that I have taught has loved instant messaging (IM). It is probably the most popular use of technology at home. But does that mean it needs to be used in the classroom? It falls into the same category as console gaming does and seems to spark differing reactions from people in education. I believe it can engage learners and much more.
2 - Free options to publish to the web
In the course of a school year, most teachers will have students produce written content that they think should be shared with other readers. Other times teachers create writing projects with the goal of having students share their work publicly. The web offers many ways to publish written work, the following are six of my favorite free options.
3 - Guide to talk with your kids about being online
On Guard Online offers a fifty-four page PDF guide to talking with kids about being online. Net Cetera: Chatting With Kids About Being Online offers numerous suggestions for having conversations with students about online behaviors. The guide offers differentiated suggestions based upon the age of the children with which you're talking.
4 -What you should know about the flu.
This week Commissioner Auerbach and DPH Medical Director Dr. Lauren Smith appeared on a special addition of Hopkinton Community Television’s "Physician Focus" titled "The Flu: What You Should Know."
Commissioner Auerbach and Dr. Smith joined Erin Tracy, M.D., an obstetrician-gynecologist at Massachusetts General Hospital and Vice Chair of the Massachusetts Section of the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists and Bruce Karlin, M.D., a primary care physician in Worcester and Vice Chair of the Medical Society’s Communications Committee to discuss important flu related topics including the difference between H1N1 (swine) flu and seasonal flu, vaccine safety and supply, how to protect against the infections, and what to do if you get sick.
"Physician Focus" is The Massachusetts Medical Society’s monthly educational program on health care. In addition to being distributed to local public access television stations across the Commonwealth, the program is available for viewing online at http://www.hcam.tv/series/physicianfocus/flu/index.shtml. This page also contains two public service announcements produced specifically for the show. The first contains messages about the flu for pregnant women and the second provides guidelines on when patients should go to the emergency room.
Click through to view the show on the web here.
Franklin did a similar H1N1 update in September and you can view that here
5 - And finally, the Laughter Club meets on Monday
Relieve some of your holiday stress, attend The Let's Laugh Today monthly laughter club that meets at the First Universalist Society in Franklin Meetinghouse, 262 Chestnut St. in Franklin, on Monday, Nov. 23, 7:15 to 8:30 p.m.
Additional details can be found on the Franklin Gazette here