Showing posts with label license. Show all posts
Showing posts with label license. Show all posts

Sunday, November 3, 2024

Town Council approves Rescission of license transfer, accepts Bogan's Way, welcomes Fire Dept news hires & Police Dept promotions (video)

The Town Council met as scheduled on Wednesday, Oct 30, 2024. 8 members participated, one was absent (Frongillo),

The Franklin TV video is available for replay ->

Quick recap:
  • After multiple citizen comments on a variety of topics the Council got to their agenda items
  • Fire Department - Swearing In of New Firefighter / Paramedics
    • Paul Schleicher Jr.
    • Michael Dumican
    • Corey Rafter
    • Steven Osorio
    • Shea Hurley
  • First time to have 60 firefighters on staff, need to keep up with the growing needs of the community. All 60 are licensed paramedics 
  • The Police Department had 2 Promotions, Both sworn in by Town Clerk Nancy Danello
    • Lieutenant Michael Colecchi 
    • Sergeant Cody Landry
  • Rescission of Prior Approval of Transfer of Section 15 All Alcoholic Beverages Package Store License, Heeru Corporation d/b/a DeVita’s Market. Jamie explains quick background on the recession as the "easy" way for the parties to resolve the issues they have, including allowing DaVita's to reapply for a renewal of the license Building code issues need to be resolved to enable the transfer. vote passes 8-0-1 (8 - yes, 0 - no, 1 absent)
  • Public hearing on Bogan's way; Order of Layout, Acceptance, and Taking of Bogans Way and Drainage Lot Parcel A and Easements. Planning did approve acceptance, Continuing to chip away on all the public streets in town Public hearing closed with no comments. vote passes 8-0-1 (8 - yes, 0 - no, 1 absent)
  • License Modification - Change of Manager of a Section 15 Retail Package Store License: Shaw’s Supermarkets, Inc. d/b/a Shaw’s. So moved, second, passes 8-0-1 (1 absent)
  • Franklin Children's Museum - Meghan Hagen & Erin Gallagher, joined by architect and Brad Chaffee, Camford Property Group. Presentation slides ->
  • Resolution 24-63: Gift Acceptance: Senior Center ($100) (Motion to Approve Resolution 24- 63 - Majority Vote). So moved, second Passes 8-0-1 (1 absent)
  • Resolution 24-64: Town Council Approval of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Funds ($8,304) (Motion to Approve Resolution 24-64 - Majority Vote). So moved, second Passes 8-0-1 ,1 absent)
  • Friendly 40B Policy Update introduced by Jamie in response to what has been heard from the community. After some discussion, when it wasn't really an item for discussion, it is not clear if it is in effect as proposed, or if it is being referred to a subcommittee and/or future agenda for further discussion. Editor's note: there should be a further review and potentially additional changes made to this. It is not a policy that is clearly understood and appreciated by either the Council or the community  

Fire Dept news hires pose with Town Council
Fire Dept news hires pose with Town Council

Police Dept promotions pose with Town Council
Police Dept promotions pose with Town Council

Sunday, October 27, 2024

Franklin, MA: Town Council agenda for meeting Oct 30, 2024 at 7 PM

Franklin Town Council
Agenda & Meeting Packet
October 30, 2024 = 7:00 PM

Meeting will be held at the Municipal Building
2nd floor, Council Chambers 355 East Central Street 

a. This meeting is being recorded by Franklin TV and shown on Comcast channel 9 and Verizon Channel 29. This meeting may be recorded by others.
b. Chair to identify members participating remotely.
c. Upcoming Town Sponsored Community Events.
a. Citizens are welcome to express their views for up to three minutes on a matter that is not on the agenda. In compliance with G.L. Chapter 30A, Section 20 et seq, the Open Meeting Law, the Council cannot engage in a dialogue or comment on a matter raised during Citizen Comments. The Town Council may ask the Town Administrator to review the matter. Nothing herein shall prevent the Town Administrator from correcting a misstatement of fact.
a. October 16, 2024
a. Fire Department - Swearing In of New Firefighter / Paramedics
  • i. Paul Schleicher Jr.
  • ii. Michael Dumican
  • iii. Corey Rafter
  • iv. Steven Osorio
  • v. Shea Hurley
b. Fire Department - Promotion: Fire Lieutenant Joseph McGann 
c. Police Department - Promotions
  • i. Lieutenant Michael Colecchi
  • ii. Sergeant Cody Landry
5. APPOINTMENTS - None Scheduled

a. Rescission of Prior Approval of Transfer of Section 15 All Alcoholic Beverages Package Store License, Rescission of Prior Approval of Pledge of Liquor License, and Rescission of Prior Approval of Bhaveshkumar Patel as the Manager - Heeru Corporation d/b/a DeVita’s Market,
Located at 198 East Central St., Franklin, MA 02038
i. License Transaction #7a
b. Order of Layout, Acceptance, and Taking of Bogans Way and Drainage Lot Parcel A and Easements
i. Legislation for Action Item #9a
a. Rescission of Prior Approval of Transfer of Section 15 All Alcoholic Beverages Package Store License, Rescission of Approval of Pledge of Liquor License, and Rescission of Approval of Bhaveshkumar Patel as the Manager - Heeru Corporation d/b/a DeVita’s Market, Located at 198 East Central St., Franklin, MA 02038
b. License Modification - Change of Manager of a Section 15 Retail Package Store License: Shaw’s Supermarkets, Inc. d/b/a Shaw’s; Located at 255 East Central St., Franklin, MA 02038
a. Franklin Children's Museum - Meghan Hagen & Erin Gallagher

a. Resolution 24-62: Order of Layout, Acceptance, and Taking of Bogans Way and Drainage Lot Parcel A and Easements (Motion to Approve Resolution 24-62 - ⅔ Majority Vote)
b. Resolution 24-63: Gift Acceptance: Senior Center ($100) (Motion to Approve Resolution 24-63 - Majority Vote)
c. Resolution 24-64: Town Council Approval of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Funds ($8,304) (Motion to Approve Resolution 24-64 - Majority Vote)
a. Friendly 40B Policy Update

a. Capital Budget Subcommittee
b. Economic Development Subcommittee
c. Budget Subcommittee/Joint Budget Subcommittee
d. Master Plan Committee
e. Police Station Building Committee
f. GATRA Advisory Board


14. EXECUTIVE SESSION - None Scheduled

Note: Two-Thirds Vote: requires 6 votes
Majority Vote: requires majority of members present and voting

Agenda doc also contains info on remote participation -> 

DaVita's Market image from their Facebook page
DaVita's Market (image from their Facebook page)

Friday, September 6, 2024

Town Council reopens hearing to approve the BJs-Pour Richard's transfer, hears of health care expense issue (video)

The Franklin (MA) Town Council met as scheduled on Wednesday, Sep 4 with 8 members participating (1 absent).

Franklin TV video is available for replay ->

Quick recap
  • A few appointments to close out the annual round of appointments. As announced in the August 14 meeting with the primary set of appointments, a few were in the process of being finalized. This should complete the slate of appointments to renew and fill the open slots.
  • Public hearing voted to re-open to review the prior BJs & Pour Richard's license transfers. The vote at the June 26 meeting was 6-3 to deny the approval. The denial was not based upon the 2 areas that such a denial could be made, hence the return for a review. Long story short, enough councilors got the message on the legal options and the transfers passed 5-3-1 (Cormier-Leger, Chandler, Dellorco voted no; Pellegri absent).
  • Pete Fasciano, Executive Director of Franklin TV provided an update on the operations. 
  • Discussion on Right of Refusal for the Maplegate Country Club property. We can't afford it but will gain some revenue as the deal closes completely since they were "under taxed" and the owners will need to 'catch up'. The Council still needs to accept a resolution to formal pass on the purchase option
  • The Davis Thayer Reuse report was accepted by the Council. This will take time for the Council to work through the discussion to set up a possible RFP. 
  • Health care issue raised will be part of the budget discussions going forward, have seen increase in 6-8 percent range prior years, anticipated increase of about 13%

My notes captured during the meeting and now in one PDF file ->

Maplegate Country Club
Maplegate Country Club

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Franklin, MA: Town Council meeting agenda for Wednesday, Sep 4 at 7 PM

Franklin Town Council
Agenda & Meeting Packet
September 4, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Meeting will be held at the Municipal Building
2nd floor, Council Chambers 355 East Central Street 

a. This meeting is being recorded by Franklin TV and shown on Comcast channel 9 and Verizon Channel 29. This meeting may be recorded by others.
b. Chair to identify members participating remotely.
c. Upcoming Town Sponsored Community Events.

a. Citizens are welcome to express their views for up to three minutes on a matter that is not on the agenda. The Council will not engage in a dialogue or comment on a matter raised during Citizen Comments. The Town Council will give remarks appropriate consideration and may ask the Town Administrator to review the matter.

a. August 14, 2024


a. Conservation Commission: Lui Puga (term expiration correction to 2026)
b. Council on Aging: Tina Powderly
c. Finance Committee: Ken Ojukwu
d. Franklin TV Board of Directors
i. Anne Bergen
ii. William “Ken” Norman

a. Vote to reopen the June 26, 2024 Public Hearing: Transfer, Change of Location, Pledge of Collateral and Approval of Manager of a Section 15 Wine and Malt Beverages Package Store License: Rye's Wine Incorporated d/b/a Pour Richard’s Wine & Provisions Located at 835 West Central Street, Suite 2, Franklin, MA 02038
i. License Transaction #7a
b. Vote to reopen the June 26, 2024 Public Hearing: Transfer, Change of Location and Approval of Manager of a Section 15 All Alcoholic Beverages Package Store License: Mormax Corporation d/b/a BJ’s Wholesale Club Located at 100 Corporate Drive, Franklin, MA 02038
i. License Transaction #7b

a. Transfer, Change of Location, Pledge of Collateral and Approval of Manager of a Section 15 Wine and Malt Beverages Package Store License: Rye's Wine Incorporated d/b/a Pour Richard’s Wine & Provisions Located at 835 West Central Street, Suite 2, Franklin, MA 02038
b. Transfer, Change of Location and Approval of Manager of a Section 15 All Alcoholic Beverages Package Store License: Mormax Corporation d/b/a BJ’s Wholesale Club Located at 100 Corporate Drive, Franklin, MA 02038

a. Pete Fasciano - Franklin TV
i. Legislation for Action #s 9a & 9b
b. Chapter 61B Right of First Refusal on Maplegate Country Club
c. Davis-Thayer Reuse

a. Resolution 24-53: Cable Funds in Support of PEG Service and Programming per MGL Ch. 44, §53F3/4 (Motion to Approve Resolution 24-53 - Majority Vote)

b. Resolution 24-54: Cable Funds in Support of PEG Service and Programming per MGL Ch. 44, §53F3/4 (Motion to Approve Resolution 24-54 - Majority Vote)

c. Resolution 24-55: Health Care Group Insurance Transfer
(Motion to Approve Resolution 24-55 - Majority Vote)

d. Resolution 24-56: Gift Acceptance - Recreation Department ($2,000)
(Motion to Approve Resolution 24-56 - Majority Vote)


a. Capital Budget Subcommittee
b. Economic Development Subcommittee
c. Budget Subcommittee
d. Master Plan Committee
e. Davis-Thayer Reuse Advisory Committee
f. Police Station Building Committee
g. GATRA Advisory Board



a. For the sole purpose to review, approve and vote to release Executive Session minutes


Note: Two-Thirds Vote: requires 6 votes 
Majority Vote: requires majority of members present and voting

Monday, August 5, 2024

Pour Richard's Appeals for an overturn of license transfer denial

Via Pour Richard's 

Pour Richard's Appeals for an overturn of license transfer denial
Pour Richard's appeals for an overturn of denial
"Franklin, today we’re asking for a favor:
As many of you know, Pour Richard’s and I are both transitioning to our next chapters. So…
If you’d like to welcome a Wine & Provisions Shop to Franklin.
If you would like to buy liquor at BJ’s.
If you believe that the denial of these licenses on June 26 was arbitrary and capricious, and counter to MA law.
Then contact the members below, and ask them to put this issue back on the Town Council agenda for August 14. And this time, vote in keeping with the law.
Feel free to share. Thank you!

Shared from -> Pour Richard's posting 

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Voices of Franklin: Corey Bunnewith, new owner of Pour Richard's adds to the discussion

In-Tandem with Ann Williams response to Mark Lenzi's June 17th Franklin Matters post.  

Hello All, 

My name is Corey Bunnewith - Owner of Rye's Wine Inc. dba Pour Richard's Wine and Provisions.... The hopeful next chapter, iteration and continuation of Pour Richard's Wine and Spirits doing business at 835 W Central St in Franklin, MA.

There is a good chance over the last 12 years, if you've visited Pour Richard's at a charity event, seminar, or grand tasting - That I have met you over those years. Ann Williams has been a long standing customer of mine across a multitude of wineries that I've represented over the years. I've been lucky enough that my wines have graced her shelves and made their way into homes around Franklin and supported a multitude of local charity efforts.

I am hopeful that my wife and I will be able to be a part of the next chapter of Pour Richard's - A continuation of her efforts of community, charity, curation, and education. We hope to take that to a new level of being a place of learning, bringing local makers, agriculture, farms and families into the space. To continue curating and supporting wineries and breweries striving to make a difference and create products that become an accent to the residents of Franklin's daily lives.

The transfer of these licenses are not skewed to the support of big business, if anything this offers an opportunity to those with full liquor licenses to fill the void that Ann will leave. An opportunity to support local, crafted, unique spirits brands. And for Pour Richard's to expand its support beyond wine to local makers, artists, farmers and producers of items that elevate the in-home culinary experience. 

My wife and I look forward to being able to hire locally, mentor, and build a space that continues to create a positive influence on the town of Franklin.

Corey Bunnewith

If you missed the public hearing notice for the transfer of the license to BJ's you can find it here ->

If you have something to say, you can find the guidelines here

Voices of Franklin: Corey Bunnewith, new owner of Pour Richard's adds to the discussion
Voices of Franklin: Corey Bunnewith, new owner of Pour Richard's adds to the discussion

Town of Franklin: Town Council - Meeting Agenda for June 26, 2024

Agenda & Meeting Packet
June 26, 2024 7:00 PM

Meeting will be held at the Municipal Building
2nd floor, Council Chambers 355 East Central Street 

a. This meeting is being recorded by Franklin TV and shown on Comcast channel 9 and Verizon Channel 29. This meeting may be recorded by others.
b. Chair to identify members participating remotely.
c. Upcoming Town Sponsored Community Events.
a. Citizens are welcome to express their views for up to three minutes on a matter that is not on the agenda. The Council will not engage in a dialogue or comment on a matter raised during Citizen Comments. The Town Council will give remarks appropriate consideration and may ask the Town Administrator to review the matter.
a. May 22, 2024
b. May 23, 2024
c. June 5, 2024
a. Proclamation: Gabrielle “Ellie” Dalton & Community Outreach Dog, “Officer” Ben Franklin
b. Proclamation: Rabbi Thomas Alpert
a. Town Comptroller - Linda Darling
a. Transfer, Change of Location, Pledge of Collateral and Approval of Manager of a Section 15 Wine and Malt Beverages Package Store License: Rye's Wine Incorporated d/b/a Pour Richard’s Wine & Provisions Located at 835 West Central Street, Suite 2, Franklin, MA 02038
i. License Transaction #7a
b. Transfer, Change of Location and Approval of Manager of a Section 15 All Alcoholic Beverages Package Store License: Mormax Corporation d/b/a BJ’s Wholesale Club Located at 100 Corporate Drive, Franklin, MA 02038
i. License Transaction #7b
a. Transfer, Change of Location, Pledge of Collateral and Approval of Manager of a Section 15 Wine and Malt Beverages Package Store License: Rye's Wine Incorporated d/b/a Pour Richard’s Wine & Provisions Located at 835 West Central Street, Suite 2, Franklin, MA 02038
b. Transfer, Change of Location and Approval of Manager of a Section 15 All Alcoholic Beverages Package Store License: Mormax Corporation d/b/a BJ’s Wholesale Club Located at 100 Corporate Drive, Franklin, MA 02038
a. FY25 Budget Amendment
i. Legislation for Action #9a
a. Resolution 24-44: General Funds Appropriations, Transfers and Adjustments FY25 (Motion to Approve Resolution 24-44 - Majority Vote)
b. Resolution 24-41: Statewide Opioid Settlement Fund Appropriation (Motion to Approve Resolution 24-41 - Majority Vote)
c. Resolution 24-45: Town Council Approval of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Funds ($2,975,000) (Motion to Approve Resolution 24-45 - Majority Vote)
d. Resolution 24-48: Town Council Approval of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Funds ($8,304) (Motion to Approve Resolution 24-48 - Majority Vote)
e. Resolution 24-46: Authorizing the Borrowing of Money to Pay Costs Associated with the Constructing and Equipping the Hayward St. WTP Improvements Project (DWSRF 16730) (Motion to Approve Resolution 24-46 - ⅔ Majority Vote)
f. Resolution 24-47: Authority for Town Administrator to File Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Loan Application (Motion to Approve Resolution 24-47 - Majority Vote)
g. By-Law Amendment 24-910: Chapter 82, Municipal Service Fees Bylaw to Amend the Code of the Town of Franklin at Chapter 82, Water Usage Rates - Second Reading (Motion to Approve Bylaw Amendment 24-910 - Majority Roll Call Vote)
h. By-Law Amendment 24-911: Chapter 82, Municipal Service Fees Bylaw to Amend the Code of the Town of Franklin at Chapter 82, Curbside Trash Fee - Second Reading (Motion to Approve Bylaw Amendment 24-911 - Majority Roll Call Vote)
i. By-Law Amendment 24-912: Chapter 82, Municipal Service Fees Bylaw to Amend the Code of the Town of Franklin at Chapter 82, Stormwater Service Charge - Second Reading  (Motion to Approve Bylaw Amendment 24-912 - Majority Roll Call Vote)
j. Resolution 24-43: Appropriation Transfers FY24  (Motion to Approve Resolution 24-43 - Majority Vote)
k. Bylaw Amendment 24-909: Chapter 139, Sewers (Grease Traps) - Second Reading (Motion to Approve Bylaw Amendment 24-909 - Majority Roll Call Vote)
l. Resolution 24-40: Acceptance of Gifts - Senior Center ($120) (Motion to Approve Resolution 24-40 - Majority Vote)

a. Pavement Management Plan
b. Town Finance Office Appointments
a. Capital Budget Subcommittee
b. Economic Development Subcommittee
c. Budget Subcommittee
d. Master Plan Committee
e. Davis-Thayer Reuse Advisory Committee
f. Police Station Building Committee
g. GATRA Advisory Board


14. EXECUTIVE SESSION - None Scheduled


Note: Two-Thirds Vote: requires 6 votes
Majority Vote: requires majority of members present and voting

Town of Franklin: Town Council - Meeting Agenda for June 26, 2024
Town of Franklin: Town Council - Meeting Agenda for June 26, 2024

Monday, June 17, 2024

Voices of Franklin: The Lenzi's argument against the BJ's liquor license request


This is regarding the liquor license upgrade request and hearing on June 26th 2024.


Franklin Liquors, located at 333 East Central St, has been family owned since 1978.  Mark and Mike Lenzi are the owners, full time employees, and lifelong Franklin residents. 


In the past we fought Table & Vine (Big Y) in getting a liquor license.  At that time, it was the Town's decision that Big Y just keep beer and wine and liquor was not needed.  We would like the Town to also deny BJ’s from expanding to an all Liquor license.  

BJ’s Request

Please consider the points we make in this letter to you.  
BJ’s will tell you they want an upgrade to a full liquor license, as their customers are asking for it.  In our opinion, this request is because they can’t compete without it.  You may recall the Council received a request from Dacey’s Market to also upgrade to a full liquor license. That liquor license was approved and since sold.  The market is changing; if Franklin Liquors cannot object to a license on grounds of competition, how can BJ’s be approved for saying they can’t compete without it? 

Franklin Is Already Unique

How you ask?  
We have 4 “box” stores, Shaws, Big Y, Stop Shop, and BJ’s.  Three of the four already have beer and wine.  Please look at all the towns around us.  NONE have even had beer and wine and only Trader Joes in Foxboro has liquor.  Bellingham, Norfolk, Medway, Millis, Wrentham, Milford, Foxboro, Walpole have no big box stores with beer and wine. We are already very unique in allowing box stores to sell beer and wine.

Exposure and control of alcohol

This liquor license request to BJ’s would cause control and exposure issues.  You may ask, why does this matter?  
For that you must think of the safety of the community. People that don’t drink, those affected by alcoholism, and those who don’t want to expose their children to alcohol don’t need to and won’t go into a liquor store such as Franklin Liquors.  Those same people must go into a box store to purchase essential daily supplies. This will increase exposure. Please also think about workers in these stores- many underage employees will now be exposed significantly more.  Look for yourself how the box stores display and stock products all around the store and in uncontrolled areas.

The town CAN say no
BJ’s currently sells beer and wine, so this will not prevent the sale of alcohol at the store.  You will prevent them from increasing exposure by not allowing a full alcohol license.  As a corporation they also have the option to pursue this request in many of their other stores in Massachusetts: this isn’t their only store to expand in.  Here are some resources for you to see other towns who have denied supermarkets, and BJ’s in the past.

Recent Articles Towns That Rejected BJ’s

BJ's Wholesale denied expansion of beer, wine displays
Mickelson was displeased with the fact that beer and wine was being displayed throughout the store without the board's approval, but Richard said those displays had been there since the license was first approved and were taken down immediately after police warned the store.

Other Box Store Denials

As selectboard airs concerns about Big Y, Price Chopper liquor license denied

Articles on Exposure

Consumer alcohol exposure in supermarkets: legislatively adherent, but a societal problem
“Alcohol misuse is a well-known public health problem. Supermarkets provide relatively easy access to alcohol for consumers; this is linked to an increase in alcohol misuse”

Children's exposure to alcohol marketing within supermarkets: An objective analysis using GPS technology and wearable cameras
“One mechanism by which on-site alcohol marketing influences child non-drinkers to consume alcohol is by its conflation with everyday consumer goods sold at supermarkets,”

Effects of Alcohol Advertising Exposure on Drinking Among Youth
“Youth who saw more alcohol advertisements on average drank more”

Young people and under-age exposure
“Further, alcohol was found to be located near staple foods such as bread and milk, reinforcing the perception of alcohol as just another ordinary food stuff.”

Call to ban alcohol in supermarkets after cameras reveal over-exposure to children
“The over-exposure of alcohol to children put it on par with everyday products such as bread and milk, causing children to drink alcohol earlier in their life”
Note: This study also noticed by the Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs

The relationship between exposure to alcohol advertising in stores, owning alcohol promotional items, and adolescent alcohol use
“This study provides clear evidence of an association of adolescent drinking with weekly exposure to alcohol advertising in stores and with ownership of alcohol promotional items. Given their potential influence on adolescent drinking behavior, retail ads, and promotional items for alcohol deserve further study.”

Alcohol exposure in NZ supermarkets 'like advertising candy' to children, researcher says
“Children grow up seeing it offered every Friday, every Saturday, samples being given to adults," 

"Don’t market to youth”
Alcohol products should not be displayed in an area that contains products likely to be purchased by youth, such as sodas, snack foods or energy drinks — especially since some alcohol products can look like non-alcoholic drinks. Don’t display youth-oriented advertising for alcohol products in your store. Free product sampling may be inappropriate if youth are permitted in the store. Don’t advertise alcohol products in college or high school publications, or outdoors near schools or playgrounds."

Note On Exposure
Many town residents and councilors have made comments about alcohol miniatures (nips) on our streets.  That is an example of overexposure to our community through the form of trash and waste. People are already being inundated with the sight of alcohol in their daily lives. Take a walk into Shaws, BJ’s, or Table & Vine (Big Y) - seeing alcohol line the shelves in a big box is even greater exposure to the community, and our youth, who have no choice to avoid these stores, either for work or purchasing supplies.


Franklin Liquors would like the Town Council to consider denying this liquor request based on:
Great Exposure and Limited Control of Alcohol
Franklin Unique Box Store Licenses
The Use of Can’t Compete Requests
Other Towns Having Denied OR Regretted These Requests
BJ’s Already Has Beer/Wine-Not Preventing them from selling alcohol
Franklin Already Has Alcohol Exposure In 3 of 4 Big Box Stores- IF you approve the other 2 box stores will want upgrade to full liquor
Support of the growing “shop small” movement in Franklin
Thank you for your time in reviewing these details.  We hope you think of all the information provided and choose to deny this request.  

We would love to talk and discuss if you have questions. 

Mark And Mike Lenzi
Franklin Liquors
Vintage 1978

If you missed the public hearing notice for the transfer of the license to BJ's you can find it here ->

If you have something to say, you can find the guidelines here

Voices of Franklin: The Lenzi's argument against the BJ's liquor license request
Voices of Franklin: The Lenzi's argument against the BJ's liquor license request

Friday, June 14, 2024

Town of Franklin: Notice of Public Hearing - Transfer & Change of Location for 2 Licenses - June 26, 2024

The two public hearing are scheduled for the June 26, 2024 Town Council meeting.

I did stop by to check in with Ann Williams, Pour Richard's owner to find out the story. Due to life changes, she will be selling her business, and swapping licenses with BJ's. The new owner of Pour Richard's will have the license BJ's currently operates with (beer & wine). BJ's will end up with the current Pour Richard's license (all alcohol).


Transfer and Change of Location of a Section 15 All Alcoholic Beverages Package Store License From NDO Enterprises, Inc. d/b/a Pour Richard’s Wine & Spirits
to Mormax Corporation d/b/a BJ’s Wholesale Club

The Franklin Town Council will hold a Public Hearing on an application by Mormax Corporation d/b/a BJ’s Wholesale Club, located at 100 Corporate Drive, Franklin, MA for a transfer to it of a Section 15 All Alcoholic Beverages Package Store License presently held by NDO Enterprises, Inc. d/b/a Pour Richard’s Wine & Spirits and exercised by it at its place of business located at 835 West Central Street, Suite 2, and a relocation of said license to Mormax Corporation Inc. d/b/a BJ’s Wholesale Club’s place of business located at said 100 Corporate Drive.

This hearing will take place during the Town Council’s public meeting on June 26, 2024 beginning at 7:00 PM and will provide an opportunity for public input. Location: Municipal Building, 2nd floor Council Chambers, 355 E. Central St., Franklin and will also be available via the “ZOOM” platform. Residents can visit the Town website ( calendar on and after June 21, 2024 for updated meeting information. For questions, please call the Town Administrator’s Office at (508) 520-4949.

Submitted by,
Julie McCann
Transfer and Change of Location and Pledge of Collateral of a Section 15 Wine and Malt Beverages Package Store License From Mormax Corporation d/b/a BJ’s Wholesale Club to Rye's Wine Incorporated d/b/a Pour Richard’s Wine & Provisions

The Franklin Town Council will hold a Public Hearing on an application by Rye's Wine Incorporated d/b/a Pour Richard’s Wine & Provisions, a duly organized Massachusetts corporation with a principal place of business at 25 King Street, Wilmington, MA 01887, for a transfer to it of a Section 15 Wine &Malt Beverages Package Store License, presently held by Mormax Corporation d/b/a BJ’s Wholesale Club and exercised by it at its place of business located at 100 Corporate Drive, Franklin, MA 02038,and a relocation of said license to Rye's Wine Incorporated d/b/a Pour Richard’s Wine & Provisions’ place of business located at said 835 West Central Street, Suite 2, Franklin, MA 02038, and a Pledge of Collateral of said license.

This hearing will take place during the Town Council’s public meeting on June 26, 2024 beginning at 7:00 PM and will provide an opportunity for public input. Location: Municipal Building, 2nd floor Council Chambers, 355 E. Central St., Franklin and will also be available via the “ZOOM” platform. Residents can visit the Town website ( calendar on and after June 21, 2024 for updated meeting information. For questions, please call the Town Administrator’s Office at (508) 520-4949.

Submitted by,
Julie McCann
Notice of Public Hearing - Transfer & Change of Location for 2 Licenses - June 26, 2024
Notice of Public Hearing - Transfer & Change of Location for 2 Licenses - June 26, 2024