
Providing accurate and timely information about what matters in Franklin, MA since 2007. * Working in collaboration with Franklin TV and Radio (wfpr.fm) since October 2019 *
Did you know Earth Day is on April 22?
Did you also know that Franklin is deciding to celebrate Earth during the entire month of April? If not, now you do!
Come join us on April 4 for our Earth month kickoff with a COSMIC CELEBRATION to learn about the centennial solar eclipse, other celestial bodies, and how Earth kicks it with the stars. We'll be making box pinhole projectors to safely view the solar eclipse on April 8.
RSVP by March 28 to bgoodlander@franklinma.gov.
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Join us on April 4 for a Cosmic Pizza Party! |
Shared from -> https://www.franklinma.gov/conservation/news/join-us-april-4-cosmic-pizza-party
"Save the date!
We are holding our 3rd annual Art Around the World event on April 24th here at Franklin High School.
Check out the Franklin Matters website and hear from our club advisor, Ms. Edson, and our leadership team as we introduce our new selection of art activities from Colombia, Spain, Sudan, and Singapore (audio interview to be shared shortly)."
Talkin' TC Episode 1: Steve LaPlante
"Many in and around the TC community and wrestling world are well aware of the many accomplishments of Coach Steve LaPlante. His program is synonymous with success and excellence and for preparing student-athletes to win not only on the mat and classroom but in their lives long after the headgear is put away. In this episode, we will learn more about what makes Coach LaPlante tick and gain insight into his background and motivation."
Talkin' TC Episode 2: Dana Walsh
"We took the opportunity to sit down with first-year principal Ms. Dana Walsh to discuss her background, plans moving forward and general thoughts on leadership."
As construction continues within the Old West Central St area, a new detour will be in place. Anticipated to run from Monday March 11th through Friday March 15th, this primarily impacts local traffic on the dead end section of Old West Central St. Please see included details which clarify access. We appreciate the public's support and understanding and will continue to communicate as work progresses.
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New Detour for the Beaver Street Interceptor Construction for week of March 11 |
Please see our interactive map below for more details.
EMAIL: BSI-info@franklinma.gov
This site and map will be updated on a weekly basis to convey upcoming construction activities for the Beaver Street Interceptor (BSI) Construction project.
Interested in receiving email updates regarding the
Beaver Street Interceptor Rehabilitation/Replacement Project?
Please subscribe here (select Beaver Street Interceptor from the list).
a. Town Administration Memohttps://www.franklinma.gov/sites/g/files/vyhlif10036/f/uploads/joint_budget_subcommittee_memo_2.pdf
b. Committee Chargehttps://www.franklinma.gov/sites/g/files/vyhlif10036/f/uploads/joint_budget_subcommittee_memo_2.pdf
c. FY25 Revenue & Control Sheethttps://www.franklinma.gov/sites/g/files/vyhlif10036/f/uploads/fy25_control_sheet_budget_model.pdf
d. February 13, 2024 School Committee Budget Discussion Slideshowhttps://www.franklinma.gov/sites/g/files/vyhlif10036/f/uploads/feb_2024_school_committee_budget_update_0.pdf
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Joint Budget Subcommittee presentation doc available for review |
FM #1153 = This is the Franklin Matters radio show, number 1153 in the series.
This session shares the Town of Franklin (MA) Joint Budget Subcommittee meeting held on Wednesday, March 6, 2024. The meeting was conducted in the Council Chambers with a huge crowd and multiple folks tapped in via Zoom.
The Joint Budget Subcommittee is composed of the 4 members of the Town Council, 4 members of the Finance Committee and 3 members of the School Committee (to avoid a committee quorum for each of the respective bodies).
Chair - Tom Mercer, Brian Chandler, Cobi Frongillo, and Melanie Hamblen of the Town Council
George Conley, Natalie Riley, of the Finance Committee
David McNeill, Paul Griffith, and KP Sompally of the School Committee
Quick recap:
Town Administrator Jamie Hellen and School superintendent Lucas Gigiuere jointly presented the story of the town and school budgets as they initially create a 10.1 million deficit to be resolved
Next steps outlined as this is the start of the discussion and fine tuning of the budget
The show notes contain a link to the agenda, the Franklin TV meeting video, and to my notes.
The recording runs about 3 hours and 30 minutes, so let’s listen to the Joint Budget Subcommittee meeting of March 6, 2024. Audio link -> https://franklin-ma-matters.captivate.fm/episode/fm-1153-town-of-franklin-joint-budget-subcmte-mtg-03-06-24
Franklin TV video link -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D33RO5xYoUg
Meeting agenda -> https://www.franklinma.gov/sites/g/files/vyhlif10036/f/agendas/joint_budget_subcommittee_meeting_agenda_-_march_6_2024.pdf
Presentation document link -> https://www.franklinma.gov/sites/g/files/vyhlif10036/f/uploads/2024-03-06_fy25_budget_slides_jbsc.pdf
Photo album capturing the slides and meeting
My notes captured via Twitter and collected in one PDF https://drive.google.com/file/d/1m42hRAFdfM-OX-brLa6epXiuEktOEeWU/view?usp=drive_link
Additional info will be added to the FY 2025 budget page as the budget gets fined tuned over the next several weeks https://www.franklinma.gov/town-budget/webforms/fy-25-budget-materials
Joint Budget Subcommittee page -> https://www.franklinma.gov/joint-budget-subcommittee
We are now producing this in collaboration with Franklin.TV and Franklin Public Radio (wfpr.fm) or 102.9 on the Franklin area radio dial.
This podcast is my public service effort for Franklin but we can't do it alone. We can always use your help.
How can you help?
If you can use the information that you find here, please tell your friends and neighbors
If you don't like something here, please let me know
Through this feedback loop we can continue to make improvements. I thank you for listening.
For additional information, please visit Franklinmatters.org/ or www.franklin.news/
If you have questions or comments you can reach me directly at shersteve @ gmail dot com
The music for the intro and exit was provided by Michael Clark and the group "East of Shirley". The piece is titled "Ernesto, manana" c. Michael Clark & Tintype Tunes, 2008 and used with their permission.
I hope you enjoy!
You can also subscribe and listen to Franklin Matters audio on iTunes or your favorite podcast app; search in "podcasts" for "Franklin Matters"
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David Bayuk
The three main ways people look for jobs are by applying online, networking, and working with a recruiter. Most job seekers talk to a recruiter, apply, and then wait for an answer. But, is that best practice? Of course not--You can't simply give a recruiter your resume and expect them to find you a job you covet.
So, what are the best practices? Are all recruiters the same? What are the kinds of recruiters?
And how do you know a recruiter is really good?
Join us to learn the answers from David Bayuk, an experienced recruiter and career professional who has worked for multiple recruiting agencies.
Why you should attend: After networking, the next best strategy for landing a role is to work with a recruiter. If you want the recruiter to really help you, you should learn how to best help them help you. It is vital for you to present your best self, know your responsibilities, and understand the role of the recruiter.
1st & 3rd Fridays of the month: 10 am - Noon
7 Bishop Street, Framingham, MA 01702
At the headquarters for the South Middlesex Opportunity Council (SMOC)
David Bayuk has extensive experience working in the recruiting and placement industries. He has worked on both the company and client-facing sides for notable companies such as The Eliassen Group, Winter Wyman, Alexander Technology Group, and Experis. He is adept at business development, recruiting, employee training, and account management.
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Recruiter David Bayuk - next Friday (March-15) at Metrowest Networkers Group |
Friday, March 8
7:00pm Flowers for Algernon (ticketed event) (Franklin High School)
7:30pm Tarzan (ticketed event) (THE BLACK BOX)
Saturday, March 9
10:00am Franklin Historical Museum (always free)
10:00am Story of the Personalized Calendars (Franklin Historical Museum)
2:00pm Tarzan (ticketed event) (THE BLACK BOX)
2:00pm Voices United Annual Show (Hopedale, MA)
6:00pm `Cinema 80’ Feature Films "The Kid" (Franklin Historical Museum)
7:30pm Tarzan (ticketed event) (THE BLACK BOX)
8:00pm Matt Nakoa (Circle of Friends Coffeehouse)
Sunday, March 10 = Daylight Saving Time starts
9:00am Fallen Heroes: Marshall E. Rollins & John A. Schur (Franklin Veterans Walkway)
1:00pm Franklin Historical Museum (always free)
1:00pm Story of the Personalized Calendars (Franklin Historical Museum)
1:15pm Second Sunday Speaker (Franklin Historical Museum)
2:00pm Tarzan (ticketed event) (THE BLACK BOX)
Tuesday, March 12
7:00pm FBRTC Meeting ((Franklin TV Studio)
7:00pm Trivia Night (Raillery Public House)
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Franklin's Event Outlook: March 8, 2023 to March 14, 2024 |