"1st place for Varsity and 2nd place for JV today at the Wilmington Blizzard Bash
Thank you @whscheercats for hosting, we had a great time!"
Providing accurate and timely information about what matters in Franklin, MA since 2007. * Working in collaboration with Franklin TV and Radio (wfpr.fm) since October 2019 *
Monday, February 17, 2025
FHS cheerleaders take 1st for Varsity & JV on Saturday
Pantherbook: "Choosing electives at FHS"
By Omer Abdelwahab
"Many of you may feel uncertain as the time approaches to select your electives for next year. For underclassmen, the future might seem distant, while upperclassmen may be focused on challenging themselves with new opportunities. Regardless of where you stand, the decision can feel overwhelming. In this article, I break things down to help make the process a little easier, so that you can make an informed choice for your academic journey.
Photo via Allison Shelley/The Verbatim Agency for EDUimages
under CC BY-NC 2.0Firstly, while many already know this, there is an art requirement at FHS where you must take 2 semesters of an art class. While this can include many courses such as graphic design, ensembles, and 3D modeling there is one that seems to stick out in the crowd known to be a creative, dynamic, and engaging class filled with new material to learn: Video Production One and Two. This two-part course will take you on an adventure from behind the scenes of your favorite films to the cinematic acting that many are interested in."
Sunday, February 16, 2025
Voices of Franklin: Asks why we are telling students that "they are far less important than the bottom line?"
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Voices of Franklin: Asks why we are telling students that "they are far less important than the bottom line?" |
Franklin High School lunch featured Local Grass Fed Beef (video)
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FHS lunch featured Local Grass Fed Beef (video) |
To watch the video on how it was made click: https://youtube.com/shorts/mSBJpYmXV0k?feature=share
Franklin High School featured Local Grass Fed Beef from Weatherlow Farms in Westport, MA served with Bok Choy and Fried Rice !
We used the top round cut to make our scratch made - 17 hour - Beef and Broccoli for lunch today!
The All Night Party for the Class of 2025 will be held, volunteers needed to help!
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The All Night Party for the Class of 2025 will be held |
Friday, February 14, 2025
Voices of Franklin: The impact of school budget cuts
My name is Katherine Kellett, and I am an English Teacher at Franklin High School.
Thank you, Superintendent Giguere and School Committee Chair Callaghan for giving educators the opportunity to share our thoughts and perspectives tonight. We especially appreciate the opportunity to speak early in the evening so that we don’t have to stay up too much past our bedtimes.
We are here tonight to talk to you and to the Franklin community about the impact of the budget cuts on educators and students over the past year. As educators, we come to this profession with a passion for helping students become the best versions of themselves. We want them to reach their potential and become thoughtful, productive, caring citizens of this world. We celebrate their successes with them, and we pick them up when they are in crisis.
However, the strain on resources in this community has affected our ability to educate in the fullest way we can. Over the last two years, we have lost over 50 educators, 20 of whom were given pink slips last week due to the reorganization. Let me give you an example from my experience.
In the English department at the high school, we have lost three teachers over the last two years. Their students have been distributed to the remaining English teachers, creating larger class sizes. I have four AP English Language sections this year, each with 25-26 students. This class size is up from 18-21 students last year. I have had to reduce the number of timed essays I assign because of the physical limitation on how much I can grade (and I am a fast grader!).
Moreover, we have been told that without a significant reduction of paper usage, teachers may face a white paper freeze in the coming months. I teach a diverse group of students, many of whom struggle with impulse control, so to rely solely on screens and technology to deliver my instruction would mean that I am not meeting the needs of all students, a charge from the state that I take very seriously.
Educating students is the most important–I would dare say sacred–responsibility that a community has. To do that, educators and students need adequate resources. The Town of Franklin must choose to fund schools adequately in order to maintain the standard of excellence that I and my colleagues hold dear. Franklin must prioritize student-facing positions above all else–that means teachers, counselors, speech and occupational therapists, psychologists, and nurses–as well as the physical resources–yes, including paper–that they need to succeed and reach their full potential.
I stand here tonight with many colleagues, who are eager to share their personal stories. Thank you again for your willingness to hear our voices as the town works to construct a budget for next year
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Voices of Franklin: The impact of school budget cuts |
Tuesday, February 4, 2025
Congressman Auchincloss extends invitation for an Update and Q&A on Feb 8 in Franklin
Sunday, February 2, 2025
FHS Theatre Company holding clothing drive as a fund raiser thru Feb 13
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FHS Theatre Company holding clothing drive |
via the FHS Theatre Company
Hello everyone!
As a way to support our costuming department and future fundraising efforts, FHSTC is doing a clothing drive! Bring in any old clothing you may have to help support FHSTC!All the details for this clothing drive are in the poster above. Please consider checking it out and supporting us!
Thursday, January 30, 2025
What's happening in Franklin, MA: Thursday, January 30, 2025 ???
- Fiber Art Installation (Franklin Public Library)
- Last days to buy Music Booster calendar raffle for February
- Fudge Fund Raiser for Friends of Franklin Library
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What's happening today in Franklin? |
The School district calendar is found https://franklinpublicschooldistrictma.sites.thrillshare.com/o/fpsd/page/school-calendars
Franklin High School Celebrates Student Success
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DECA Chapter |
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Birchwood Bakery & Kitchen |
Wednesday, January 29, 2025
What's happening in Franklin, MA: Wednesday, January 29, 2025 ???
- Fiber Art Installation (Franklin Public Library)
- Last days to buy Music Booster calendar raffle for February
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What's happening today in Franklin? |
The School district calendar is found https://franklinpublicschooldistrictma.sites.thrillshare.com/o/fpsd/page/school-calendars
Tuesday, January 28, 2025
Congressman Auchincloss schedules a congressional update and Q&A at Franklin High School Feb 8
Via Congressman Auchincloss
"Congressman Jake Auchincloss (MA-04) is hosting a congressional update and Q&A in Franklin, MA. This is an opportunity for constituents to raise questions, hear updates on what Congressman Auchincloss is doing to represent the district's values and advance its priorities, and receive assistance with casework.This event is free and open to the public. Doors open at 12:00 pm.If you have questions, please call Congressman Auchincloss’ Newton office at (617) 332-3333 or the Attleboro office at (508) 431-1110.
To learn more about Congressman Jake Auchincloss, visit https://auchincloss.house.gov or connect with him on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or YouTube.
Friday, January 24, 2025
Reminder to complete All Night Party Survey today
Dear FHS Families, and Class of 2025 Students,
We are writing today to let you know that as of this time, there will NOT be an All Night Party (ANP) for the Senior Class after their Graduation on June 6th. Unfortunately, the long-time chairperson of this event needed to step down and there is not an existing committee or volunteer base to take over.
It is important to point out that the All Night Party is not an event affiliated with or provided by the Franklin School District or the FHS PCC - it is a community event planned and executed independently by parents, families, and community volunteers.
We are sharing this information with you today to get everyone thinking about what the future of the ANP should/could look like and how the Class of 2025 would like to move forward. With that goal in mind, we would like to begin by gauging overall interest in the ANP from both the senior students, and all FHS families. Additionally, we need to know if there is in fact a group of parents and community members that is willing to step up immediately to begin the work.
It is extremely important for everyone to understand that unless there are parents, and community members willing to not only volunteer a couple of hours of time, but to plan and execute the entire event, the All Night Party WILL NOT TAKE PLACE in June.
SENIOR STUDENTS ONLY - Please take just a minute to complete this quick ANP Student Survey (linked below) regarding your feelings toward an All Night Party after Graduation. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdngPpus2j-Td5F_pUuP91784F2Wp7OsGZaRlf6CZkqF9ko5A/viewform
ALL FHS PARENTS/GUARDIANS and COMMUNITY MEMBERS - Please complete this short ANP Parent & Community Survey (linked below) about your wishes for the continuation of the ANP as well as your ability to volunteer. You do not have to have a senior at FHS to volunteer.https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe6WfDhykupbGrT9k5MlqaV1IFx87brCQQ04eS28yL8LJezQA/viewform
Thank you for your time and quick response.
The Class of 2025 Advisors and FHS PCC