Showing posts with label #arts happen here. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #arts happen here. Show all posts

Friday, February 14, 2025

What's happening in Franklin, MA: Friday, February 14, 2025 ???

Friday, February 14 = Valentine's Day

10:00am Knitting Group (Franklin Public Library)
1:00pm Library Book Sale (Franklin Public Library)
1:00pm Thrifty Threads (Franklin Federated Church)
4:15pm Valentine's Day dining (La Cantina Winery)
6:00pm Love Story (movie) (free) (Franklin Historical Museum)
8:45pm Cupid's Cocktail Lounge - with Good Thomas (live music) (3 Restaurant)

**  NO   Town Meetings today   **


Why are there multiple calendars?
What's happening today in Franklin?
What's happening today in Franklin? 
Respectfully, the Library and Senior Center calendars are too full of events to include all their events so we tend to focus on the major events. Town and School meetings are also kept separate. Links for all the calendars are shared here:

Find the full Community event calendar

If you have an event to add to the calendar, you can use the form to submit it for publication:

The Library calendar of events ->    calendar link
The Senior Center calendar of events ->

Thursday, February 13, 2025

What's happening in Franklin, MA: Thursday, February 13, 2025 ???

Thursday, February 13

2:30pm FHS Theatre Company clothing drive - drop off (Franklin High School) 
4:30pm Valentine Craft (Grade K -5) (Franklin High School)
5pm Board Game Night (Pete's Nerd Emporium)
5:30pm Teen Chocolate Around the World Tasting (Franklin Public Library)
6pm Country Line Dancing (Lifelong Learning Class starts) (JF Kennedy Elementary school)
6pm Valentine Craft (Grades 6-8) (Franklin High School)
6:30pm Galentine's Day (Pour Richard's Wine & Provisions)
7pm Franklin Cultural District Committee (Franklin Historical Museum)
7pm Galentine's Charcuterie Party! (La Cantina Winery)
7pm Karaoke (La Cantina Winery)

**   Town Meetings today   **

Municipal Affordable Housing Trust Meetings            2:00 PM 

Cultural District Committee Meeting            7:00 PM

No agenda at this time

Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) Meeting (No meeting scheduled)    7:30 PM 


Why are there multiple calendars?
What's happening today in Franklin?
What's happening today in Franklin? 
Respectfully, the Library and Senior Center calendars are too full of events to include all their events so we tend to focus on the major events. Town and School meetings are also kept separate. Links for all the calendars are shared here:

Find the full Community event calendar

If you have an event to add to the calendar, you can use the form to submit it for publication:

The Library calendar of events ->    calendar link
The Senior Center calendar of events ->

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

What's happening in Franklin, MA: Wednesday, February 12, 2025 ???

Wednesday, February 12

1pm Writer's Group (Franklin Senior Center}
6pm 6th Grade All Town Concert (Franklin High School)
7pm Joint Budget Subcommittee FY26 Budget Update Listening Session (Remington/Jefferson cafetorium)

**   Town Meetings today   **

7:00pm Joint Budget Subcommittee Meeting 


Why are there multiple calendars?
What's happening today in Franklin?
What's happening today in Franklin? 
Respectfully, the Library and Senior Center calendars are too full of events to include all their events so we tend to focus on the major events. Town and School meetings are also kept separate. Links for all the calendars are shared here:

Find the full Community event calendar

If you have an event to add to the calendar, you can use the form to submit it for publication:

The Library calendar of events ->    calendar link
The Senior Center calendar of events ->

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

What's happening in Franklin, MA: Tuesday, February 11, 2025 ???

Tuesday, February 11

1:00pm The Underground Railroad (Franklin Senior Center)
6:00pm Family Game Night (Franklin Public Library)
7:00pm Musical Bingo (Raillery Public House)
7:00pm FBRTC Rail Trail Cmte Mtg (Franklin TV and Radio Studio)

**   Town Meetings today   **

6:00 PM Franklin School Committee Policy Subcommittee Meeting 

7:00 PM Design Review Meeting     

7:00 PM Franklin School Committee Meeting     


Why are there multiple calendars?
What's happening today in Franklin?
What's happening today in Franklin? 
Respectfully, the Library and Senior Center calendars are too full of events to include all their events so we tend to focus on the major events. Town and School meetings are also kept separate. Links for all the calendars are shared here:

Find the full Community event calendar

If you have an event to add to the calendar, you can use the form to submit it for publication:

The Library calendar of events ->    calendar link
The Senior Center calendar of events ->

Monday, February 10, 2025

What's happening in Franklin, MA: Monday, February 10, 2025 ???

Monday, February 10

support the FHS Class of 2025 with their popcorn fund raiser(last day today)
support the FHS Class of 2028 by eating at Panera on Feb 10

1:00pm The Poop Museum (Franklin Public Library)

**   Town Meetings today   **

Planning Board Meeting         7:00 PM 


Why are there multiple calendars?
What's happening today in Franklin?
What's happening today in Franklin? 
Respectfully, the Library and Senior Center calendars are too full of events to include all their events so we tend to focus on the major events. Town and School meetings are also kept separate. Links for all the calendars are shared here:

Find the full Community event calendar

If you have an event to add to the calendar, you can use the form to submit it for publication:

The Library calendar of events ->    calendar link
The Senior Center calendar of events ->

Sunday, February 9, 2025

What's happening in Franklin, MA: Sunday, February 9, 2025 ???

Sunday, February 9
11:00am Sunday Brunch (Teddy Gallagher's Irish Pub)
1:00pm CLOSED - (due to the weather) Franklin Historical Museum (always free)
1:15pm CANCELED - 2nd Sunday Speaker (Franklin Historical Museum) (to be rescheduled)
4:00pm Franklin Distinguished Young Women - Info Session (90 Hayward St)
**   NO  Town Meetings today   **


Why are there multiple calendars?
What's happening today in Franklin?
What's happening today in Franklin? 
Respectfully, the Library and Senior Center calendars are too full of events to include all their events so we tend to focus on the major events. Town and School meetings are also kept separate. Links for all the calendars are shared here:

Find the full Community event calendar

If you have an event to add to the calendar, you can use the form to submit it for publication:

The Library calendar of events ->    calendar link
The Senior Center calendar of events ->

Saturday, February 8, 2025

What's happening in Franklin, MA: Saturday, February 8, 2025 ???

Saturday, February 8
9:00am Women's Faith Formation (St. Mary's Parish)
:00am Winter Farmers Market (Fairmount Fruit Farm)
:00am Franklin Historical Museum (always free)
:00am Lunar New Year Celebration! (Franklin Public Library)
10:30am 6th Annual Valentine’s Brunch (Central Park Terrace)
:00pm Monday Night Jazz Band EE Regional (Endicott College)
:00pm Galentine's Candle Party (ticketed event) (Greco Design)
6:30pm Galentines Night Out, Annual Fundraiser (ticketed event) (Fiori and Fern)
:00pm FREE Community Concert - The Padula Trio (Franklin United Methodist Church)
7:30pm Tracy Grammer & Jim Henry (live music) (Circle of friends Coffeehouse)
:00pm Karaoke Night (Raillery Public House)
**   NO  Town Meetings today   **


Why are there multiple calendars?
What's happening today in Franklin?
What's happening today in Franklin? 
Respectfully, the Library and Senior Center calendars are too full of events to include all their events so we tend to focus on the major events. Town and School meetings are also kept separate. Links for all the calendars are shared here:

Find the full Community event calendar

If you have an event to add to the calendar, you can use the form to submit it for publication:

The Library calendar of events ->    calendar link
The Senior Center calendar of events ->

Friday, February 7, 2025

What's happening in Franklin, MA: Friday, February 7, 2025 ???

Friday, February 7

10:00am Knitting Group (Franklin Public Library)
1:00pm Thrifty Threads (Franklin Federated Church)
6:30pm Jamie Barrett (live music) (Bog Iron Brewing, Norton)
7:00pm Friday night West Coast Swing Lesson (Franklin Elks Lodge #2136)
8:00pm Friday night West Coast Swing Dance (Franklin Elks Lodge #2136)
9:00pm Gilmartin Bros (live music) (3 Restaurant)

**   NO  Town Meetings today   **


Why are there multiple calendars?
What's happening today in Franklin?
What's happening today in Franklin? 
Respectfully, the Library and Senior Center calendars are too full of events to include all their events so we tend to focus on the major events. Town and School meetings are also kept separate. Links for all the calendars are shared here:

Find the full Community event calendar

If you have an event to add to the calendar, you can use the form to submit it for publication:

The Library calendar of events ->    calendar link
The Senior Center calendar of events ->