Dear Town of Franklin Planning Board members,
I am writing to you on behalf of the Summer Street residents regarding the proposed senior living development that Bruce Hunchard of 496 Summer Street, Franklin is applying to build.
Seven years ago, the Summer Street Residents fought hard to prevent Bruce Hunchard from re-zoning his 11.85 acres so he could build cluster homes just like the ones built on the Franklin Country Club driving range. He lost due to an overwhelming objection of the residents on his street, not to mention a gentleman from town standing up and addressing the members that he thinks re-zoning parcels is a great idea, because I have 5 acres next to you, you and you and I think I will re-zone all of these parcels. Well, what do you know, this project immediately failed.
Now, seven years later the applicant wants to build a senior development which I believe due to a certain by-law amendment (01-461) adopted by the town this could be possible without the rezoning.
Hunchard is calling this a senior development. Condominiums that will be 2- and 3-bedrooms, with a full basement and a two-car garage that will sell for $850,000 -$900,000 dollars quoted to me by the builder. REALLY!!!! Does this sound like a development for anyone 55 and older that has this kind of money. In other words, cluster homes for the wealthy seniors, not seniors that are in need of affordable senior living.
The project could net close to $45 million dollars or more. I find it interesting that a few of the town council members told me that there is a high demand for senior living because they can no longer afford to live in their single-family homes. Well, how on earth will they be able to afford these new homes. They won't!!! This is preposterous. Not to mention Bruce Hunchard is the chairperson of the zoning board committee. This is a total conflict of interest!!!!!!!
We understand that Stobbart Nurseries will soon be building 265 units with low-income housing available. This would be a perfect spot to have a building designated to senior living so close to town. I also know of a great location in the town of Franklin that would be perfect for senior living with no abutters to protest which is available and for sale.
To make matters worse, this proposed development abuts many, many acres of Franklin Town Forest. This entire development is located on a very, very steep slope that goes down into Uncas Brook, which feeds Uncas Pond. The Summer Street Residents, as well as the Rod and Gun Club and Armenian Camp are extremely concerned that the Uncas Brook Watershed which contributes water to the wells and the pump house will be compromised after a majority of trees are removed, as well as this parcel of land having to be completely re-graded. This will make huge and unfavorable changes to the basic hydrology and siltation regardless of any measures that will be taken to prevent this from happening.
This land is zoned Rural Residential, it is NOT zoned for cluster homes or so-called senior living. It is out of control when town starts choosing rural residential locations for these types of homes. They need to stick with the properly zoned locations for this type of building. Why does Tim Jones who just recently purchased 488 Summer Street get to re-zone his property for this development?? As well as Bruce Hunchard re-zoning his home located at 496 Summer Street?
All of the Summer Street residents as well as the residents that live in the four developments off Summer Street respectively ask that this development not be passed at the April 8th meeting.
I would also like to mention that a rumor is circulating that I accepted a large sum of money from Bruce Hunchard not to protest this proposed development. This is very upsetting and could not be further from the truth.
We all also feel that a visit to the site in person would be helpful for all to see. You can call 508-542-1800 if you would like a tour of the site the weekend before the 4/8 meeting.
Thank you for your time, it is very much appreciated.
Sally French Winters and the Summer Street Residents of Franklin, MA.
Voices of Franklin: Letter to Planning Board on Autumn Hill Development |