Library Hours
The Library's hours are Monday through Thursday, 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Friday and Saturday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., and Sundays 1:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Franklin Public Library's 2024 Reading Challenge!
March: A Book Written by More Than One Author
Welcome to the Franklin Public Library's first Annual Reading Challenge! For each monthly prompt that you complete and submit on time you will receive a Free Book Coupon that's good at the library's Book Sale. Submissions MUST be submitted by the last day of each month in order to qualify for that month's Free Book Coupon. If you complete all 12 months (again, submissions must be received on time to qualify) you will be entered in to win one of multiple grand prizes! For complete details and to sign-up, visit our website! Grand prizes made possible by the Friends of the Franklin Library!
Good Deeds: History Comes Alive - Franklin Public Library
Norfolk County Register of Deeds William P. O'Donnell, in collaboration with Quincy Access Television, embarked on a project to create videos that feature historic area landmarks, with the aim of showcasing historic buildings and places from each town in Norfolk County. This month's featured landmark is...the Franklin Public Library! Click HERE to watch the video.
Consumer Reports - just a click a way!
Are you thinking about buying new household appliances because the old ones are making scary noises? You may need Consumer Reports! Franklin residents have home access to all of the valuable content on the Consumer Reports Database. This library subscription offers 1,000+ ratings, reviews, expert buying advice, product comparisons, consumer user reviews, and even "price & shop" links to major retailers. Grab your Minuteman Library card and head over to the alphabetically list of free library databases!
The Massachusetts Legal Forms Library
Official, Massachusetts Specific, Federal, Business, Personal, Real Estate and General forms covering hundreds of legal subjects and issues, all downloadable in Microsoft Word and ready to be personalized. Home access available with your Minuteman card. Find it on the list of free online library databases
Museum Passes
Now is a great time to reserve passes to the area's most popular museums, aquariums, and more! Passes are available to be reserved up to thirty days in advance.
Franklin Library Book Sale
Friday, March 15th, 1:00-5:00 p.m. Saturday March 16th, 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 Noon
All books are just one dollar!
Bag Sale - $5 A Bag—Saturday, March 16th, from 1:00-4:00 p.m.
Come fill a brown bag with all the books you can!
Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program
In our second year of providing free tax preparation assistance through the VITA IRS program the Franklin Public Library is looking for volunteers! While tax season started in February; planning, training, and scheduling can begin today! To sign up or to find more information please email Site Coordinator Mitzi Gousie at!
Franklin Library ESL & Adult Literacy Program
Volunteer tutors needed! To volunteer please be at least 18 years old, have a High School diploma, & speak English clearly. No prior teaching experience needed! Volunteer tutors and students do not need to be Franklin residents. If interested, please fill out the registration form on the library's website.
Valentine's Day Fudge Sale: THANK YOU for your support! A big thank you to those who ordered fudge as part of the Friends' 2024 Valentine's Day Fudge Sale. We hope you enjoyed your fudge, and we thank you for your support of the Friends!
Limited Copies of Franklin Library Association Book Available. Do you or someone you know love reading about local history? If so, we have the perfect book for you: The Franklin Library Association: Building the Future of the Nation's First Public Library 1858-2022. The book tells the story of the Franklin Library Association which managed and funded the Franklin Public Library for more than a century. Copies of this book are available now with a donation to Friends of the Franklin Library. Interested in a copy? Reach out to us at
Be A Friend! Friends of the Franklin Library is an all-volunteer, nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting and promoting the Franklin Public Library's collections and programs. We welcome new ideas and new Friends as we grow our organization. Please join us on Wednesday, March 6 at 7:00pm in the Friends of the Franklin Library Community Room to Learn more about becoming a Friend!