31 December 2021
A map of the affected areas will be posted at the end of the day 1 |
A map of the affected areas will be posted at the end of the day 2 |
Providing accurate and timely information about what matters in Franklin, MA since 2007. * Working in collaboration with Franklin TV and Radio (wfpr.fm) since October 2019 *
31 December 2021
A map of the affected areas will be posted at the end of the day 1 |
A map of the affected areas will be posted at the end of the day 2 |
The Cultural calendar displays only the cultural events https://www.franklinculture.org/things-do/pages/calendar
Find the full calendar https://www.franklinmatters.org/p/blog-page.html
If you have an event to add to the calendar, you can use the form to submit it for publication: https://forms.gle/oPdi8X3ZbHHyrHzo6
May this be the dayWe come together.Mourning, we come to mend,Withered, we come to weather,Torn, we come to tend,Battered, we come to better.Tethered by this year of yearning,We are learningThat though we weren't ready for this,We have been readied by it.Steadily we vow that no matterHow we are weighed down,We must always pave a way forward.This hope is our door, our portal.Even if we never get back to normal,Someday we can venture beyond it,To leave the known and take the first steps.So let us not return to what was normal,But reach toward what is next.What was cursed, we will cure.What was plagued, we will prove pure.Where we tend to argue, we will try to agree,Those fortunes we forswore, now the future we foresee,Where we weren't aware, we're now awake;Those moments we missedAre now these moments we make,The moments we meet,And our hearts, once all together beaten,Now all together beat.Come, look up with kindness yet,For even solace can be sourced from sorrow.We remember, not just for the sake of yesterday,But to take on tomorrow.We heed this old spirit,In a new day's lyric,In our hearts, we hear it:For auld lang syne, my dear,For auld lang syne.Be bold, sang Time this year,Be bold, sang Time,For when you honor yesterday,Tomorrow ye will find.Know what we've foughtNeed not be forgot nor for none.It defines us, binds us as one,Come over, join this day just begun.For wherever we come together,We will forever overcome.
Via HockomockSports.com and Twitter, we share the results of the FHS winter sports action on Thursday:
Spectacular win over Ashland 58-24.Pins by Carlucci, O’Leary, Owen, Fracassa, Dillon, and Sheridan.
** This had been scheduled for 5:30 - 6:30 PM at the Franklin Senior Center. The notice of the resumption doesn't share the time so when you call the Veterans 'Services Office you can confirm.
TUNE IT OUT Guitar Classes Resume on Tuesday, January 11, 2022 |
"The Department of Public Health released new town-by-town data for coronavirus cases and vaccinations on Thursday. It’s the latest set of such data showing how the virus has impacted individual communities throughout Massachusetts"
Franklin has outpaced the previous high of case counts with the latest data. Franklin is only 82% vaccinated so we have a way to go,
The Flourish data can be found here -> https://app.flourish.studio/visualisation/4817758/
The State map on positivity can be found here -> https://www.bostonglobe.com/2020/04/15/nation/massachusetts-confirmed-coronavirus-cases-by-city/
The State archive of COVID-19 data -> https://www.mass.gov/info-details/covid-19-response-reporting
8 percent positivity means masks will return to FHS for sometime |
Franklin set the wrong kind of record with the data this week |
Who won the contest? It finished with co-champions declared
"What a fantastic contest we had this year! 31 departments entered their gingerbread creations! We had some very close matches and it all came down to the last 2! I’d like to congratulate Walpole Police Department and Franklin Police Department on being the 2021 Gingerbread contest Co-Champions!
We had to get a little bit creative this year with the winners. It was so close, right down to the last hours when both Walpole and Franklin had some votes come in that were not actual individual votes, but seemed to be some sort of fake votes (no fault of either department at all). So, to keep the purpose and spirit of the competition alive, both departments are this year’s champs!!! We can’t allow a little something like this ruin the fun we’ve had and the hard work put in from all participating departments and all of the folks that followed and supported their departments throughout the competition!
We were able to raise $1,500 toward a cause to be chosen on Saturday, January 1st! Along with the additional awards decided by me! Have a happy and safe New Year everyone and thank you so much for participating and for your generosity!"
Shared from Facebook -> https://www.facebook.com/shelovespolice/posts/936223143702036
FM #686 = This is the Franklin Matters radio show, number 686 in the series.
This shares my conversation with Frank Falvey, of Frank Presents, a long time Franklin resident and cable show host. This is the first of a series on the Town Charter, the process to change it, and some of the possible revisions that Frank and I discuss. We start our discussion by painting the picture of the development of cable and radio broadcasting in Franklin and our individual show expansion.
Links to the current Town charter (modified in 2013) and the charter report for 1995 (prior changes) are included in the show notes.
The recording runs about 34 minutes: Let’s listen to this recording of Frank and I talk about the charter. Audio file => https://franklin-ma-matters.captivate.fm/episode/fm-686-charter-discussion-with-frank-falvey-p1
Feedback via email -> info@franklin.tv
Current Town Charter -> https://www.franklinma.gov/sites/g/files/vyhlif6896/f/uploads/revised_2013_1.pdf
Charter Commission Report - 1995
MA General Law Chapter 34 https://malegislature.gov/Laws/GeneralLaws/PartI/TitleVI/Chapter34A/Section4
Division of Local Services (DLS) - newsletter summarizing change change process https://www.mass.gov/doc/october4thpdf/download
We are now producing this in collaboration with Franklin.TV and Franklin Public Radio (wfpr.fm) or 102.9 on the Franklin area radio dial.
This podcast is my public service effort for Franklin but we can't do it alone. We can always use your help.
How can you help?
If you can use the information that you find here, please tell your friends and neighbors
If you don't like something here, please let me know
Through this feedback loop we can continue to make improvements. I thank you for listening.
For additional information, please visit Franklinmatters.org/ or www.franklin.news/
If you have questions or comments you can reach me directly at shersteve @ gmail dot com
The music for the intro and exit was provided by Michael Clark and the group "East of Shirley". The piece is titled "Ernesto, manana" c. Michael Clark & Tintype Tunes, 2008 and used with their permission.
I hope you enjoy!
You can also subscribe and listen to Franklin Matters audio on iTunes or your favorite podcast app; search in "podcasts" for "Franklin Matters"
Falvey and Sherlock in FHS for the first live broadcast on wfpr.fm Nov 2019 |
SAVE THE DATE! Join me for a virtual town hall on 1/24 to reflect on 2021 and share your priorities for 2022. This event will begin with a short briefing about my legislative work then open up for a Q+A with constituents.
Register here: https://t.co/i09yPdQgV4 #mapoli
Shared from: https://t.co/4HISVrLdl1 or https://twitter.com/BeccaRauschMA/status/1476247649577836547
Senator Becca Rausch: Virtual Town Hall - Jan 24, 2022 |
Via HockomockSports.com and Twitter, we share the results of the FHS winter sports action on Wednesday:
"The final competition is really really close. Anyway you could help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance! " https://t.co/3Zle1N7YjD
"Tri-County Regional Vocational Technical High School and Franklin Police Department need your help. It is neck and neck with the Walpole Police Department in the She Loves Police Gingerbread Competition.
Voting closes tomorrow (Thursday, 12/30/21) at 5pm.
Click on the picture below and like the picture. We need every vote! Let's win this thing! Share this with everyone!"
Library Hours
The Franklin Public Library will be closed on Saturday, January 1st for New Year's Day, and on Monday, January 17th for Martin Luther King Day. The Library's regular hours are Monday through Thursday, 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Friday and Saturday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., and Sunday 1:30-5:00 p.m.
Book Sale
Franklin Library Book Sale
Friday, January 14, 1:00-5:00 p.m. Saturday, January 15, 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 Noon.
All books are just one dollar!
Bag Sale - $5 A Bag—Saturday, January 15, from 1:00-4:00 p.m.
Come fill a brown bag with all the books you can!
Homework Help Program
The Franklin Public Library is now offering its free Homework Help program for grades 1-8. The program takes place Monday through Thursday, 3:00-5:00 p.m. Students will be assisted by either retired teachers or high school students. Application forms for both participants and volunteers are available at the Circulation Desk.
Featured Database: FamilySearch
FamilySearch • Free Family Trees and Genealogy Archives. FamilySearch.org is one of the most popular genealogical resources in the world. The site is sponsored by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and is free and available to the public. Search billions of digital images and indexes of records from all over the world. These records include government and church records for births, marriages, and deaths; censuses; probate records, land records, draft cards; etc. Millions of new records are published on a weekly basis. Franklin Public Library is a Familysearch.org Affiliate Library. When using Familtysearch.org from the library's computers, you will have access to 400,000,000 additional images, not available to you when using Familysearch.org at home.
One Book, One Community Winter 2022
The Franklin Public Library is having a Winter 2022 One Book, One Community program as a way to have the community come together through the reading and discussion of a common book. Beginning January 3rd, we'll be reading The 7 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle by Stuart Turton. Turton's book is a mixture of "Locked room mystery" (a la Agatha Christie), psychological thriller, romance, and...maybe...time travel? That's for you to find out!
Print copies of the book are available at the library, and it is also available through interlibrary loan. If you'd prefer a digital copy, it's available as both and ebook and audiobook through the Hoopla and Libby apps. Please visit our One Book, One Community webpage to learn more about author Stuart Turton, read the book discussion questions, and experience the online escape room challenge! The library will be hosting a discussion of the book on Tuesday, March 22nd at 7:00 p.m.
Rectifying a Regrettable Ray Oversight, by Alan Earls. Published in the Franklin Observer, December 22, 2021
It took much more than a century, but finally, the women benefactors who actually made the Ray Memorial Library a reality – sisters -- have gotten their due in the form of a handcrafted mahogany pedestal and a modern kiosk and slideshow recently installed facing the Main Street entrance.
Who were these remarkable philanthropists?
In the 19th century, the industrious Ray family rose to prominence in Franklin, building an empire of more than a dozen textile mills, a railroad, and later having a dominant position in the "street railways" (aka inter-urban trolley lines) that linked nearly every community in the region before the automobile came to rule the road.
The Ray men made themselves wealthy and brought widespread prosperity to Franklin and beyond. But it was Annie and Lydia, daughters of Joseph Gordon Ray and Emily Rockwood Ray, who brought a focus on culture to the town and invested their wealth in projects for the public – in particular the 1904 Ray Memorial Library, built for the town in honor of their parents. But their names – the movers and shakers who paid for the structure and established an endowment that kept it functioning at little cost to the town for nearly 80 year – were absent.
Some of that was a result of their own modesty. But the rest is pure historical neglect, particularly after the town took ownership of the library in the 1980s, changing it officially to the Franklin Public Library, though "Ray Memorial" is still the acknowledged name for the great granite landmark that is the distinguishing feature of the institution.
The cure, it turns out, came in part from another long-standing town institution--the Franklin Library Association (FLA), which dates back nearly 150 years. It was the private philanthropic corporation that long funded library operations for the town. Still disbursing funds, now focusing especially on preserving the library's key collections and artifacts, FLA member Nancy Rappa has long been bothered by how little library patrons and people in Franklin in general knew about Lydia and Annie. So, she proposed to do something about it, convincing her fellow FLA trustees to support an interpretive exhibit researched and authored by Reference Librarian Vicki Earls.
The final partner in the project was Rocco Cavallaro, a Franklin-based sign maker and a passionate worker of wood. With cues from Rappa and Earls, he laboriously crafted a pedestal of solid mahogany, even incorporating design motifs from the library and the Ray family crest. That was topped, literally, with a built-in screen with PowerPoint slides created by Earls that displays the story of the Ray sisters, finally making them an integral part of the library.
"I'm so thrilled that this if finally done," said Rappa. "It's long overdue," she added.
Weekly Events for Families!
Move Along! Mondays @ 10:30AM
This thirty minute program features music, movement, stories, and other interactive activities to encourage social skills and promote early literacy!
Idea Club! Mondays @4:00PM
Join us for a weekly storytime celebration of all the ways we are different and wonderful! We'll read, sing, play and learn about our diverse world and talk about how we can make it kinder and more inclusive!
Dungeons and Dragons Club for Kids! Mondays, 4:00-6:00PM (7+)
Kids are invited to join us for a weekly Dungeons and Dragons Club! The library will supply dice, rule books, and blank character sheets! (Dungeon Masters must be ages 10 and up) Email mgousie@minlib.net to sign up!
Animation Nation Anime Club! Mondays, 6:00-7:30PM (7+)
Your weekly dose of anime goodness at The Franklin Public Library! Come watch the latest releases and popular anime shows, ideal for ages 7+!
Cool Cruisers! Tuesdays @ 9:30AM
Babies who have graduated from tummy time and are scooting all over the place are welcome to this playgroup just for them! We recognize that fun age of exploring is very different from their first few months, so join us for a special playgroup just for this exciting time!
Get Ready for Kindergarten! Tuesdays @10:30AM (3–5)
This 45 minute program featuring stories, songs, activities, and crafts will help prepare your children for preschool and kindergarten. Parents and caregivers can attend with their child if they wish. No registration required!
Homeschool Hangout! Tuesdays from 12:00-2:00PM
Join other local homeschool families in a space dedicated to you! Each Tuesday between 12-2PM, the Friends of the Franklin Library Room will be available for homeschool families to hang out, get work done, and connect!
Toe-Tapping Tuesdays! Tuesdays @ 4:00PM
Let's play some music and get those little toes moving! We will have fun learning to move to the music while building coordination and confidence.
Girls Who Code! Grade 3-5 Meeting time Tuesdays @ 4:00 PM
Spring 2022 Session Sign ups start January 1st on the library website!
This club is a great introduction to coding languages and concepts while building the community and group work skills needed to excel! Whether you want to try something new, build on skills, make friends, or help someone else grow... Welcome to our club!
Terrific Toddlers! Wednesdays @10:30AM (18 mos–3yrs)
Enjoy thirty minutes of interactive stories, songs, and activities for families and children from birth to age 3. No registration required!
Science Junction! 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month @4:00PM
(Also 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the Month for Homeschool families @2:30PM)
FHS Seniors Mani and Vedika are so excited to share their love for science and foster that love in elementary-level kids! Join them once a month for fun science experiments, activities, and more! From dinosaurs to chemical reactions the possibilities are endless!
Tummy Time! Thursdays @ 9:30AM
Babies and caregivers: join us each Thursday morning for Tummy Time! Nurture your baby's development with gentle music, movement, and sensory play at the library! Please bring a small blanket or towel for your baby's comfort!
Story and Craft, Thursdays @10:30AM (3+)
Join us for 30 minutes of themed stories, songs, and movement followed by 30 minutes of craft and sensory play. For children ages 3 and up that can attend on their own. Parents and caregivers are encouraged to watch from the adjoining room.
Bookworm Bounce! Thursdays @ 4:00PM
Join us for an afternoon story time full of music, movement, stories, and other interactive activities to encourage social skills and promote early literacy!
Doggie Tales! 1st Thursday of the Month @4:30 PM (1st grade +)
Improve your reading skills and make a new friend by reading aloud to a trained therapy dog! Bring your favorite book or pick out one of ours to read. REGISTRATION REQUIRED. SPOTS ARE LIMITED. Register on our website to reserve your spot.
Happy Feet! Alternating Fridays @10:30AM (3-5)
Let's play some music and get those little toes moving! Join us for an introductory class into creative movement using very basic ballet moves. We will have fun learning to move to the music while building coordination and confidence. Laughter and giggles are definitely expected!
Silly Songs and Stories! Alternating Fridays @10:30AM (0-5)
This thirty minute program features music, movement, stories, and other interactive activities for littles! Parents and caregivers are welcome and encouraged to participate. No registration required!
Lego Free-Build Friday! Alternating Fridays @2:30 (0-5)
Let imaginations run WILD! Enjoy 2 hours of Friday fun time to build what you like with the Library Legos! Cool builds will be displayed on the Library Website & Facebook! ALL Legos are washed in between sessions!
Special Events for Kids & Families
Take & Makes: Book Journals!
Starting Monday January 3rd stop by the library to pick up your very own book journal kit! Kits include supplies and instructions for making your very own book journal! SUPPLIES ARE LIMITED! Book Journal Kits will be distributed on a first come first serve basis!
Tape Town! Saturday January 8th, 10:30AM
Families! Spend an imaginative morning at the library! Bring along a small toy vehicle (or borrow one of ours) and cruise along our "roads" made of tape all through our big meeting room, and enjoy a series of interactive pretend play stations all through the town!
Animation Nation Presents: Saturday Binge! Saturday January 8th 1:00-4:30PM
Animation Nation is Proud to Present "The Saturday Binge"! Multiple hours of a chosen anime on the big screen! Watch the Library Facebook for updates on what title we will be binge watching!
Girls Who Code Parents Open House Tuesday January 11th, 7:00PM
Hey Parents! Are you interested in Girls Who Code? Com to an "open house" hosted by Mrs. Mitzi to ask questions, see the curriculum, learn about the program, and even get signed up! If you want to attend virtually email Mrs. Mitzi at mgousie@minlib.net
"Drive-In" Movie! Saturday January 22nd, 10:30AM
Families! Join us for a "Drive-In" movie (indoors of course!) in our big program room! First we'll decorate our "cars" (aka boxes we've been saving up for the event) then we'll relax and enjoy a movie and some popcorn in our spiffy new rides! You're welcome to bring your own box to decorate, or use one of ours!
The Python Problem! Saturday January 22nd 2:00-3:30PM
Join Miss Mitzi and work on a Python challenge to learn some new expressions, code new applications, or fix broken code. Each session starts with an explanation of a concept or code piece followed by a challenge using that code or concept! Best for grades 5 and up! Previous coding experience encouraged, not required.
Baby Sensory! Saturday January 22nd @9:30AM
Join us for a 45 minute baby sensory program! Watch your little one interact and engage with a variety of sensory items! Sensory play is a fantastic way to help babies explore their worlds, stimulate the senses, and create little inquisitive explorers! Babies under 2 are welcome and encouraged! (Got older siblings? They can bring along a stuffed toy or baby and play along!)
Weekly / monthly Events for Teens
Animation Nation Anime Club! Mondays, 6:00-7:30PM (7+)
Your weekly dose of anime goodness at The Franklin Public Library! Come watch the latest releases and popular anime shows, ideal for ages 7+!
Girls Who Code! Grade 6-12 Meeting time Tuesdays @ 6:00 PM
Spring 2022 Session Sign ups start January 1st on the library website!
This club is a great introduction to coding languages and concepts while building the community and group work skills needed to excel! Whether you want to try something new, build on skills, make friends, or help someone else grow... Welcome to our club!
Teen Book Bites! Weekly on Wednesdays, 5:30-PM
Teens! Bring along a snack and join us in the teen room each Wednesday for a casual chat about what we're all reading!
Teen Advisory Board, 2nd Wednesday of the Month @ 6:30PM
Join us each month for Teen Advisory Board! The Teen Advisory Board is a GREAT opportunity to get involved here at the library! You'll help plan events and programs, create displays and decorate the teen space, and help drive decisions around the kinds of materials we bring to the YA collection, from books and beyond, all while eating snacks and getting volunteer hours! It's a win-win-win!
VolunTeens! 2nd & 4th Thursday of the Month, 6:00-7:00PM (6th-12th Grade)
An elite volunteering program for dedicated library volunteers, this program is designed to facilitate unique volunteer opportunities for committed teens to work on special library projects. You will learn all about event planning and execution, hone your creative and crafty skills, and build your resume!
For more information please contact Bree at bcomeau@minlib.net.
Special Events for Teens
Teen Take & Makes: Bullet Journals!
Starting Monday January 3rd stop by the library to pick up your very own bullet journal kit! Kits include supplies and instructions for making your very own bullet journal! SUPPLIES ARE LIMITED! Bullet Journal Kits will be distributed on a first come first serve basis!
Teen Yule Ball! Wednesday, January 5th @6:30PM
Join the Volunteens for a night of Harry Potter-themed crafts, games, and dancing!
Animation Nation Presents: Saturday Binge! Saturday January 8th 1:00-4:30PM
Animation Nation is Proud to Present "The Saturday Binge"! Multiple hours of a chosen anime on the big screen! Watch the Library Facebook for updates on what title we will be binge watching!
Teen Vision Board Making! Friday January 14th @3:00PM
Teens! Join us for an afternoon of collaging as we envision our year ahead! We will provide all the supplies you need to make an epic 2022 vision board! Just bring your creativity!
Crime Time Mysteries! Saturday January 15th @2:00PM
AGES 13+ Join us for an immersive murder mystery game from "Hunt a Killer" that is told over the course of six "episodes." Each episode contains different clues that you'll use to solve the ongoing investigation! Examine the evidence to uncover critical clues, corroborate alibis, create timelines, and identify each suspect's means, motive, and opportunity! It is not required that you attend all 6 meetings, but since the episodes build on themselves, it is highly encouraged!
The Python Problem! Saturday January 22nd 2:00-3:30PM
Join Miss Mitzi and work on a Python challenge to learn some new expressions, code new applications, or fix broken code. Each session starts with an explanation of a concept or code piece followed by a challenge using that code or concept! Best for grades 5 and up! Previous coding experience encouraged, not required.
Events for Adults
Dark Journeys: Urban Legends with Jeff Belanger, Thursday, January 6, 6:30 p.m.
Have you ever heard a story you didn't think was true, but then thought… what if? Bloody Mary in the mirror? The Hook by Lover's Lane? White Lady ghosts? Stolen body parts? Why do similar stories pop up all over the world? Are they more than just stories?
Come take an entertaining and enlightening virtual journey through the graveyard at midnight with author and folklorist Jeff Belanger. For over 20 years, Jeff has been exploring the unexplained. He seeks out history, folklore, ghosts, monsters, and legends all over the world and in your backyard.
JEFF BELANGER is a storyteller, adventurer, journalist, and one of the most visible explorers of the unexplained today. The author of over a dozen books published in six languages, he is also the Emmy-nominated host, writer, and producer of the PBS and Amazon Prime series New England Legends and the weekly New England Legends podcast. He's the writer and research for the Ghost Adventures series, and he's been a guest on hundreds of television and radio networks and programs, including History, Travel Channel, Biography Channel, PBS, CBS Sunday Morning, NPR, BBC, and Coast to Coast AM. To learn more about Jeff, please visit https://jeffbelanger.com/ .
This program is free and open to the public. No registration is required.
Girls Who Code Parents Open House Tuesday January 11th, 7:00PM
Hey Parents! Are you interested in Girls Who Code? Come to an "open house" hosted by Mrs. Mitzi to ask questions, see the curriculum, learn about the program, and even get signed up! If you want to attend virtually email Mrs. Mitzi at mgousie@minlib.net
Bumbling Through the Hindu Kush: A Memoir of Fear and Kindness in Afghanistan by Author Chris Woolf, Saturday, January 22, 3:00 p.m.
Chris Woolf was a broadcast journalist with the BBC World Service for 34 years. He worked in London, Afghanistan, southern Africa, but mostly in the United States, where he became the News Editor of public radio's main international news show, "The World." (He was on-air for many years as the show's "History Guy.") His 2021 book, "Bumbling Through the Hindu Kush: A Memoir of Fear and Kindness in Afghanistan" documents his personal experience of war and resilience, stuck behind rebel lines on the wrong side of the mountains, in 1991. In addition to writing, Woolf runs a voiceover company he co-founded here in Franklin in 2018, called The Voice Depot. This program is free and open to the public.
Franklin Public Library Book Club, Tuesday, January 25, 7:00 p.m.
The book for discussion is The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry, by Rachel Joyce.
Harold Fry is convinced that he must deliver a letter to an old love in order to save her, meeting various characters along the way and reminiscing about the events of his past and people he has known, as he tries to find peace and acceptance.
For more information, please contact Assistant Library Director Kim Shipala at kshipala@minlib.net . Book Club meetings are now taking place both in-person at the Library and on Zoom. To participate through Zoom, please register at https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0kduuppj0oGd1riTUPnGfsy7Qph0W... .
Knitting Group, Fridays, 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Love to knit or crochet? Join our group of local fiber artists who will be meeting in the Friends of the Franklin Library Community Room on Fridays 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Take and Make Craft for Adults: Candle Making
Spark a little light this January with a homemade candle! We'll provide votive, wax, wick, instructions and more for a fun pour candle craft for the adult Franklin community. You will only need some basic home goods, and the scent of your choice to enjoy a relaxing craft in the warmth of you own home! Happy New Year! Kits will be available at the Circulation Desk starting Monday, January 3rd.
Shared from Town of Franklin library -> https://www.franklinma.gov/franklin-public-library/news/january-2022-franklin-library-news-events
Franklin Public Library: January 2022 - News & Events |
Treasurer Collector Kerri A. Bertone has mailed the fiscal 2022 third quarter real estate and personal property tax bills. Payment is due by February 1, 2022. Payments received after the due date are charged 14% interest.
![]() |
Notice from the Treasurer/ Collector: FY 22 Third Quarter Real Estate and Personal Property Tax Bills |
781-401-3344 or Email: smorris@humboldt.com
Shared from Town of Franklin page => https://www.franklinma.gov/veterans-services/news/employment-opportunities-canton-military-personnel-veterans-family-friends
Employment Opportunities in Canton for Military Personnel, Veterans, Family & Friends |