Providing accurate and timely information about what matters in Franklin, MA since 2007. * Working in collaboration with Franklin TV and Radio ( since October 2019 *
Saturday, April 15, 2023
Get Ready to Ride in the Franklin PMC Kids Ride - June 4
This Town Council Quarterbacking session gets inside the zoning changes; inclusionary and accessory dwelling units (audio)
FM #972 = This is the Franklin Matters radio show, number 972 in the series.
This shares my conversation with Town Council Chair Tom Mercer in our Town Council Quarterbacking session. This is one of the series of conversations meant to provide a recap of the prior night’s Town Council meeting.
Akin to one of the many sports post-game analysis broadcasts we are familiar with in New England, this would be a discussion focused on the Franklin Town Council meeting of Apr 12, 2023:
ok, what just happened?
What does it mean for Franklin residents and taxpayers?
We cover the following key topics
Police Station Building Committee
Second readings on lot line changes, the last bulks ones for now
Public hearing on the inclusionary zoning changes back from Planning Board, move to second reading
Accessory dwelling unit bylaw proposals referred to planning board
Budget coming out Friday, hearing schedule set for Finance Cmte May 8, 10, 11 & Council for May 24, 25
Links to the meeting agenda and associated documents released for this meeting are included in the show notes.
Our conversation runs about 32 minutes. Let’s listen to the Town Council Quarterbacking session recorded Apr 13, 2023. Audi file ->
The agenda doc can also be found on the Town of Franklin page ->
My notes in one PDF file ->
My quick notes and the meeting video ->
We are now producing this in collaboration with Franklin.TV and Franklin Public Radio ( or 102.9 on the Franklin area radio dial.
This podcast is my public service effort for Franklin but we can't do it alone. We can always use your help.
How can you help?
If you can use the information that you find here, please tell your friends and neighbors
If you don't like something here, please let me know
Through this feedback loop we can continue to make improvements. I thank you for listening.
For additional information, please visit or
If you have questions or comments you can reach me directly at shersteve @ gmail dot com
The music for the intro and exit was provided by Michael Clark and the group "East of Shirley". The piece is titled "Ernesto, manana" c. Michael Clark & Tintype Tunes, 2008 and used with their permission.
I hope you enjoy!
You can also subscribe and listen to Franklin Matters audio on your favorite podcast app; search in "podcasts" for "Franklin Matters"
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This Town Council Quarterbacking session gets inside the zoning changes; inclusionary and accessory dwelling units (audio) |
Explore the Town Administrator's Recommended FY 2024 Budget!
You may access it here:
Explore the Town Administrator's Recommended FY 2024 Budget! |
- May 8 - general government
- May 10 - schools
- May 11 - public safety (police, fire & dispatch), DPW and enterprise accounts (water, sewer solid waste & stormwater)
FHS baseball, softball, boys lacrosse, & girls tennis teams all post wins on Friday
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FHS Panthers |
THE BLACK BOX lines up the remainder of the season performances
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Led Zeppelin tribute band Confounded Bridge |
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Kenny Hadley Big Band |
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Electric Youth |
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musical Violet |
The Franklin Performing Arts Company will close its season with the musical Violet, June 9-11. As a girl, Violet was struck by a wayward ax blade when her father was chopping wood, leaving her with a visible scar across her face. With enough money finally saved, she's traveling across the Deep South in 1964 towards a miracle – the healing touch of a TV evangelist who will make her beautiful. Although she may not succeed in having the scar on her face healed, Violet is able to repair those scars that are lying deeper than her skin. On the way, she meets a young soldier whose love for her reaches far past her physical "imperfections."
Dean College: "When the Boston Celtics Played at Pieri: The Forgotten Story of How Dean Influenced the Start of a Dynasty"
Via Dean College:
"As the @celtics kick off their quest for their 18th championship, we retell the forgotten story of when the team brought eight basketball Hall of Famers to campus and kicked off a streak of eight consecutive world championships."
Learn more: from ->
Medicare for You: What You Need to Know (Part 2)
"Did you know you can save money on Medicare costs this year? The Inflation Reduction Act which President Biden signed into law in August 2022, will help you save money on Medicare prescription drug costs and recommended adult vaccines starting in 2023.Let’s explore a few of the ways that this new law will lower your Medicare prescription drug costs."
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Medicare for You: What You Need to Know (Part 2) |
Night Owl Farm: Fun Fact Friday - the visible difference of compost
Request for Written Quotes ~ Purchase and Installation of Gym Divider
Request for Written Quotes ~ Purchase and Installation of Gym Divider
The Town of Franklin seeks written quotes for the purchase, demolition, and removal of existing partition system, and the installation of one 15' x 80' fold-up Gym Divider curtain system, per the specifications listed in the written request for written quotes.
Pre-quote meeting will be held at Horace Mann Middle School, 224 Oak Street, Franklin, MA 020387 at 3:00 PM on April 25, 2023.
Shared from ->
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Request for Written Quotes ~ Purchase and Installation of Gym Divider |
Franklin Health Department: Wellness Update - Donate Life Month - sign up to be an organ donor
It's Donate Life Month. You truly can be a lifesaver!
Register as an organ donor and make sure your family knows.
Learn about organ donation: organdonor.govHow does organ donation work? ->
Friday, April 14, 2023
Franklin School Committee: ESP/LPN Negotiations - April 24, 2023
Franklin's Event Outlook: April 14, 2023 to Apr 20, 2023
Friday, April 14
5:00pm - Papalias Brick oven pizza (food truck)
5:00pm - TBD The Band (live music)
5:30pm - Gay Perkoski (live music) (67 Degrees Brewery)
Saturday, April 15
8:00am - Ladybug Trail Walk - anytime during the day
10:00am - Franklin Historical Museum (always free)
11:00am - Silent Saturday (free silent movie showing) (Franklin Historical Museum)
Sunday, April 16
7:30am - All you can eat Breakfast (Franklin Rod & Gun Club)
1:00pm - Franklin Historical Museum (always free)
3:00pm - LiveARTS: soprano Louise Toppin (LiveARTS - FUSF - Chestnut St)
Monday, April 17
Marathon Monday
Tuesday, April 18 - Tax Day
6:00pm - Dean Neighborhood Alliance (Dean College)
Wednesday, April 19
11:00am - Franklin Q&A
1:00pm - Senior Scribblers (writing group)
Thursday, April 20
8:30am - Town Council Office Hours
10:00am - Writer's Quiet Space
If you have an event to add to the calendar, you can use the form to submit it for publication:
The School district calendar is found
School Committee votes to increase the Superintendent's Recommended budget, to "ask for what they need" (audio)
FM #971 = This is the Franklin Matters radio show, number 971 in the series.
This session of the radio show shares part of the Franklin, MA School Committee meeting held on Tuesday, April 11, 2023.
The meeting was conducted in a hybrid format: all of the School Committee members, school district personnel along with some of the public were in the Council Chambers. Some members of the public participated via conference bridge.
Quick recap:
Recognized swimmers from the FHS girls swim team
Heard from an update Jefferson on their "Wellness Wednesday's"
Heard a proposal for a middle school trip during Spring break 2024 to National Parks (Grand Canyon, Bryce, & Zion). Coming back for a discussion and vote at the next meeting
Voted to add to the Superintendent's budget proposal the $480K originally marked as 'left out'. The amendment to add this passed by 6-1 after a lengthy discussion. The overall budget passed 7-0. Next step will be the Finance Committee budget hearings on May 10. Followed by the Town Council budget hearing May 24
During the budget discussion a creative use of Legos made a few points
Entered executive session to hear an MOU for the FEA to which they returned to open meeting and approved by 7-0 before closing the meeting after 10 PM without extending their session per their recently changed protocol
Links to the meeting agenda and associated documents released for this meeting are included in the show notes. The link to my notes taken during the meeting is also provided.
Let’s listen to this segment of the School Committee meeting April 11, 2023
Audio file ->
Agenda document ->
Packet folder contains the documents released for this meeting (some will be posted AFTER the meeting - per School Committee policy)
My notes captured during the meeting (in one PDF file)
We are now producing this in collaboration with Franklin.TV and Franklin Public Radio ( or 102.9 on the Franklin area radio dial.
This podcast is my public service effort for Franklin but we can't do it alone. We can always use your help.
How can you help?
If you can use the information that you find here, please tell your friends and neighbors
If you don't like something here, please let me know
Through this feedback loop we can continue to make improvements. I thank you for listening.
For additional information, please visit or
If you have questions or comments you can reach me directly at shersteve @ gmail dot com
The music for the intro and exit was provided by Michael Clark and the group "East of Shirley". The piece is titled "Ernesto, manana" c. Michael Clark & Tintype Tunes, 2008 and used with their permission.
I hope you enjoy!
You can also subscribe and listen to Franklin Matters audio on iTunes or your favorite podcast app; search in "podcasts" for "Franklin Matters"