Vision Statement
The Franklin Public Schools will foster within its students the knowledge and skills to find and achieve satisfaction in life as productive global citizens.
Mission Statement
The Franklin Public Schools, in collaboration with the community, will cultivate each student's intellectual, social, emotional and physical potential through rigorous academic inquiry and informed problem solving skills within a safe, nurturing and respectful environment.
"The listing of matters are those reasonably anticipated by the Chair which may be discussed at the meeting. Not all items listed may in fact be discussed and other items not listed may also be brought up for discussion to the extent permitted by law."
1. Routine Business
Citizen’s Comments
Review of Agenda
Minutes: I recommend approval of the minutes from the April 24, 2012 School Committee Meeting.
Payment of Bills Mrs. McIntyre
Payroll Mrs. Douglas
FHS Student Representatives
Correspondence: Budget to Actual
2. Guests/Presentations
a. Davis Thayer Update
b. Common Core – Joyce Edwards
3. Discussion Only Items
Draft 2012-2013 School Committee Meeting Calendar
4. Action Items
a. I recommend adoption of the Proposed FY 13 School Budget for $52,710,000.00 as presented at the Budget Hearing on April 24, 2012.
b. I recommend adoption of the draft School Committee Calendar for 2012-2013 as discussed.
c. I recommend acceptance of a check in the amount of $4,200 from the Parmenter PCC for document cameras.
d. I recommend acceptance of a check in the amount of $239.19 from Funding Factory for supplies at Remington Middle School.
e. I recommend acceptance of a donation in the amount of $885 from TPC Boston for a field trip for 2nd, 3rd and 4th grade students from Davis Thayer.
f. I recommend acceptance of a donation in the amount of $1,449.95 from Mr. Robert Salzbert of Resh, Inc. to be used for supplies at Davis Thayer.
g. I recommend acceptance of a donation in the amount of $500 from Peter Baglioni for the Fernando P. Baglioni Scholarship fund.
h. I recommend acceptance of a donation in the amount of $250 from the Franklin Music Boosters for in-house enrichment.
i. I recommend acceptance of a check in the amount of $125 from the JFKennedy PCC for Nurses fee for a field trip.
j. I recommend acceptance of a check in the amount of $175 from the JFKennedy PCC for a bus for a field trip.
k. I recommend acceptance of check in the amount of $89.69 from PGB for the athletic gift account.
l. I recommend acceptance of a check in the amount of $50 from All American Publishing for the athletic gift account.
5. Information Matters
Superintendent’s Report
School Committee Sub-Committee Reports
School Committee Liaison Reports
6. New Business
To discuss future business that may be brought before the School Committee.
7. Executive Session
Contractual Negotiations
8. Adjourn