- The District Improvement Plan was presented and approved (by a 7-0 via roll call vote)
- Redistricting update - proposed district alignment scheduled to be shared via a "Storymap" before the next meeting and then explained fully during the Sep 28 meeting with a vote to approve the alignment of the new schools scheduled for the first October meeting. Email and multiple methods of communication to share the storymap
- The appointment of Rose Turco to represent the Schools to the Franklin TV Board of Directors was approved (by a 7-0 via roll call vote)
- Hiring update filled 57 positions, 4 teacher vacancies, 8 additional resignations (since the August 27 meeting). Mostly from buildings subs and ESPs. Not usual to have this many early in the school year. Instability of budget is a factor in the leaving and hiring process
- Consent agenda was approved (by a 7-0 via roll call vote)
Providing accurate and timely information about what matters in Franklin, MA since 2007. * Working in collaboration with Franklin TV and Radio (wfpr.fm) since October 2019 *
Wednesday, September 11, 2024
Franklin School Committee spends 85 minutes in Executive session, hears District Improvement Plan and approves (video)
Wednesday, September 13, 2023
School Committee hears of and approves the District Improvement Plan & FHS trip to Far East in 2025 (video)
- Update from Superintendent Giguere on school opening, so far good, academic year has opened in heat which everyone worked through, over 800 faculty, over 4600 students
- Successfully hired all teachers, down to 11 ESPs needed, 2 open spots for interventionists, thanks to all who were part of the process
- Migrant housing update: refers to the press release, DESE also alerted District, families joining on a staggered basis, approx. 25 school age children with the families already housed, collaborating to enroll, register and get them welcomed to the schools, funding assistance to be provided, dollars remain unconfirmed. Updates to be provided as info is available
- Intros of the new administration around the district
- Next up, the district improvement plan (DIP), slides not yet posted to the meeting folder, so pix will be captured for an album to be shared as we go https://photos.app.goo.gl/LxQbpaU4Ft8qPFS86
- Committee members asked and received clarifications on points made during the DIP presentation, in the action items, the DIP was approved as presented by 6-0-1 (6 for, none against, 1 absent)
- Presentation on a proposed trip to Vietnam, Cambodia & Thailand for spring of 2025. Presentation copy can be found https://www.franklinps.net/sites/g/files/vyhlif4431/f/uploads/discussion_action_a_-_vietnam-cambodia-thailand_trip.pdf
- motion to approve trip as presented was seconded and passed by 6-0-1
- Consent agenda was recommended for approval and it passed by 6-0-1
- A round of updates from the various subcommittees on meetings held and or scheduled (details in the video and in my notes)
- Meeting adjourned
Agenda doc & remote participation info -> https://www.franklinps.net/sites/g/files/vyhlif4431/f/uploads/scagenda_9-12-23.pdf
Franklin, MA: School Committee Agenda for Sep 12, 2023 Meeting |
Wednesday, May 31, 2023
Franklin Public Schools: District Newsletter - May 30, 2023
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Wednesday, May 10, 2023
Redistricting vote fails by 6-1 vote at Franklin School Committee Meeting (video)
Monday, January 9, 2023
Insights to the Special Education Program for Franklin Schools on tap at School Cmte Mtg 1/10/23
"Special Education is…❏ Specially designed instruction to meet the unique needs of an eligible student, and/or❏ Related services necessary to access and make progress within the general curriculum❏ Special education services are a significant modification of content, instructional approach, instructional level or performance criteria"
Insights to the Special Education Program for Franklin Schools on tap at School Cmte Mtg 1/10/23 |
Friday, January 6, 2023
Did you know the National Register of Historic Districts lists 2 in Franklin, MA? (video)
The National Register of Historic Districts lists 2 in Franklin, MA (video) |
Friday, November 18, 2022
Franklin Public Schools: District Newsletter - November 2022
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