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Providing accurate and timely information about what matters in Franklin, MA since 2007. * Working in collaboration with Franklin TV and Radio (wfpr.fm) since October 2019 *
Saturday, June 10, 2023
Spring 2023 News from The Franklin Food Pantry!
Franklin, MA: Job Opportunities with Senior Center, DPW, & Facilities
Supportive Programming Assistant - Senior Center
Heavy Motor Equipment Operators - Department of Public Works
Part Time and Substitute Custodians - Facilities Department
Summer Employment - Facilities Department
Updated 06/09/2023
If you do not have a resume, you may send a completed Application for Employment instead.
Shared from -> https://www.franklinma.gov/human-resources/pages/job-opportunities
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Franklin, MA: Job Opportunities with Senior Center, DPW, & Facilities |
FHS girls lacrosse top Wellesley on Friday, head to Final Four
12-5 Franklin over Wellesley final!! Franklin is heading to the FINAL FOUR!!!
Congratulations FHS Girls Lacrosse players & coaches!! Final Four Bound!! Special shout out to Kaitlyn, Payten, Emily, Ella M, Raena, Julia F… way to go!! Best of luck…. Keep winning… all the way to the ‘shiphttps://twitter.com/FHS_FH_02038/status/1667345975734677504
Strawberry Stroll - scheduled for June 10, 2023 -> 4 PM to 8 PM in Downtown Franklin
The Franklin Downtown Partnership will be hosting the Strawberry Stroll THIS SATURDAY, June 10, 2023 from 4 PM - 8 PM Downtown. Live music will be provided by Heath Nisbett from 4 PM - 6 PM and Dom DeBaggis from 6 PM - 8 PM. There will be over 95 booths full of fun, freebies and strawberry shortcake of course!
Be sure to swing by the Franklin Fire Department Headquarters to get a glimpse of the fire trucks, including the antique ladder truck up close! Sparky will be out and about greeting guests and handing out plastic red helmets to the children.
At the Historical Museum, fresh popcorn will be served, and vintage wedding dresses will be displayed.
Rain date has been activated for Saturday, June 10, 2023 4 PM - 8 PM. Learn more here: https://www.franklindowntownpartnership.org/2023/06/many-activities-and-booths-set-for-june.html
Shared from -> https://www.franklinma.gov/home/news/weekend-fun-franklin-strawberry-stroll-june-9-2023
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Weekend Fun in Franklin - Strawberry Stroll - June 10, 2023 -> 4 PM to 8 PM |
Franklin, MA: School Committee - Agenda for June 13, 2023 Meeting
A. Review of AgendaB. Payment of Bills Mr. McNeillC. Payroll Ms. SpencerD. FHS Student Representative CommentsE. Superintendent’s Report
A. Civics Projects PresentationB. Oak Street Elementary School Highlights
A. Revised FY24 Budget VoteI recommend approval of the revised FY24 Budget in the amount of $71,989,431.00 as discussed.B. Superintendent’s EvaluationI recommend your approval of the Superintendent’s composite evaluation for the 2022-2023 school year as discussed.C. School Committee Norms & ProtocolsThe Chair recommends adoption of the amendments in the School Committee Norms & Protocols as discussed.
A. School Committee Sub-Committee ReportsB. School Committee Liaison Reports
A. Approval of MinutesI recommend approval of the minutes from your May 23, 2023 School Committee meeting as detailed.B. Music GiftI recommend acceptance of a check for $489.00 from Music Parents for in-house enrichment for the Music Department as detailed.C. ASMS GiftI recommend acceptance of a check for $2,043.70 from the ASMS PCC for in-house enrichment as detailed.D. Surplus BooksI recommend declaring the attached list of math, science & ELA books as surplus.
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Franklin, MA: School Committee Meeting Agenda for June 13, 2023 |
Economic Development Subcommittee hears of grants for Nu-Style clean up, discusses GR 5 & cannabis overlap zoning modification (video)
Quick recap:
Nu-Style property now has $600K to support its clean up from two sources; $100K from ARPA funds, and a new grant received for $500K. Thanks to Brian Taberner who has continued to write for grants for this brownfield project and persisted in that effort
General residential 5 (GR 5) zoning changes initially proposed to increase the impervious coverage for the property and for the property plus parking would be increased as well as reducing the setbacks required for multi-family
Discussion around what percent the amounts should be, was currently, initially proposed to increase to 35, 45.
Amendment to change to 50, 60, second; after discussion amendment revised to be 45,55, seconded, passes 3-1 (Jones no)
Recommendations as amended to move to the Council, passes unanimous 4-0
Cannabis overlay district; this is literally only a house cleaning of the map itself, nothing else in the bylaw changes. As businesses changed, this allowed for other changes with restrictions removed
Franklin TV YouTube video -> https://www.youtube.com/live/UbMxtOXP6ms?feature=share
The agenda doc also includes remote participation info ->
My notes captured via Twitter during the meeting (in 1 PDF file)
Medicare Fraud Prevention Week
"Did you know that Medicare fraud costs Americans an estimated $60 billion per year? It also affects Medicare beneficiaries in terms of time, stress, and health.Learn how to protect yourself and others against these scams. Join Social Security and the Senior Medicare Patrol (SMP) for Medicare Fraud Prevention Week from June 5-11, 2023. You can remember the start date as “6-5,” as most people become eligible for Medicare when they turn 65 years old."
Friday, June 9, 2023
Franklin's Event Outlook: June 9, 2023 to June 15, 2023
Strawberry Stroll has been postponed due to the forecast to Saturday, same time.
Saturday offers good choices with stage performances at FHS and THE BLACK BOX, afternoon concert at the Library, and music at both La Cantina and 67 Degrees. Get some history about the Wrentham State School at the Second Sunday Speaker Series at the Historical Museum.
Friday, June 9
Love Letter - art display (Franklin Public Library during open hours)
2:00pm - Franklin Farmers Market (Town Common)
2:00pm - Sioo (live music) (gazebo - Town Common)
4:00pm - Strawberry Stroll (Main St - downtown Franklin)
4:30pm - Sons of Sam Pizza (food truck) (La Cantina Winery)
6:00pm - Anna Freitas Trio (live music) (67 Degrees Brewery)
6:00pm - Kimberlee (live music) (La Cantina Winery)
7:00pm - FHSTC performs "Get SMART" (ticketed event) (Franklin High School)
7:30pm - FPAC performs "Violet" (ticketed event) (THE BLACK BOX)
Saturday, June 10
Love Letter - art display (Franklin Public Library during open hours)
10:00am - Franklin Historical Museum (always free)
2:00pm - LiveARTS Classical Quarter Concert (Franklin Public Library)
4:00pm - Strawberry Stroll (Main St - downtown Franklin)
4:00pm - Heath Nesbitt (live music) (Strawberry Stroll stage)
4:00pm - Emily & Nick (live music) (La Cantina Winery)
6:00pm - Dom DeBaggis (live music) Strawberry Stroll stage)
6:00pm - The Pockets (live music) (67 Degrees Brewery)
7:00pm - FHSTC performs "Get SMART" (ticketed event) (Franklin High School)
7:30pm - FPAC performs "Violet" (ticketed event) (THE BLACK BOX)
Sunday, June 11
Love Letter - art display (Franklin Public Library during open hours)
1:00pm - Franklin Historical Museum (always free)
1:15pm - Second Sunday Speaker (Franklin Historical Museum)
Monday, June 12
Love Letter - art display (Franklin Public Library during open hours)
3:00pm - SAFE Coalition Meet & Greet for Non-Profits (SAFE offices on Hayward St)
Tuesday, June 13
Love Letter - art display (Franklin Public Library during open hours)
7:00pm - FBRTC Meeting (monthly meeting (67 Degrees Brewery)
7:00pm - Yankee Quilters (monthly meeting) (Emma’s Quilt Cupboard)
Wednesday, June 14
Flag Day
Love Letter - art display (Franklin Public Library during open hours)
1:00pm - Senior Scribblers (writing group)
7:00pm - St Mary's Women's Faith Formation Group
Thursday, June 15
Love Letter - art display (Franklin Public Library during open hours)
8:30am - Town Council Office Hours (Franklin Senior Center)
6:00pm - Kendo (Live music) (La Cantina Winery)
If you have an event to add to the calendar, you can use the form to submit it for publication: https://forms.gle/oPdi8X3ZbHHyrHzo6
The School district calendar is found https://www.franklinps.net/calendar-by-event-type/26