Showing posts with label job search. Show all posts
Showing posts with label job search. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Save the date - Coach Kevin Dickie - Your Confident Mindset - June 21

Kevin Dickie

Your Confident Mindset

How Your Mindset Can Ensure Successful Networking

Friday, June 21


Have you consciously taken control of your life and your career?

If you go into an interview thinking that you will not get hired, you undermine your presentation and your skills, even unconsciously. Interviewers can often tell when you do not believe in yourself.


In turbulent times, confidence can be inspiring. Kevin will show you how to develop a confident mindset without coming off as arrogant or self-absorbed.


Kevin will provide:

·        Techniques to overcome self-doubt and limiting beliefs

·        How reframing your thoughts changes perspective

·        How a Growth Mindset leads to more confidence


Kevin Dickie is a certified Master Life Coach, Confidence Life coach, and Goal Success Life Coach, who successfully transitioned from Program Management and Customer Service into Life Coaching. He specializes in guiding people through challenging life events; helping clients recognize their unique gifts; and attain their goals that seemed unreachable.


Why you should attend: In these turbulent times, your job search and career transition need every edge you can apply. This session will answer many of your questions about networking, confidence, and how your mind influences both.

Join us at the Metrowest Networkers Group

1st & 3rd Fridays of the month: 10 am - Noon

24 Vernon Street, Framingham, MA 01702

At the offices of the First Parish in Framingham Unitarian Universalist


Ed Lawrence
Certified Interview Coach
Authorized DISC Administrator
Member, CPRW Certification Committee

Save the date - Coach Kevin Dickie - Your Confident Mindset - June 21
Save the date - Coach Kevin Dickie - Your Confident Mindset - June 21

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

MCOA Practice Interviewing - Monday, April 22, 2024 from 10 AM – 11:30 AM

50+ Job Seekers in MA Statewide Networking Groups presents...

Mon, April 22nd, 10 – 11:30 AM
Interview Practice with Melody L. Beach - H.R. Consultant

For good or bad, first impressions matter. When interviewing you need to put your best foot forward, and that takes practice!

Do you have an interview coming up?

Do you know how to respond to behavioral questions?

Do you need suggestions on how to address gaps in employment?

Please join us for answers to your questions and learn how to respond to a variety of questions that may be presented to you during an interview!
hashtagjobseekers hashtagnetworking hashtaginterview

To view our site:

To attend this event, please register/login:


Ed Lawrence
Certified Interview Coach
Authorized DISC Administrator
Member, CPRW Certification Committee

MCOA Practice Interviewing - Monday, April 22, 2024 from 10 AM – 11:30 AM
MCOA Practice Interviewing - Monday, April 22, 2024 from 10 AM – 11:30 AM

Saturday, March 16, 2024

Next guest speaker at Metrowest Networkers Group - March 29

Today(3/15/20)  David Bayuk spoke about working with recruiters.
In two weeks, Dana Hall - FranNet of Boston - will present on "Franchising - Is it right for you?"

Our list server (the email distribution ) currently has 65 members and the LinkedIn group has 102 members!  Not bad for a group that just formed in January.

It's a start, but with your help we can grow the group much larger and accomplish more.

If you have not yet joined, We invite you to join us,
* Our group is free.
* We meet in a convenient location that has plenty of parking.
* We bring in guest speakers.
* We provide societal networking---the most effective type of networking according to Sociologist Ofer Sharone.
* Our website welcomes guest articles. Help others and promote your own skill set.

Thanks and have a terrific weekend!


Ed Lawrence
Certified Interview Coach
Authorized DISC Administrator
Member, CPRW Certification Committee

Next guest speaker at Metrowest Networkers Group - March 29
Next guest speaker at Metrowest Networkers Group - March 29

Saturday, March 9, 2024

Recruiter David Bayuk - next Friday (March-15) at Metrowest Networkers Group

The Metrowest Networkers Group welcomes

David Bayuk

Working with a Recruiter

Strategies for Success


Friday, March 15


The three main ways people look for jobs are by applying online, networking, and working with a recruiter. Most job seekers talk to a recruiter, apply, and then wait for an answer. But, is that best practice?  Of course not--You can't simply give a recruiter your resume and expect them to find you a job you covet.

So, what are the best practices? Are all recruiters the same? What are the kinds of recruiters?

And how do you know a recruiter is really good?

Join us to learn the answers from David Bayuk, an experienced recruiter and career professional who has worked for multiple recruiting agencies.

Why you should attend: After networking, the next best strategy for landing a role is to work with a recruiter. If you want the recruiter to really help you, you should learn how to best help them help you. It is vital for you to present your best self, know your responsibilities, and understand the role of the recruiter.

1st & 3rd Fridays of the month: 10 am - Noon

7 Bishop Street, Framingham, MA 01702

At the headquarters for the South Middlesex Opportunity Council (SMOC)

David Bayuk has extensive experience working in the recruiting and placement industries. He has worked on both the company and client-facing sides for notable companies such as The Eliassen Group, Winter Wyman, Alexander Technology Group, and Experis. He is adept at business development, recruiting, employee training, and account management.

Recruiter David Bayuk - next Friday (March-15) at Metrowest Networkers Group
Recruiter David Bayuk - next Friday (March-15) at Metrowest Networkers Group

Thursday, March 7, 2024

Town of Franklin: Job Opportunities with Public Works & Facilities

Job Opportunities

To apply for a vacant position, please submit a resume and cover letter to  Please put the job title in the subject line of your email. 

Motor Equipment Repair Person - Department of Public Works

Junior Building Custodian - Facilities Department

Part Time and Substitute Custodians - Facilities Department 

Updated 03/06/2024

If you do not have a resume, you may send a completed Application for Employment instead.

To receive notifications of all job opportunities in the Town of Franklin, subscribe here .

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Town of Franklin: Job Opportunities with Public Works & Facilities
Town of Franklin: Job Opportunities with Public Works & Facilities

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Reminder: Metrowest Networkers welcomes Marcy Venezia - Feb 16

Goal Setting for Business Success

Plan your year in an Hour

February 16, 2024

7 Bishop St; Framingham, MA

Meeting Time:  10 AM – Noon


Join us to learn how to make better decisions and obtain better results.

Planning now can laser focus your job search for the rest of the year.


Marcy will show you how to:

·       Review your past efforts and assess what went well and what didn't.

·       Size up your challenges and opportunities.

·       Develop a realistic plan to take advantage of the opportunities

·       Create a roadmap for business


Marcy Venezia, CEO Nightingale Group LLC, incorporates business expertise, project planning and holistic practices.  She has an MBA, is a Certified Project manager and has been a consultant for over 10 years.  She has served as Executive Director of Above the Clouds, CEO of Little Turkey REIT and consulted with many businesses to providing guidance and tools. Recent clients include  Metro South Chamber of Commerce,  JT Rydes, and others.

For corporate training or questions call or email Marcy at 781-223-8221 or  


The Metrowest Networkers Group meets the 1st and 3rd weeks of the month. Join us to commune with other job seekers and gain support for your job search. In addition to networking opportunities, we shall frequently offer guest speakers and learning opportunities.

Metrowest Networkers welcomes Marcy Venezia - Feb 16
Metrowest Networkers welcomes Marcy Venezia - Feb 16

Sunday, January 28, 2024

Metrowest Networkers welcomes Marcy Venezia - Feb 16

Goal Setting for Business Success

Plan your year in an Hour

February 16, 2024

7 Bishop St; Framingham, MA

Meeting Time:  10 AM – Noon


Join us to learn how to make better decisions and obtain better results.

Planning now can laser focus your job search for the rest of the year.


Marcy will show you how to:

·       Review your past efforts and assess what went well and what didn't.

·       Size up your challenges and opportunities.

·       Develop a realistic plan to take advantage of the opportunities

·       Create a roadmap for business


Marcy Venezia, CEO Nightingale Group LLC, incorporates business expertise, project planning and holistic practices.  She has an MBA, is a Certified Project manager and has been a consultant for over 10 years.  She has served as Executive Director of Above the Clouds, CEO of Little Turkey REIT and consulted with many businesses to providing guidance and tools. Recent clients include  Metro South Chamber of Commerce,  JT Rydes, and others.

For corporate training or questions call or email Marcy at 781-223-8221 or  


The Metrowest Networkers Group meets the 1st and 3rd weeks of the month. Join us to commune with other job seekers and gain support for your job search. In addition to networking opportunities, we shall frequently offer guest speakers and learning opportunities.

Metrowest Networkers welcomes Marcy Venezia - Feb 16
Metrowest Networkers welcomes Marcy Venezia - Feb 16

Thursday, January 18, 2024

Metrowest Networkers Group Meeting on Fridays

1st & 3rd Fridays of the month.  10 am - Noon

7 Bishop Street, Framingham, MA 01702

At the headquarters for the South Middlesex Opportunity Council (SMOC)

Our next meeting is this coming Friday Jan-19.
We have two brief presentations scheduled!
Our standard agenda is based on the Acton Networkers agenda.

Parking:   From Bishop Street, turn east into the access road opposite Clark St.

Plenty of parking! Park in back, in the BIG parking lot. Go in the back entrance to the CUDDY CENTER. This is the building located closer to the south. Once inside, turn left, proceed to a corridor and then turn right to go to our meeting area.


It has menus for articles, videos, and a forum (in case you prefer to post instead of email). It even has a list of area coaches.

 Google Group:

LinkedIn Group:

If you need a job and want to meet people, we hope to see you there!


Ed Lawrence
Certified Interview Coach
Authorized DISC Administrator
Member, CPRW Certification Committee

Sunday, January 7, 2024

Check out these Job Opportunities with Town of Franklin Finance, DPW, and Facilities!

Job Opportunities

To apply for a vacant position, please submit a resume and cover letter to  Please put the job title in the subject line of your email. 

Munis (Tyler) Administrator - Finance Department

Heavy Motor Equipment Operators - Department of Public Works 

Junior Building Custodian - Facilities Department

Part Time and Substitute Custodians - Facilities Department 

Updated 01/04/2024

If you do not have a resume, you may send a completed Application for Employment instead.

To receive notifications of all job opportunities in the Town of Franklin, subscribe here .

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Check out these Job Opportunities with Town of Franklin Finance, DPW, and Facilities!
Check out these Job Opportunities with Town of Franklin Finance, DPW, and Facilities!

Sunday, December 31, 2023

Several events for job seekers in January 2024

** Our new in-person networking group--the Metrowest Networkers Group meets for the first time next week Friday January 5th.

The group shall meet 10 am to Noon on the 1st and 3rd Fridays of a month at the SMOC headquarters -- 7 Bishop St.  Framingham, MA

Lots of events for you this month!!

Tuesday, Jan 2, 2:00 - 3:30 pm: in-person MCOA program - Introduction to Neworking…with Ed Lawrence at the Natick Senior & Community Center 

 Friday Jan 5, 10:00 am - Noon: in-person Metrowest Networkers Group - 1st meeting! 7 Bishop St., Framingham, MA (SMOC headquarters)

 Monday, Jan 8,⋅2:00 – 3:30 pm: Ed Presents to Tewksbury Library Networking Group via Zoom - What's Your Plan?

 Tuesday Jan 9, 6:00 - 8 pm: Ed presents in person to Blackstone Public Library - Career Options for Teens

 Wednesday Jan 10, 12 pm: Ed is a panelist for a LinkedIn Live session: Recharge Your Job Search in 2024. Hosted by Faith West. Register at:

Wednesday Jan 10, 3:30 pm: Free practice interview group at the Framingham Public Library on Lexington Street. We meet on the lower level.

 Tuesday, Jan 16, 2:00 - 3:30 pm: In-person MCOA program - Concise Introductions…with Ed Lawrence at the Natick Senior & Community Center 

 Wednesday Jan 17, 11 am - 1 pm: Ed's private Peer to Peer Networking group.(contact Ed for details)

 Friday Jan 19, 10:00 am - Noon: in-person Metrowest Networkers Group - 7 Bishop St., Framingham, MA (SMOC headquarters)

 Monday, Jan 22, 10 - 11:30 am: MCOA Zoom program - Practice Interviewing with Ed Lawrence

 Tuesday Jan 30: 10 - 11:30 am: MCOA Zoom program - STARR Stories

* All library events are free and open to everyone!

* MCOA events are free and for job seekers age 50+. If not already a member of the program, register at

Got questions about the topics or how to sign up? Contact me!

Looking Ahead:

Friday February 2 and February 16, 10 am - Noon - Metrowest Networkers Group

7 Bishop St (SMOC headquarters) Framingham, MA

Happy New Year to all!  Have a great weekend and be safe.


Ed Lawrence
Certified Interview Coach
Authorized DISC Administrator
Member, CPRW Certification Committee

Several events for job seekers in January 2024
Several events for job seekers in January 2024

Sunday, December 24, 2023

Metrowest Networkers Group: Meeting In Person - Providing AIR (Advice - Information - Referrals) - Jan 5, 2024

The Metrowest Networkers Group helps people obtain advice, information, and referrals (AIR). We welcome employed and unemployed people, people looking for a career change or second act, and people who need practical career assistance. Join us to connect with others; learn and share.

When: 1st & 3rd Fridays of the month.  10 AM - Noon.
Our first meeting is scheduled for Friday, January 5th.

WHERE:  7 Bishop Street, Framingham, MA 01702
This is the headquarters for the South Middlesex Opportunity Council (SMOC)

Parking:   In back, in the BIG parking lot. Go in the back entrance. Turn left to go to our meeting area.

-----Additional Information-----

New URL!
It has menus for articles, videos, and a forum (in case you prefer to post instead of email). It even has a list of area coaches.

Same functionality as the (ANG) Google group.

I hope you will bookmark these and join them. We are hoping to build a collaborative online community to supplement the in person meetings.

Repeating meeting information:
Meetings shall be held the 1st and 3rd Fridays of a month from 10 AM - Noon. 7 Bishop Street, Framingham, MA 01702

We hope to see you job seekers at our first meeting on January 5th!

Ed Lawrence
Certified Interview Coach
Authorized DISC Administrator
Member, CPRW Certification Committee

Saturday, December 23, 2023

Town of Franklin: Job Opportunities with Finance, Facilities & Public Works - get your application submitted

To apply for a vacant position, please submit a resume and cover letter to  Please put the job title in the subject line of your email. 

Munis Administrator - Finance Department

Heavy Motor Equipment Operators - Department of Public Works 

Junior Building Custodian - Facilities Department

Part Time and Substitute Custodians - Facilities Department 

Updated 12/22/2023

If you do not have a resume, you may send a completed Application for Employment instead.

To receive notifications of all job opportunities in the Town of Franklin, subscribe here .

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Town of Franklin: Job Opportunities with Finance, Facilities & Public Works - get your application submitted
Town of Franklin: Job Opportunities with Finance, Facilities & Public Works - get your application submitted

Monday, December 18, 2023

[ActonNetworkers] SUPPORT - In-person - Working with Recruiters - Dec 19 & Dec 20

50+ Job Seekers in MA Statewide Networking Groups presents...

In-Person: Working with Recruiters
Tues, Dec 19th, 2:00 - 3:30 pm: Natick Senior Center/Ed Lawrence
Wed, Dec 20th, 2:00 - 3:30 pm: Worcester Senior Center/Melody Beach

The three main ways people look for jobs are by applying online, networking, and working with a recruiter. Most job seekers talk to a recruiter, apply, and then wait for an answer. But, is that best practice? Of course not–You can't simply give a recruiter your resume and expect them to find you a job you covet.

Join us as we discuss all things recruiter: types of recruiters, each party's responsibilities, and best practices for ensuring a long-term relationship.

• Are all recruiters the same? What are the kinds of recruiters?
• How do I find a great recruiter?
• How do I know a recruiter is a really good one?
• How should I communicate with them?

Why you need to know about this: After networking, the next best strategy for landing a role is to work with a recruiter. If you want the recruiter to really help you, you should learn how to best help them help you. It is vital for you to present your best self, know your responsibilities, and understand the responsibilities of the recruiter. #networking #jobseekers #recruitertips

To attend this event, please register/login:


Ed Lawrence
Certified Interview Coach
Authorized DISC Administrator
Member, CPRW Certification Committee

[ActonNetworkers] SUPPORT - In-person - Working with Recruiters - Dec 19 & Dec 20
[ActonNetworkers] SUPPORT - In-person - Working with Recruiters - Dec 19 & Dec 20

Sunday, October 8, 2023

Town of Franklin: Job Opportunities with Administration, Senior Center, Charles River, & Facilities

To apply for a vacant position, please submit a resume and cover letter to  Please put the job title in the subject line of your email. 

Administrative Assistant - Town Administrator

Administrative Assistant - Senior Center

Wastewater Treatment Operator - Charles River Pollution Control District  

Part Time and Substitute Custodians - Facilities Department 

Updated 10/06/2023

If you do not have a resume, you may send a completed Application for Employment instead.

To receive notifications of all job opportunities in the Town of Franklin, subscribe here .

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Town of Franklin: Job Opportunities with Administration, Senior Center, Charles River, & Facilities
Town of Franklin: Job Opportunities with Administration, Senior Center, Charles River, & Facilities