Sunrise Montessori Spring Fair
The Cake Bar grand opening
Franklin Art Center One Year Anniversary
Horace Mann Destination Imagination Fund raiser - Panera Bread
Cub Scouts shoe recycling
Providing accurate and timely information about what matters in Franklin, MA since 2007. * Working in collaboration with Franklin TV and Radio ( since October 2019 *
Saturday, May 5, 2012
Franklin's 'Master Plan' public hearings scheduled
FRANKLIN - Franklin's Master Plan Committee will hold its first two public hearings this month to hear from residents about what they want for the future of Franklin. The first hearing is scheduled for Wednesday, May 9 at 7 p.m. in the training room on the 3rd floor of the Franklin Municipal Building. For those unable to attend a weeknight meeting, a second hearing has been scheduled on Saturday, May 19 at 10:00 in the conference room at Franklin Public Library.
"These hearings will afford Franklin residents an opportunity to provide input on the planning process, and get involved early in developing the Franklin's Master Plan," noted Committee Chairman and Town Councilor Jeffrey Roy. "We have been meeting for several months formulating a structure for our work, and we want to hear from the Franklin community about priorities and concerns. We have scheduled the two hearings to afford citizens a good opportunity to participate in the process."
In December 2011, following the election of a new Town Council, the Master Plan Committee was formed to develop documents, review research and data, and obtain public input to outline and compose a Master Plan for the community. In addition, the Committee will incorporate a strategic plan into this effort that will invite residents to visit the questions of who we are and what we want for our community.
"Attending a public hearing will provide Franklin's residents and organizations a great opportunity to provide the Town's Master Plan Committee with input as the Committee works toward development of a vision for the Town's future," said Bryan Taberner, the Director of Franklin's Planning & Community Development Department. "The public process is an extremely important component of any comprehensive planning process, as the resulting goals and objectives will help to focus the decision making of Town officials well into the future."
By law, a Master Plan is a statement through text, maps, illustrations or other forms of communication that is designed to provide a basis for decision making regarding the long-term physical development of the municipality. In that context, the committee is looking at the following elements: Land Use, Housing, Economic Development, Circulation, Open Space and Recreation, Natural, Cultural and Historic Resources, Community Services, and Facilities. The Committee will establish recommendations for goals and policies in these areas and develop an implementation plan. The report is expected to be delivered to the Town Council by June 2013.
Beth Dahlstrom, Franklin's Town Planner is hoping to learn how the residents of Franklin view the community in which they live. She is interested in learning about what the residents see as the most important aspects of the community and what can the Town can do to enhance areas within the community to make it a better place to live. "I then hope the Master Plan Committee will be able to then use the information obtained at the Public Hearing to help formulate goals and objectives for use in the Master Plan," noted Dahlstrom..
The Master Plan Committee members are Jeffrey Roy, Chairman, Matt Kelly, Vice Chairman, Andy Bissanti, Secretary, Christi Apicella, Nathan Carlucci, John Carroll, David F. Dobrzynski, Jay Duncan, James Esterbrook , Gene Grella, Jeff Livingstone, Greg Rondeau, Timothy C. Twardowski, and Chris Vericker.
The Committee has a website on the Franklin Town page at
It also has a presence on Facebook at
In addition to the public hearings, residents can offer input online at either site.
PMC Franklin Kids Ride - Jun 10
I received the following letter from Lisa with information to share on the PMC Franklin Kids Ride
Hi Steve,
My name is Lisa Marchioni and I have been running the PMC Franklin Kids Ride for the past 5 years. I was hoping that we could get some information out to the community about our upcoming ride.
This is a bike ride where kids in the community raise money to help fight cancer. All proceeds go to the Dana Farber Cancer Institute through its Jimmy Fund. It's a great way for the kids to get involved in this battle against cancer. We all have been touched in some way who has fought this terrible disease and this ride empowers kids to raise money and ride their bikes for a great cause.
The ride is Sunday, June 10th from 8am-12noon. It is held at Jefferson Elementary School.
Everyone needs to register online to sign up for this event. We have a DJ and lots of fun things for the kids. The ride is for kids aged 3-14, and they can choose their miles: 3, 6 or 10 miles. We also have a tikes and trikes course for those under 6 and/or on training wheels.
You can check out our website at for more information. I would love to try to get this information out to as many people in the Franklin area as possible. If you could post this as well as put it on facebook and twitter to all of your followers that would be great.
If you have any questions or need more information, please let me know.Thanks so much for your support.
In the News - mock crash, fundraiser, bottles/cans
Franklin students see mock crash scene
by Alison McCall/Daily News staff
British Beer Co. hosting fundraiser for Franklin fire victims
by GateHouse Media, Inc.
All Night Party bottle, can drive slated, May 12
by GateHouse Media, Inc.
DLS offers new do-it-yourself Community Comparison spreadsheet that draws on...
Sent to you by Steve Sherlock via Google Reader:
via Commonwealth Conversations: Revenue by Robert Bliss on 5/3/12
The Division of Local Services has come up with a brand new tool that makes searching the Municipal Data Bank much quicker and more focused.
The new Community Comparison Report is up and running, drawing on 65 data elements currently found in the Municipal Data Bank.
The beauty of this application is that users can customize their search using a dozen search criteria.
Let's say you are interested in the average property tax paid in communities of between 5,000 and 10,000 people.
The Community Comparison Report almost instantly will deliver the data which you can then export into an Excel Spreadsheet.
The application is an easy-to-use means of extracting comparative municipal finance and demographic data for multiple communities, which eliminates the often frustrating exercise of opening numerous spreadsheets and sorting, cutting and pasting data from each into a single spreadsheet.
The latest edition of City and Town has more information on the new application and why it will make data searching easier.
The new Community Comparison Report is up and running, drawing on 65 data elements currently found in the Municipal Data Bank.
The beauty of this application is that users can customize their search using a dozen search criteria.
Let's say you are interested in the average property tax paid in communities of between 5,000 and 10,000 people.
The Community Comparison Report almost instantly will deliver the data which you can then export into an Excel Spreadsheet.
The application is an easy-to-use means of extracting comparative municipal finance and demographic data for multiple communities, which eliminates the often frustrating exercise of opening numerous spreadsheets and sorting, cutting and pasting data from each into a single spreadsheet.
The latest edition of City and Town has more information on the new application and why it will make data searching easier.
Things you can do from here:
- Subscribe to Commonwealth Conversations: Revenue using Google Reader
- Get started using Google Reader to easily keep up with all your favorite sites
Friday, May 4, 2012
Franklin Destination Imagination Group This Saturday
This is an exciting honor for the team from Horace Mann Middle school, they placed 2nd in the Destination Imagination State tournament and qualified to go to the Finals in Tennessee!! Please consider participating in the Panera fundraiser tomorrow from 11 to 8 to help them earn the money to be able to travel to the Global Tournament. Attached flyer must be presented.
The team will also have a bake table set up at the Horace Mann Community Yard sale from 8-1.
Terri Attinello
From: Carla DrakeUnderkoffler []
Sent: Friday, May 04, 2012 2:13 PM
To: Spencer DrakeUnderkoffler
Subject: Franklin Destination Imagination Group This Saturday
Sent: Friday, May 04, 2012 2:13 PM
To: Spencer DrakeUnderkoffler
Subject: Franklin Destination Imagination Group This Saturday
Please pass this on to anyone you know in Franklin or associated with the Franklin Public Schools !!!!!!! THANK YOU !
As many of you may have seen in the paper the Horace Mann Middle School Destination Imagination Team made it to the Global Finals in Tennessee! They have less than 20 days left to raise the $8500 needed to represent our town and our state!
Please help us spread the word about their bake sale this Saturday at Horace Mann from 8-1 and please print and use the flyer below for Panera from 11 - 8 pm tomorrow!!!!!!!!!
Panera fundraiser THIS SATURDAY May 5th from 11- 8 !
Please print and bring the flyer below.There are two so feel free to share one. Lunch and/or dinner !
THANK YOU SO MUCH !!!!!!!!!!!!
Link to the DI group website for more information:
Franklin Library: Away From Her
Sent to you by Steve Sherlock via Google Reader:
via Franklin Public Library by Franklin Public Library on 5/3/12
May 9, 2012 7 - 9 PM
Franklin Public Library Meeting Room
Away from Her - a movie about a couple who is forced to face the fact that the wife
has Alzheimer's and must go to a nursing home.
Things you can do from here:
- Subscribe to Franklin Public Library using Google Reader
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Local Author To Discuss Making “Little Changes” for More Healthy Living At Franklin YMCA
Easton resident and author Kristi Marsh will discuss her book "Little Changes: Tales of a Reluctant Home Eco-momics Pioneer" on May 23rd at 7:30 pm in the Community Room at the Franklin YMCA. This free author meet and greet event is organized by the Franklin Newcomers and Friends Club.
Marsh, a breast cancer survivor, started trying to make better choices as she was recovering from treatment in 2007. Now a proponent for environmental health, Kristi is passionate about sharing her knowledge and journey with others. Her book discusses how to reduce the chemicals and toxins that we are exposed to on a daily basis, from the foods we eat, the products we use on our bodies and the products we use to clean our homes. Marsh has a website,, where she posts a weekly blog, and a Facebook page with relevant news links and highlights of natural and locally produced products.
On May 23rd, Marsh will speak about herself, her book and how she came about writing it. There will be time for questions, answers and discussion. She will also sell copies of her book and sign them for anyone interested. Admission is free. Complimentary snacks and beverages will be available. This is expected to be a popular program and space is limited. To reserve your spot, please register by sending an email to
The Franklin Newcomers and Friends Club is a social and charitable club for new and long-time Franklin residents. The Club’s Annual Craft Fair held every November is a town tradition, and the club annually donates thousands of dollars to local charitable organizations. For more information about Franklin Newcomers and Friends, visit
The video trailer for Kristi's book:
Reminder: Sunrise Montessori School Spring Fair - May 5
Sunrise Montessori School Spring Fair
Saturday, May 5, 2012
Noon to 2PM
Rain or Shine
31 Hayward Street, Franklin
Please join us as we host our 5th Annual Spring Fair at Sunrise Montessori School, 31 Hawyard Street, Franklin. This event is open to the general public.
Kids of all ages enjoy riding in the train and jumping in the bounce house.How about getting your face painted or designing a bracelet? Plenty of fun, games and crafts for the kids. Adults will definitely
want to take a chance on our raffle baskets or perhaps, bid in our silent auction.
All proceeds to benefit the Sunrise Montessori School, Inc., a non-profit 501c3 organization, which offers preschool and kindergarten programs to children in Franklin and the surrounding communities.
In the News: World Laughter Day, Spring Fair
Laugh it up in Franklin at World Laughter Day Celebration on May 6
by GateHouse Media, Inc.
Sunrise Montessori School plans annual Spring Fair
by Heather McCarron/STAFF WRITER
Budget Monitor: Analyzing the House Budget for FY 2013
| ||||||||||||||||
Massachusetts Budget and Policy Center | 15 Court Square | Suite 700 | Boston | MA | 02108
Thursday, May 3, 2012
"contracts without raises regularly since 2008"
The Milford Daily News reports on the contract ratifications at the Town Council meeting:
Read more:
Related posts
Contract ratifications scheduled
The full Town Council agenda
In the contracts approved last night, the custodians as well as the public safety telecommunications unit, public facilities employees and municipal building employees will get the raises.
The one-time lump-sum payments will be funded by state aid from fiscal year 2012, and not out of resident taxes. officials said.
All four groups’ raises will be spread over the next three years. Employees are set to receive a 1.5 percent increase in fiscal ’13, 2 percent increase in fiscal ’14, and 2.5 percent increase in fiscal ’15.
Read more:
Related posts
Contract ratifications scheduled
The full Town Council agenda
Cub Scouts to Franklin Residents: If the Shoe Doesn't Fit, Donate It!
In the third week of the Franklin Cub Scout shoe drive, Franklin residents stepped it up and donated scores of pairs to help those in need of good footwear. Combined with the previous two weeks worth of donations, the Scouts have collected approximately 300 pairs of gently worn shoes to benefit two shoe charities: Souls4Souls® and Rerun Shoes. With two weekends of collections left, the Cub Scouts continue to encourage everyone to find those forgotten or underutilized shoes and contribute them to those affected by impoverishment or disaster.
"With spring cleaning happening all across town, we know that there will be many terrific pairs of shoes uncovered that, in other parts of world, can be put to good use protecting people’s feet," said Gregg Klawson, cubmaster of Pack 99 in Franklin. "We are very grateful for the support and encouragement families in Franklin have shown us through their donations and kind words. And we are thankful that our Scouts and their families have donated so much time to helping the greater community."
As with the cubmasters of the four other Cub Scout packs in Franklin, Mr. Klawson realizes that community is an important concept to teach the future leaders of America. In Cub Scouting, Scouts and their families have fun and adventure in a program that builds character and instills values. Cub Scouting embraces the values of citizenship, compassion, cooperation, courage, faith, health and fitness, honesty, perseverance, positive attitude, resourcefulness, respect, and responsibility. These values come to boys in all parts of the Cub Scout program, all while they're having a great time with their friends and families.
Cub Scout Pack 99 is no stranger to combining fun with building character. Like the other packs, the pack has helped those in need many times. Whether it be through the annual Scouting for Food Drive, a national drive sponsored by the Boy Scouts of America, or helping the Knights of Columbus collect needed funds as part of their annual Campaign for People with Intellectual Disabilities, more commonly known as the “Tootsie Roll Drive,” the Cub Scouts of Pack 99 have assisted.
Cub Scout Pack 99 is chartered locally by the Franklin Knights of Columbus, Council 1847, and the pack welcomes boys from all parts of town. However, Pack 99 consists mostly of students who attend Jefferson Elementary School or are home schooled in the surrounding neighborhoods. They’re boys whose parents want them to realize their full potential and become the best young men they can be, and they’re boys who are given the opportunity to do this while having fun in a safe environment. Some of Pack 99's recent adventures include attending P-Bruins and Harlem Globetrotter games; the annual Pinewood Derby; overnight camping and a campfire at King Street Memorial Park; and marching in the town’s annual Memorial Day parade. Like other packs, Cub Scout Pack 99 also participates in regular hiking activities, and so much more.
“When you sign your son up for Cub Scouting, you're signing him up for much more than an after-school activity,” added Mr. Klawson. “Whether it's camping for the first time or climbing your first indoor rock wall, your son will take part in activities that are fun, but also build character and start him on a path to success. While there are lots of cool badges to earn, the experiences had along the way are the true rewards.”
Of course the many experiences couldn’t occur without Scouts and their families, old and especially new, and that’s why the Franklin Cub Scouts are holding an open registration event this month. The Cub Scouts welcome all boys currently in kindergarten through fourth grade to join a pack on the Franklin Town Common on Saturday, May 20th, from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. There will be some typical Scout activities for the boys to sample while parents can find out more information and register their boys on the spot to become part of a fantastic group of kids doing incredible things. For those that prefer to become part of the fun immediately, visit today to register with your local pack.
Meanwhile, the shoe drive continues. Please clean out those closets, donate those shoes and join the fun! All five packs from across Franklin will be out again collecting shoes at the following locations from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. (with one exception noted below) this Saturday, May 5th, and next Saturday, May 12th:
- Dacey Community Fields on Lincoln Street (from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.)
- King Street Memorial Park on King Street
- Fletcher Field on Peck Street
- Beaver Pond on Beaver Street
- Town Common across from St. Mary’s Church
Franklin Summer Music
Sent to you by Steve Sherlock via Google Reader:
via Lifelong Learning by Pandora Carlucci on 5/2/12
Franklin Public Schools offers ten summer enrichent programs for students in Franklin and surrounding towns. The Summer Music Program, directed by Ms. Schoen, has a variety of classes for students in band, strings and chorus. The offerings include:
- Concert Band - for students entering grades 5 - 7 with a minimum of 1 year of playing experience.
- Jazz Band Workshop - for students entering grades 7 - 9 with a minimum of 2 years of playing experience.
- Elementary Strings - for students entering grades 4 and 5 with a minimum of 1 year of playing experience.
- Summer Orchestra - for students entering grades 6 - 9 with a minimum of 2 years of playing experience.
- Summer "Glee" - for students entering grades 4 - 6.
- Teen "Glee" - for students entering grades 7 - 10.
To register: is the home page of the Franklin Public Schools. Once there select Lifelong, Summer Program, High School Questions: Telephone: 508-553-4814
Things you can do from here:
- Subscribe to Lifelong Learning using Google Reader
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Wednesday, May 2, 2012
What can I recycle?
Attached is a detailed table for recycling in the Town of Franklin. You will notice that Franklin continues to add items that can be recycled at the Beaver Street Recycling Center. Hours Friday/Saturday 8-3, Tuesday 12-3 April-November.
Please check the Solid Waste website for latest news:
In the News - Rep Vallee, student assault
Rep. Vallee joins Boston law firm
by Alison McCall/Daily News staff
Franklin teen held on bail in assault of fellow student
by Brian Benson/Daily News staff
Looking for a summer camp in Franklin?
Are you looking for a fun program to send your kids to this summer?
Sunrise Montessori School still has room in their summer camps. Summer camp programs at Sunrise are open to all children, ages 3 to 6. Children do not need to be enrolled in our regular, school-year programs to participate. Our camp day begins at 9:00AM and finishes at 1:00PM. Children should bring a peanut free lunch. Snacks are provided by the camp.
Our programs are developmentally and socially age appropriate for younger children, and the wide variety of exciting themes appeals to their imagination and sense for adventure. We offer flexibility - Children may sign up for one week or several. The cost per week is $160.00 (there is no camp held during July 2 - 6)
Summer 2012 themes are as follows:
Earth Science - June 18 - June 22
Outer Space - June 25 - June 29
Circus - July 9 – July 13
Ancient Egypt – July 16 - July 20
Bubble Mania – July 23 - July 27
Contact Karen Roeber at 508-541-8010 for more information or see
Sunrise Montessori School still has room in their summer camps. Summer camp programs at Sunrise are open to all children, ages 3 to 6. Children do not need to be enrolled in our regular, school-year programs to participate. Our camp day begins at 9:00AM and finishes at 1:00PM. Children should bring a peanut free lunch. Snacks are provided by the camp.
Our programs are developmentally and socially age appropriate for younger children, and the wide variety of exciting themes appeals to their imagination and sense for adventure. We offer flexibility - Children may sign up for one week or several. The cost per week is $160.00 (there is no camp held during July 2 - 6)
Summer 2012 themes are as follows:
Earth Science - June 18 - June 22
Outer Space - June 25 - June 29
Circus - July 9 – July 13
Ancient Egypt – July 16 - July 20
Bubble Mania – July 23 - July 27
Contact Karen Roeber at 508-541-8010 for more information or see
Exciting Saturday Downtown Franklin - May 5
Two events will take place in downtown Franklin this Saturday, May 5
The Cake Bar will celebrate the opening of their new location, 17 East Central Street (formerly Cafe Dolce), on Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. For more information about The Cake Bar check out their website,

Ian and Linda Kabat have invited all to their anniversary event on Saturday from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. at the Frankin Art Center, 5 Main Street. For more information go to their website,
- The Grand Opening of The Cake Bar
- 1-year anniversary at the Franklin Art Center
The Cake Bar will celebrate the opening of their new location, 17 East Central Street (formerly Cafe Dolce), on Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. For more information about The Cake Bar check out their website,
Ian and Linda Kabat have invited all to their anniversary event on Saturday from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. at the Frankin Art Center, 5 Main Street. For more information go to their website,
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
BBC Fundraiser for the Kelly/Lazinski Family
The Kelly/Lazinski Family
Sunday, MAY 20th
11am to Close
10% of every FOOD item purchased at BBC Franklin (with flyer)
will be donated
to the Kelly/Lazinski Family.
Come down to the pub and make a difference!!
Franklin shop recovering after car crashed into it
What's wrong with the drivers on Main St? This is the second store front this year to get driven into. And this is all before the traffic returns to 2-way.
A downtown quilt store which was heavily damaged by a car early Sunday morning is expected to reopen today, the shop's owner says.
Sent to you by Steve Sherlock via Google Reader:
via The Milford Daily News News RSS by Alison McCall/Daily News staff on 4/30/12
A downtown quilt store which was heavily damaged by a car early Sunday morning is expected to reopen today, the shop's owner says.
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Judge orders Franklin teen to stay away from assault victim
Sent to you by Steve Sherlock via Google Reader:
via The Milford Daily News News RSS by Brian Benson/Daily News staff on 4/30/12
A judge yesterday ordered a Franklin High School student who is charged with assaulting a fellow student — in an incident videotaped and posted online — to stay away from the school and the victim.
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Monday, April 30, 2012
Big Y in Franklin making progress
The construction to connect the water and sewer lines in addition to widening RT 140 is progressing. On my run Sunday morning, I went by and stopped for some photos.
Looking westbound, the road is widening:

They have started with a paving undercoat on this section:

Grading work is being done to shape the entrance

Another view of the grading work at the entrance, looking westbound on RT 140

After making my way along RT 140 heading westbound, I found this sign.

There was no sign on the other side of construction to have alerted me that the sidewalk was closed.
The BIG Y is looking to hire for positions to operate the store
Looking westbound, the road is widening:
They have started with a paving undercoat on this section:
Grading work is being done to shape the entrance
Another view of the grading work at the entrance, looking westbound on RT 140
After making my way along RT 140 heading westbound, I found this sign.
There was no sign on the other side of construction to have alerted me that the sidewalk was closed.
The BIG Y is looking to hire for positions to operate the store
Cub Scouts recycling shoes for you
I stopped by the Town Common on Saturday to drop off some shoes to the Cub Scouts who are recycling them.

Drew Mahoney posed proudly for a picture.
The Cub Scouts will be on the Town Common and other collection points around Franklin on Saturdays through May 19. Additional details can be found in the related posts on the Cub Scout recycling drive below.
Pack 99
Pack 126
Pack 129
Drew Mahoney posed proudly for a picture.
The Cub Scouts will be on the Town Common and other collection points around Franklin on Saturdays through May 19. Additional details can be found in the related posts on the Cub Scout recycling drive below.
Pack 99
Pack 126
Pack 129
Reminder: weekly summary
Coming to Franklin Matters, you get your daily dose of what is happening around Franklin. If you'd like to get a weekly summary, you can subscribe to Franklin Matters Weekly. In addition to the listing of everything published the prior week, you get an essay. The Franklin Matters view on what's up and what's coming.
You can subscribe to receive Franklin Matters Weekly via email or RSS feed. Your email address is never shared with anyone else. On the right side of the web page, under the Franklin Matters signpost, there is a frm to use to sign up for either the email subscription or the RSS Feed.
This was the summary for the week ending Apr 29th:
Like gardeners, planning the layout of the growing space, setting out the stakes, tying off the supports, the Franklin budget process is very similar. The department managers assess what they have and what they need to provide services they need to deliver. They have several discussions and present the plan to the Town Administrator who either makes an adjustment or brings it forward.
The first step is the review with the Finance Committee. Over the course of several nights, the Finance Committee reviews the budget with each of the department heads, discusses their processes, their needs, their issues and ultimately makes a decision.
Their decision goes before the Town Council who holds formal budget hearings on two consecutive nights. They are currently scheduled for May 23 and 24 to review the FY 2013 budget. During these hearings, the Council has the opportunity to discuss budget details with each of the department heads. From experience, there tends to be less discussion than in the FinCom sessions.

Given the Prop 2.5 rules for MA, there are restrictions on how much revenue that the community can raise via property taxes. The established levy can only increase 2.5%. Anything above 2.5% requires a special vote. There are two kinds of votes to approve a greater than 2.5% increase.
Franklin has passed only one operational override (in 2007) and has passed several debt exclusions for school buildings (mostly). The most recent debt exclusion was passed in March to approve the new Franklin High School. During the time that the debt exclusion amount will be building up to its maximum amount for the new high school, debt exclusion amounts for Horace Mann, Remington/Jefferson and Keller/Sullivan will be coming off the tax levy
You can see the current amount for these debt exclusions in the FY 2013 Budget Revenue document
Franklin has automatically taken the 2.5% increase. It could choose to take part of it, or none of it. Given that it has taken all of it, we (as taxpayers) can expect a minimum of 2.5% increase each year.
All is well and good with this. It sets the planning horizon. Like the gardener, Franklin needs to live within its means. So when contract negotiations grant 2.5% increases in any given year then the automatic amount is already used up. If anything in operations would be needed, it would require a cut from somewhere else in order to balance the budget. If you only put up a two foot support, and your plant grows four feet, then what do you do?
To continue to review the links posted during the past week, visit the Franklin Matters Weekly summary here
You can subscribe to receive Franklin Matters Weekly via email or RSS feed. Your email address is never shared with anyone else. On the right side of the web page, under the Franklin Matters signpost, there is a frm to use to sign up for either the email subscription or the RSS Feed.
This was the summary for the week ending Apr 29th:
Like gardeners, planning the layout of the growing space, setting out the stakes, tying off the supports, the Franklin budget process is very similar. The department managers assess what they have and what they need to provide services they need to deliver. They have several discussions and present the plan to the Town Administrator who either makes an adjustment or brings it forward.
The first step is the review with the Finance Committee. Over the course of several nights, the Finance Committee reviews the budget with each of the department heads, discusses their processes, their needs, their issues and ultimately makes a decision.
Their decision goes before the Town Council who holds formal budget hearings on two consecutive nights. They are currently scheduled for May 23 and 24 to review the FY 2013 budget. During these hearings, the Council has the opportunity to discuss budget details with each of the department heads. From experience, there tends to be less discussion than in the FinCom sessions.
Given the Prop 2.5 rules for MA, there are restrictions on how much revenue that the community can raise via property taxes. The established levy can only increase 2.5%. Anything above 2.5% requires a special vote. There are two kinds of votes to approve a greater than 2.5% increase.
- If it is for a capital item (like a new school), the vote is called a debt exclusion. The amount of increase is set for a specific number of years and then expires.
- If it is for regular operational budget, like an additional DPW worker or for the salary increases due to collective bargaining agreements, then it is an operational override. The override amount in this case becomes a permanent addition to the tax base.
Franklin has passed only one operational override (in 2007) and has passed several debt exclusions for school buildings (mostly). The most recent debt exclusion was passed in March to approve the new Franklin High School. During the time that the debt exclusion amount will be building up to its maximum amount for the new high school, debt exclusion amounts for Horace Mann, Remington/Jefferson and Keller/Sullivan will be coming off the tax levy
You can see the current amount for these debt exclusions in the FY 2013 Budget Revenue document
Franklin has automatically taken the 2.5% increase. It could choose to take part of it, or none of it. Given that it has taken all of it, we (as taxpayers) can expect a minimum of 2.5% increase each year.
All is well and good with this. It sets the planning horizon. Like the gardener, Franklin needs to live within its means. So when contract negotiations grant 2.5% increases in any given year then the automatic amount is already used up. If anything in operations would be needed, it would require a cut from somewhere else in order to balance the budget. If you only put up a two foot support, and your plant grows four feet, then what do you do?
To continue to review the links posted during the past week, visit the Franklin Matters Weekly summary here
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Contract ratifications scheduled
Four of the nine union bargaining units have reached a tentative contract agreement. The settlement for each of the four is outlined in the Town Council agenda document. Each has contract language changes in additional to the money agreement.
All four have agreed to a 1.5% increase for FY 2013, a 2% increase for FY 2014 and a 2.5% increase for FY 2015. Three of the four receive a one time cash payment of $600, the fourth (the custodians) receive a $500 cash payment.
The money for the cash payment comes from the extra $151,114 that Franklin received in Oct 2011. This amount was local aid from the State added over and above the amount previously allocated. Franklin put the money aside in a special account. They need to allocate it within FY 2012 or it will roll into the "free cash" account and not be available until the "free cash" is approved later this year.
What this does to the overall question of the teacher contract $350,000 which is scheduled to be drawn back from the Stabilization account for use in the FY 2013 budget remains to be seen. As previously reported here, the FinCom did not specifically approve this transaction although they did approve the total Town budget which requires this amount to balance it. They do have time to vote on it before the Town Council budget hearings are held on May 23-24.
One other note, while so much was made of the teacher increase and how it was communicated, almost glossed over was the increase amounts of .5% for FY 2012 and 1% for FY 2013. Both of these amounts are now equivalent to the Town contract settlements. If it was revealed what increase the is that would be scheduled beyond FY 2013, I have not been able to locate in my notes. I suspect as they are exploring the interest based bargaining approach to addressing the systemic problem with the steps and lanes that there was agreement beyond FY 2013.
Related posts:
Town Council agenda items for May 2, 2012
All four have agreed to a 1.5% increase for FY 2013, a 2% increase for FY 2014 and a 2.5% increase for FY 2015. Three of the four receive a one time cash payment of $600, the fourth (the custodians) receive a $500 cash payment.
The money for the cash payment comes from the extra $151,114 that Franklin received in Oct 2011. This amount was local aid from the State added over and above the amount previously allocated. Franklin put the money aside in a special account. They need to allocate it within FY 2012 or it will roll into the "free cash" account and not be available until the "free cash" is approved later this year.
What this does to the overall question of the teacher contract $350,000 which is scheduled to be drawn back from the Stabilization account for use in the FY 2013 budget remains to be seen. As previously reported here, the FinCom did not specifically approve this transaction although they did approve the total Town budget which requires this amount to balance it. They do have time to vote on it before the Town Council budget hearings are held on May 23-24.
One other note, while so much was made of the teacher increase and how it was communicated, almost glossed over was the increase amounts of .5% for FY 2012 and 1% for FY 2013. Both of these amounts are now equivalent to the Town contract settlements. If it was revealed what increase the is that would be scheduled beyond FY 2013, I have not been able to locate in my notes. I suspect as they are exploring the interest based bargaining approach to addressing the systemic problem with the steps and lanes that there was agreement beyond FY 2013.
Related posts:
Town Council agenda items for May 2, 2012
2. Resolution 12-26: Appropriation: FY 12 Wages (Contract Settlement)3. Resolution 12-27: Ratification of AFSCME Local 1298 Public Safety Telecommunications 4. Resolution 12-28: Ratification of AFSCME Local 1298 Public Facilities Employees5. Resolution 12-29: Ratification of AFSCME Local 1298 Municipal Building Employees 6. Resolution 12-30: Ratification of AFSCME Local 1298 Custodians
- Full agenda document with the details on the contract settlements for each bargaining unit.
- School Committee teacher contract discussion with Town Council
- Live reporting from the Council meeting
- Ed Cafasso letter summary of the issue
- Joint budget subcommittee meeting on the issue and my summary of what the outlook might be
- Council meeting of Oct 26
- The extra $151,114 arrives
- The FinCom session on Weds 4/25/12 provides the insights into the use of the $151,115
Franklin, MA: Town Council - Agenda - May 2, 2012
Special Council Meeting April 12, 2012,
Executive Session April 18, 2012
B. ANNOUNCEMENTS – This meeting is being recorded by Verizon, Comcast, and Franklin Matters
- Robert Russell – National Grid
- Mike D’Angelo – Facilities Director
- Procedure to Issue Package Store License
- FY 13 Local Aid
1. Resolution 12-25:Order of Layout, Acceptance, and Taking of Beaver Court, Mark’s Way, and J.R.’s Lane and Order of Taking (Extinguishment) of Related Right-of-Way Over Abutting Town-Owned Land – Referral to Planning Board
2. Resolution 12-26: Appropriation: FY 12 Wages (Contract Settlement)
3. Resolution 12-27: Ratification of AFSCME Local 1298 Public Safety Telecommunications
4. Resolution 12-28: Ratification of AFSCME Local 1298 Public Facilities Employees
5. Resolution 12-29: Ratification of AFSCME Local 1298 Municipal Building Employees
6. Resolution 12-30: Ratification of AFSCME Local 1298 Custodians
7. Resolution 12-31: Transfer Order for Unexpended Bond Proceeds
8. Bylaw Amendment 12-681: Amendment to Chapter 4, Administration of Government – 2nd Reading
9. Bylaw Amendment 12-682: Amendment to Chapter 110, Licenses and Permits, Designation of Issuing Authority – 2nd Reading
O. EXECUTIVE SESSION – Negotiations, Litigation, Real Property, as May Be Required
The full set of documents for the agenda can be found on the Franklin website
Share your wedding gown with history!
The Franklin Historical Museum is preparing for the return of their very popular Wedding Dress Exhibit. It will include dresses representing each decade of the last century and back to the late 1800's. The exhibit will run in June and July, dresses should be received before May 19.
If you would like to loan your wedding gown, or your Mom's or grandmother's gown to the museum for this beautiful exhibit, you can contact Debbie Pellegri at Franklin Town Hall, 508-520-4900 or drop off your dress with your name and as much information as you would like to share during Museum hours: Saturday 10:00am - 1:00pm; Sunday 1:00pm to 5:00pm and Thursdays 5:00pm-8:00pm.
For more information visit our Facebook page.
Franklin Art Center 1 year anniversary and art opening
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