David L. Labonte opens meeting, approx 15 people present
Bill Desantis, Chief Design Engineer for the Blackstone River Bikeway in RI
presentation with photos of existing conditions along the trail
example of multi use trail in Mansfield, MA
Wachusett Greenway in Stirling, MA good example of an unpaved trail
how is the funding to be obtained?
four options, probably use some or all of them: Federal, State, Local, public/private partnerships (donations, fund raising, "buy a foot of the trial", etc.)
It takes a lot of patience and hard work. Bill has been working on the Blackstone River Bikeway since 1993 and has 12 miles completed.
Steel plate girders were welded together, is there lead paint still on the girders? Is work required on the concrete supports?
When you get going:
- get the emergency response together on how it will be supported. Be prepared to answer the security questions.
- Get DPW involved on estimates for maintenance, cut grass, etc.
- Liability for children on the trail, age of reason is 12 or under in MA
- Prepare for property owner issues
Trail Link has
a listing of web sites to find info on existing trails
Motion to approve minutes of past meeting
III - Report from Ron Clough
- DCR to install gates on Lake and Spring Streets
- then smooth out the bumps
- no date set with Callahan, Bellingham folks requested meeting
Need better representation at Conservation Commission meeting from committee members
IV - Report on Membership
- Dave Denison and Mark McKeown to meet with Dave LaBonte and Allan Sawyer on the membership details
Presentation proposal for Rotary on a future Thursday in Sep (target for Sep 17)
V - Report on Cost Estimating
hard to prepare cost estimate with out a design to work with
use $500,000 per mile as a working estimate for
will use Grant Trunk trail # for application, need DUNS number
have official IRS letter for submittal
Grading from Grove to Spring, Spring to Prospect, but a wall exists at Prospect, how to navigate beyond Prospect is an issue requiring a resolution.
We are a division of the Grand Trunk Trailblazers, they are the 501c3 corporation
VI - Report from Finance Committee
invoice to be submitted to Bay State Trail Riders
VII - Report of Fund Raising
Possible fund raiser road race after the Crackerbarrel Race is complete in Sep
VIII - Publicity
Response from 'abutters', one response from mailing of 53, they said they were coming to the meeting but haven't showed up tonight
Brochures available for distribution to local stores
use for distribution to bike shops and sporting goods stores
discussion on grade cross via tunnel or a ramp, the ramp would have to meet disability access requirements
Public Land Use Committee - meeting at 6:30 PM in Rm 205 to present an outline of the committee plans for the rail trail/multi-use trail and look at funding recommendations from their point of view
Report of Blackstone meeting - 30 people at the meeting, 4 people from Blackstone
There will be a Bike rodeo for Cub Scouts next year. This would be a good place for advertising the Citizens Rail Trail work.
Next meeting Sep 10, 7:30 PM, likely at Odd Fellows Lodge.